The weather looks merciful outside, but myself will still be succumbed
to the Crescendo Thermal Walk as I've found a direct path to school
should training end early.

Thinking of Serene now...wonder if she will also be packed with work,
considering it as a Monday?

Nothing further for now. Over and Out.

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Another Ferrari slipping by just outside Wilki Edge!

This time it's a red-bodied armed with loud mufflers.

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Nice number combi for a yellow Ferrari F430 driven by a middle-aged
Chinese has been spotted near Midlink Plaza just behind Illuma.

That's 3 supercars spotted in a day.


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A white Porsche Carrera spotting turning towards Canning Tunnel,
zipping past SMU, followed by a midnight-matted Nissan GTR moving out
from the freshly-green turned traffic light.

Accompanying its roar, a tunnel battle has been sensed.

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Temperature check:  estimation at 21 degrees but it's still much better than staying out in the sun.

A breaktime before a last run of the workshop; certainly very interesting for a 2 day compressed into one session...much has been learnt about my influential style as follow:

Influence Questionnaire results for: Melvin


Persuading is a push style. You tend to use proposals and/or reasons to influence other people. This style encourages others to think, analyze, and join in rational dialogue. It brings facts to the foreground and encourages thoughtful consideration of this information. Persuading has a positive impact both during and after the influence attempt. By using logic, you set a tone and create a climate for rational treatment of the problem at hand. Persuading supports the systematic and logical implementation of next steps after the influence attempt.


Attracting is a pull style. You tend to find alignment and build a vision to influence other people. This style energizes and motivates people to achieve mutual goals. When people identify with you, they are likely to rouse themselves and align their energy with yours. When they are able to envision success, their energy increases. They discover that what they cannot do alone, they can do together. Attracting has a positive impact both during and after the influence attempt. It establishes a climate of optimism that supports the pursuit of long-term objectives. The details of implementation become less important than the drive to resolve them.

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It has been an uplifting session in the morning, despite running on
empty tank.

Refuelling point today is Subway@Liang Court which was densely
populated with Westerners, their accent, and could tell that their
approach is very difffernent, from the short 10mins of observation
while queuing for orders.

Joyceline and the rest from my office had gone elsewhere for lunch;
somehow shy to lunch with them.

Almost time for the 2nd half of the workshop.

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It's been awhile since I've made this journey to HQ; somehow,
trainings can be a good gettaway from the routine work, and travelling
time is also greatly reduced to classes, despite having it held at
Wilki Edge today.

Morning rush crowd; an unfamiliar scene to be in, after being
stationed at Changi office the last almost 2 years; reminds me of when
I first got to know Serene on my orientation prior to training (yes,
remember the time)...

I should make it in time.

More commuters packing in at Bedok station. Roger out for now.

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The afternoon had been a non-sunny, yet sleepy one as I've just awoken
after a couple if short naps after some revision and home-screening of
Max Payne.

Course at Martin tomorrow; wonder how it's going to be?

It's going to be another late night of return tomorrow, as I will be
having lessons, but will be held at Wilkie Edge.

More of assignment uncovered, so
completion is even nearer.

Serene's still soundly asleep on the couch; wonder if she has any
dreams now?

Looking forward to the dinner at her aunt's place later in the evening.

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Robert Gotoking handed me a letter and opening it, it shows my conversion to permanent staff and he was congratulating me; scene appeared so as that when he was standing beside me with Lawrence, as they were recommending me into SPICE.

His countenance was a cheerful one, which a sunshine came out from the deepest of my heart; one line of the letter reads " inform you on your conversion to permanent staff with effect 01/09/2009. You will be entitled to the AWS and performance bonus annually..."

One blink: It was a dream and certainly felt so true.
Quite a battling day but overall still made it well to the end.

The AXS machine had been weird as my account no could not be recognised when attempting bill payment; could it be due to the fact that it is combined bill?

No matter, cleared all at one go at Tampines Mall, which was densely populated with the after 5 crowd and there was the Herbalife roadshow, which was trying to promote their products and in the midst, doing recruitment.

The family meeting turned out to be next week, despite my rush back after bill payment; had a good time chatting with Serene when making my way back on foot despite the increased engine temperature from walking and perspiration.

This week had ended without a run...can't go this way!
"oh...super kong kam" was blurted out by Alex when he noticed someone cloning his work without assigning the name correctly.

When I asked him if it was white rabbit (白兔), he said it is naked rabbit (光兔), which was ultimately vague; so I was wondering if it was Chief Bastos. The only hint that came from him was "there's only one", and upon further probing, he mentioned it was one of the colleagues from commercial lines.


He shared with me some past experiences of toothpaste-in-footwear that he played the trick back to the saboteur, during his polytechnic days' chalet outing.
Another warm night, but the engine's going to get warmer after I load in the Red Liquid of Sober, which will help me relax after that short period of strain, learning that the glib of some people can be so mean.

Anyway, parasites disengaged now, and I shan't let anything or anyone come between us.
Today’s occurrence has set me to think if my friendliness needs some revision; as Serene had undergone a tough time when she was at main office for a course; the remarks from a particular group of people certainly isn’t necessary…

Now, do I really need to retract my proactive approach, especially towards the opposite gender?

Combustion of lunch had hastened when I read about what had happened over at Serene’s side; ripples of disturbance had set me thinking if I should pull out from my current workplace and move to another, or should I just seal my ears to all these “white noises”?

In another 30mins will be the completion of my lunch, but these occurrences had been utmost irritating the emotional sphere.

Whatever is the past IS the past…what matters most now is for us two to get along happily and settling down together in the near future; though being able to operate on solo; it has been made so that a man shouldn’t be alone, thus woman had been created to make the life complete for both ends. That’s the reason why we have come together.

Cut all parasite hotlines now.
Enter Sandman after helping Serene to be more relaxed with a shoulder
and back massage, that anyone can fall into deep slumber when done

It's been a good recovery session as I'm much more relaxed after
drafting out in more details of the assignment, thus more time to read
on Adam Khoo's books.

'Sleep with one eye open, and hug your pillow tight'

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That's the phrase to describe that chilled up sensation when I had awoken from the Mid Autumn Slumber yesterday.

Weather looks contrary to yesterday's which is best for drying laundry; should be a homemaker's favourite to get those clothing dry!

Time for some Japanese curry rice made by sis...いただきます〜

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It has been completed; armed with further knowledge to be financially wiser to safeguard against unscupulous planners who are all out to smoke potential investors.

I made a change in learning by asking our lecturer after being unable to get certain figures; it's the best move
made tonight as I've hindered myself in the past without a concrete learning will.

The aircon duct above me blows a comfortable 23 degrees while making
my way back, on an 'E' indicator on in my Quad turbo tank.

Some works tonight on my assignment.

My specialiaty has not been completely crafted yet, but no chance to sit easy. Knowledge is King but only superior when being high-earn capable.

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Entering the BTZ after a speedtrip from Eunos with a hot piping bread filled with chocolate, from Olio cafe.

The body is a little tired, yet sustainable to go on the next 3 hours. Not all are here yet but commencement should be ready anytime.

The knowledge for the assignment slowly uncovers like the map of Diablo in an unknown terrain...

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'It'a raining rain, Hallelujah' rang in my head as I made my way back to office; micro droplets are detected while crossing the CPX minefield after visiting Serene.

It's nice to see her; especially during the lunch hour - minimal crowd today during my visit.

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The week has come to an end with a productive Saturday afternoon spent at Kaplan, doing many calculations and gaining further knowledge.

Wonderful company with Serene ever being so sweet; that jumpstart in afternoon had upsetted her a little as the tugging headache affected vocaltone, that had left soon after dinner.

Loving her continues...a gem from
within like her is certainly rare to come by.

Nights to the world, not forgetting my dearest Serene.

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Another Sunday at Serene's place; the unusual vibration of my Pica is somewhat troubling me; what could be causing it? Hopefully there will not be a Wallet Life damage that will maim me for a period of time. The fact it is getting worst is making the ride less road-worthy and safe.

Windy sky with the coo-coo still warming her egg at the self-built nest just behind the aircon duct.

Serene's dad and mum are so nice to me; being a person who doesn't like to owe any favours, I must do well, to return the favour.
Gunmetal Ferrari F430 spotted, turning towards Sim Lim Square as I was making my way to Wilki Edge for lessons.

The engine sound carried a resounding low rumble, which represented raw power from the Chromed Horse.

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A deep slumber despite alarm clock sounding at 8am - I had completed the workout and able to rest deeper, considering the fact that the set had been duly done.

Had been sharing with Serene about a successful insurance agent called Merry Ria who made her first million at age 26, who is an Indo-Chinese and came here in 1997. Such gem are rare to come by, and it certainly doesn't mean I have to stay where I am. She's going out with her cousins to my hometown. "Welcome my friends" rang in my mind with reference to the "Business or Pleasure" advert.

3 more hours to commencement of my classes where I need to transfer my tutorial into hand-written notes in preparation for submission later in the afternoon. Combating the ALS will be part of the main challenge during the absorption of knowledge.
Goodnight world, and my beloved Serene, after a catchup with Lenz.

A simple sentence, yet bringing a veil of comfort for what is a real good night.

Entering HyperDreamspace.

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Lenz was unable to meet us earlier, thus alternative date arranged, indicatively on next Friday; I had browsed through a couple of books by Donald Trump and Adam Khoo, who provides me with the greatest inspiration to be successful in life.

There must be something unique and powerful about this NLP which I've been reading about.

The mind is still growing branches of actions towards the ultimate goal, despite body being a little wornout after the completion of the undone training in the morning.

Rose had not given me much insight into her success except that it is through hard work (and perseverance) so now the next study person would be Lenz; little would many expect him to be doing well as now, after leaving NCS which was a temporal place that we established good contact.

Almost time to say goodnight to the world after a short chat with Lenz.
The whole list of product is ready but just need to find the channel to punch in those income.

Had a short slumber and could feel a little fatigue in the mind; no matter how tough it gets going; the mind must continue to be in control, guide and bring the intellectual wealth into light.

This Saturday will be lesson-less for Serene as her term is coming to a closure...

Will be meeting Markus and Lenz this evening for dinner; the fellowship of the Three.
Quite alot had not been uploaded so far as I've been busy with product creation for the Empire.

I've finally seen Fernando who was chatting with Serene after dropping by her office as the usual visit. He certainly look fatherly.

A lady came by and was showing her some photos, but could not see any of the Elegant Beauty Eileen Lim, whom was like Magnet of the East.

No matter, more to be uploaded later while running the mind to increasing
my scaling factor.

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Finally the 1st day of lesson has arrived, allowing me to expand my knowledge horizon and seeing the study group which I’ve been connecting over the weeks prior to post-orientation.

I should have enough time to make my way to school.

Just learnt from Serene after her consultation with her dad, that vibration could be due to loosened steering or wheel assembly; had better get it rectified before moving it on the road; could be due to the intensive use of moving around the past few weeks.

The actions which are learnt in Adam Khoo’s book are still in my mind, will need to continue learning and applying so as to be able to pave my way to success, identical to him; for a good purpose.
Tomorrow will be a late day as I had to make up for the leftovers from leaving early today for lessons, with my current speed, all should be manageable.
I was in some desert and wastelands, with my captain who resembled my retired RSM from NS camp. We were moving from place to place, and there was this building which was supposed to be a barracks, which appeared to be like a classroom block; saw my men Weiqiang, Krishant and a few others.

Cutscene shows me flying vast distances with a special bangle which allows me to fly; depending on the body angle, the direction and speed varied. While flying over some container and landing there, Jacky Chan was spotted and we executed a few NGs while helping him up from a scene where he had to grip onto the ledge of the container.

There's one scene that appeared to be in a spaceship kind of aircraft, with my captain, now resemble Professor X in X-Men movie, packing items into a recepticle, which had the mark of the Black Hand, a rival militant organisation, and I asked my comrade what was he doing it for; infact, my captain was the last of the Alliance of the Black Hand, so is still supplying to the civilians of that region for goodwill.

At the barrack-classroom, there was a sudden spotcheck by MP, and all of us were asked to fall in at the grass patch just infront of the building, while another scene showed Serene's dad looking for my home where all were having dinner; the hall appeared identical to my aunt's old place, where my sister was the Gatekeeper, helping to lock doors whenever we entered the home.

7:11 am, is where I started writing shortly after awakening.
The first Reservoir introductory run had been done; 4.8km around an all in all, approximately 5.3km including my warm up run at the water collection plant.

Just got to know that Stanley, one of the Picanto forum guys is staying very near me, will be upgrading to a Camry soon; the trade in value of his ride had been unbelievingly l ow…so much so since mine is about a year older than his.

Vehicle vibration is troubling me a little; hope to be able to find out what went wrong soon.
It's been a day of reading through Adam Khoo's book, Secrets of Self-
Made Millionaires, that provided much concise information to improving
one's income in a dynamic way.

Serene had been revising with me after I got the book fresh from
Popular; a physical book sometimes bring about an immediate effect on
absorbing what we read, as reading the book can bring about a special
contact to activate the subconscious to action on things that bring
about change in life.

We are not cooking this weekend as we intended to spend more time on

Serene noticed that I've stop complaining about things; the reading of
Adam Khoo's book sure brought about some internal reconstruction of
the mental DNA.

I had been too preoccupied with deviated activities that hindered me
from attaining my goals, so now it's set to go and movin ahead, with
Serene by my side.

Goodnight world, and beloved Serene.

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It’s the final day of the short, yet gruelling week for all of us here; just rejuvenated from the post-lunch snooze. I’m so glad to see Serene during the lunch hour visit and she told me something about agent’s comment. My hearing could do some help J

Back to battle, lock and loaded.
I was in an old five-foot way style home that had 2 storeys, which were seemingly made of stone; first, there was a scene like those thriller movies where a guy said 'beyond this well, it holds the blood and brain of 50 good men', and a journey into it showed a dark cave and a pedestal which were made up of eyeballs, all drenched in blood.

Another cutscene showed the middle eastern fighting with minimal builtup defenses and a guard was awoken from slumber, surrounded by armaments, and getting ready for combat. I was telling Serene 'this is how the terrorists live' and was brought to a place which appeared like a clay-caster bedroom and hall.

There was a baby 'water hamster' which lived in water and another, a puppy, which looked idential, and I wanted to let them interact, only knowing it's a different animal when told by Serene, to avoid letting the 'water hamster' be eaten up by the 'puppy'.

Awoken. It's 7am.

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Refreshed, deep and charged; after seeing myself at the beach, relaxing to the sound of the gentle waves up the beach…

It’s time to return to battle after that short unwinding of the mind through slumber

ES1212P spotted on the road while making my way to pick Serene; which appears to be the new Fairlady 370Z; short and stubby, yet powerful.
Returning to break soon after catching up with a few friends on MSN via iphone during the lunch hour.

I could feel the aura of the Rayblades as walking towards the regular lunch area, but nothing too much to worry about since I’m returning shortly after visiting Serene.

The CK was spotted at her office through her gesture; could tell from his physique after encountering him the previous time with his fat-stuffed vocal throat.
I was in my room which turned into a gym, moderately equipped, and was execising with Serene on individual machines, yet saw Yuk Chen, an ex-colleague in the scene too; I proceedes to want to log exercises done in a booklet but was stopped by Serene.

Swithscene; the smell of old SAF camp filled the air, and I was with my troops. An adjutant trio was going around catching and penalising offenders...they seemed to be picking on Melphis who was the commander of another section of our unit, for every little thing they do.

Switched to a road march scene where all were in vest / slack, armed with what looks like a Scorpion-AK47 hybrid. We walked past a toilet roofed building, which consisted of a very old canteen situated at the top level of this wooden-white washed building. I could see the ventilation vent cap bopping up and down, as if someone was propping it up.

One of my men told me about the hauntings of this place, especially the canteen during the sundown hours. The bopping cap of the airvent carried a strange aura too; I could see sihlouettes behind the frosted and yellow-aged plastic panel.

We moved up to a place where crossing unto a higher platform is required; I had to put my weapon on the ledge and prop myself up before resuming the walk; downslope, which was cemented, I signalled the guys to stay off the road and let the incoming saloon car move up.

Furtherdown, sudden entrance into forested area, the troops were kept within a seemingly invisible boundary, as all seemed to be neatly packed. I asked the section commander what was going on, and he was appearing to be putting a territorial marking and told me just that.

Beyond the lid of the jungle hat, it was Lawrence Tan Chew Hon, an ex comrade whose email carried the stylus_damage prefix.

The final scene: Urban warfare as one of the SSG, with resemblence to LTA Yam during my ICT, was rebelling and my sniper team is getting ready to fire; along side, approximately 10 paces far, was the main squad he was warring with.

Adjutant trio appeared, this time, with Melphis leading them, told me, "Don't worry, we have enough evidence for what it takes to arrest him." We moved to a clearance and noticed he was dressed with flak vest and night camoflauged attire.

7am, time to get ready for work.

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7 mins to the Home Run; an extensively intensively day as I had a massive multitude of action throughout the day.

The paper shredding sound had been heard later in the evening as we proceeded to complete the backlog over the long weekend; all had been well conquered before schedule for myself.

In a week’s time, it will be the commencement of my studies, which will be a twice-weekly issue. What I can foresee will be project and exam filled days as I work towards the completion of this course; just wondering how life will be, now that I’m attending a part time study while working.

Serene had safely reach home, and so will it be for me while I proceed to complete the Remedial Workout, that was left out yesterday.
Awoken and on the express ride via 67, the sneeze isn't like a regular type, which had been pretty persistant since the early hours.

The previous night's rest had been pretty comfy, with a normal entrance to slumber, yet awakening done with a slight numbness of the head; awarded from the direct wind direction through the non-oscillated fan. It had to be this way, to avoid a massive Sweatstorm through the night.

Eyes feeling heavy though rest adequately done; it has better not be flu; else it will render my week crippled, though it's already shortened.

Time out for now.

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A drizzly morning without a single sparkle of the sun, brings about a still refreshing journey while doing a minor run around the neighbourhood with Serene.

She hasn't run for quite sometime, so it was an easy one; non-stamina draining yet still oozes out perspiration on every inch from my biological hull.

Sengkang, though being a not so new town, is still very vaguely populated, as one glance across the streets sees less than 10 people; such a far cry from my densely populated hometown.

It's been awhile since I can be off this Monday, where the Sunday needn't be spent in a hussle to bring the closure of the week to be in a hussle.

Though a non-working day, the awakening was done at 6:30am after the unexpected scheduled awakening at 5:30am; equilibrium a little off as I did not have the regular workout, but much subdued with a morning run with my beloved Serene.

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What is this uncomfortable feeling that is coming over me? Serene's still busy at work, but I've noticed that her ex had added her on FB and it was accepted...

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In the most patrotic-coloured attire I could, I still wasn't nominated for the best dressed this year.

The weather's starting to pick up on temperature increase as the noon hour approaches.

I had missed the workout this morning, resulting in an omni-uncomfortable sensation all over. It's really a good routine as it helps to strengthen the muscles and bones, but almost time to move on to the next band, after accustomisation to the current schedule.

This evening will be the first contact with my new school, where I'll be working hard on self-improvement for the next 10 months.

I do need a vacation sometime cab also be a trip to be close to nature; somewhere I can be away from the citylife for me to ease that tensed mind.

In less than 30 mins, I'll be returning back to desk, but let that tranquility rest in my mind for awhile...

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It’s been a couple of day that blog has not been updated, but these will be updated shortly…

Just done with a 19-min lunch, with much time for rest in between; pants felt looser compared to the past few weeks of bloatedness; the run had bee effective which I have to continue to upkeep, while also keeping tabs on my diet.
Returning home after fetching Serene from her school; the date of my course commencement is drawing nearer; which spells a busier schedule of self-improvement.

The lack of rest from the previous day had been much recuperated during the post lunch nap in the pantry – weather had been merciful lately without much Skincut Sunblades, thus, the journey to lunch had not been thermally-tormenting.

There’s been a couple of adverts of Jet airfare promos, but for now, no time for it…

Neobux’s back in action but still quirky here and there.

Tonight will be a good rest with a peace of mind from the ringtone sync on my iPhone, which had successfully undergone uncapping of its full potential.
Maximum shield depletion detected despite having a good Introductory Run the day before; system is still not accustomed to the increase of oxygen intake from the run, but had proved successful without any pain in my legs.

It’s been exceptionally busy and hand are at almost maximum velocity in office, while running through the day.

Serene had also been busy with her work, and a couple of SOM and SOW had caused minor irritation which was purged by the end of the day.
Another 10mins to log in to battle station for the next 5 hours of non-stop action till Sundown of the Battle.

Stomach rumble had been detected in the nearest proximity for the Gravitational Shot.

Gravitational shot had been successful except this time it had been done in the Molten Mode, which will be far more effective that HEAT rounds, as it will bring about an ultimate airway torment.
1st day of the full battle week, but all still seem pretty smooth so far; Serene commented that on the nosiness of an agent who must’ve given her the funny look when I dropped by just now.

Sun had been hot; the chicken rice stall at Maybank had closed down, with the stall frame put out in the sun for retrieval. That particular stall had undergone multiple changes of tenants as it had proved really challenging to sustain the business there if the choice of food is not right.

The weekend had been well-spent with Serene and her family, who had been so hospitable and I’m glad to be of help to her mum, who has hurt her right arm, while still having to carry heavy groceries.

A catch up had been done with a few friends, of which some are still in the MLM industry; nothing wrong with the system itself, but many delinquents had tainted it much. I still trust the system but would prefer to operate on my own to prevent having my objectives swayed by any other people who attempts to preach the “solo success formula” to me. Enough had been seen on the good and bad in this field.

The remaining workout is to be completed upon reaching home tonight. This Friday will be my orientation, wondering how things would be?
1st day of the full battle week, but all still seem pretty smooth so far; Serene commented that on the nosiness of an agent who must’ve given her the funny look when I dropped by just now.

Sun had been hot; the chicken rice stall at Maybank had closed down, with the stall frame put out in the sun for retrieval. That particular stall had undergone multiple changes of tenants as it had proved really challenging to sustain the business there if the choice of food is not right.

The weekend had been well-spent with Serene and her family, who had been so hospitable and I’m glad to be of help to her mum, who has hurt her right arm, while still having to carry heavy groceries.

A catch up had been done with a few friends, of which some are still in the MLM industry; nothing wrong with the system itself, but many delinquents had tainted it much. I still trust the system but would prefer to operate on my own to prevent having my objectives swayed by any other people who attempts to preach the “solo success formula” to me. Enough had been seen on the good and bad in this field.
The remaining workout is to be completed upon reaching home tonight. This Friday will be my orientation, wondering how things would be?
Weekend's over with a mulitude of dreams; this time, saw myseld at a five-foot way grade of 2-storey house, with a huge hall and seeing Serene playfully looking at me out from the pillar. She told me that her mum was still in the shower, and usually takes an hour or so.

Her ear was planted on the wall, seemingly trying to hear what her mum's conversing during her shower. It appeared we had gone out for awhile before returning to her home.

Cutscene before this was seeing Auntie Lena, who was at a nearby place where it was a 2-storey shophouse setting, in a hall's wooden table, she was fitting up her artificial right forearm, and what's left was only a ligament which could wiggle like a finger. She told me that was the reason her child will stay at her in-law's place, to avoid upsetting her child.

The cause of it was unknown, but she also mentioned that sensors, which was a ring-shaped device to fit her forarm's circumference was to be fixed, before attachment of the artificial arm.

6:40am! Time for crafting muscles.
