It had been a beautiful day with Serene while I dropped by her place for revision of my ComGI, while she revise for her prelim later in the day.

Weather had been a little stuffy and the cooling system had been activated…with the TV on, it had been a little more challenging to revise but yet, still able to go through a chapter.

A contingency plan had been made and we went to her aunt’s place in Bedok Reservoir (wielding a 5kg edible green weight along with some apples), as she had prepared lontong and got to meet most of her relatives…they had all been very hospitable and friendly; the build of the apartment brings back so many wonderful memories of childhood days, along which Serene also shares a lot of fond memories while playing with her cousins in the neighbourhood.

An extreme fatigue came over me while doing the 2nd part of revision upon returning from her aunt’s place, and took a couple of rests between....I had left her place around 12+ and the journey home had been pretty heart-warming…it seems that I have gained entry to acceptance at a 2nd level from her parents side; despite the timespan of us getting together since Jan 09.

Feelings of a beautiful Sunday accompanied me as I retired for the night, after Serene had turned really tired on the phone.

I ought to spend more time knowing them…

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