Decided to lie down before the clock ticks 12 after aborting the 'pre-slumber run' which shall be set at the current benchmark of 18km. Guess I'll do it tomorrow instead.

Laying with ding bear by my side, his smell reminded me of dearie who is so far away. It's really a quiet night which my time had been really short after leaving Mainstream battlebox and seeing only a few hours at home after dinner (already 8pm when I got back. Man.).

Fortunately, dearie will be back tomorrow evening, and once again, my evenings will be filled with the chirping of her sweet voice, presence and having her close to me.

I'm not an emotion-driven person but I do have the softer side which is expressed here. The challenges in life had made me a much tougher person over the years which is good, as it allows me not to be a pushover.

Guess it's time for night retirement. Shall be up and running in a few hour's time.

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