Saw myself at Blk 805 near my place and there was Sasuke who used a technique which allowed him to open a portal of the entrance to Akatsuke's base using somewhat a special type of chewing gum. I was with Kakashi and Sakura in a team on the lookout for the entrance and after spotting it, immediately reporting to Kakashi who was puzzled that it could slip our guard even at such close proximity.

Another scene of myself in a place which resembled my old hometown which was at the village where Aljunied MRT station was, with all the warmth of those olden times; nice smelling noodles and friendly folks around me.

I've awoken several times after dozing off around 6pm, upon returning from Wendy's place for lunch.
Woke up at 10am at the sudden recall of the Double Exp day today and Chungkit had to log off as he has something to do; I played till 11:15am and commenced my workout, and while working out, chatted with him on the phone, and after all is done, made my way down to Wendy's place for lunch.

I was the only friend around as her family members have all come over to her place, which her mother in law has done some cooking; the food is wonderful, and so is the company and we had so much to catch up with; her dog looks so much bigger and she told me that it had been eating and sleeping alot...finally got a chance to carry her and play with her; though it's not the first time I've been to her place.

She has been very hospitable and asked me to eat more and not stand on ceremony...stayed at her place till 3+ where more of her relatives had come over; her husband is working this year as she had told me that he has already got his off day last year during Deepavali.

It was a rain battle when I made my way home, carrying memories of family warmth back. Played 9 Dragons for awhile and took a rest since I'm tired...before I knew it, I had entered the World Beyond Dreamland.
Unsuccessful in getting Elaina to answer the phone to the morning call, but she also did tell me yesterday that her mum has bought an alarm clock for her already; in any case, hope she is able to wake up and not oversleep.

Laying some of my thoughts here before I go to work; had a disruption of thoughts during my sleep last night but it's not recallable at this time.
Didn't hear from Elaina since the last SMS in evening; was unable to reach her via mobile too; well she could have been busy.

A little mind-drained when I got home and by the time I finished clearing PTRs, not much concentration to play 9 Dragons but still logged on to play awhile with my clan. There has been a recent conflict which Kat quarrelled with Andy over trival matters but I shall let it rest and not bring up anymore eruption.

When I got her reply, she was already asleep; at least I hear from her that she's safe and sound before I retire for the night; on the rule of "sleep before midnight".
Heard quite little from Elaina today as she was out with her friend and accidentally left phone on silent mode; I managed to meet up with Andy, Chin and Bryan, the regulars in our 9 Dragon clan, which we chatted for awhile before going around to look for the Nostromo which Bryan intended to get.

We walked around the whole place and managed to find it but have not come to a decision to get it yet; I was also looking at laptops / gaming system to be built so I can use it specially to play games and put less strain on my laptop.

Elaina called me at 10:45pm when she took the wrong bus and waiting for one to bring her back home; it's so wonderful to hear from her again; simply miss her sweet voice too...good thing she slept early too and was already laying on bed when she replied my SMS around 11+. That too, was a time I was turning into bed.
Saw myself in a red-bricked building which appears somewhat a mixture of the colonial building of the olden Singapore; I was there for some events and somehow the place was brightly lit and everyone so appears to be some kind of banquet and I was dressed in tuxedo and carrying a bottle of wine, greeting friends / acquaintances; somewhat like the Master of Ceremony to everyone.

It was unclear what kind of event, but certainly appears to be an event for the rich and powerful and I was amongst them. This had to be a dream which I was looking forward to.

I had a wonderful time chatting with Elaina; was supposed to meet her nearby her place but thought of giving her a surprise to pick her up at her school as her school hours ended quite late.

The journey was quite a challenging one as I had been seemingly doing a night race, while looking for the mentioned location. In the end, by the time I’ve found her, she has just reached home…in any how, it’s a trip worth for as I am able to find shortcuts for various towns.

Driving past my old workplace certainly does bring back memories of those late shift-hours; the calls, the colleagues, the jokes we had during silent hours…all these will always be in memory.

We went to a nearby coffeeshop which seems new, yet quite incomplete as there are limited stalls and definitely serving limited variety of food. She showed me the pictures taken at her school and she has a nice company of friends…it’s so nice to hear her just talk about what she does during Christmas eve, and the day itself, as she only meets up with these friends once annually.

She only took rojak for dinner, which definitely won’t be filling, but according to her, she doesn’t want to eat anything heavy, so it shall be. I had a fish porridge to keep that stomach warm after all that clouding in the aircon while battling my way to search for her.

We chatted till around 11:30pm and I sent her home, accompanied by her mum’s call while the way back; wish I could spend more time talking to her but time seems to pass so quickly.

Shortly after I said goodnight to her, I entered slumberland.

Had a quick lunch even before the cleaner auntie has finished clearing the bins around office; it’s nice to chat with her as I constantly joke with her as and when I see her.

Elaina just woke up at 10:30am. Hope she’s feeling better as she was having a cold last night, most likely being chilled by the pool water. Her lessons will be till quite late in the evening today, so might not see her online till late.

Am thinking of getting another laptop but have been withholding that back as it’s better for me to invest in education for future and to have a speciality skill in future.

The morning had been quite a challenging one but so far so good on the emotional side, besides some disturbance from calls / SMSes received yesterday. I’m letting the past go and focusing on what lies ahead and achieving what I want in life.

Back to the arena.
Awoken again at 4:15am, I returned to sleep and for a moment, timelost mode was felt. It took awhile for me to recall that it's already Thursday and coming to the end of a busy week; that spells good news too as I had been pretty loaded lately.

Pretty quiet morning as I get ready to go to work after eating, washing up and getting changed.
Managed to chat with Elaina when she returned from her swim around 9+, and have cleared my PTRs so far; and realised that she has got a cold as the pool water was too chilly, but she had felt better after a hot drink; it's already 10:40 when I learnt about it and was going to go down to her place to pass her some flu tablets, but she didn't want to trouble me.

We talked about where to go this weekend and she also mentioned that she would like to cook barley drink for me.'s so sweet... Will be accompanying her for grocery shopping as a "memory card" role though she may not have many things to get. Since she's going to be out till quite late on Friday evening, I'll accompany her back as the road outside her home is not quite safe, especially so for a girl.

We chatted and recalled the time I took her out for supper last Saturday and chatted till the wee hours of Sunday morning; though she doesn't recall, I have the memory at hand; just lacking a few details which can be traced after a short spell of recall. The conversation was ended before midnight to let us each have a good rest.
I was in a rainy and dilapilated, Nazi-style kind of military building where was with a whole group of people; there were lots of noises and people were moving upstairs and down, like after some sort of big meeting, and when I was on my way down, I saw Kevin and Ruisheng, and walked together with them; and heard Ruisheng telling Kevin that their case has been brought up to some military superior by the name of Nor, and Kevin was listening quietly.

The moment seemed short till I woke up adn realised it's only 4:15am.
Tried playing a little of 9 Dragons but seemed to make me even more tired mentally and causing strenuousness to my eyes; I reverted to chatting with Elaina till around 10pm where we decided to retire for the night. I had a fright when I received a call from her this morning but was unable to answer it; later realising from her that she could have called me accidentally; thought someone was trying to bully her in school...good thing, nothing happened...

It's the first time in a long while since I had an early night's rest. The cause of dark eye rings must have to do with this, since I realised it vanished after a continuous period of early night rest which I had done so in a continuous number of days.

Let's do it again.
I left office unexpectedly early with a few complicated matters left to handle, but will need sometime for appropriate action to be taken as time goes by.

Had a good catchup with Lena after work, who also takes the same bus as me since the travelpath of the bus is the same, since she alights earlier. We talked about fishing which was a pastime I had during my teens, along with a couple of my friends, where we used to hang out at Bedok Jetty, under the hot sun and preparing the bait and tamang hook, which was specially used to catch tamang...ah...those were the fun days we had when I was still a student.

Good idea for me to polish those skills but it certainly will be dull to go alone...having a good company is what matters most; I gotta go and find those rods which had been kept away for sometime.
The past days had been pretty sunny within for me, as I got to know Elaina better. Today is the first day of the "alarm clock duty" where I gave her a morning call, and she sounded so dreamy and reluctant to exit slumber; that tone of her voice at that time was so sweet yet dreamy...

Work had been pretty mind-boggling and did not want to game after I came home, so spent the entire evening chatting with her. With all the topics grasped from all over the place, we could simply chat endlessly without having to worry about running out of topic.

She told me about the "hunter" that had been harassing her but on her accord, I'll just spare "it", but it certainly is unsafe for her to meet "it" alone, for whatever reasons it might be, no matter how nice "it" could say. I certainly wouldn't let anyone harm her.

Evening time just slipped by so quickly and before I knew it, it was almost bedtime. I had a thought of having a short chat with her but she wanted me to save money, so decided not to have a phone chat just before bedtime.
The discomfort in my stomach has vanished; woke up and feeling a massive fatigue over me; must be the one tiding over from the previous day.

Getting ready for another day of battle but would still like to deposit my thoughts here. Just a slight spell of sneezing that came along my awakening.
I had a pleasant surprise this morning when Elaina bought me coffee, but didn't get to talk to her before work started as we had a briefing by our Head prior to work. It certainly is different from the one which I usually take from the pantry.

Work had been quite manageable throughout the day but a strong spell of discomfort erupted in my stomach like a national revolution, which I had suppressed it while on the way home to work. It had to be due to an overdose of coffee today.

The continuation of suppression sustained me till I managed to get home and did catching up on MSN, before meeting my clan for awhile just before bedtime.
Saw myself at an old building which looks like those 40 year old housing estate just like the "Smalltown" in Lim Chu Kang which is now a military training area for our local troops.

There was one scene which I was chasing this couple who looks like "nukers" in the 9 Dragons game and one of their name appearing green and the other orange, denoting their level against mine; was trying to throw a nuke to PK one of them in a place which looks like a grassyland.

Sudden switch to a scene where I was fighting a crook who looks like a middle-aged and refined guy; just like those middle age yet rich guy and the place looks like a high tower amidst a town and when I gave him the final blow, my fist went into his mouth and after taking it out, he said to me in a groan "You have paralysed my throat, I shall tell you where I hid all the treasure" Soon, we were sitting down and talking like old friends and I asked how long does he think, will he be imprisoned for his wrongdoings. He said that he's not sure, so I asked what's his age.

"40" was the reply, so I thought most likely it would be 5 or 10 years and told him that. Another scene shows a girl who was by his side to keep him company and she is the "enemy's girlfriend" who said that she wanted to comfort him before he turns himself in.
I saw myself at a place which resembles the entrance to Bedok MRT station which is opposite the bus interchange, but this time, there were trees above me with broken branches, and I was also there, seemingly awaiting for a bus. Shortly, I saw my ex-agent Christina who was also there at a short distance waiting for a bus, and I moved to a spot where I could not be seen by her. A short memory recall that she came to look for my help as she needed to close some deals to tide over the finanicial difficulty faced at home but I had not agreed to meet her to avoid being persuaded into buying a financial product.

Soon, there were some kind of sticky stuff dripping onto me and I realised that it was coming from the trees; there were oozing out some kind of green, thick liquid and suddenly, I saw my colleague Doris who was telling me to stay away from it but somehow I mentioned that it's okay for a guy to get a little dirty / mucky at times.

After awhile, I was spotted by Christina and she started talking to me and I told her that I didn't have the time and had to go...hoping to catch any bus that brings m away from her.

I boarded a Service 153.

After a short trip which was less than 20mins, I saw myself in an old HDB apartment which reminded me of the place Songjie's girlfriend was staying that was more than 20 years old when she has moved in since 15 or so years ago. Kent came into the picture and strangely, the place was all closed up except for a peep hole which had a slide-cover. I saw some lights and quickly shone my mirror and asked who is that, using the light reflection to capture the attention of the "visitor".

The next scene shows Kent entering the apartment and told me that this place has been quiet since the day he moved into "Fatal Frame" (as what this estate was strangely named so). He also told me about the close shaves that he had when he was seriously wounded, and the doctor telling him that his ear could not be saved but yet miraculously he survived, something to do with "Fatal Frame".
It's been several weeks since I last wrote here after being heavily involved in 9 Dragons, where I've found a clan of belonging and have been playing alongside with Songjie, and old pal of 15 years and his friend Andy, who has guided him to playing the correct way.

The workout this morning was done prim and proper with shower and all well ahead before schedule. Still a little unused to my little keyboard which was given by Songjie as a gift.; he has truly been a nice pal despite there being times that I had been teasing him a fair bit.

Good to know that things are going fine for him and his girlfriend after a year or so separation due to family difficulties. Thought that this is a good time for me reflect my thoughts amist all the hussle and rushing in life; leaving me little time to cast some of my thoughts.
Feeling strangely discomfortable in my right eye since morning. After a visit to the doctor, I was told that I had an inflammed upper right eyelid which some eyedrops eased the discomfort, coupled with a good rest.

A rest was done till 2pm where I had some homecooked food for lunch, and did some reading online. Managed to catch up with Songjie over the phone; it's good to have back my trusty G800 which also took great pictures.