The day had so far been pretty less intensive compared to the first four my usual breaktime and time will whizz by for the last hour later, only to be concerned with the upcoming callbacks.

We are moving into the 2nd week of a teeth-gritting season of the year...had been thinking while on the bus, to mask the length of hair and keep it black with temporary spray-ons during the ICT, so I don't have to waste money at the salon.

The next hairdo will be Noctis following the completion of my ICT...not so gaudy-coloured yet something unique.

Good thing there isn't any papers for Serene tomorrow, so both of us can go out, a decent weekend, without requiring me to come back on Saturdays to do emails like those months had been fruitful but I still need yo strike a balance between work and personal life.

Weather had been kind during the lunch hour, without requiring me to be baked on the move and getting dry Pasturisation upon entrance to the airconed environment.

So much had been written during this short break. Looking forward to the weekend ahead!

Posted with LifeCast

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