Looking back at the news on 1/7/12 about how these loyal supporters try to protect KH, there was only one word to describe them: 


Instead of continuing to be immersed in idolising, when will they really open their eyes to see that they are living in a real world where there is are law governing this country?  I am sure there are more important things in life they have to attend to, but instead, they rendered their "free enforcement service" to this group.  But seriously, will KH and his cohorts appreciate them sincerely?

I read several of their tweets, posts in FB with their ever-sounding, luring thank yous, but the next question is, are these really sincere from their hearts, or it's just another gesture to continue luring the loyalty of these diehard fans of theirs?

Even the website of Skin Couture is gone.

Some resources suggests that those who relieve their duties and now leading the congregation are also living in pretty upclass type of residences.  That probably is a sign that CHC is paying them well, even better off than full-fledged commercial business organisations.  Another question to probe on the funds generated and used.  If religious / non-profit organisations are paying their employees so well, where did they get their funds to offer such "competitive remuneration packages"?

I for sure, have never believed that a non-profit / religious organisation should have such super collosal funds which can later be used for activities which deviate from their primary goal, and ended up to be for personal gains.

Well, more light to be shed on such a scandal.

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