Another half a day to go at battlebox before heading off for the event this evening.

My favourite hideout is indeed peaceful; if only I can find one good evening to come by to soak in to get some things done proper.  As I begin to enjoy the peace and solace, it's almost time for me to head back to battle station.

I've started to give some gastronomy reviews, so an individual site will be available soon in due course.
A deep 7-hour rest took place last night as I have felt the heaviness of the mind creeping up on me since after dinner.  I had to get out of the battlebox earlier since considerable work had been done.

This evening will be a little later as I have some events to attend to, and details will be up at another area.  The good thing for this week is that resistance is up against the White Order since I have too many things to do even after hitting the ticket home.

Just 2 more days and the week's battle will be over soon.
Back in the sanctuary of peace during the lunch hour.

It's indeed a peaceful place and I can definitely hang around here for awhile.  The past 3 days had gone by with a lessened slumber as I am not falling asleep that easily as usual.  Probably repluses from the mental battle with numbers that has been keeping me awake but it's a good thing to keep the mind active.

The goal this evening will be to head home early for an equipment check since I'll be off to an event straight after battlestation tomorrow.
One of the unusual, late hours of major data housekeeping that certainly peaks the diminishing of creativity and drowns inspiration.  Things are more or less in place but the timing spells sheer pathethance.

I'm just a month away from the probation period; all had better be good considering the volume of effort put in to set things right.

Late night amplifies pathethance and directs my min to plan some weekend trips; going somewhere I can to find a space of my own.  It needn't be a full-geared photography trip as I am still able to do a fair bit with the 'small shooter' that I carry around most of the time.  There has to be somewhere I can go and have the weekend fully filled, so time to dig in for some reading.

Got a little stuck just before I made my way off from battle station.  Maybe it's because I'm a perfectionist that's why every little matter that can be improved made me set thoughts about existence   on this platform.

Since that was the note prior to departure, I decided to do a massive hunt at clothing stores for something that might catch my eye

Nothing found in town or my town center's area, so it's time to get back.  Afterall, it's well after dinner time and I should be headed home.

A Gopro video on their site about bike travellers across long distances in India showed me an altenative way to travel by land and getting soaked in all the culture from the locals; an inspiration to consider something along this line for one of my trips.
A voicemail number which I have been blasted umpteen time from the previous battlebox, though I have effectively disabled it before the departure.  I don't understand why it's still diverted to my line though that place has been occupied by an excolleague since there was a slight reorg.

It has to be blocked now.
I have been receiving calls from this number several times and it appeared to be from SearchAsia, which is also related to Recruit Express, after I wrote to them.  Seems like the other party is also unsure who made the call and the caller also didn't bother to write me a mail.

As I have not been expecting their calls, I decided not to return any.
An early morning; a little to my unexpectedness with a 5-hour rest but I'm still pretty charged up with a jumpstart.  I'm targetting to start and end early at battlebox as that will free up more of my evening time to do the things I want to do, such as more sports, including a midweek 1/2 marathon run.

3 more days to our husband and wife date!  Friday (actual Valentine's Day) is out as it'll be a profiteering day by businesses; most of the time, food are overrated so we decided to do something different.

Looking forward to wrap up another day before hitting the next, at an earlier hour.
Chipping off works in progress.  At least a targetted plan is in action so that things can get moving.

The day was still ended in heavyheadedness that I had to go out for a stroll; it's definitely better than the Order of the White Stick.  I need to keep up with my running capability so that's not going to take place.

A special day's coming up over the weekend so I'm planning something which will make it the first celebration for dearie and I after our solemnisation.  I managed to clear all my stuff for the evening but it's kinda running late; nevertheless I'm stil aiming to head to the battlebox early so I can get to the battlebox early.  Morning peace is always a good buffer to have portional clearout.
I appeared in this place that resembled an old town and met a few friends who are part of this band; they're so well-versed with the guitar that they could play most songs just at a flick of the strings.

Since it's a gathering of music enthusiasts, we decided to move to a cafeteria to sit down, catchup and probabky get some inspiration to create music.  As we chatted, one of the members suggested an abandoned church which was nearby (Penang) which means I'm already here, almost 700km away from home.

The abandoned church reminded me of the lands I have travelled, since it has been awhile that I've visited these places.

Next scene showed me entering a stage where there was this procession of a lady who possessed the 'host'; she was known as the icon of sensuality (just like the various deities in Chinese beliefs), thereafter, I was taking control of this body as if I was inside it; it sure felt different as myself and the female host (she had blond hair and resmbled one of the actors in Lost).  After much stage flashing and shows, we can finally make ourselves easy and walk off the stage.  The lady host had this nice dress which I told her will be perfect with a whip tiearound belt.

We had a good chat before we all moved off from the stage performance area that was filled with crowds, lights and music.

Eyes opened, it's 7:15am.
A dream that is too interesting that I must pen it down.

A scene showed us all in "hostels" where I bumped into Jason, a NS comrade. We were talking about the swap of the room between the guy and gals.  Of course, guys and gals had separated zones to avoid trouble.

We went out for awhile and when I was back, the floor was stained with cereal, possibly from those who came over to visit their friends during our absence.  The worst thing was it was not cleaned up and we are trying hard to find the culprit.  Soon, there was an order to swap the guys and gals' accomodation zone, which means we have to pack and move over.  However, investigations are still ongoing for the irresponsible chap who stained the hostel room.

Next scene showed me going down to a  carpark where I was flipping and arranging stuff over in my Pica.  There was another of such ride just beside mine.  For a few times, I went down to collect some stuff and there was this Corolla which I started the engine (my key had some accessibility to different makes).  I'm not sure whose car it was though.

Final scene; I entered Gent's and saw someone who resembled the celebrity, Rayson in it, covered in white paint; I was there to grab a shower and bent over to grab the "restricted area".  Disgusted, I hopped into the shower to wash the paint stains off and the next thing he offered was to use "rubber" to slick it off.  His wife could be heard from outside calling him and I shouted for her to come in.  As she wanted to know what happened, I went through the whole scenario and then she told her husband that it's over as "it is tomorrow" (referring to his sentence).  Apparently, he has been committing crimes from is erratic behaviour.

I woke up at 9:30am.  Much fatigue are felt in the muscles.
I walked to this patch of vegetation and after some distance, I came to a clearance where I was told about a famous waterfall, nicknamed 'Manila' that was located just beside a block of HDB flats.  The reason why it was called so was because if you slide down to the bottom of it, it brings you directly to the airport.  Well known as Filipinos used it as the fastest way to get to their flight.

Since I'm here, I thought I'd discover it myself.  From far, indeed it looks like a pure vertical waterfall, but after getting closer, it's a little inclined and you can literally sit on it, ride the waves and reach the bottom.  It certainly was a fun ride, and I was constantly reminded that I should wear a thick bottom to take care of the friction as I take the journey down.

Next scene went into a place where I coincidentally met a few of my primary schoolmates; of which, one of them was named Emily Chia, whose mother was someone I got to know in the neighborhood.  There was Allan Chia (coincidentally my former commander's name), who was her son and Emily was his sister.

We had a good chat for all the things that occured during these 20ish years and found out from her that she is no longer married as she didn't have a good husband; it was someone much older and he wasn't doing his role well, so that's why she moved back to live with her mum.

Allan is now in the private sector and doing pretty well; definitely much happier than he was when he was in the armed forces.

Next scene showed me walking through the shopping mall with Chia Yong and he saw Yanchao where they exchanged friendly handwave gestures as we walked on.  They knew each other through working in the same bank; that explained how they got to know each other (Chiayong was my subordinate and Yanchao my highschool classmate).

We walked past a coin deposit machine which account reference could be done simply with a thumbprint scan and you can deposit your money right away.  Chiayong did that quickly and we could continue walking on, but there was an alert the coin wasn't deposited correctly, so he had to go back to pick up the 'bad' coin.

I finally managed to wake up at 7:15am after an intermittence at 6am.
By evening quite well before dinner, I had felt a little tired.  The good thing is that I had done what I could with some cyber crippling before heading home.

Journey home was indeed a crawl as the bus moved at possibly less than 50km/h on the highway; it was unusually a scene of heavy traffic and I got home nearly at 8 though I had left on time.  The mind was so packed with intensity that I didn't snooze a wink though I kept my eyes closed, hoping for a mental rest (factually, this was the only moment to catch up rest) but eventually, I got home.  At that spur of traffic jam, it dawned on me that this little red dot country-city had gotten way too crowded.

The good news is,  I had ample time to clear the evening's home work before I got home to clear the rest.

After all the home work, the mental hardpressing did not get off; it means a sign: to get out of the house for awhile to get some things off my mind.  So here I am under my favourite tree, catching up before turning in for the night.

Just one more day to complete the battling week of the numbers.

The pounding was heavy indeed.   Lots data jumblance which I am still finding means to get it sorted out.  The standard number of hours are definitely insufficient to deal with all these digital housekeeping work.

There must be a way out to get all these sorted.  This reminded me of what my predecessor told me about mental drainage but I have to simply move ahead and keep things going.

It's just the second day of the week; the best thing for me to recover quickly was to catch a snooze while making my way back home before the next phase of getting busy with what I do best online for my PTCs.   Things are definitely getting on well there; so speed is the factor to get more things done in a shorter time.

The best reliance I have is the lucid dreaming that takes me to a dimension that one will not have a sign of fatigue.

Let's hope I get a marvellous journey tonight.
It's halfway through Day 2 for the full week after the long CNY break.

After a long and tough day of pounding on numbers, it's time to prepare for the next pounding session which has been scheduled tomorrow.

I can'ts say uch about pleasanties since things do get tough as time goes by; the only way to get through is to swim through it till I reach the other side.  For now at least, till I make my mark on the other aspects. This is probably what my predecessor has preamped me about; massive drainage of chakara which probably explained why she left after 3 years with the organisation.  It's probably one of the more challenging places to work,  but at the end of the day, I do not want to be deemed as 'the expendables'.

It's gonna be a short day for me today; staying late suppresses creativity and diminishes inspiration.  I have to continue maintaining that balance.
As I sleep, I could feel an attempt to break out and roam free.  This was something I picked up from reading an article on lucid dreaming; one can awake at the state the body's asleep while the mind runs freely.

The magical thing is that this sensation is relaxing beyond comprehension; I could literally feel my body moving as if there was some force lifting it and wanting to set the mind free, while the continuous REM goes in the background (images of Gurmit fluttering his eyelids came to my mind).

At one point, I felt my eyes open and I could see my room in a grey hue of aura, though it was pitch dark at that very moment.  It certainly felt like an OOBE which all you need to do next is to take the first step to move around, and even turning back to see your body in that rested state.

If this was the real world where one could roam freely without the mental burden of feeling drained, while fulfilling tasks that are usually suppressed in the world of the physical, that would be the real place of relaxation after a mental drainage day.  I definitely look forward to going back tonight.
Day 1 is finally over.  I had departed from the numerical battlebox after massive data sorting.  No amount of worry will accelerate the week so I just have to keep going.   8:35pm and just heading home.

As I was at the bus stop,  I'm constantly reminded of that scene that I saw runners doing good runs st my neighbourhood, while I was still on the bus home, grossly late beyond dinner hours.  Many people at that time are already well-settled down at home, unwinding or spending quality time with their loved ones.

Are all these time sacrifices worth it?  I wonder if all these extra efforts at the cost of personal time, in hope to bring good results to the top are all in all, worthy.

By the time I had settled down to do my stuff, it was already 11pm, leaving me with minimal time for any relaxation, and literally no malls to stroll, feast my eyes on gadgets or simply just unwind by window shopping.

Maybe it's once againa. sign to pack those bags and embark on my solo journey abroad.
A readup on the history of full marathon records totall intruged me:

Looking at the records of a full marathon run, the speed of those runners done were double of mine.  It's definitely a good reference for my training ahead.

Today's run was pretty much on form for the afternoon despite being a little sunny.  Most parts were filled with gale.

Despite the gale, the journey to the U-turn point was considerably smooth.

Fuel started to run out when I was at the 1:48h timeline, hence I had to either slow down or switch to a walkathon to finish the run.

Fortunately, I made it despite a deficit in the fuel level.
I saw myself at this park-like place which was near an artificial park that resembled Sengkang Riverside Park.  While I was filling up some distribution numbers, a local resident wanted to probe to find out what I was doing and I told her that the details are confidential.  Thereafter, the conversation moved on to discussing about the improvements to the housing scheme, which I discussed with her that these have been suggested, but the main issue still lies with the ridiculous pricing.  This was discussed as the car drove below 2 LRT trails.


2nd entrance:  I entered this place which seemed like a new home, where the whole family has moved.  The bedroom was finished in dark red wood, set up in a longish style where the work desk with a monitor is near the entrance, while the bed was set straight with a power point right beside the bed; simply conducive to linger in for a desk-bound activity.

3rd entrance: Entering a medevial-like world, it was in a setting which I was welcomed by the host who appear to be of the vampire class.  As the invitation was strictly "on invitation basis", no one else could be seen loitering at the gates just like any other common place.

The place was large indeed - halls after halls and I came to this place with a counter and I see many people queuing up like that of a fast food restaurant.  Dearie was in another queue by my side and I showed her the beloved plush toy she likes, which I had brought along.  She quickly took the plush over while we continue queuing.

Eyes opened, it was already 10:30am.