It's halfway through Day 2 for the full week after the long CNY break.

After a long and tough day of pounding on numbers, it's time to prepare for the next pounding session which has been scheduled tomorrow.

I can'ts say uch about pleasanties since things do get tough as time goes by; the only way to get through is to swim through it till I reach the other side.  For now at least, till I make my mark on the other aspects. This is probably what my predecessor has preamped me about; massive drainage of chakara which probably explained why she left after 3 years with the organisation.  It's probably one of the more challenging places to work,  but at the end of the day, I do not want to be deemed as 'the expendables'.

It's gonna be a short day for me today; staying late suppresses creativity and diminishes inspiration.  I have to continue maintaining that balance.

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