“Need a little time to wake up, wake up” greeted me when I arose from slumber…not much findings in the dreamworld through last night’s slumber.

Comfortly-climated bus brought me to office pretty smoothly without much congestion on the traffic while iphone buzzed with Serene’s smses, to avoid hearing difficulty from the heavy droning of the bus.

Swallowing had turned more comfortable with the slightly-soothed throat from 2 continuous evenings of honey down the throat treatment…all should be okay by end of the week.

Return to battle.
Done with a maimed swallowing due to discomfort in the throat…the pain at the rear of tongue is much better.

The morning had brought me back to slumber even after waking up at 5:30am to the alarm of my iphone, for the regular regime, to a scene which seems familiar yet so old…will need sometime to populate the events in detail.

Return to battle.
The weather had been pretty harsh with the steak-frying temperature on the outside, but upon reaching Sengkang, cool-off has been detected which brought a substantial internal cooling.

I had been a little overdosed from the jargons used for the HI revision, accompanying Serene over the afternoon till evening, before doing a carwash at 20cents water, 30secs with much surplus…it was hastily done which will require further touchup during the week.
3 more hours to the completion of charging of iPhone...

Throat still feeling swollen after waking up to wash up, with discomfort in swallowing process...otherwise it's quite fine. It must be due to the weather that has caused this discomfort.

It's a hot day, and the best option would be to stay indoors in a cool environment, to avoid disrupting the cooling system within myself, coupled with continuous intake of lots of water.
6mins more to completion of 2nd break, getting ready for the last round of battle before the refresher training.

Mind powered up and ready in 4 minutes…is Serene busy? Hope our holiday plans in June will not be tainted in view of the tight schedule in her department…

It’s been awhile since I can get a relaxation from work…looking forward to my leave tomorrow, but will have to clear outstandings so I can BIP (break in peace)…

What has been running in my mind is the DGIRM course which I’ve qualified, after passing my ComGI on 24/03…and also in view of the SIM Diploma in Management Studies, which will be a 2.5 year program
Shutdown in less than 5mins after the conversation with Serene last night…I had been fiddling on Singtelshop to compare the prices of iphone 16GB vs Omnia 16GB which the former is more attractive, with a wider range of plan, only thing is my anti-Apple propaganda which will incline me towards the latter.

Lunch done in less than 15mins; timed at10 mins…even faster than the previous day’s, despite walking at a slower speed, under a blazing sun.

Tomorrow will be my leave after a long time without once, but will have a couple of things to do such as collection of textbooks, getting a swim and doing some workout.

I had seen myself walking in Hazel’s place, seemingly in a dinner with a few colleagues and seeing her son playing in the hall nearby. The setting was somewhat like an evening with a lessened sunshine. Christopher also appeared in the scene and was munching on chips as ususal, wearing the best-matching brown shirt that was used in his departmental photo.

Return to battle.
Just return from a quick nap and had some funny dreams about extension given to private car quotations to allow coverage for armed driver…what a strange dream and could see the option to select in our system.

It was a short rest but had been sufficient to regenerate some of the core mind-energy.

Cloud Strife vs Health Insurance has been confirmed on 17/04 3:55pm at SCI.

Return to battle.
Just completed lunch in 13 minutes flat. The previous evening had been a victorious one after emerging from OAC room at SCI with a pass in ComGI…one more step towards underwriting.

Both Serene and I had a good chat but have decided to put work issues as minor as possible during our time together especially over conversation, as some things can be so silly to the point of non-mentioning would be better…

Next Battle: Cloud Strife vs Health Insurance

This evening will be the battle with emails while planning to leave at 6:30pm after the 1 hour completion. Is Serene busy, and her throat feeling better? Learnt that she had a little throat discomfort on Monday evening.

Plans for a short trip in construction after Serene’s exam, somewhere for a short getaway to relax from the hustles of work.

I’ve been planning to do a remote surveillance to my home while on the move, via IP camera, but need to understand how this Eye of Wonder works on a remote basis.

Return to battle.


4mins more to logging in for the last battle hour after an intensive call with a SOM, which I’ve told Serene about…

Come 8pm is the MCQ battle for my ComGI, 87.5% revision 6th round done, all good to go…
Returning to battle after settling down the heart…first time chatting with Uncle Chia when he entered the pantry while doing my revision…some checks on my vocal clarity
Another rushed lunch which resulted in me returning within 12mins…faster than before with massive quick swallowing of food and battling against the upcoming torrential rain.

Yesterday had been an overdrive with uncountable callbacks and having to end work after 7pm, first time in a long while ever since reduction in late hours after getting together with Serene.

Quite a stuffy time while sitting down to write my thoughts here.

10mins more…more or less armed and ready mentally for tonight’s 3rd attempt of ComGI…somewhat back-pressured at passing it, in view of Serene’s minimal attempts of these papers more than 2 years ago…but I shan’t let it affect me, while staying cool to get it done.

There has been a couple of strange dreams as I had been seeing myself in fellowship with a group of men on military duty but location seems so profound, with weird settings especially the Cremation of Fire City that came through my slumber a couple of weeks ago…

Returning to battle once more…this will be a short week for me.
Nodding off into slumber while running through the 6th round of ComGI revision for tomorrow’s exam has proofed certain fatigue for the day,; it has been a long day since I woke up earlier for the workout, call-ful day with lots of service logs, coupled with another round of revision.

Serene had also been sleepy while she goes through her revision and had returned earlier in view of a minor stomach discomfort…some cause could be the sudden change of weather resulting in non-adoption of our biological engines.

It had been a fruitful revision as I was able to reach Chapter 5/8 of the book in successful completion.

Mind battle with a full day of study...the weather had suddenly turned terribly wet with a drastic torrential rain which made Ang Mo Kio library pretty chilly, but still to my comfort...Serene had been seeking for a tabled-area for revision but such are limited, so we settled down on a couch near the windows...80% concentration..

Dinner was settled at a pretty crowded foodcourt at AMK Hub, parking lots limited in view of wet weather and dinner timing; there was a stall selling durian puffs on a long queue, claiming durian cores used are 100% pure, attracting lots of people to watch the live production phase...we had intended to buy some back but the place was too crowded for waiting. There was a Singtel shop but I didn't go in as there hadn't been many things to see...wow, lots of things to see at this revamped attraction in the core of Ang Mo Kio town.

Back to her place for the charge of the final chapters; 5 - 8 all at one go till I had dozed off on her couch, before making the journey home in the night battle with a 110km/h constant reading on my speedometer.

Short preparation to get ready to sleep before SMSing Serene, that I'll be retiring for the night..it must have been pretty tiring fo that intensive reading session and picking out the answers for questions I've failed to answer during the previous attempt...mind been a little disturbed about what had occured before making my way back.
KopiTalk...it's the first for this month and KG has addressed on the current performances of all our businesses...end note is we're all doing fine!

We had arrive later in view of the back log that had kept us back shortly.  The journey had been pretty fast but the only thing is thing was the dinner could only be ate after the entire session.

Fast forward to our eating session; realised that Jeslyn knows we're both dating!  Also learnt that it has been such a small world as she knows Serene's relatives from her dad's side...I had 4 servings of Bee Hoon with the especially yummy skewed mushrooms in dark sauce...certainly wonderful...accompanied Serene home and spent some time with her before making my way back with her mum's lift home.
Almost time to the ending of the break; had been jokingly “maglinged” by Joyceline and Mandy for the cause of the overcooked food reeking in the pantry just now…caught up with some news about corruption and the action taken by Obama for AIG’s bonus dispute.

Hope Serene’s palms are feeling better…indeed, weather had been pretty erratic as there was a surge of downpour at 3pm, while handling a couple of challenging calls.

Currently a little sad that I won’t be able to see Serene and go back together after the Kopitalk at 6PM after office hours, good in part that I will be spared of the “all eyes on us” session that may come from all colleagues here.

Saturdays are finally spared of the email hours which I’ve done sufficiently in the past; time to give the junior staffs a chance to do it. Weather looks fine now with most of the artificial surfaces dried up, but still to be on the alert that weather might dip later in the evening…

Just hope Serene’s palms will be okay by this evening after seeing the doctor; at least, being able to determine the cause of sudden itch…will get some recovery later during the coach trip to Capital Tower.
Just came back from rush lunch in the mild weathered with a more wetted lunch; swiftly done and ready to deposit my thoughts.

A little disturbed last night when Serene had dozed off a little during the peak of the chat…it had been resolved, just had to keep our communication path clear but being a tired day for us both, it could be a contributing factor for the interior disturbance on my side and Serene’s brought forward slumber.

Hope her palms are not itching with irritation already as it a sign of the drastic climate changes which had been occurring the last few days, with extreme showers or extreme sunshine which makes the road turn into a gigantic hotplate.

Much of the energy has been recovered as I went back for a little slumber after the alarm sounded off at 6:30am; must had been the massive busy-ness at work that spurred a massive reduction in chakara.
2nd break finishing soon…been quite a busy session since after lunch, under a high volume of system toggling and multitasking.

Today will be a later evening with the monthly meeting, hope it will not end too late so that we can complete our work and wrap up the day sooner.

Been thinking about Serene during my break; it has always been wonderful to put my mind on wonderful and pleasant things to ease the tension from work; a healthy practice to make myself feel better and live happier in spite of the many challenges we may face everyday.
I saw myself at a place which resembles my workplace; only difference is the furniture used, resembling blackboard-topped desks during primary school days and my colleagues including Jonathan who is gathering with his fellow lunchmates in preparation for going to lunch; I was sitting facing the casement windows with slip on glass panels and creaky handles, somehow, there was also an Avaya-headsetted phone but no computer for us to log our incidents.

Timeout, time to awaken for workout.
Back from the quicked lunch but had been cruising on Gear 3 today; saw Chor Choo at her regular smoking routine just now on my way to lunch but had no further time to talk to her…but have noticed the darkened countenance ever since that dispute back then which I had been accorded on the sale closure.

Some tea will keep me fuelled like Grade 92 fuel, which will not boost full power, yet at the same time, obtaining optimum performance while sustaining till 3:30PM for the next break.

The company of Serene during our revision had been good, but we need a more conducive environment for revision as the living room at her place had been wonderfully comfortable, but not quite suitable for revision.

Tonight will be the dinner at her place after work, I had better be armed with something to bring up as the other time, had only handed to her mum in her car…menu flipping through my mind while searching for something to bring up to her place…

Left collar gyroscope feels fine without much discomfort compared to the very first time 2 weeks ago prior to treatment, so will continue with workout, Revival Season tomorrow.

Hope Serene had a good rest last night…it had really been wonderful to be the last person talking to her, prior to each of our bedtime…I want to continue being the first person to talk to her in the morning, and the last in the evening before bedtime…
I wanted to slept in a little more but had been awoken since 6am and took a snoozer till I felt some mozzie kisses on my feet; it's 6:24 and time to get up.

Yesterday had been a pretty mind-battling day while doing 4 things at 1 go; the ComGI will have another go on 24th, 3rd attempt which will not be co-sponsored.

Good thing Serene had awoken after unsuccessful contact via the live phone-alarm made to her at 6:50am...in Cloud mode and ready to move off for the day's battle; will be seeing her parents tonight via the invited-dinner...

Climate mode is nominal which lunch hour might bring about the mid-day blaze, setting me on quickened-heating from lunch-lightfoot later in the day.

All armed, ready to move out.
Pretty much has been revised yesterday evening for the 2nd attempt of ComGI this coming 8pm.

I had arrived earlier thus was able to get my refueling done without any waste of time…has Serene been busy over the last couple of hours? Have not heard from her for quite awhile…

It certainly feels good to start working out again, to get those muscles strengthened through rigorous training but will work around the not fully functional left collar gyroscope, another repair session to be done this coming Friday, since I’ll be going to her place on Wed for dinner, cordially invited by her mum….she’s so hospitable  just like Serene herself.

Mind had been thinking about how Serene smile sweetly at me when we did revision together at her place, while enjoying the company on progressive self-improvement.

Returning to battestation.
I saw myself in the middle of the sea after moving out with a floating barrel talking to a guy, and as we swam in the sea, the floating black oil had started staining us and this barrel was meant to be the firestarter for the cremation of the Fire City.

There is an elderly man who was nearby this section we were going to start cremating and I told the guy who accompanied me "what about him?" and he commented not to bother about him and something about him begoning with history.

We move further away from the Starting section and took out a lighter, and started on Section B, which was just a nearby the former. The fire started quickly on the tainted metallic structure of what used to be a greenish city in the heart of Lavender...moving further down, the guy said "look, it's Pulau Sudong" and we could even swim towards it...there is a magnificent structure, which was also fully tainted, of which some mechanism are still moving and even further down, there is a beach, fully low-tided and could see a fire-light illumination at the horizon; many gathered at the low tide were soldiers, all stained in mud and I saw Weichao greeting me and asking if I wanted dinner...soldiers were seated all around the mangrove-mudded ground and dining after an exercise; saw a couple of familiar faces when I was walking towards the portable toilet.

6am, awakening time.
Almost done with break, coming to the end of the day’s battle; so far so good on the chakara, which did not go out of control with disrupted lunch schedule.

I’ve had a pretty good rest, asking God in my mind, to seal off the past which had brought me much misfortune. I have simply returned what was treated before, that I’ve told Serene after dinner, at her aunt’s place in Bedok Reservoir, with no intention to change my mind.

Weather had turned better for the remainder part of the day, with the mission of Pretzel retrieval for my sister who had asked me to get for her over the weekend, which I had not dropped by the IT Show; nothing catchy and I’m storing for my Diploma in Management Studies commencing Jul 09.

Right now, what matters most is to move ahead in life, to treasure each and every moment spent with Serene; the part about meeting her relatives had been a little fast, but still manageable on my part; just that I need to learn to be able to stop being too self-doing for all task as I had in the past, and accept Serene on her personality of wanting to help me within her capacity.

Those study time had been so wonderful to date…tomorrow will be the 2nd attempt for my ComGI, after dinner, tonight with a fast run on the areas that require touch up.

Return to the final round of Monday battle.
Back from the wetted climated lunch hour, and wolfing down the piping hot lunch within 10mins has milestoned the completion of midday.

Log out had been swift so it would be better for me to log in first to avoid logging in late for lunch.

The morning had been filled with a gaudy dream about walking through 5 foot ways and seeing Yunyun, along with a few ex campmates who I’m not able to put a match to the countenance, prior to the 2nd waking up at 6:50am to give Serene a morning call.

Previous night had been mentally challenging as I had to ferry Serene back to her aunt’s place in view that her brother had accidentally brought the car key back without passing it to her parents who were still at their aunt’s place.

Battlestation locked on.
Coming Soon had been a pretty scary movie, which Serene had been pretty disturbed throughout the show...it's the first time I've watched a Thai horror movie on the big screen...this would be the first and last time we watch a horror movie on the big screen together; it's certainly a well-done show.

Mum had cooked a few simple dishes prior to her coming to our place for a short revision session, following the movie...those prawn fritters tasted so yummy compared to what's sold outside; rainy weather with cool wind, bringing about the smell of soil had made the revision session pretty challenging as comfort sets in; a good napping hour coupled with the conducive climate.

I had almost been dozing while reading Chapter 6 of ComGI while at Serene's place, after the movie till I woke up at 2:20AM after snoozing at her couch for awhile...

The sudden ring of the phone had startled me, which broke the stillness of the silent carpark, which I was accompanied only by rattling noise of trolley pushing from a couple who were at the foot of the MSCP.
It's the first time I"m going out with Serene and her cousin, Jessica, to a club, as they're celebrating her cousin Ah Fang's 20th birthday; the place is nicely lit and set, with a band singing on the main stage, following intervals of music and announcement from the DJ of the night; club's name is Dragonfly, which was situated at St James, a couple of minutes' walk away from Vivocity, where we had to do a jaywalk across a vehicle-congested road.

I met Ah Boy, who possessed the same trait as me in terms of personality, which Serene's family had been commenting that I had the same smile as him...he certainly doesn't look his age...it was a little congested but we had fun celebrating with her.

The departure was done at 11:45am and gave Jessica a lift to Tampines, before sending Serene back to her place...I had felt a little unhappy about Jessica's comment but thereafter, passed it on as I didn't want to be on cross with a young girl like her; afterall, comments are free, especially with my engine-braking.

A short skimthrough was done on the SGcarmart website, in search for a WRX...
Just did a quick refuel with chocolate bar from Serene, after a massive shoe drying session…more to come later to avoid Footchill that will cripple the enjoyment of the evening we will be having.

No docking was done during the break to charge the turbo-ed mind, but more importantly is to ensure proper food hygiene.

TGIF…though being a 13/5, I wouldn’t be superstitious to the mishaps that may happen today, but rather, enjoy the evening after work with my beloved Serene…the time we had spent together since Jan had been wondrous, to be able to study together as part of spending quality time, so that our progression can be on the right track.

Dryout has commenced outside, so I won’t have to struggle doing the combat-walk for wet weather, on my already dampened shoes…in view of the erratic weather, it would be best to arm with auxiliary footwear.
A quick rush through the heavy rain and wetting my foot…totally unarmed with WWF (wet weather footwear) resulting in soaked yet-to-salt fish

Almost time to return to battlestation…the mind had been filled with sweet moments of how Serene glance at me, with that beautiful pair of beautiful eyes…weather is a little cold, yet warm in the heart

The question now on my mind is when will I be having a decent-scheduled lunch?
I’ve finally got an hour lunch again…it’s been a long time since I could sit down properly, wait for the food at Pattaya Thai restaurant and chat with Serene and a few colleagues from AIA, who were also working within the vicinity…they’re pretty shocked to hear about my ½ hour lunch which I had somewhat gotten used to…the food had been ingested in less than 10mins as Serene needed to go back to her office nearby as lunch hour is over…in fact, I’ve seen a couple of them before at my side, as their office is just a level above mine.

I’ll drop by later in the evening when time permits, before she finishes work for the day…

This evening will be the E-battle on GEM, as I’ll be clearning a batch of emails during my OT…after the training…I have to finish it quickly so that I can get home early, and have more time apart from work.

Serene’s dressed in a beautifully-themed pink top and khaki pants, and it’s so nice to be able to see her during the lunch hour…was hoping I could spend the entire lunch hour but I guess the differences in schedule had disallowed that…no matter…the half hour had been pretty fair enough for us to spend together.

Hot sun, yet not a tormenting session due to the duration of lunch break…something which I’ve always looked forward to, on a daily basis.

The left-collar gyroscope had been much better after the 2nd round of visit to the physician, but I did not bring the Chinese medicine to work later though a retrieval trip was done; a short doze was detected and I had awoken in time, 200m in front of the destination…it was an unusually sleepy morning which Serene had shared too, despite having adequate rest the night before after our phone conversation.

Right now, to look forward to the ending of the day to commence the EIP (Email In Peace) section.
My design of the email broadcast seemed to be overbowled, and feeling a little disturbed about it…recognition of each of these contributions could determine the pace of conversion…

No matter, it could be in view of the multi-tasking that I’m not able to produce a really loud, yet captivating one like the superceded version…I just have to move my creative turbine faster to get something out in a shorter period of time.

Serene had asked me if I used to love my ex a lot, the answer is positive but it doesn’t matter anymore, considering all the unhappiness tolerated over the years, cumulative to a Bio-Chamber Explosion. That explains the reason for me to be just myself – Cloud Strife with Mako eyes…and now with my truly beloved Tifa-Serene Lockhart…

Markus has suggested to me about doing the Advent Children style for my wedding after catching the stopper from Melphis’s champaign opening last Sunday…it could be a sign that I’m the next to Wed…Joyceline had playfully shook my hand with pre-congratulation…

Quick rush to dispose of emotional residue before commencing Battlestation operations.
Just rushed back from quick lunching-in under a cloudy yet heaty day, probably generated by the enhanced speedwalking and bio-refuelling.
I had wandered off to dreamtalk about handing over sushi samples when talking to Serene, sleep-ready posture and quickly sat up to continue the conversation till 12:30pm, before we retired for the night.

Serene’s mum had been really hospitable and learnt about her “homemade” jam and the freshly brewed Ribena after having their home-cooked dinner at home…

I had enjoyed the company very much and learnt about her mum’s residence at Tekong Island before the transformation to an SAF training ground, that I had never seen before; only heard from my mum when it was inhabited like Ubin prior to that Military Transformation.

Oops…sushis Serene bought are not ingested yet…hope she brought some to work so that it’ll be fresh…
The fire has simmered with the thought of Serene, after short break with some dreams about seeing myself with Serene in a place which is so peaceful...the place is so softly-sunlit and saw Serene dressed in a white flowy dress, on a beach which is so snowy white and peaceful…just like a scene where a couple enjoy each other’s company on the beach…

A sudden reminder sent me back to reality; almost time to get back to work.


Just had a rushed packed lunch, and the morning scene flashed through my mind about a feedback from caller…resulting in late 2nd log in…almost trashed the phone with the One Mighty Fist.

What has dawned in my mind was on the issue about sales dispute which I’ve highlighted to Eric…shall wait for an outcome after their discussion. As I was racing for my lunch, near explosion was detected when all these occurrences came to me at one go…I had to write it out to ensure they are passed to the correct channel…main concern is will my perm conversion be crippled by all these events?

I have no more time to waste as I’m already far behind many of my peers…especially in financial status…
A gigantic spike ball filled the rest of the stomach after the dinner...it was the Abominable Durian! Beautifully-bitter flavoured and smooth to the throat, that fruit simply brings a pleasure to the taste; Mum was teasing me for scolding people when I was offered durian during my toddling days; simply amusing just at the thought of it...

The wolfing was completed within less than an hour on constant velocity.
It had been a beautiful day with Serene while I dropped by her place for revision of my ComGI, while she revise for her prelim later in the day.

Weather had been a little stuffy and the cooling system had been activated…with the TV on, it had been a little more challenging to revise but yet, still able to go through a chapter.

A contingency plan had been made and we went to her aunt’s place in Bedok Reservoir (wielding a 5kg edible green weight along with some apples), as she had prepared lontong and got to meet most of her relatives…they had all been very hospitable and friendly; the build of the apartment brings back so many wonderful memories of childhood days, along which Serene also shares a lot of fond memories while playing with her cousins in the neighbourhood.

An extreme fatigue came over me while doing the 2nd part of revision upon returning from her aunt’s place, and took a couple of rests between....I had left her place around 12+ and the journey home had been pretty heart-warming…it seems that I have gained entry to acceptance at a 2nd level from her parents side; despite the timespan of us getting together since Jan 09.

Feelings of a beautiful Sunday accompanied me as I retired for the night, after Serene had turned really tired on the phone.

I ought to spend more time knowing them…
4,708 per year; sounds pretty good for a direct admission to degree, under the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance with SIM...also in view that Serene & I can study together.

She'll be getting her degree before hitting 30; thus, it's time for me to start soonest possible. There are a few other courses but being industrial-specialised, much more costlier compared to this direct entry to degree course.

Another factor about gaining more knowledge is also for myself; to be better equipped so that I can cope with more challenging matters that require a certain level of knowledge.

Serene's tired from revision and now taking a break while I skim through the various courses available from SIM...it's my goal to gain my degree before 35, thus it's time to commence the advancement of further knowledge...
OH no...

I had created a self-blunder after Serene spotted the date for the SIM Open House...it's supposed to be on 13 - 14 Mar 09~

No matter; we'll stay here for a couple of hours while she does her revision; it had been a good time of company while I get an insight of how things go at her workplace; it surely is tough for one person to be handling all the hybrid-responsibilities at one go; only a high-capacity multi-tasker can fulfill it efficiently.

Tay Eng Soon Library look s pretty conducive for revision; a good place for me to soak myself in revision when commencing studies...studying together with Serene will make the learning process more fun, while keeping each other company and growing our relationship...

A certain level of uncertaintity lies about how her parents would perceive me as, in consideration of the luminous hair colour I possess, but yet having a "harmless" interior...

Shhh...DND mode...Serene's revising~
For the first time, I have seen the Donovan at Serene's office while I keep her company during her backlog, an insight of how producers feel when they're out in the melee battlezone with difficult customers.

Even as I'm writing now, thoughts are running for the solution to resolve Serene's issue...

Finally done with the carpark issue, which Pica can be stationed at a minimal exposure to air raid...first time ever parking these few days.

Aircon's turning a little cold now, after Donovan has left...almost time for lunch

Passing thought while the banjo strms in the background while I keep Serene company...what I had gained through experience from the call centre had not gone in vain while I used the gained knowledge to help her.

The overwhelmed days had been over while I was charging on emails while manning an overloaded list of task...this has to be the proper balance in life.

A visit to SIM will be done later for the open house to see how I can seek a direct admission to the university, with my full certification; something I need to use before it fades into history despite retaining some core skills that I've learnt from the school.

Tomorrow will be Melphis' ROM luncheon, which I will be attending during the lunch hour at Furama...wonder how things go and still puzzled on the reason why he has selected me to be his witness...that recalls me back to the Fellowship of the Five at my workplace, of which, we have not had a good gathering time for a long time.

Sometimes, just having the company of each other can prove wonderful...just like what I was talking to Eric last evening while giving him a lift to Aljunied MRT station...the fellowship dinner we had yesterday sure proved wonderful despite the small group we had, another level to strengthen the bond betweeen all.

Thoughts deposition will end here, momentarily.
Multi-coated days greeted me from the first sight of light from the sun...the smell of soil came around while I was viewing some old photos from the old BB days in Pheng Leong's profile via Facebook; they certainly bring back many wonderful memories of those pioneering days with canoeing, camping and fellowshipping with many young boys.

Guess Serene's still in Lalaland at this hour; I had rested pretty early last night; it must be the relaxing effect of liquified Tiger which we had after dinner at Old Airport Road.

Multi-coating morning came to a halt on rain after an approximation of 30mins, revealing a beautiful combination of paled grey coupled with an orangy band of glow.

Almost time to move out.
Another spell of ALS as I’m still on caffine-bar, sustaining conscious with my base chakara.

Mum had asked me about Serene’s dialect group and had appeared quite surprise after learning about her age, which can be deceiving in view of her height.
It had been quite a smooth transition during lunch…had pre-picked dishes just before my turn and got to sit at a shady spot, away from the fiery heat of the sun.

Car is safe from the donation slip from HDB, so will need to find an alternative carpark since all else fails online.

Hope things do not choke up at Serene’s place, as she works alone on most parts of the day except for the AM who sometimes will be on hi seat just beside her table.

Disengagement from emotional deposition mode, return to battle mode.
Great slumber blanketed over me after the phone conversation with Serene upon returning home, from a cold night of wind, damaged shield and wrapped smartly under cufflinked shirt.

Her mum had missed the date, so we had an alternative program to eat at TM’s Yoshinoya, but in view of the time we knocked off (thanks to a few complicated emails on my side), we did not have time to see if there are any nice nos to bid at Singtel shop.

The journey home had been pretty peaceful, except for having to put up with a battered shield and discarding at the end of Home Run.

Time to make some plans for a short overseas trip so we can relax our mind for a recomposition for work.
7mins more to returning to battlestation; the eyeshut was about 10mins but had proved somewhat sufficient to recharge the turbo back to Bar 5.0.

Mind was at Lala Gate when I heard Shirley’s mewing while awaiting for Clein for her work review in the conference room just nearby.

I had to get the emails done up quickly later so that I can quickly clear my backlog, so as to be able to get ready to go over to Serene’s place after work, for an invited dinner with her family…it had been really nice to be able to see her parents yesterday…
2nd day of workout commencement after a heavy awakening...the previous night had a mindful of BOVs from the WRXs minds...it seems like a desire to entry the road conquering session.

Serene had gone to rest earlier as I had to find a solution to resolve the "full season parking lots" issue, which had been a little uncomfortable in the mind, just having to think that I have to park my car at a place not within close proximity of parking. It's happening for the first time, and according to Serene, the people are better off...could that be true that Tampines is a flourishing town, of which one of the lots will be parked with my WRX?

It's almost time for me to get ready to make my way to office, tagged with the worry about season parking...
Just about time to log in for the last hour of battle in a wet-drabbed day, wetted roads, tress and splashes from puddles from cars zooming across the wetted, hard tar.

There’s so much on my mind, dreams fleeted across which are still scattered in mindspace.

Ready to battle.
Just returned from a 15-minute eyeshut, which some mental energy are regained…

The result of the decoration has been superb, as it stands out among the black background...will need to stay back awhile after work today, for the grand opening ceremony.

NATAs has been a long, wonderful yet tiring in some ways; finally I’ve got the chance to talk to Veron in person, but had been quite surprised to know that she has left the company quite sometime back.

I’ve done some research on short getaways to Malaysia so the trip with the call centre guys in May will be proof useful, as to where Serene and I can go after her exams.
I had been silent about talking about Serene lately due to the hustles over the 12-hour / day endurance work at NATAS, which had ended pretty early on the last day, after bringing a gigantic red balloon back home from Expo…I had wanted to pass it to Serene but it had been a little cumbersome and the fatigue had not entered till I reach home; a heaviness over me as I had been on feet for more than 10 hours each day, over the weekend.

Serene sounded a little unwell from her tummy, and had to stay up a little later for her revision, in view of her papers on the following day…I could sense the anxiety building up in her, especially so when there’s a desire to do well in the exams…stress can be useful in such situations where it pushes the urge for effectiveness with maximum attention on positive grounds…

Moo Moo cushion accompanies me home!

1 ton detected on eyelids while chatting at the gate of dreamland, it’s time to rest for the evening for the next day of battle ahead.