The morning was awakened by the news that my current TL wlll be moving out of the department in'a quite a shock and yet happy for her as she found a better opportunity. All of us will sure miss her as she's a winner be it both at work or as friends; someone who doesn't put on airs and always approchable.

Looks like the individual session on our work coping she did with us will be the first, and last, that I had mine done a couple of months ago.

The very core news that upsetted the rest of us, was the fact that we will be under my ex TL, whom, was
notorious for his style of evading difficult calls even when we are at the edge and required his intervention. Such, had also been known by people from other teams.

I foresee more hinderance in leave application ans eternal contract position if I should stay on and under him, no chance of advancement. Contingency plan has to be activated.

It was a dampening day especially towards the weekend. My heart cringed at the first mention of his name following the announcement; something which could be felt among those who are affected, let alone imagine the following Monday being effectively under his 'care', or shall I put it as, 'scrutinization'?

Some people who he favours get to go on a full week leave, I foresee that it's impossible to get mine approved on such an extended duration. 2 years under him and nothing benefitted.


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