The recent news about the founder of CHC has to be what news reporters have claimed as 'the largest church scandal' where $23mil have been misappropriated.

The fact that there is a need for CAD to be involved certainly speaks well enough about a person's cleanliness on the bill of health. I envy those loyal followers who have even been present at the courtgrounds to give him moral support on his court orders this morning. But think, is it all worthwhile to be so faithful to a leader who had already shown negative signs? Who are these people worshipping?

I personally have otherwise opinions about CHC but this is nothing compared to the opinion I perceive now for the founder.

It has become also a coffeeshop topic where I have overheard people discussing their questions on why can he have so much funds at his disposal?

In my opinion, a person who deems oneself as a spiritual ambassador should not be adorned with the luxurious materials of this world. Afterall, their mission is not of such purpose. If it is a commercial businessperson, I think that would be fine otherwise, as long as their bills are clean.

This case will be reheard in court soon and let's all see what is the final verdict.

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Seems like the workout had been a little overdriven as I had only done a set at 1/2 load last night at a later hour. Could it be a rest that was not properly completed?

The alarm clock had been set to 5am in attempt to move out for another twilight shoot, but it seemed that the energy spent at battle box yesterday was a little more than usual, though there isn't much disturbance from Queen.

Another mid day break where I can 'break away' from her presence and disturbance and here's my hour of peace.

Probably I have to do a run tonight to wicker off those toxics inside tonight - acculumated from the 'battlebox radiation' that usually reaches a high level on Mondays.

The end of the month is coming soon and so is the approach of Year One. Let's see what 'pleasant announcement' does King have to share with us tomorrow.

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A collegue had just shared with us her unpleasant experience after visiting a church her friend attends, to give support as he underwent his baptism.

She mentioned unfriendliness of the church where ushers would insist a seat was reserved and not 'meant for first-timers', and when this seat was reserved by her by marking it with personal possessions, they would take this item off that seat and glare at the placer.

This resulted in one of her friend having to stand up throughout the entire service, while that reserved seat continued it's 'reservation to emptiness'.

She had also met a pastor whom she self-introduced about where she is from in concern about business dealings but this pastor didn't seem the least interested and left the conversation abruptly.

Another incident was an attendee took the bulletin she picked up from the floor and threw it back, citing that since the church has employed cleaners, 'let them do it'.

She had also witnessed an elderly lady being baptised and forced into dipping several times, with the pastor abruptly sprinkling her after they realised this lady is terrified.

She wrapped up by saying that it saddens her that such things are happening in a church where it is a place where believers should be friendly and helpful. If not in support of her friend, she would never step into that place.

Such an incident brings me back to those ficticiousium I had personally experienced in church many years back. It was after considerable observation that these people were only concerned about my attendance for church activities where higher activity count deems a person 'holier'.

So now, what about those 'short-fused' cases where they try finding trouble despite my collegues at mainstream had explained on a proper way to query some matters? As an observer, it seemed that these people working in churches are left to stray, without having proper guidance on grooming their personality.

I am glad I made the right choice as a One-Winged Angel.

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It's one of those Mondays where I do not feel a whiff of sleepiness after lunch - probably due to the deep rest at a place where I've always called it a Shelter for the Battled Self.

Temperature has been climbing up. That spells positive for me to be outdoors catching some sun and getting myself more physically fit. Unfortunately here I am, having the 2nd part of battlebox to sustain myself for the next 3.5 hours.

Flames of last Saturday are still left burning. I can't say much but I guess the decision is quite clear.

This coming Saturday will mark the end of the 3 continuous weeks where I had to waste time going to battlebox which could be at elsewhere doing something more productive.

I look forward to ending this Year One well. Nothing positive on better remuneration from King and Queen.

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I met a few of the old BB boys in my company when I was walking through this old street of what appears to be the architecture of  Balestier surrounding me.  To date, this place has been pretty in the same shape except for some new developments, repainting of some old structures and the like.

First 5-foot way, a pale yellow building with old metal grilles was the place where I had bumped into Gary Ow, one of the prominent NCOs during our ECA times.  He was with his son, now a toddler - a scene of his recent photo posted in Facebook was showing that it was like a recollection of that scene of him playing with his son.  We exchanged a few conversations while he still bore his friendly persona.

Crossing to a junction, I met Songjie, an old time friend whom I had known way back to 1993.  He was trying to do some filming of the street junction - seemingly on assignment and fiddling with his video cam - all at a low, yet wide angle where the entire junction could be captured.  I noticed him and gave him some help to start up the camera - the buttons were all aligned in a sleek manner just above the liveview screen on a protruding panel below the optical viewfinder.  While doing this, I shared with him about Canon 5DMKII where it had the capability to capture videos in a decent frame pace which is fast replacing full-fledged video cams in the film industry.  It seemed that the camera he was using is a Canon, but upon closer examination, it's a Sony, and sporting an unknown make which I had never seen / heard / read about.  The structure was somewhat like a H4D where the body looks rather boxy with a solid-built, turrent-like lens.

After getting up and moving on, I had somewhat opened my eyes, and realised that it's already 5:41am.  I must have dozed off so unknowingly in the comfortable temperature.

I entered this white-glazed marble building which carried a majestic aura.  It was situated on some hilly area where serenity of the place surrounded me.

In this place, I met someone whom I enjoyed seeing in action in TV: Rui En, a local celebrity where she had been known to be a quieter person in reality.  It did not look like some filming event, but somehow, I had wandered into this place and found her also wandering here.

I greeted her casually and later realised that she was friendlier than usual after a series of short conversations.  In person, she carries a more friendly persona than what most people see on screen as she brings sparkles in between conversations with her signature smile.

Seems like an unusual meeting I had with Rui En at this place where I cannot find a match for its name.

Soon, the clock struck 8am.  I had awoken to a dream.
An extremely disturbing Saturday where Queen had kicked up a big fuss on some matters which I had been handling with proper control from the start.  From her and King's point, they feel that cases are dragging too long.  As usual, they always find the fault lying with staff who mean well to sustain their business.  That shows one propaganda they carry:  Perfect bosses, perfect clients and imperfect staffs.

We struggle hard, harder to tolerate their nonsense.  Once again, they chose to discuss things at the 11th hour, resulting in quandering off 45mins of my time when I had to rush off for another event.

Totally peeved.

Fortunately, I had strategised things in plan otherwise she would be starting to flip papers and eating off more of my time.
I had a date with dearie at this old cinema which looks like the management had bought over an old building where they have converted it into an entertainment hub.

The settings was like one of those schools that was active during the 60s but now, new life had been breathed into the place while some of the original things have beeen retained; such as colour of the building, gates, etc.

We were catching a show and this place was somewhere in Singapore (reminded me of the old Temasek Secondary School building) and I had forgotten to change my MYR back to SGD. Dearie quickly took out some SGD to foot the tickets and I made up by buying snacks and drinks later.

At the food and drink stall (it looked like those school canteen with the sleek tables, bare minimal counters), we got what we needed and since we're still quite early, we decided to sit down to eat before going in. A guy who seemingly was trying to be funny by knocking into me had his bun crushed by me and dunked into his bowl of water where hard boiled eggs are cooked before we left the scene.

Next scene flashed showing me rushing to the theatre gates where there were CISCO officers checking on tickets for patrons. Looks a little unusual. When I reached the theatre, I went in straight to look for the seat and dearie came in soon later. Our seats were "sP2 & sP3" which I found were the 3rd and 4th seat on the cente block. The strange thing about this theatre is that the movies are screened on 2 separate screens. When I first entered the theatre, I thought it was displaced as I could see the lit lamp of the projector. This is actually bounced off for patrons to watch on the opposite screen.

Somehow or the other, the show ended abruptly and we left. No one seemed to have complained.

Next scene showed us in another eatery within the building; saw some olden days hawkers serving coffee, frying fritters in a large wok. While waiting for our food, I saw a signboard above the doorway that was printed using some really old lettering, and some photos where students were dressed in very simple school attire - guys with slicked back hair and bespectacleds were all in the black-rimmed plastic frame glasses.

Soon, we exited the building and there was a scene of this guy whom I had crunched his bun earlier negotiating with another guy to exchange battery water with petrol (resembling a drug trade) so that he could leave the premises.

I opened my eyes. 6am. What an unusual deep dream.

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A quick recharge done after lunch so that I can sustain myself for the remaining 3.5hours.

I had a little too full a dinner last night and could only turn into slumber at 2am. Nevertheless, I still woke up in time for coming to battlebox.

It has been a week of late slumber where hitting the slumber gates had not gone earlier than 1am. This evening might be the best time to do such a recovery. Though I bear an unusual level of energy, occasional 'battery cycling' is still needed.

The next round of battle commences soon.

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Another lunch done and the week is coming to a closure in less than 72 hours. I have another week where I have to waste the Saturday in mainstream as I can be spending it more productively elsewhere.

I've been spared from the searing weather this afternoon as a welcoming gust of cool wind spells a sign of wet weather in the afternoon to early evening. If it continues to run as a wet weather, no matter since it's been awhile since I did a rain battle.

Wrong place to be here today too; there's CommunicAsia 2012 where I could not sign up to attend as I had to get stuck in this battlebox.

Looking forward to hit the roads later in 3.5 hrs.

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5 minutes to worm hole closure and soon, I have to return to battlebox. I nearly dozed off on the bench while seated upright and penning this. Could it be due to the extreme heat followed by massive cooldown after entering the air-conditioned mall?

The midweek sure arrived with 3/4 of the month done. Just another week and Year 1 would be marked done.

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I came across this middle-aged lady who showed me her discharge summary from CGH and that she needed financial assistance for her daily living. After I gave her a little attention by suggesting that she goes to her Medical Social Worker, she brushed it off and told me that the MSW doesn't help in such matters.

Something that I've heard for the first time. If the MSW is unable to help, at least he/she should have given her some reference on where she can seek help for her daily living expenses.

When she started brushing it off repeatedly, that is where I smelt a rat. In short, she's simply begging on the aspect of gaining sympathy from people around her while 'showcasing' her discharge summary.

The question is whether that document even belongs to her, or did she pick this up from some dustbin (validity of document)? And why is she still so tidily-dressed and moving around at late hours of the night?

I've highlighted this in some of the leading scam awareness sites just to alert everyone that such a person is lurking around.

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Just read on Temasek Review that someone had commented the younger local generation as being 'strawberries' which had attracted quite a number of critics. Some responses didn't come friendly.

This post seemed to be from a person who has hired students on temp jobs. To a temp, their mindset is to earn some extra pocket money and responsibility factor will not kick in. Afterall, they're not staying for long.

Being 'strawberries' is sadly another thing which many youngsters have been 'pruned' by their parents who gave them whatever best they could, making their lives so comfortable that they have forgotten that once they start working, it's the beginning of independence.

The generation of hardship are seemingly fading off.

One thing that might apply along this line is about working late - still my personal conviction that late hours does not mean productivity unless the employer is ready to pay extra for overtime hours.

The frugal king and queen is a set of a good example. Coming in at a much later hour and expecting people to stay late to 'match' their hours.

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Some fuelling done up before the run as I foresee that I will be doing a full scale this time.

No doubt this has been done, fuel ran out at the 18th km hence I have to cut my pace and double along with short sprints and slow runs.

I made it at a faster pace this time.
Seems like the slumber last night was really deep as I had awoken, still feeling a little not on full recovery as I had been on 'continuous working mode' last evening since I had dinner.

I must have got so busy that I didn't realise the drop in my writing frequency here; as what a friend had reminded me. So here's the 'resumption phase' commencing.

Looks like these few weekends will be packed as activities fill up the openings. Nevertheless, I still try to keep this balance in place as I do not want dearie to be neglected.

Today's weather seemed to have taken some thermal dip; so most of us walking out are spared from tears of the sun.

Moving back to battlebox. The freeedom hours are closing.

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After an eventful Sunday, the climate had shown no signs of descending the temperature; the best solution is to get back to a cooler environment after shielding myself during the journey there.

The morning had been awoken with a drag as I've only managed to enter slumber at a later hour after settling down. That was after a 'temporal power down' mode when I found myself having fell asleep while taking a lie-down.

So far had not seen anything causing unnecessary disturbance in the morning but definitely, this wouldn't be the place I want to be at. Just anticipating what excuses would I be shoved off with when I put in my leave application in accordance to their 'house rules'.

The mind is still very much left behind in yesterday's event where I had truly made the time all worthwhile despite having to stay under the grim weather.

Another 15mins and this peaceful moment will be over.

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Had spent the entire Sunday morning getting ourselves baked under the sun for a morning shoot that was organised by one of the photography group that seemed prominent in the local motorsports arena.

One of those rare occasions and it certainly was a good opportunity we had.

I had some time to run through these pictures and thereafter, clearing out PP before meeting dearie and her cousin for dinner when they were done with their hairdo. Looking at the time, the salon sure must have good business and the results were good.

The place where they had their hair done had changed so much in the surroundings; a flatland carpark had been transformed into a multi-storey carpark to accomodate for more parking space, vertically.

A well-spent Sunday and soon, I had to make my way home to enter mainstream again tomorrow.

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I got this number; presumably from unit which I think there is no need to converse with them on the phone with regards to the issue I am dealing with them on.
Another cookery-qualified temperature which I had experienced during the lunch hour and here I am, getting some proper cool down in the mall.

I had a value-added evening yesterday.

Just over the span of the lunch break, I have been approached by 2 volunteers seeking fund donations from Operation Mobilisation which is a charity organisation situated somewhere in Punggol. Would still abstain from these people in view of the number of arising scams going around Singapore.

Just a few days ago, a friend had set up a FB page to create awareness of such dupes going on around. This definitely will help raise public awareness and take precaution against these traps.

Seems like the 'plunge to deceit' has become the next alternative of survival in this ever costly society. Hopefully the authorities are clamping down on these people.

I have a little more time before rehitting battlebox. Another daily 'prayer' is not to have anymore 'frenzied shrine buffs' which yield unnecessary waste of time and energy.

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It was a venture back into some village where I could see some wooden-boarded houses.

I entered one of these houses where I saw one of my ex comrades in course, who was running a shop here. His shop is covered by using wooden boards instead of metal grills; those plank by plank style that was used in the early days.

His name is Chun Yan whom I had bumped into a few times when I was at Bedok North Blk 85 food centre. I saw him talking with a few of the coursemates I had seen, though not close, and later on he gave me a durian to bring back. Though that wasn't my intent of visiting him, it was very kind of him to give that to me.

After some casual chats, I thanked him and left the place, bidding all 3 of them farewell as I made my way out of the place.

An unexpected yet pleasant surprise which the starting place that lead to this wooden built-up shophouse was from the corner of this old town that I had seen some time back. Greenish painted walls, with tungsten bulbs providing minimal lighting, that was perched above the ground like those warehouses in some of the army camps I had been to during my tour of duty.

When I opened my eyes at 650am, that was where I realised I had fallen asleep while laying on the bed last night.
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1/2 and hour more to return to battlebox. Had already learnt of the storm that comes up when queen got panicky last night at the late hours. Those hours are outside my purview.

I foresee that this afternoon will be full of storms since she has already hinted to a partner that she works 'till very very late' - a catastrophic sign for many but considering that she usually comes in only during or after the lunch hour, it's her own clock and she should make others stay as late as her.

As far as I have done my part within the official hours, it's all that is needed.

The mind is a little sleepy now; probably the hyperised digestion is in place again since I had done a full workout this morning.

Come evening, will be the run battle at my usual place.

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A weekend has just gone like the wind. It certainly makes a difference without dearie's presence around me when she went for a weekend trip with a friend.

Weather's climbing in on the wet season this afternoon; glad I made it back in time as cloud patterns in the sky doesn't look positive. Should the rain be thorough this afternoon, I foresee that I will have a cooling evening to do my run training later. Afterall, it has been 3 weeks since I resumed that run after clearing IPPT.

Nothing much this morning which my senses tell me that there will be an upcoming audio storm later as the usual saying goes 'calamity before a storm'. It should disrupt my training program this evening.

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I wasn't quite well-prepared 'apparelly' but anyhow, I still made it for my run. 10km done under an hour. It could be faster if I had worn my socks!

A good 3 weeks had just passed so quickly and it's time to pile up my Runkeeper with running records. It has been 2 months since I did a full half marathon run which I had participated officially 11 years ago. The timing back then as compared to now is still intact.

I had better be adequately prepared for my training next week.

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Someone once told us 'don't reinvent the wheel' but over here, is a classic example of dismantling the wheel to bits and reconstructing atom to atom, molecule to molecule.

The earlier part of the day had vast time to go through, but these 2 would rather spend time sucking up to a foreigner for many hours and then taking the last minute to do the important things.

Whole matter is in close tabs but old king is lost ad if he was suffering from concussion. So there goes, another hour of my precious time squandered away for nothing.

It's coming to a year and my patience is wearing thin. Soon, it'll look like a slice of shabu-shabu where every bit of 'unnecessary repetition' will cause irritation, just like skin stripped of its collegen..

Time to get back and make good use of my lost time.

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