A cab was kicked at Caltex when making my way to lunch; the first 1 hour after almost 2 years here; the cabbie reversed and hit a bike who was going to refill air in the tyres…no major brawls, but I fully support the rider as the cabbies locally are notorious for their road bully attributes.

I’ve finally settled much down from the ICT which had ended, with lots of fellowship and stronger bonds built – though I’ve transited back to civilian life, many fond memories of the things we do together bring about a strong feeling of brotherhood in our very own battalion – 724GDS, “wuha!” rang in my mind as our battle warcry.

Another ½ hour to go, so I’m going to write up for what had been lost in the past few days.

2nd HI Battle commences at 1120hrs on 31/07, so the final preparations need to be done by tonight after dinner; ETA at homebase will be no later than 1930hrs.

The soulsleep this morning had been disabled with a coffee boost, but insufficient time to refuel as we had our usual weekly meeting for some work updates.

I’m so glad I will be commencing my studies next month! How’s Serene feeling? Hope she hadn’t been haggled by any delinquent agents, whom must be subjected to Pre-Crime should they try to be difficult.

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