Temperature check:  estimation at 21 degrees but it's still much better than staying out in the sun.

A breaktime before a last run of the workshop; certainly very interesting for a 2 day compressed into one session...much has been learnt about my influential style as follow:

Influence Questionnaire results for: Melvin


Persuading is a push style. You tend to use proposals and/or reasons to influence other people. This style encourages others to think, analyze, and join in rational dialogue. It brings facts to the foreground and encourages thoughtful consideration of this information. Persuading has a positive impact both during and after the influence attempt. By using logic, you set a tone and create a climate for rational treatment of the problem at hand. Persuading supports the systematic and logical implementation of next steps after the influence attempt.


Attracting is a pull style. You tend to find alignment and build a vision to influence other people. This style energizes and motivates people to achieve mutual goals. When people identify with you, they are likely to rouse themselves and align their energy with yours. When they are able to envision success, their energy increases. They discover that what they cannot do alone, they can do together. Attracting has a positive impact both during and after the influence attempt. It establishes a climate of optimism that supports the pursuit of long-term objectives. The details of implementation become less important than the drive to resolve them.

•クラドーの iPhone•

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