It's been sometime since I last wrote in detailed thought while the days had been so busily endless...
Finally got to spend the evening with Serene after our work! We had planned to catch Terminator Salvation with vouchers but had insufficient comfortable seating rows. Scrapped and it shall be done tomorrow instead.
I had been unusually quiet due to a mild fatigue throughout the journey home with her before my own home..felt a little bad about not making her all cheerful throughout the tomorrow will be +effort to make the day enjoyable for her.
She must be sleeping soundly now...almost time for my turn after this '.'
Posted with LifeCast
12:57 AM |
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This has been running in my mind on how the room can be more comfortable. It might be time to change some furniture to 'surround myself with the things I love', just like the Ikea slogan, so as to make my room more inviting and a comfortable haven for myself and Serene.
It feels like we haven't seen eah other for so long...glad it's going to be over soon.
I have to enter workout session for the week, targetting to finish all at one go.
Posted with LifeCast
12:37 AM |
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No massive rush as I made my way to te bus stop with a moderate glary sun.
The previous night had been a little unbearingly to enter slumber as I looked at the beautiful shots of nature taken with my NV9. On the hunt for something nice to snap...
I might just find something interesting today though it's going to be another sunless departure from office in evening.
Sidethough: gotta plan for tomorrow's evening program after work so Serene won't be bored...might just find something nice to be snapcaptured.
Posted with LifeCast
8:02 AM |
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Finally did a proper organising of my best shots on Flickr, before entering Lalaland through the flamy portal.
Managed to complete my workout upon returning home and catching up with my beloved Serene...hearing her voice certainly soothes my soul and sweetens up the evening.
She's tired and will see her through the portal.
Another hot fan must be directed at me for the next 6 hours.
Posted with LifeCast
12:38 AM |
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A sudden energy leak resulting in mega headspin but all still under control for 30mins till breaktime.
Just wolfed down 3 packs of Lexus chocolate sandwich biscuits which brought back 60% of energy on Mineral grade fuel...this might not last long.
I need another pack to be in before the last round of battle.
Posted with LifeCast
3:54 PM |
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For the first time, I’m having a dumpling lunch which was made by Serene’s mum, and attracting lots of disturbance and teasings on who made it, where’s their share and so on…
It’s a good thing; life has turned so much sweeter and happier for me ever since we got together, and for more happy moments together in future.
The aircon had been a little colder than before, probably due to the unshielded arms which attracted cold temperature and affecting my typing speed. Aside all these, deep within instills a unspeakable warmth and happiness just at the thought of her, even when the going gets rough.
Temperature outside is warming up but all still chilly within the office.
11:55 AM |
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Combat walk under pre-storm done after being spiced up by the taste of the curry sauce from Eunos market…tasted once but never again as the curry and steamed egg with minced meat is double salty.
I can feel the chill of the aircon which has started to settle down on the cooled engine of mine.
Serene must be having her appraisal now…nothing heard ever since I replied her after missing her call.
The soy bean drink is still piping hot, so I have to let it cool till 4pm before temperature dips to nominal level for my tender-tissued tongue…had an experience of slightly being scalded at a piping hot sip.
The rest of the 3 hours should be over pretty quickly; I’m cutting down on caffine, but since having a decent-durationed lunch, and settling on “Life’s simple pleasures” which is my favourite drink; Mr Bean.
1:46 PM |
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Was in a battle scene of an old concrete building where I saw someone representing Gabriel the Archangel in Diablo, but this time his wings are red and wielding dual swords instead of one. I moved past him with my team without being noticed as he appeared in my radar as hostile.
The scene switched to a place nearby the concrete building, which appears to be an old town with several NPCs peddling items for quests...I walked into a shop which was on the 2nd floor, up a flight of metallic stairs, and I saw Tay who was running a Money Changer store...we spoke a little and learnt that she has resigned and doing her own business here now...short cutscene showing Gotoking tellig me 'don't you know she has resigned?' came around.
Poofed up in the Flame of the Town.
Posted with LifeCast
8:06 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
The heat of the night enabled my sensory to go live; it’s still not time to go to work; could be the habitual early rise that had also caused me to wake up earlier.
What was that dream about? It looked a little like Call of Duty 4 blended into Diablo II...many switchscenes.
4:00 AM |
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Mind was little 'lost in mental wilderness' towards the end of the phone chat; th e bus ride was pretty uncomforable due to the speed and abruptive. Kind of pukey sensation, fortunately no food within.
It's recharging time...
Posted with LifeCast
12:19 AM |
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Weather had been pretty warm even this morning and I had to keep the fan directed to me throughout the entire night; workout had been successfully done without much encumbrance in strength level and reached office ahead of time.
The morning refueling had been done with quality fuel from Serene’s mum’s home-made dumplings; much healthier to commercially prepared ones which contains a high amount of sodium….health threatener.
Much had been disloaded this morning from the previous day’s waste IA, so will have peaceful stomach for the rest of the day.
The weather’s pretty merciless towards the Fire Season, next month, so will need more water – at last, the climate is in order again, very much so compared to last year’s monsoon at on the Fire Month.
Just 4 mins to return to battlestation, while mind is thinking about how the dream this morning came about. Maybe the cuteness of CJ7?
12:27 PM |
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I was taking a double decker superbus and on the left and right corner of the front row, and I'm seated right, were 2 roundish knobs that resembled magnets for holding doors. With a turn of the right knob, I was immediately brought into a game called Starforce shooter; power shot was like Thunderforce 4 where it is stored and discharging massive damaging beams; targets appeared ti be andriods floating all over space and having to avoid their contact in a single line.
Switchscene to a competition where I saw Jimmy filming me with a large full professional videocam while I was seated at the edge of an indoor basketball court, that was suddenly changed to a buggy competiton with Gek Choo as one of the contestants. They even had a techno music mixed to chant her name - however she wasn't the competitor, but rather pillioning a buggy which the finishing move was a front endo tailwhip.
I was talking to her about not going to City Plaza for lunch and she started to ask why, where my mind was set back with the 'only 1/2 hour' answer reply given.
6:38am at Dreamland exit. I have to charge on my workout.
Posted with LifeCast
8:12 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
It had been an extremely hot day, thus the cycling plan had been replaced with mall trooping, and taking a break at Hageen Daaz with Serene, and some yummy piping hot chicken wings, done before Hageen Daaz in Century Square.
We decided to cook our own dinner and it's the first in a long time since I made them myself, only ours being yummier with more ingredients in the sauce. Though not as yummy as restaurant-served ones, they are well-textured and has a dash of locality from our customised sauce.
I like that New Police Story that is premiered on Channel U; 2nd time watching and still as enjoyable.
Short snoozer done before coming up to Home Sweet Home.
Posted with LifeCast
8:06 PM |
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Lunch has been done under a ninja-bladesharp sunray at Eunos market. Prawn dumpling noodles all swooped down within less than 10mins, considering the quantity and texture of the food.
Though it’s an hour lunch, it had been a little lonely except seeing the sole lady security guard at AIA Changi going for her lunch break too at the nearby food centre.
Cute cat is so comfy when sleeping atop the mailboxes of my office building! In fact, it’s so cute that I felt like hugging it like a plush and squeeze it hard…but that might leave me with a few clawmarks on my countenance…
5mins to return to battle, system temperature back to normal.
12:26 PM |
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Feeling extremely dreamy at the sound of alarm and managed to disengaged from bed at 5:50am, successfully executing the session of muscle expansion.
I had been thermally greeted by the sunrays that can literally fry an egg; all commuters were hiding in the shade of the bus stop.
Coffee will bring that mind out from lalaland.
Posted with LifeCast
8:26 AM |
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For once, a sudden dip in energy level, sounding me it is time to rest.
Serene has entered lala and it's time for my entrance...the night may still be a little young for a few but I'll need my recharge.
Posted with LifeCast
11:27 PM |
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Just another 2 hours to complete the battle this far so good and all has been illuminated with an hour lunch - proper ingestion without the rush.
Time to see my hairdresser too; Cloud's out of shape and won't be in time to convert to Noctis Lucus Calem, in view of the upcoming military call of duty in July.
I have to take the dip - axing off 2 days of leave before forfeiture before anyone else.
Seems like the velocity of lunch down throat has an impact on the processing in the BCS (bomb compounding silo)...
Posted with LifeCast
3:06 PM |
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Rested 6 full hours, uninterrupted and woke up at 7:25am - all necessary had been done in time and on a especially chilling Bus 28 now.
The sun cut an unusual blaze this morning; it might be a good idea to arm myself with shades on such instances.
Tomorrow marks the end of a busy week for all, and I can look forward to the seasons of leave where s short gettaway does the trick.
Today's energy level is somewhat brimmed, something that is long-lost felt.
Posted with LifeCast
8:04 AM |
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Finally parking ourselves at a foodcourt in Tampines 1; also being the first time eating in this new mall.
The battle is over for now, and dark chakara has been sealed for the moment.
Here's what we had for dessert!

Posted with LifeCast
10:40 PM |
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Just received an Exile Order from Clein as she needed to use the pantry for some work purpose….no matter, I’ll do my posting here.
The afternoon had so far been steady while the dark chakara had been disabled…some of it had started to leaked out with the 3x SoulHit especially the one from my own side…something that I don’t wish to even think about.
I’m looking forward to the dinner meet this evening where I can disengage the mind from work and enjoy the food over dinner with good company of Serene and her cousin.
What’s left of the battle is a 1.5 hour of screen toggling and further endurance to keep cool, should there be any difficult callers; through the experience gained, I should be well mindshielded…nothing to worry about that, but just the strength to endure through since I’ve already expended substantial amount from the morning IronBlast.
Tomorrow will be a late evening as there will be our monthly meeting, following a shortened week which will end on 28th.
3:21 PM |
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Done with lunch after the ban of Chinese mixed vegetable rice at the coffeeshop just outside Maybank due to the mid-cooked rice; chewing on it had been a torment when tasting the raw-ness of “natural taste”…no waiver.
The Mee Rebus at Joo Chiat Food Centre had tasted fairly well; makes the stomach feel good with a surge of warm gravy slithering down the throat and gradual coating the interior walls of the stomach.
Sun’s glare is simply the best for dryout of laundry at this hour…sometimes the mind will just wander into such hours where I wish I can be relaxed, snoozing in an air-conditioned room with comfy pillows and soothing music, with the sight of the cityskyline from my window. That must certainly be the utmost relaxation experience.
Just another 4mins to completion of break and D+0:04 as I’ve logged out later than usual.
11:53 AM |
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Made it in time after parking car at Eunos’ Park & Ride, in view of tonight’s dinner outing, where own transport will substantially knife down commuting time form workplace to dropzone; didn’t have time for our daily am conversation as I’ve settled in right on the dot.
8:30 AM |
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Clock has ticked past midnight and it's time to pull the Rein of Lala to hyperspace me into slumberland..much had been conversed over phone, and catching up with a few friends online before our Night Chat.
Goodnight to Serene and myself.
Posted with LifeCast
12:14 AM |
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Making my way back after some intensity of talk; apparently we aren't shielded by any of them when getting stepped on; instead, more reprimandation. It certainly displays the value we are in their eyes.
No matter, battle hour's over and it's my own time for a relaxed evening.
Has Serene reached home? Non connnection in mobile mode.
Posted with LifeCast
12:10 AM |
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Making my way back after some intensity of talk; apparently we aren't shielded by any of them when getting stepped on; instead, more reprimandation. It certainly displays the value we are in their eyes.
No matter, battle hour's over and it's my own time for a relaxed evening.
Has Serene reached home? Non connnection in mobile mode.
Posted with LifeCast
6:47 PM |
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Joyceline just popped by the pantry for some
coffee and asked about when I'm getting married with's already in the loop but have to constructively build our path towards that, which will require a complete blueprint.
The casual chat was ended with a sentence of 「加油」 which was certainly warming and encouraging...instantly taking my mind off the tense session.
I have been keeping this in my mind ever since Day 1 of the Cloud & Tifa togetherness...many factors come into my mind such as wealth and asset accumulation for better future.
Posted with LifeCast
3:26 PM |
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Just had a call peaked underheat by a brainless consultant, who does not even know procedures of submitting new cases.
It's also kind of tough and saddening to know that how true can one man's meat be another's poison; a music teacher certainly doesn't find my voice the least musical...
With cumulative heat done for the day, it's no wonder I need to answer to the call of duty this evening by fragging a few players online...been awhile since I've been grinding it.
Posted with LifeCast
3:26 PM |
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Saw a scene where workplace appears like those olden day's primary school building, and a 'sales training' conducted by Sally was done in the assembly hall...all us were going back to office which was located in one of the 'classrooms' that workstations were laid in a format of centralised joined table like that of the teacher's room.
Eric was telling those who did not attend it to go to the next room to 'see' Sally as it was mandatory event each individual.
A flashscene showed him telling me that I had better grasp te chance to know Juliana better as she will e going back her hometown to get married this August...
Poof. 7:09am, the wakeup felt especially encumbered; could be resultant from the heavy training yesterday.
Posted with LifeCast
8:09 AM |
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Beast workout done; indeed so challenging as I battle my determination against the Piano version of たたかうものたち, played from iTunes.
Finally the day had been marked victorious as I'm all ready for rest, after the hair has thoroughly been dried.
Weather had been kind tonight, permitting a comfortable-temperated rest...I certainly need those rest to let the muscles recover and construct new tissues while turning bigger in build by the weeks. Has Serene entered slumber in view of the day's fatigue already? No audible vicinity of her for awhile...
10:15 PM |
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Finally on the way home after a gruelling battle day of long hours...I need that workout to finish the that proper before claiming an official victory.
Sometimes wish my schedule will allow me to
fetch Serene back, especially so that she doesn't have homecooked dinner these few
days; an event that can contains the essence that no biggest feast at the most expensive restaurant can bring - the family warmth.
Time to recharge those bio-visualisers.
Posted with LifeCast
7:49 PM |
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Lunch had been done slightly slower but still pn enhanced pacing for rainstorm evasion; I'm aerial unarmed today, so will be vulnerble should shield be breached by omnipresent germs.
I made it all done within 15mins and have another 30mins to go; rare times I get a 45mins break on a bust Monday...anyhow it'll be good time to rest, reflect and put mind off the hustle for a half-clock cycle.
At the pace along the wet pavement, each step brings me a thought about the reasons people want to drive bigger cars locally - same pricing for season parking, marking a smaller blueprint vs carprice, thus more worthwhile.
That's aside the story...more interestingly, how is the ability to generate a certain band of income for that kind of financial capacity? Secrecy it remains for many of the same group out there.
My turbo timer should suffice for the next 2 hours of battle on 3/4 week of a busy season...looking forward to the evening to return home before sundown.
Posted with LifeCast
2:53 PM |
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A mintpopper has been detected at the traffic junction with the LCD screen displayed from head unit of the ICE...just one of the motorist awaiting for Traffic Police / ROV to issue a donation chit...
Biohydraulics are given a 26 hour rest as there had been crampy sensations felt in the rear actuator when doing the regular breastrokes during the swim yesterday.
Kombat begins in less than 2 hours' time...considering the rest I had, it should suffice for an evening session of the delayed Beast style workout.
Seeing my dad snoozing in comfort somewhat make me feel that the room, PC will be more comfortable...anyhow, I have to move ahead with battling, just. a week more to conclude this month.
Just passed the massively populated minihill jusr outside Sheng Siong.
Posted with LifeCast
8:03 AM |
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The week had ended beautifully with Serene's company as we obtained a camera I've been hunting for long, dinner at her place and taking a stroll at Heartland Mall where a facelift had been done; the entire place seems to be illumimated ever since I've last been here many years back.
Settle in for the rest of the night - Beast-style workout tomorrow morning.
Posted with LifeCast
1:15 AM |
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I've finally got a NV9 hunted at a bargain! The hunt has finally been done after a month scrutinising over camera deals.
Looking forward to many beautiful shots of life ahead!
Posted with LifeCast
1:10 AM |
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It had been the first swim in a long while, ever since the acceleration of work schedule and Serene's pre exam had been decently temperated, with an exceptionally
crowded pool at Sengkang's newly-built sports complex pool. Jacuzzi was comfortable, yet skin-tingling after staying under jetfire water in the pool...good stuff.
I'm still considering if I should be going Thailand for this upcoming long leave, or just do a local retreat through survivor mode by doing an off-city camping living, close to nature.
The weather greeted me with a gentle breeze on a cloud-cloaked sky; just a couple more chores of car-washing and laundry when I get home later in the evening.
All of us will be back to work tomorrow. What matters most is us enjoying the weekend for a good wrapup to conclude the week.
Posted with LifeCast
4:30 PM |
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It had been an earlier arrival at Serene's place...considering the weather, and also to have more time for the swim later.
I need a good swim to rejuvenate...kinestatic had been done yesterday but will still need a refreshing sport to freshen up and bring up that metabolic rate to prime.
Posted with LifeCast
4:30 PM |
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Had entered the deepest of lalaland after returning from Serene's place yesterday; been to many places like Kinokiniya and boutiques in the vicinity, where the latter had been missed by her for the past few months.
Dinner wasn settled at home after finding no seats at Rivervale Mall's KFC where my hunger level had been a little on the critial side and triggering a little irritance mode.
Bugis had changed alot and we noticed that even Watsons had yet gone through another facelift - it had been more than 3 months ever since I had thoroughly walked through the entire mall too...feet and waist had became a little
tired from our extensive walking...long time in awhile.
Her mum will be going to Malacca till Tuesday so she might need to settle meals on her own these few days.
Hunger sensory activated; time to eat something.
Posted with LifeCast
12:35 PM |
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I saw myself running with a group in Seoul and shouting to people that a typhoon is approaching, and all started running for safety; thiz scene went on for a couple of times and the final time showed a giant LED graphic indicating where it is coming from, and the speed of the wind. I told my 'comrade' that it's so advanced to have a typhoon detector in this country.
Switching to a scene where pedestrians are ushered in massive groups, some running to the right of a cross junction and the next part showing all dressed up as a Pokka 600ml bottle for some advertisement audition; dispersed by groups of height matches.
The final switchscene was going to Ritz
Carlton to attend a wedding, with Michelle Chia. We were all seated in a row and she asked her hair is okay; that was when I got a closeup of her; hair all nicely brushed back, and the seat to my left was quickly filled by Cassandra See, another local TV celebrity.
Poof and I've returned.
Posted with LifeCast
8:17 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
Been a rainy afternoon after the bio-octane charge; got something for thirst quenching later from Giant before heading here.
Serene had just finished her last paper shortly for the first year so she can relax for awhile...likewise for me, a little more relaxed for her too and we can enjoy quality time together...
Ah, here she comes!
Posted with LifeCast
2:57 AM |
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It had proven more exciting for XMen origins, where I had expended the last of the 2 movie vouchers I had...even more enjoying having Serene to watch with me.
Getting late...time to get some rest for the night as I have to so some running to shed those potential inches buildup from the type of food ate today.
Posted with LifeCast
2:56 AM |
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spotted this chilli red Porshe 911 Carrera moving out from carpark at Tampines Primemart MSCP.
There's a long queue of people collecting free Twisties for voting Who is Hottest with a girl dressed in green wig and costume like a cosplayer.
Sleepiness detected as the mid afternoon sets in.
Posted with LifeCast
3:45 PM |
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Reaching home in 10mins time...the final battle day is over...tomorrow will be the leave in a long time.
Need some recuperation from the Marine style workout this morning; it had been powerful, yet fulfulling.
Posted with LifeCast
1:01 PM |
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Am in a town which resembles ancient Japan along with a few fellow swordsmen; each ofnus wielded 2 swords, of which, some are uniquely-shaped, such as v-shaped blade, cylindrical yet flexible blade.
We had just done a massacure after raiding a
rival House - much of the foot soldiers had been wiped out by us, and soon, we were launching another attack, targetting the royals, alongside was Li Nanxing with his V-blade in a sky-blue haori.
When we reached the place, I thought they had already cleared the place; there was an elderly man like the master servant, of whom I greeted wity the traditional bow, and moved ahead, turning left.
What really occured was seemingly all doing a mass weapon cleaning session and I had taken out my Whipblade and Masamune.
Poof...I'm back to the real world.
Posted with LifeCast
9:47 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
This was the greeting passed to Netty when I first saw her in pantry; she's taking her Japanese; something which I've been self-learning, but lack practise all these while; all still good after writing her name in Katakana.
Breaktime's almost over but it had been a good chat along with all the chats about travelling to these countries.
Serene's having her paper now...while I continue to provide emoyional support, returning for the last battle hour before tomorrow's leave.
I need to practise my Japanese.
Posted with LifeCast
3:59 PM |
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Still on the hunt for a point and shoot which will act like a sidearm while main arm will be a dSLR...
I simply love photography; though won't put hopes to make a living out of it, it's something that I can keep going without being tired...a little like bodybuilding, but the latter will require an ironified will, sheer determination and a fortified effort for constant improvement.
Sidetrack to bodybuilding; the weights training regime had been ongoing for almost 3 years, and progress had been good; some reorg to be done to finetune training where more effort is needed.
Back to the shots - capturing beautiful moments of life can certainly bring out what that moment is all about; be it a flamingo taking flight or a child at simply must be revived!
Posted with LifeCast
12:22 AM |
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A day of rest is almost over; emule working great and able to port data over at a rate it should be working at; the 2nd dose of medication done and just a final one to go before the slumber of R-R.
Tomorrow will be the last day for the week before the leave on Friday.
Posted with LifeCast
9:14 PM |
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No, it's not the logo for Dragonball's 人造人...a sign for the rest and recovery stage as bio CPU has started to overheat...
Dr Tan had been really friendly; chatted with me about if I had been doing weights training, along with things like if I have my own equipments at home, and how did I train; he even asked about my brother as he had some eye disorder, of which was learnt only from my mum when getting home.
Time has passed so fast; Dr Tan has already been here for the past 11 years ever since we
moved to this town; he might had been here longer than we know of; just learn from my
mum that all of us are consulting him regularly so that makes him our family doctor too.
Refuelling time; had been empty-tanked when visiting my Biosystem Council.
Posted with LifeCast
10:06 AM |
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A terrible headache greeted me in the morning that I did not even get up for workout...timeout to rest from work.
Posted with LifeCast
9:10 AM |
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Getting ready to enter slumberland...gateway open for the drifting experience after 2 glasses of wine; Serene's revision will continue and should end before 1am.
Time to do planning in detail for the June break and Serene's post-exam activities.
Tomorrow will be 3/4 of my shortened week.
Posted with LifeCast
11:51 PM |
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Been promoted to SSG after an hour of battle...
Serene's still running through her revision...fortunately she's not having a paper tomorrow.
Retiring for the night soon.
Posted with LifeCast
11:18 PM |
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An absolute breakless afternoon of clearing callbacks an finally completed it at 7pm...
Had chatted with Serene about her call from
colleague which had irked her off from discussed topics; whatever te situation is, to stand firm before making the next move...likewise encouraged by her mum pn standing firm.
It's a chilly bus that I can fall into slumber under the temperature, snuggled under a comforter in an atrest position...yet another victory-lived day.
Considering the chakara left, wil need some recuperation before the night mission on COD 4, aiming the next promotion.
Oh yes, some quick checks to be done for the upcoming trip in June.
Posted with LifeCast
8:10 PM |
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An earlier rest and feeling a deepend panting within, just like that sensation after a sprinting at one's best, but this is related to speeding on the keyboard at work.
Visual apeture power down to recover.
Posted with LifeCast
11:38 PM |
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On the comfortably cooled Bus 67, droning smoothly through the streets of Bedok with a couple of elderly folks talking about their childhood days, 'eating eggs' for their English tests.
It brings back memories about myself, writing only using a pencil on largely-texted, boxed children's study aids and picking up some revision and creativity books from bookstores; that was from where I picked up my interests and further developing my passion from drawing.
That uncompleted comic「金冰鴨」I've drawn is still present; completion can be hastened with the development of technology, for the series to continue, without having to spend hefty times drawing boxs and backgrounds manually.
Just another 15mins for the home run destination.
Posted with LifeCast
8:09 PM |
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Had a short surfmantle ray experience, just like that rode by Green Goblin in the Spiderman movie..buzzing through the streets of Eunos near the junction of the Kampong Glam VITB...the ride had been exhilerating and so unforgettable...
Rain had been minimal, but weather had been chillt; a conducive temperature for a deep slumber, just like that of the morning's rest in the bus.
Return to battle.
Posted with LifeCast
7:25 PM |
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Rain coating the road since morning before lunch, with the familiar thumping of raindrops on the windowsill onlookin Everitt North Road, just outside the office building.
All has relived at the seat to my left, as Alex has returned from his Penang trip, along with his unique sense of humour...looks like a potential candidate for Kevinsm's Clownstaig, which has died down ever since the depart from secondary school, more than 10 years ago, but never faded into history.
Finally able to dislodge the bio-depth charge.
Posted with LifeCast
7:25 PM |
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Quite a busy evening on a Sunday; did some laundry, car laundry and went for a walk in the mall; it's especially crowded in Tampines 1, pretty so too in the basement of Tampines Mall.
Weather hadn't been too gentle, resulting in an oil force field constanting coating me all over.
The week ahead will be a short one as I'll be on leave this Friday, which is also the last paper foe Serene...finally her exams are coming to an end with just 3 more papers!
The mind just flicked through the past events these few months; apart from being wonderously with Serene, the warmth of the family had also improved after learning that hers are built on sincerity, kindness and finding back what's really important in family values; something which is inmeasurable with money, and no amount of money can buy it...
There are many things that still lie ahead in life, but I want it all to be value-enhanced, such as time spent with loved ones, being in good company of nice friends, not forgetting old ones...
Reason that I've been writing all these is that I want all days of my life, to be treasured in writing, and all who read can know me on a positive aspect.
More for onward reading fans...but for now, time to spend with my beloved Serene.
Posted with LifeCast
11:58 PM |
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Made my way back from Serene's place after an outing at Audio House at Liang Court and Plaza Singapura...had intended to watch XMen Origins but the available seats are in the most discomfort rows which will give a neck-straining session, thus decided to scrap it; spotted the Samsung NV3 display set for $199 but had not got it as I didn't want to do an impulsive purchase.
A little tired than usual from the extend driving which Serene could sense; something really heartwarming, also at the way she helps me with getting the bottle of green tea while I'm driving.
Final plop near 2am even without wine.
Posted with LifeCast
11:58 PM |
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Quite a busy evening on a Sunday; did some laundry, car laundry and went for a walk in the mall; it's especially crowded in Tampines 1, pretty so too in the basement of Tampines Mall.
Weather hadn't been too gentle, resulting in an oil force field constanting coating me all over.
The week ahead will be a short one as I'll be on leave this Friday, which is also the last paper foe Serene...finally her exams are coming to an end with just 3 more papers!
The mind just flicked through the past events these few months; apart from being wonderously with Serene, the warmth of the family had also improved after learning that hers are built on sincerity, kindness and finding back what's really important in family values; something which is inmeasurable with money, and no amount of money can buy it...
There are many things that still lie ahead in life, but I want it all to be value-enhanced, such as time spent with loved ones, being in good company of nice friends, not forgetting old ones...
Reason that I've been writing all these is that I want all days of my life, to be treasured in writing, and all who read can know me on a positive aspect.
More for onward reading fans...but for now, time to spend with my beloved Serene.
Posted with LifeCast
11:53 PM |
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Hearing an elderly neighbour complaining about her grandson's keeping of a pet hamster, reminds me of the days when my grandmother was around...the absence of a grandparent has certainly certainly an impact on the warmth of family at home.
Those days had been so fun when I helped my grandmother, along with my mum, to make egg rolls which are baked over coal fire and home-kept moulds...we had made a pretty large quantity.
The neighbour granny was talking so
loudly about temperature of airconditioning, till it spurred humour while I'm listening after my meal.
Posted with LifeCast
2:01 PM |
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The day had so far been pretty less intensive compared to the first four my usual breaktime and time will whizz by for the last hour later, only to be concerned with the upcoming callbacks.
We are moving into the 2nd week of a teeth-gritting season of the year...had been thinking while on the bus, to mask the length of hair and keep it black with temporary spray-ons during the ICT, so I don't have to waste money at the salon.
The next hairdo will be Noctis following the completion of my ICT...not so gaudy-coloured yet something unique.
Good thing there isn't any papers for Serene tomorrow, so both of us can go out, a decent weekend, without requiring me to come back on Saturdays to do emails like those months had been fruitful but I still need yo strike a balance between work and personal life.
Weather had been kind during the lunch hour, without requiring me to be baked on the move and getting dry Pasturisation upon entrance to the airconed environment.
So much had been written during this short break. Looking forward to the weekend ahead!
Posted with LifeCast
7:18 PM |
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The day had so far been pretty less intensive compared to the first four my usual breaktime and time will whizz by for the last hour later, only to be concerned with the upcoming callbacks.
We are moving into the 2nd week of a teeth-gritting season of the year...had been thinking while on the bus, to mask the length of hair and keep it black with temporary spray-ons during the ICT, so I don't have to waste money at the salon.
The next hairdo will be Noctis following the completion of my ICT...not so gaudy-coloured yet something unique.
Good thing there isn't any papers for Serene tomorrow, so both of us can go out, a decent weekend, without requiring me to come back on Saturdays to do emails like those months had been fruitful but I still need yo strike a balance between work and personal life.
Weather had been kind during the lunch hour, without requiring me to be baked on the move and getting dry Pasturisation upon entrance to the airconed environment.
So much had been written during this short break. Looking forward to the weekend ahead!
Posted with LifeCast
7:18 PM |
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It had been a heavy-headed move while getting up from bed; must be the wine-induced comfort that has triggered a deepened sleep which I've not had for awhile...
It's the 2nd paper today for Serene, and might still be in slumberland; her paper was delayed for 2 hours due to temperature screening prior to the exam, with a multitude of 6000 candidates...good thing they have called off temperature screening today.
A final battle day on a gruelling week for all of us awaits me...once again, the objective to leave office before sundown.
Posted with LifeCast
7:18 PM |
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Just 5mins more before the last hour of the week’s battle.
I had a short chat with Ricky while he munched on the pizza ordered, as Ray will be transferred back to HQ on Monday.
He had asked when will it be my turn to go Europe, but that will require extensive planning in terms of expenditure and scheduling…considering the goals I have to attain first, these can also be planned when Serene and I are both ready to settle down.
Hope Serene’s ok at home now…at least she can have a break over the weekend to also prepare for her upcoming papers for the last week of exams…it’s a 2-week period, yet seemed so lengthy..
I can ‘t wait for the weekend to start!
4:00 PM |
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A brazen hearth and still conscious...going to retire for the night after trip to Giant to get things I need.
Will miss Serene for the night as I pass lalagate.
Posted with LifeCast
12:50 AM |
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One of those days where I get to go back before sundown, and I've succeeded in my goal today, of leaving office before sundown.
I'll have more evening time, so it would not be so lifeless from what I do at work, resulting in it dominating my life.
The long leave in June awaits me as I can start planning to go somewhere alone, to relax with a gettaway; somewhere not too far so I can have more time travelling around...
Almost home; at the innest of mind still lies the dormant, yet deadly source of energy to burst into an extraordinary life that I really want to be in, all this can be true with the right actions.
Workthoughts to be shuffed aside, time to relax.
Posted with LifeCast
7:36 PM |
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2hrs time wil be Serene's 1st paper and learnt that the calculator allowed is very minimal; a very stringent requirement from the school's examination board.
What's left would be 1 last battle day and I can relax for the weekend, following a 4-day work week, which the 15th will also be Serene's last paper.
Reaching midtrip checkpoint as I pass Bedok Swimming Complex.
Posted with LifeCast
6:52 PM |
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Serene had finished exams after a delayed start due to temperature check at examination premises...though the national health alert had dropped, no compromise on the checks.
Aunty Lena had finished her break, post frustration ventilation as I entered the's good to talk it out, rather than bottling it up and allowing harmful cells to grow and damaging within.
Break is almost done but I'm pretty tired today, with the dreams of someone going around to check on hairdo and commented mine is 'failed' like the army days; a scene showed this dark and gruff-looking guy, dressed in the green surgeon outfit with hat and labelled as 1SG, vocation is a surgeon...has there been such?
I'll need a regen later when boarding bus, hope to reach home before sundown and get all the things done, before I can really relax a more battleday while I hold onto the helm firmly.
Posted with LifeCast
6:52 PM |
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It's the recharging time of the night...a pretty heavily-shelled day but without being emotionally-drained heavily.
Alex is on a short leave, so office is kind of quiet without his presence and jokes...
Without furtherado, it's time to rest, but just want to remind myself that this is has been a good day and will sustain for another 3 weeks to be the top tier incentive holder again.
Posted with LifeCast
11:59 PM |
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It's been awhile...sold 1 PA during the ALS!
I had long waited for this...
Posted with LifeCast
7:53 PM |
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Milestone break...
Much have been going through my mind after closing my sale...imagine the whole page filed with new business submission...that would certainly be a positive sign for advancement...
Still in the suspension of clearing the last Extension Pillar,while learning Serene is busy with her revision for'll be in less than 24hrs...
It'll be the Last of Longsleevians for the week far, the weeked had been lived pretty victoriously and managing funds well; mot being superstitious on Zodiac readings, but rather, wisening to avof pitfall of scams and quick bucks in gloom times like this.
Life still goes on...people still have to eat, go to school, work and businesses still move on...including my own, to reestablish my presence since the defuct Yahoo Auctions website.
Setup is still in progressive for Gshop which U need to expand my store's inventory.
Posted with LifeCast
7:53 PM |
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It's a quickly-passed evening, just a couple pf hours and it's time to retire fornthe night, after a massive drainage of chakara at work; nevertheless busy but lessened the lethality of yesterday due to mandown.
Serene will be continuing her revison while I get ready to enter lalaland,Laport in hand and ready to go...
Another Challenge of Muscles morning tomorrow.
Posted with LifeCast
11:15 PM |
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Much has gone through my mind, at the news of yet another season of's quite surprising to know that those who are really competent has decided to make the exit, but we all have to face it; when attaining a certain level, there will be stayers an on-movers. Right now, things are all nominal for me, considering all the skills and experiences gained...
The main task now is still to clear the HI, which will be the 2nd Pillar of Speciality Extensions from my core knowledge.
Serene is still mugging for the T-2, which endresult will determine the progression of her course...that constantly serves as a reminder for me to stay on track; an anti-deviation that will bring me far when staying focused.
Partial mineclearing had been done after a subtle wash on Pica, which had been parked under a pro-grativational aerial minefield of a notorious more parking there.
Work still goes on even in the absence of my TM, who is on a long leave and will only be back next week...the battle's still my own to pave the journey ahead.
Posted with LifeCast
7:50 PM |
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Lifecast is finally up! For a moment, I had been wondering if it was network issues but that wasn't the case...could be due to server error.
Personal preference to this blog as it gives flexibility to pend and publish later; especially so for a thought-spurred writer like me on an 'always on mode
Posted with LifeCast
7:30 PM |
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Finally on the way home, after succeeding the 2nd battling day!
Office had been usually populated at this hour when I left...

7:05 PM |
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Yellow to Orange was the update of the health alert nationwide on the H1N1... so more personal precautionary on hygeine.
Runny nose suppressed after the clearance of ventilation valvues.

7:04 PM |
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It's a time where I couldn't read my meter; for a moment, felt that I needed to sleep more though the initial wakeup was 4:50am, fresh & alert at that point but getting sleepier by each and every return to the recharging bay.
It's the 2nd battle day for a full week, what will it be busy or higher volume of massive fingershifting in the keyboard with essay-like notes on the screen?
Let's see how the day goes and if my chakara will be on massive expenditure.

11:33 AM |
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Finally getting ready to enter lalagate for the next day, after researching the next move as to the hairdo after the compelled deCloud hair when I'm done with my ICT.
Serene will be having 2 more chapters for her revisin just T-3 to the first paper...would like her to rest early too so she can absorb better for revision tomorrow...
Come July will my hair turn Noctis!

11:09 PM |
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See what my mum cooked for dinner tonight...the most heavenly chicken rice which I've ever tasted~
Completely indulging!

8:49 PM |
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Home sweet home and ready to eat!
It has been a battling day with major concerns of the H1N¹virus especially for travellers who are within proximity of affected countries...all has been handled with succession.
Serene is going to take another round of her revision after a rejuvenating session under te showerhead...
Pica had already been bombed so I'll need to clean it up later...

8:32 PM |
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Lifecast still isn't working properly, so I havre to launch alternatively publishing from here.
Just met Kent and did sime catchups about his gaming arena.

8:21 PM |
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45mins of lunch, giving me ample time to try fixing Shozu and Lifecast, which doesn’t seem to be working properly despite attempting to link up with Blogger.
Weather has been pretty kind but still warm from the longer distance walked than usual…refuelling has been decently paced without much obstructions, except for the troubled-mind on the erratic mobile blogging programs.
Just learnt from Serene that she has taken her lunch pretty near my timing…ALS is setting in so I’ll need a dispelling formula, which will be my caffinised octane.
Shozu looks good now all fixed and ready to post; am able to locate a Free Public Wifi to update the settings on my iPhone…I should be in time to fix it before my break time ends in 6mins….
Return to battle.
12:32 PM |
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Still unable o post mobile blog online from iphone; ready from the official forum that other users too are experiencing the same thing; seems so for my contingency plan, Shouzu too; no success in selecting the blog to be linked online.
The ehavey downpour of a million gallon woke me up prior to the patriotic singing of Zhao Chuan as my workout alarm; all successfully done and yet sufficient time for hairdo.
Serene must be sleeping soundly at this time, considering the weather and having to be on leave today…I’ve never got a Monday leave to date and sometimes wonder how it feels like…
No matter. Just hope that this configuration issue will be resolved, so all that has been written with the heart can be up there and then
7:56 AM |
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Made it home in less than 25mins, with the left unusually s hutting off without even opening the door at Level 1, at Serene’s block…Could that be linked to strange enactments from the show, Harper’s Island?
Still fixing the uplink of Lifecast ever since it’s haywire upon return to Stulang trip…
11:29 PM |
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I saw the neighbourhood which part of it expanded and looking like a Senoko power plant, with lots of buildings and interwining narrow passageways.
A bus stop was nearby, but across the road was an extremely old row of apartments, even older than those 5-foot ways along Joo Chiat.
When I looked left, I saw a group of recruits alighting from bus stop, but they were all still in leafy camoflauge, and walking like a leave-covered camel, shortly which they entered a jungle just by the road, and came out in 4 persons with their fieldpacks. A Section Commader had been leading them; just before they 'split up' I had stepped on the road and ushered them as if it was a vehicle parking sequence.
Switchscene to a tall drain, in the drain walking was Kiam Ching, a comrade during my regular days...he appeared to have just finished a mission, all armed and I shouted to him 'just came back?' and threw down his camo-armour, which part of it dipped into the drain water...
Gary Ow appeared shortly after, helping him prop up the self-made camo-armour, which consisted of fake leaves and kelvar armour, on a tripod like structure made from those BB Pioneering days...
Last switchscene showed me looking for applicant stick on a sticky glue, which was located at the back of the home, but the journey seemed extremely long, going from passageway to passageway...

8:59 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
Finally entering slumber under a hot night...Serene had suggested me to get a coolwind dispensing fan, but that will not be direly necessary...though I dislike hot environment, I still possess a high tolerance for heat.
Time to rest & relax.

12:51 AM |
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Tomorrow will be another End
of Week Day...wondering what I'll be
doing when I go see Serene during her intense revision...
I had better bring plentiful things to read and write, so as to effectively use time while also filling up
my blog.
Even as the conversation ended, the night, though a little unbearable temperally, yet within, it felt much better with the warmth of love that channels between our hearts, that will keep us warm from within as we rest for the night.

12:31 AM |
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Finally heard Serene's voice which is most comforting to me ^^
It had been a gruelling time of configuring Lifecast, which has not been cooperative, thus I've decided to ditch it and adopt this.

10:49 PM |
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Something for Serene...what could it be? Hope she likes it :)

9:22 PM |
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It's been a lonely night and only got ¹SMS from Serene so far...she seems to be enjoying herself at her uncle's place in Edeweiss Park, at the tip of Pasir Ris.
Thought's of turning this evening to a Wine Night had been laid off...though much time, but not in a mood to play 9 Dragons.

9:14 PM |
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Just exited slumberland after a good night's sleep...we had a good time of drinking and fellowshipping at the lounge, afterwhich, a seafood dinner at which I couldn't eat much.
We celebrated Markus' 31st birthday with a Flaming Lambourghini. See my Multiply for more photos!
The seafood had been wonderful but I had been encumbered with gas of 5 glasses of beer during the drinking session...accompanied Markus back to his room after he threw up twice from the cumulative heavy drinking session.
We had a good chat with Melphis at our room, before he went back to his apartment in the same state
7:43 AM |
It's less than an hour but the rest had been sufficent.
Movie session in the room, Maid in Manhattan on TV2...but a little empty in the fuel tank.
3:05 PM |
Time to shutdown for a good rest before going for a walk later before 5pm...
Wonder how Serene is now? Wish I can see her new hairdo which she had gone this morning, with Eve at her old neighbourhood...
2:25 PM |
I'm now in Room 1345 at The Zon Regency Hotel in Taman Stulang...finally we've checked in...but a shared bed with matter since we have all gone through NS and the buddying from sleeping in basha under the moon.
The weather proved more conducive for a nap before our seafood dnner at 5pm...all's settled on the formation change in the room.
3 hours before the next event of the evening, but some rest required before moving out.
1:44 PM |
Stepping into Malaysia Customs!
8:51 AM |
All systems nominal after refuelling at home and some time of relaxation. Packing has been done for the Taman Stulang trip tomorrow...20 people will be going...woopee!
It's getting late but somehow can't sleep...will e missing Serene just like those days when she went Genting with her family...
Just received news she suddenly woke up...must a dreamtalk that caused the fast-twitch muscles to break out of slumber...
Anyhow, time to rest so I can enjoy the trip...though unarmed with camera.
Posted with LifeCast
12:02 AM |
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