The previous night's slumber had been deep enough that I could wake up before I hear an alarm. Workout could be the most important factor in providence of an ease and comfort in slumber.

Bus is passing the plot of undeveloped hill jusr behind Bedok Reservoir Park and I caught a glimpse of the sunray through the leaves. That reminded me of being close to nature once again.

I had a good catchup with Vincent's wife; maybe being on the same age and personality thus we click pretty well; and since I've introduced her to dearie, I hope by that way, dearie will start to know more of the female friends I have; so yesterday was mass chatting; 2 on Whatsapp and 3 on Facebook...even busier and more 'operational' than mainstream.

I really seek a certain balance in my hours against mainstream as that's something which should be the case; so I hope I can anchor in soon and have a decent schedule. And definitely, decent time for my photography.

The juggling of multiple hat-wearing has to be timely.
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Survival is coming to a full month closure at mainstream. Challenges come on and off. Being still quite green, things are being picked up along the way.

No sign of Nejichiro when I tried entering the dreamportal last night. That snowy mountain scene is unforgettable.

I'm still thinking how I can be part of the travelling cohoarde who are paid to travel as it is part of their work nature. No doubt being heavily mobile, it's still something more interesting than being deskbound and inline with what I really want to do.
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There was a green metalled building which appeared to look like a factory, which was pretty spacious inside. A scene where I could see some triad members along with their henchmen, that reminded me of a show that Samo Hung starred in as a ring leader.

Within the scene, there was a lady who resembled Elynn, one of the models I had photographed before at events.

Switchscene to a remote place which was in the mountains, some remote tribes could be seen. This scene was 'loaded' from a save slot like those RPG games where you can save your progress.

Battle began. Personal combat between 3 individuals.

Switchscene again, this time back to the mountains in a snowy scene. Elynn spoke to 3 tribe elders while deciphering a message written on some ancient script which is handed down from a generation to another.

She read "To each name that forms a floral motif when placed together, that person shall lead: Nejichiro".

The leaders smiled heartily and told her, that's her name and she shall lead the tribe for the next generation. Nejichiro, is dressed in hides that had the style that represented the black uniform in Asia Auto Salon.
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Another Saturday morning and I'm on my way back to the mainstream. Yesterday was a real late day and I only managed to settle into slumber at 230am this morning after doing the essential with another hat.

I talked too much last night as I should keep the nature of mainstream minimal from my family.

As much as I do and learn in my mainstream, I know very well where my heart lies and will go far. So in I'm trying as much to avail time to pick up fast with my forte and build up from there. So help me God.

Why am I stretching myself like this, is also something which I hope dearie will understand, accept and support. For now, I guess only God understands why, and how this can be achieved.
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That back muscularache is still at large when I change from a sitting to standing posture, persistent discomfort, but no, absolutely no drugs.

I just hope this pain will fade off quickly so life gets on as usual, without any interruption also, for my weights training.

Sitting down at my usual spot after lunch is a good way to recollect occurences that had taken so far for the day. Do I lack something which can make life more exciting, such as having more outdoor activities over the weekend with dearie?

There's still a pretty lot more of places locally that we have yet to explore together, no doubt I have covered many places on my own. It does make a whole lot of differences having my partner to trot this land we live in - 1st locally then internationally. Afterall, not travelling mean a serious regret in life.

Grant me speedy recovery God so I may travel the world you created.
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An unusually uncomfortable muscle strain from yesterday's workout. Hope there aren't any complications underlying.

Walking pace is now a little scaled down as each step I take brings some discomfort in the strained area, however, I'm not taking painkillers as they only mask off the discomfort which wears off after awhile, just like how anesthetics work.

A 3rd Friday has arrived and so far, things has been moving good. Hope I don't have to stay hell late tonight considering it's a Friday. Hope my back will be well by Sunday so I can have a good week the following, which upon completion, marks the 4th week complete at Mainstream.

Just reconnected with an old friend from church whom I could sense the genuinity in friendship. It's sad to know some fellow brothers and sisters in Christ cringe their countenance after learning that I no longer attend church - when only God can judge me, what are these people doing?

Be real and give me, and many others a break.

I guess such perceptions are inevitable, but it's for God to deal with them and not me. Most importantly for me now is, I'm streetwise enough to know what's around me, and better off than many who seemed to only know what's within the church.

Personal observation.
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Shiva had called in me this afternoon so I had to leave earlier than planned.

A vapour trail caught in the sky while awaiting for my Transport home.

It must have been the chill caught in the morning while on the way to the Mainstream Centre. Lots of commuters on this journey back and limited seats in a pathetically designed vehicle.

It's an early night to call as a chill storm is stirring up within.
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Once again I've hit midpoint of the week.

Yesterday was a little liberated in the time after the regular office hours which such EFOs occur a couple of times a week. So it's not like the rate where we have stay late everyday. If that was what it's meant to be, I might as well consider boondocking by setting up my mobile home nearby office.

Wan's back for a vacation but all of us are busy, so not a chance to meet up for a meal. Good thing is that we're constantly in touch.

There's a mixture of feelings when thinking about the long hours spent at office as I also want to avail sufficient time to wearing the other hat, so I hope these long hours do not translate into something habitual, resulting in losing time and business.

Wearing multiple hats is one thing which is inevitable in today's world, so with the available time in a day, let's see how much time we can allocate to wearing each hat.
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Back to the mainstream after a long day yesterday. A journey to the west.

There are mixed feelings when I think about what I dol now in the day. Though it's something different, I still wouldn't place the word 'proud' in what I do there. For the sake of practicability, and a future with dearie, I have to grit my teeth and move on.

Coming to think of the hours, a week could easily put me in there for 59 hours.

For now, I just look forward to finish this day good so my mind can be switched back to what I really like.
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Sitting in front of Juzz1@Parkway Parade after a solo lunch as I had not been included with the others at boss' birthday lunch.

I wouldn't want to think too far as Mdm has given me the reason of non-inclusion. Thinking deeper does not change anything since it's already over. But one thing for sure, it does bring me back to those moments when I spend most of my time at work with very few people around me. Or just those times when I explored the wild with my best buddy, the D300s, only surrounded by nature,

Lunch was late today, but I have a fair bit of time due to the lightning chomping done nearby.

Maybe that's how my mind is programmed; constant thinking without stopping.
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I had just ran through my mails and saw the updates from a group which I've joined back then, in relation to boondocking. That lifestyle was something I decided to adapt when things got pretty tense at home.

While it might be something that I've stepped away from for awhile, it's still a good choice to keep that option open. There are actually many pros of doing that as compared to be under concrete roof and walls.

Anyway, the week is almost coming to an end for me, but for some, they will be able to have full days for over the weekend.

There's a wedding dinner which I will be attending in the evening. Dearie has another one tomorrow. It seemed to be a season of such when we have reached a certain age band.

Let the day just roll...
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I found myself running around the void decks, passing many households where they have their meals at a somewhat windowless hall; those old HDBs of yesteryears.

I had asked someone if I could go and play at the roof top and they told me I could, as long as the flood gates are not open. No doubt this is the rooftop of a HDB block, the place looked like somewhat a huge bowl, with valves sticking out neatly in rows.

Walking to the end of the rooftop, I held a device which allows me to transform it into a flying machine like that of the Tron movie.

Next scene showed me in a newer office, with the environment like that of the mainstream, but with cubicles like that of the call centre. The place looked very neat and arranged, but a single passageway for walking is a little constrained. Later on, I saw a familiar sight - it was Markus, a friend whom I had not seen long except at gatherings after we left the same working place.

The next thing that came to me was a reenactment of what I had gone through at DA; an "outprocessing"; kind of life which reminded me of lonesome lunch and the sort. For that moment, I had felt that it was like a sign that I can't hold on to working for people for a long time. Was it a sign for me to go as a full-fledger shuttermaster?

Back to reality's world. 7am and time to get going to work.

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The week is almost coming to an end. Though I left office early, this doesn't mean I've cleared work faster. It's just that the other things had to be done on another day.

While heading home, I would just reflect how my life had been a month ago as compared to now. Though busy, time has definitely been well-spent.

Hope dearie isn't being tolled by the amount of work that had been passed onto her to date. I have my fair part of lots of work, but it's just a matter of time that things set into place.

Tonight's agenda would be catching up on my weights training before having my own time.
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Woke up after a multiple intervals of slumber when I had dozed off at 2230hrs last night. I came awake at 230, 430 and finally 700hrs.

There were some dreams but they were too vague to be made out.

While the mainstream had taken up a fair bit of time, what must be kept going is time for my photography. Thus I have availed some time after dinner every day to invest in this, that has kept me going for as long as even the late nights when I am already prepared for slumber.

Well, today's somewhat the midpoint of the week. So there, my survival is coming to the 2nd week.

That slumber must have been so deep that I missed dearie's call. I had felt my energy being drained more yesterday, probably due to the burst-mode workout which I had in the morning.
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The PC at home had been down for the 2nd week. The solution is to either 'resurrect' it with a change of faulty parts, or the alternative, an iMac which will also serve as my desktop photolab.

It does feel a little strange to see that big screen buddy who had served me well in the past 3 years or so, now quiet, 'lifeless' since I can no longer power it on.

Hopefully I can resolve this soon.
Woke up this morning with an inertia; the previous nights had been dreamless; probably fatigue has reached a certain level that shuts the dream portal access off from my mind.

A wet-weathered morning which had died off when I left home. Managed to squeeze in a workout completed on 'burst mode', so my 'physical liability' is cleared in a way.

I had not heard from dearie on the phone last night after our brief conversation, as I had been busy with some PP, thereafter, I had the call from Sandman after doing 1 last photo before thr battery on my Macbook ran dry.

Hope things settle in fast at work so I can channel more attention to what I enjoy and am proud of doing.
Back to the mainstream after an eventful Sunday at the CATS Car-nival 2011.

The first week at work has been completed; no doubt I wished the weekend could be longer, it had to be just a matter of time before all things fall into the right place and I can have that. The next objective is to get confirmation at the shortest possible time.

The mind's still very wide open in the world that I enjoy, but this will have to go on a progressive basis till things are pretty on-track in the mainstream.

Hope dearie slept well last night as she had turned in pretty early while I was doing PP.
The bulk of the afternoon had been spent at the car sale fair in Expo. This event takes place every year but this is the first time I'm attending it.

Quite a fair bit of crowd as I was accompanied by Leonard and Lim Poh, and managed to get a pretty fair share of good shots.

The stomach was intentionally left empty for dinner as I wanted to spend the evening with dearie; time had been much shorter since I have photography event, and considering the 5.5 day work week I am on. That, is a give and take as I learn the ropes before moving on in due course.

Dinner, was the famous 933 'Golden Pillow' which was delivered to dearie's home. A huge share which we had not managed to do a full conquest.

Her favourite plush had stayed at my home for a day and now back to her abode; if only I could find an exact make in some stores.
My first week here at my mainstream had been completed and so far, things had been maangeable as I continue to acquire new skills and knowledge. The roles are more 'humane' in a way, so it matches what Wan had shared with me many months back.

Boss had been so gracious to get lunch for me as I had stayed on later on a Saturday to get some work done.

Dearie was away to JB with her cousins in the morning and had returned home pretty early in the mid-afternoon, so we decided to catch Transformers 3 after I visited Artworkfoto in Midlink Plaza.

I didn't find anything I like so decided to drop the idea of getting a light mod.

The movie was even greater than I expected! We thoroughly enjoyed the show but when it was time to collect my car at Fu Lu Shou Centre, it had been locked since 11pm and we had to return via public transport. Retrieval to be done tomorrow early morning before hitting Expo.
The first Friday after a full week of gainful occupance. I had finished work after dark as usual, no remorse as this was something I came for. Long hours, with great learning exposure.

With the schedule I'm on, it'll be a little difficult to arrange for any short gettaways over the weekend, at least for now.

A good week ahead for the next I hope.
Saw myself in a purple robe in a RPG world setting; it was like one of those Chinese RPG where they have amazing background settings.

I moved with a levitated motion and later met Hwa Seng, who also frequented this game. Many players 'logged on' later and I informed them that Hwa Seng has retired from this game and will no longer be logging on. It was like addressing a guild, a group with a common goal in the game.

Later I appeared at a corridor and saw Kevin, whom also wanted to learn how I reached levelling at max (the reason why Hwa Seng stopped playing) and he looks like the usual playful self.

A green grass patch on a quiet evening setting came before me and I showed up in Hwa Seng's home; somehow, his mum talked to me and said he will be going back to the working world soon as she had been concerned with him about stability of income.

It's time to wake up; nearing 7am.
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A scene mixed of Chinese and Greek battlefield came before my eyes; I had fled as a general from a legion of rebels who had followed their corrupted commanders and ran into hiding under a wooden bed, which, strangely had 'windows' to shut the wind out. I deliberately left the doors facing the main street ajar to have some wind in, yet at the same time, divert the attention of enemy troops from detecting human presence somehow.

The hut I was in was unhabitated; with only a simple stove that serves as kitchen, a wooden bed and a simple wooden table.

Another scene shows me moving through a house which has a pool behind, a few kids and dearie and then we moved back to the house where I started shampooing myself with this Bio Homme brand of shampoo; a small tube yet it dispends an amount enough to wash my hair. Prior to this, dearie was busy with the kids whom she had just sent to the showes and I asked if she liked this house while she was taking a break.

Moving on, a scene of mass leaping as I move across the land with creatures like Bomb from the FF series, bull-like creatures and the sort.

Final scene showed a mass of troops on foot and horses, moving back to a square, cemented ground and they were holding a huge, key-like gadget, pointed down, signalling they have surrendered. All troops moved into the 'city' and there was a bearded man who resembled an executioner in the middle of the square ground.

I rejoined my troops on my horse, along with the calvary and back into a building. Battle seemed to have ended.
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This will be a Sunday where I'll not be able to see myself having time at my disposal on a Monday.

Tomorrow is the first day of a Monday. Busy as it may be, but since I'm still settling in, this 'busy-ness' will not apply for the moment.

I should retire early tonight.
I saw a person whom I thought I had never got a chance to meet in life. Zack Arias!

We had a good talk together and I shared with him how I was inspired by his setup through his tutorial video that I had watched many times. He had a really friendly approach and we talked like we were good old friends.

This is definitely something I enjoy doing and hope to see that I'll be doing in the long run.

The 'upfront and personal' with Zack could be longer, but I had to wake up and get back to the real world. It's the real thing, but still not something I desire as my version of reality.
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I certainly had a deep sleep last night and woke up on time. Today's still a working day as company's on a 5.5 work week basis. No matter, since I'm starting out here, so just take it as more time at office allows a greater learning potential.

For now, I have to reduce any activities on Saturdays as the morning part would be spent at work. Hopefully, in the long run, this would not be affecting much of the other part of me - the photography aspect.

I can't remember when was the last time I had a really deep sleep, but yesterday was one of those times where there wasn't any interruption in my slumber.

Now, with the PC's power supply or CPU calling home, I had been thinking if I should be rebuilding a rig during Comex 2011, or just settling for an iMac? I foresee I won't be spending as much time gaming as I did in the past, or not until I have in place many things.

A good 1/2 at work ahead for me later.
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