The slumber was pretty deep last night though I had awoken pretty early this morning. I still reached battlebox around the same timing as I have had usually done so despite a little slowed down traffic. Evening prior to today, I certainly felt such a mental strain that I spent most of my time in the evening laying down like a dead fish on the pier.

Maybe I had too much food just now so now comes the 'midday slumber syndrome'. Another 1/2 day to survive.

Next weekend will be my final time of battleboxing on a Saturday - something that I had always disliked though it has already been part of my life for many months.

The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter at every passing day.

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Just read the news this morning that KH and his "merry men and women" are back in court this morning for a 2nd hearing.  As usual, news reported about voluntary bodyguards who appeared to give their "moral support" far, nothing mentioned about them hindering the work of media photo and videographers.  And this time, an ex-finance chief is looped in.

I certainly hope that the courts will give a verdict which quantifies against their mistakes.  The recent news about a software company's director who cheated $2.6mil was set behind bars for 5 years.

Let's do a simple calculation.  $2.6 mil for 5 years.  So it works out to be $520,000 per year.  $26mil will be for 10 years.  What about $50mil?  96.15 years to be exact.

That was something I had been thinking about using simple arithmetic.  Other factors that could add on to the sentence would be the purported intent following awareness of the real purpose on the use of these super colossal funds.
I have heard of my peers getting calls from this number in the wee hours of the morning.

Have since heard of many such spam callers; and a colleague told me that if they speak in Malay, it has a occult charming effect.  Do beware if anyone has received such calls.
Had a simple fellowship with fellow ECPers like Edmund and Nelson as we did not manage to meet up with Matt who had broadcasted his visit to our country.

Though it was a short fellowship, we certainly had fun.  Looking forward to more of such gatherings in future.
The first place we visited was up a flight of stairs which was made materials identical to the Great Wall of China, and at the peak of the architecture, one can see a green lush patch.  One of my comrades, Chris, with his wife, was pointing to a patch and telling his wife that they will have their new home there and we discussed a little about the flat price.  His was in the 100ks while mine was almost double his; however, dearie and I will have a greater view as we live on a high level.

Next scene showed us chasing a thug who was caught trying to smuggle illegal LPGs that had not passed the local authorities' testing; obviously for a bigger cut of the profit. We ultimately caught him and before handing over to the police, at the local coffeeshop, it showed an explosion scene where uncertified LPGs were used - a public awareness campaign and we then questioned this middle-aged man why he would want to do that.

Next scene showed me in some "fishing farm" where you can scoop some fishes from a stone tank and feed to the giant catfishes at the other end of the enclosure.  We all were given an "entry time" where if you do not finish expending the feeder fish, you will need to return the leftovers.  So quickly, I dunked more fishes to feed the giant catfishes.  Beside me, appeared a golf course where the hole was protruding above the ground.  A man was playing and I had my go at finishing the last shot.  After some casual conversations, I told him I'm still learning.

The next scene was a little unusual.  The grass mostly withered and what was left was this greyish, barren "wasteland" and the hole for scoring were all seen above the ground.  Now the holes are cup-shaped and you can turn them in any direction.  The "tee" was also a little different - red and slightly tilted forward like a tiny golf club.

At the next place, now seemingly in a military operation, I was to go up to this place to get some documents and the room is situated in a make-shift office: those built out of cargo containers and at one of the levels, the room's door was made of velcro-foam (olive green).  I followed this comrade in and one of the guys inside the room asked if I have clearance to enter where it seemed like my name had not been submitted earlier.  So I decided to wait outside, and during the wait, had some conversations with the men outside.  One of the NSMen clerk told me that I had to apply this clearance through unit admin as he walked out, I approached the admin (Victor - one of my ex comrades during regular days) was there and he told me that he is one of the cases where MINDEF did not keep him due to his medical condition (given PES E thereafter).

I now appeared in a canteen-like setting where dearie had accompanied me for some shoots.  A few tables away, I spotted Curren and we decided to chat awhile.  This then brought me to the incident where I met Terry sometime back - during his payback service (he broke his military contract), he was rather smug back then and claimed that a NTU graduate could earn $10,000 as a starting salary.  About this bump-up with Terry, I didn't talk much to him except gesturing an acknowledgement and then moving off with dearie when we were at Marina.  He seems the same as before but there wasn't anything more I wanted to chat up to him with / about.

Curren then told me he had moved to Wilkie area and behind him was a massage centre which I suspected was something that wasn't decent.  The discussion on this was minimal as I didn't want to have anything to do with such too; dearie joined me shortly and carrying a backpack.

I opened my eyes; 7:30am.

What a joke.

Even till now, Queen is still trying to impress her clients no doubt I had already did a thorough explanation to the representative that the documents required and why they are needed to process a claim.

The claimant somehow made a fuss about them trying to "deny a claim" which I see no issue as I have done my part.  A colleague has to now "beg" the claim assessor to waive of these core documents...that makes us sound and look silly especially for the very fact that we have already explained rationally.

I guess they will never learn this abilities should be lent to those who need it better.
The first week of countdown is making it's mark to reach the first.

I have been resting pretty early lately as the rest was not regular but after the Iron Pumping session yesterday, the engine had finally reached a state where I had to call for an early rest.

Seems like the more the fatigue, the deeper I would venture into dreamland.

This morning I had experienced a drag; although I had awoken before 6:30am, I still could go back into slumber for another 30 minutes.
I had entered a place with a "lomo" filter effect which appears like some scenes of the movie Matrix; at one scene, it showed me in a room with tube-like structures, and at the end of each tube, I could see a sprite meter which resembled the network connection indicator in Diablo 3 where green means good connection and red means poor connection (high latency).

One of the tubes opened and Smith appeared; along with his usual cool countenance which cringes at the sight of me; just like how vengeful he will look when he sees that Neo is not dead.

I could not make out the details of the battle as this was the time I had exited the "digital dreamworld", ie, the Matrix.
It was like a reunion of the Super Gangsters where Ruisheng, Yide, Kevin and I met at a jetty-like place that was at a quiet area by a sky in the "blue hour".

All of us were talking a little of our "No Laughing Matter" crap that was something we share among ourselves when we gelled together as group back in school days.  At this instance, we were all setting out to go for a voyage which was something in line with our 20th "clanship"anniversary.

Oddly, I was pretty well-dressed; long with the rest also in suits and the sort.  Everyone looked so excited just to be out together like the good old days.

Before I could see details of our voyage, I had already opened my eyes.

A very quiet morning, at least for me as I continue my part of work after shoving in that letter to king. They did not come into office until lunchtime but it wouldn't be an issue to me soon. I have had a deep thought last night and realised I have reached maximum tolerance.

I guess this upcoming break was something I needed before moving forth. So this Sunday will be dedicated to in search for the next boat.

All the digust I had experienced was just something which doesn't add value to my time and contribution here. As devout Christians they may sound, two words remain: Only Human.

Now that the White Paper is in, the recovery from misery has commenced where light slowly brightens as the days go by.

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Military callups which was conducted in an old school building; I saw Zul, my ex classmate who was in pixelated uniform, along with Brando (looking the same as his NS days) just across the aisle as I was at an adjacent school block.  This place was exactly like those old school camps ie Gullimard Camp where the lay out was standard - 3 blocks surrounding a parade square.

We were all called up for this 1 day route march and many were passing dissertations about why was there a need for this call up - especially notice was issued after the call up for the high key training.c

Along the corridor (now appearing to be that of  a school's classroom passage way), I heard Terry was telling this person smugly and to go and find out for himself what ORNTO distillation actually is.  Mentally, I had the notion that as a physics-inclined person, one does not really like people who are chemistry-inclined.

My eyes opened; it was 7:44 am.  It must have been a deep sleep.
It's amazing how much warmth a simple dessert can bring to the heart.
Recalling the soya beancurd that dearie gave me just 3 days ago, it soothed my heart and soul for the evening just like how an ice kacang dessert cools the body down on a sunny day.
I guess one could say that I am somehow 'made for war' and needed an element of peace beside me to soothe the fiery heart.
What I experienced on Monday with old king wasn't something pleasant and I certainly won't stand down. It took me awhile before I started writing these as the information are gathered mentally.
It simply got worst when today came.

He still chose to harp on that matter which he accused me of groping with my own feelings...again. Using this case, he went all the way back to Dec 2011 when they left for US and the business with their VIP client unsettled while I was placed right in the firing line. I still recall that I had sacrificed 4/5 lunch breaks during that period of time. What was the most disgusting matter is that queen did not even offer to reimburse my lunch-in of Subway. Details of that dreaded battle could be spared here but they should see that this matter be resolved even before they depart instead of being all caught up with their own things to get packing for their trip.

Yet he worded it in such a way as if they're in control of matters while abroad. Only the colleagues here saw the real picture of the dire kind of situation I was in and they know who are the people who really did the work. Not those 2 in US.

Now, some minor typo that I could sense was queen engineering king to fire rounds at me. And this is one of those matter in my expertise I could handle (they had both called me in to 'educate' me into their ways before) but they chose to make anthill into a molehill. Now a new word, 'wilful' was cast unto me.  A new business request done via a 2-pronged approach was also commented negatively.

Thinking back, while matching with this week's situation, I do not see a sense of appreciation from these 2. Rather, all meat were taken while we were left with the bones.

What about those streamlining measures that I had set in place to help everyone? Those followup attempts for new businesses to less responsive clients? For the latter, I was reprimanded by queen that I should not be spending time on this case.

With these kind of people above me, I see no reason that I should refer any businesses to them through my own contacts.

Friday the 13th is coming. What a good date.

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Looking back at the news on 1/7/12 about how these loyal supporters try to protect KH, there was only one word to describe them: 


Instead of continuing to be immersed in idolising, when will they really open their eyes to see that they are living in a real world where there is are law governing this country?  I am sure there are more important things in life they have to attend to, but instead, they rendered their "free enforcement service" to this group.  But seriously, will KH and his cohorts appreciate them sincerely?

I read several of their tweets, posts in FB with their ever-sounding, luring thank yous, but the next question is, are these really sincere from their hearts, or it's just another gesture to continue luring the loyalty of these diehard fans of theirs?

Even the website of Skin Couture is gone.

Some resources suggests that those who relieve their duties and now leading the congregation are also living in pretty upclass type of residences.  That probably is a sign that CHC is paying them well, even better off than full-fledged commercial business organisations.  Another question to probe on the funds generated and used.  If religious / non-profit organisations are paying their employees so well, where did they get their funds to offer such "competitive remuneration packages"?

I for sure, have never believed that a non-profit / religious organisation should have such super collosal funds which can later be used for activities which deviate from their primary goal, and ended up to be for personal gains.

Well, more light to be shed on such a scandal.

It's the time to say goodnight to the world again.

Had a quick slumber for awhile just now and was awoken by the sound of the heacy, yet cooling downpour that brought down the temperature considerably. That gave me enough rest to start on some PP.

The recent news of park patrons being bitten by stray dogs at ECP set me considering to avoid that training ground for awhile. I was supposed to have a run this evening but the rest wasn't proper last night hence it wasn't wise to attempt that run.

Let's try a pre-sunrise run later.

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Another blazy afternoon but I decided to take shelter quickly before the body starts dissipating heat and making me feel even more uncomfortable in my clownsuit.

The night before had ended late as I spent some time with dearie on the phone while recalling the numerous incidents at mainstream that put me into a mental state of repluse; this feeling is also shared among other colleagues who have been working there for many years. Maybe they just want to endure a few more years and call it quits when retirement age is attained.

Not for me. Being accused and doubted on my sincere intent to work was something that was of the last straw and my respect for them. Like many said, they should well be retired at their age instead of coming in and making more work out of trivial matters.

Back in my resting sanctuary now to recharge for awhile before continuing the battle for the next 3.5 hours.

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The fires of Aftermath burned as I tried to take an earlier rest last night; though I had maanged to do some grinding at D3, it did not deter very much about that bitterness that was churned at that moment when old king made that accusation remark.

One of those mentally-disturbed evening as it took me awhile before I suddenly fell into slumber. As I laid on bed even at 10pm, the slumber did not kick as I steered my mind away from this incident that made me even more determined to move on.

No news about the green light for my trip next month, but I'm prepared for whatever silly reasons they might come up with to deny my leave. I might have mentioned this several times, but it's just a constant reminder on the very fact that leave is any employee's basic entitlement. This became sore after I got lectured for a short leave in my previous trip to Vietnam.

Wormhole is closing in 20mins. Weather does not look very positive for an outdoor run lately so this evening probably has to be accompanied by an indoor weights session. I definitlely need those.

So much so for the morning. Fortunately, no GOM mode experienced.

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I came across this and decided to share with those who are still keeping tabs on news of what is on-going with this issue:

I do not want to be judgemental here, but from the looks of it, many people are already feeling that the objective / doctrines preached here are well all deviated from the truth.  Even after I met my aunt recently, we could only comment that the courtroom will have the final say.  No matter what the diehard fans of KH say / do, it will not be of any help.

The one sentence to outrule all: if they were really clean, why would this matter be referred to CAD?

I rather call this 'fire in the face' as my helpfulness in trying to garner business for their VIP client had caused king to throw a grenade right into my face.

Not only that, he had accused me for groping with my own feelings, not checking my work properly and refused to believe that what I had presented to him was something that was accurate.

In the end, a colleague had to come and 'appease' him by saying that she will do a recheck.

As much as I had tried my part to explain, he did not show any avenue of listening and blamed it on the part that I did not do my part well. Oh well, maybe his temperaments are getting out of hand and turning into a GOM.

Emotions may form part and parcel of a human being's infrastructure, but for this kind of pure accusation, I can only deduce that their pride of 'old age with experience' is blinding them. I still had to continue the rest of the day by finishing up the rest of the work. It definitely doesn't feel good after hearing those unpleasant things, all expressed in a way as if I had committed a federal offence.

Thinking back about how my predecessor survived here for 3 years, his was a noble deed for the sake of his family. I've just passed 1/3 of this time and am already feeling the creep coming up my neck. I seriouly wondered how he survived is feat. The signs are showing that once there's some signs of 'worm picking through the vegetables', the end times are near. No doubt this has been expressed several times here, it gets stronger at each 'impact' when it slams on my very soul.
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The dream I had this morning might be due to the dragged fatigue I had attained from the shooting yesterday.

Just another 3.5 hours to go which I look forward to so that I can head off from battlebox and upkeep the balance in work-life.

One of the first thing I got this morning was some 'remote nagging' where I had done my part and yet it attracted further comments. It seemed that whatever we do (even if it is right), it would attract some commentary. And guess what, even clearing email require a written confirmation to king and queen.

From these petty gestures, it makes one feel that the main bulk of stress comes from both of them rather than unusual if the nonsense from fussypots aren't enough for us to deal with. Aside this, we have one of our advisors who does not seem to know anything and would trouble us for even the simplest things; such as usage of payment forms or some very simple product knowledge.

Sad thing is that though this matter had been raised, king and queen would phrase things in such a way to sound like they're siding the advisors than supporting us who are providing support to these people who bring them business (be it big or small).

I see this more like an internal management issue than exterior factors...this could be one of the factors that drove good people who once worked for them away.

I'll still continue look for the next ship.

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I was at a corridor which had grey walls along. Suddenly I was turned into a gatecrash session where was the groom and this was my wedding.

Dearie was inside the house waiting anxiously as I made my way in.

Later on, it turned out there's no PG hired for such a grand event, but someone who resembled an ex-collegue, Titus, was there with his slinged Crumpler messenger bag, whipped out his camera, and started shooting for the event.

This event later turned to become a solemnisation anxious as dearie was, I also maintained my composition.

When I had finally awoken, it was already 809am.

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I was playing basketball in this indoor court where many people were gathered there and playing random small matches in their own corner; nothing formal and organised while some sat at the spectator aisle and watched or gathered in small groups to chat.

I saw Kenny, one of my secondary school mates who was pretty proficient in basketball.  He was still as good as ever, and as I dribbled the ball, I realised that I still had difficulty not looking at the ball and yet moving around freely without losing consistency in dribbling.  After a few dribbles and practices, there was one huge balloon which had the imprint of a basketball - making it look like a giant basketball that was bounced across the court.

Soonafter, I was taking a bus (appears to be Bus 27) and had missed a bus stop near Blk 943 where the next bus stop was already over the slope of Simei Avenue towards Simei town.  I alighted from that bus stop and took a short walk back.   Along the road back, I could see some shophouses that had never seemed existent and some of them were displaying merchandises a little further away from their stall (ie like a mini roadshow) to gain more business.  I wandered into this 7-11 where there was a room which lead me to an indoor ruby / American football court.  My name had somehow been referred to their captain, Sharp Neil Shanderburg (a Spain team), where they had been looking for a final player to complete the squad.

We ran through some practices and after using the place, another group of real big and bulky guys came in and had their go for their own practice.  Sharp told me the good news about the completion of his team and thereafter, "finally, we can have a complete group shot of the team" (I was appointed photographer as it seemed that whoever had referred me there was about my profession).  He had later showed me the logo that was to be printed as the team's icon - strangely fast that this design of a facial feature appeared after some "tie and dye".

Back to the 7-11 shop outside the indoor court.  Sharp wanted to make this team official and I told him that we need to get a lawyer to get things formalised especially for professional sports contracts or the sort should someone hire them for professional services.  "About the logo, we need to do something about the eyes" as the left and right eye of the symbolic icon did not appear symmetrical.  Sharp was actually working at this shop as a part-timer between certain periods.  We also discussed whether someone can take his place while we send him out to run some errands for his sports team while his place is being relieved by a substitute - that was where he commented it won't be fair since any of us were not trained on where to get goods and to serve customers on his behalf when he was the actual person who was employed.

"Beep..." the clock rang.  6:45am.  Seems like another dream.
Could it be just the deep sleep I had last night, or just the cooling weather that is giving me this comfort sleepy mood? If I took a liedown, I bet I could just fall into a session of quality slumber.

No harm giving it a go though.

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The first scene showed 3 of us as childhood friends (myself, WS and Jeremy Lee - lattest being one of the officers in my unit) playing in a neighbourhood which resembled those primitive type of HDB flats.

There was a part that we were escaping and was driving a double decker vehicle. This time, we had to bash through those residential gates which we had earlier passed by by cycling past and going up hill. During the bashthrough, we were all going downhill.

Soon after clearing the gates, the double decker vehicle had disappeared and we decided to run by foot. WS ditched his bicycle and as we ran, I asked why did he do that and he said 'sometimes when we carry something for too long, we have to let it go to be able to continue moving ahead.'. He'll just get a new bicycle when time comes.

Soon after, Jeremy saw his parents and bade us farewell. He showed us which way to go back from his place and when I bade his mum farewell by saying 'auntie byebye', I realised she looked too young (only in her late 30s from appearance) - that moment was like a time-merger: our present seeing the past of his parents.

My direction was towards a building where the first word reads 'Republic''; couldn't make out the rest of the name but it's definitely a place I had seen before. What made it visually prominent was it's futuristic design and appeared to be a gigantic building compared to its surroundings.

Next scene showed some news saying a certain tycoon in Hong Kong, named Lai...had turned into a financial terrorist. There later, a campaign was launched to raise funds in support against his vice activities and on a wall, various thank you signatures could be seen against the different type of gifts according to their value - the most costly gifts had fewer signatures compared to the more economical ones.

I saw myself next in a bus through an old town which had structures like the Gas City in Singapore. We had to clear immigration by scanning our passport - selfhelp which the machines appeared to be like some EZlink card tapping terminal.

Switchscene to a place where this building had various levels I was trying to get out from. At one level, I had disintegrated my voice with my body and there was no way for me to 'retrieve' my voice. Cross-section diagram shows it's about 1 storey down a groove in this building. After some conversation, we merged and a transformation took place. The fusion had turned me into a more powerful being where I had gone on a killing spree of the aliens living in the vicinity.

Soon, I am pursuited and someone came along and brought me to a safe place - I was called 'come along, our Lone Wolf' during the escape (I could see my countenance somewhat like a Cyber-Lone Wolf).

At the safe area, though still hostile as many of the residents are outlaws, I found myself a room where my accomplice had to ensure its form still remain identical to those here; a slight electric buzzing on outer could be seen but soon, it stopped before making way in and having ended conversation with the owner of that place. I followed suit and went into this room.

On the small receptacle beside the door, I placed an identical photo of myself beside a couple of photos standing on frames. This latest photo is the same except that I was on the other side of the frame and leaning in the opposite direction.

The accomplice later disabled the exterior imaging disguise and appeared to be dearie - dressed in matching purple to the room's main colour.

I opened my eyes and realised it is already 741am.

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Wonder who it might be to call at the above number once but later dropped the call.
Been exceptionally rainy this morning with the unexpected storm; the skies could be seen with a huge dark grey cloud that reminded me of the big alienship in ID4's movie poster.

So much so that my feet and pants are densely moistened. This evening calls for maximum dryout of my shoes.

The run must continue this evening. I have been doing my recuperation these couple of days from the distorted hours of slumber, so from today onwards, 'all systems nominal' should echo through the EVA-like voice.
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The CHC financial scandal saga is still ongoing.  Apparently, KH has a legion of loyal followers who still trust in him and he had even made a statement that he "maintains his integrity".

Nothing further to counter since the verdict will be out in 3 weeks' time.

I hope this will be an awakening call to Christians and all those who have followed (or I should use the word, "idolising) him so dearly.
I saw myself in a dark pit where little machines moved, which resembled Wall-E that were the slaves of a mechanical race.  Definitely not the heavy note like Nuclear War in Terminator.

There were a few "worker-mechs" who carried some iron pipes of astronomical design and assembled them.  Soon, they warped into a portal with a blue aura (shaped like a horn), and started dumping the trash through that feeding tray.  The items were sucked in ejected in another outlet.

Marvelous invention.

Next scene showed me holding a pigeon who was trying to walk off the tree.  It appeared easier than usual to grab a pigeon than what I usually see - they would scamper off and eventually fly off it we get too close.

Eyes opened shortly.  It was alreasdy 7:17am.
Just learnt from a friend that he has received some household vouchers in his mail. That was when I realised that I had to go through my mails and no, so far, haven't found that mail. Might take a little time to reach me though.

I happened to chance upon a clearance form that I had signed on my last day with DA. That was more than a year ago. Memories of the place naturally just flutter by like the clouds on a quiet day, bringing good (and the bad) memories.

Oh well. It's just a passing thought. I had been battling off since I had left, on a different ball game but yet, pretty close. Can't say that I am in any way going to affiliate with them anymore workwise.

I have to stay up a little while more so that I can set my clock back to the right hours.

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I woke up in this green-aura filled room which resembled some of the dungeons of Diablo 3 where I saw a girl, short-haired and petite who resembled Miao.  However, on her finger edges were some long and brutal extensions that were fused into her flesh.  It resembled one of those "bio-weapon" projects that I had read from books and seen on some shows, where they fused mechanical parts into human beings to make them the ultimate machine for war.

Those attachments on her finger looked really heavy, and appears to be brutal weapons that were meant only for one purpose:  killing.

Some scene flashed back to show me how her fingers looked during the process of mutation - bandaged up with lots of dressings and later, some snapshots of the attachment process.  They were pretty disturbing.

She could still talk, but it was definitely a painful sight to see how a normal human being could be made into something so terribly unnatural.  In order for her to move around more comfortably, she had to "fold" those attachments and carry them at waist level.

Eyes opened, it was already 7:30am.  What a dark-auraed sight.
One of the most hated moment where I have to make my way back after keeping daerie company for the Sunday evening.

Bad shadows of mainstream are starting to seep in.
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