I had a date with dearie at this old cinema which looks like the management had bought over an old building where they have converted it into an entertainment hub.

The settings was like one of those schools that was active during the 60s but now, new life had been breathed into the place while some of the original things have beeen retained; such as colour of the building, gates, etc.

We were catching a show and this place was somewhere in Singapore (reminded me of the old Temasek Secondary School building) and I had forgotten to change my MYR back to SGD. Dearie quickly took out some SGD to foot the tickets and I made up by buying snacks and drinks later.

At the food and drink stall (it looked like those school canteen with the sleek tables, bare minimal counters), we got what we needed and since we're still quite early, we decided to sit down to eat before going in. A guy who seemingly was trying to be funny by knocking into me had his bun crushed by me and dunked into his bowl of water where hard boiled eggs are cooked before we left the scene.

Next scene flashed showing me rushing to the theatre gates where there were CISCO officers checking on tickets for patrons. Looks a little unusual. When I reached the theatre, I went in straight to look for the seat and dearie came in soon later. Our seats were "sP2 & sP3" which I found were the 3rd and 4th seat on the cente block. The strange thing about this theatre is that the movies are screened on 2 separate screens. When I first entered the theatre, I thought it was displaced as I could see the lit lamp of the projector. This is actually bounced off for patrons to watch on the opposite screen.

Somehow or the other, the show ended abruptly and we left. No one seemed to have complained.

Next scene showed us in another eatery within the building; saw some olden days hawkers serving coffee, frying fritters in a large wok. While waiting for our food, I saw a signboard above the doorway that was printed using some really old lettering, and some photos where students were dressed in very simple school attire - guys with slicked back hair and bespectacleds were all in the black-rimmed plastic frame glasses.

Soon, we exited the building and there was a scene of this guy whom I had crunched his bun earlier negotiating with another guy to exchange battery water with petrol (resembling a drug trade) so that he could leave the premises.

I opened my eyes. 6am. What an unusual deep dream.

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