A solid month that has been done and finally dearie and I can have a good meal together after work.  Service pace wasn't 100% satisfying at MOF Tampines One; fortunately the taste of food was decent.   I had been immensely soaked by the rain even with a brolly earlier so at least a decent meal was something I could do after going through an entire month of intensive work.

Can't say much more about the numbers game; the only thing is to keep going for a considerable period of time before making plans for the next ship so things in life can be slowly set in order.

The weekend is finally here so both of us can have a good relaxation time.
I entered this apartment and met up with a friend named Aaron, whom I had known for awhile.  He seemed to have some ongoing tension with his wife whom he was fighting over their child; his wife wanted to take their child back.

This took place after he managed to creep in and take over charge of the security.  Along with a few of his accomplices, he stacked ladders against the wall with minimum fastening mechanisms and made his way in.  Soon, he used different measures such as denying access to the apartment and getting security personnel to deny her entry.

After the lockout, I asked him what had caused the tension and he said it was due to unexpected parenting when they were younger.  Soon he left and went on with his business.

His wife soon snuck back to the apartment and attempted to use the phone at the landing; while at it, I had to keep a watchout for Aaron not to catch sight of her.  At one point, Aaron was at the next landing while his wife was at the next; sight could be established with just a tilt of the neck.  While Cheryl (Aaron's wife) was making that important call, I quickly distracted Aaron but striking a conversation and casually leading him out of the possible sighting zone.

Next scene showed me running through some old apartments and I saw Sally's family whom some of them were sitting around their gate and I asked if she's in.  Seems like she's not back yet.

At this scene, Cheryl is making another attempt to get her child back and have arranged to meet Aaron at a building away from their apartment.  The building was red-bricked, resembling that of an old school compound.  The unusual thing is that her car has a long pipe, which resembles that on the top of the time machine in Back to the Future movie.

Some reinforcements arriving in a white Civic could be seen but they don't appear of good news...and certainly not to the advantage of Cheryl.

As I ran up to look for both of them, I bumped into Debbie, someone whom I had known for several years back then; she's still as dainty and pretty as before, and told me that she'll be getting married to Lawrence.  We had a brief conversation before I continued my search.

Alarm buzz, it's 6am.
I had a god dinner with a group of people; wonderful company and great fellowship at Fish n Co.  Time to get the bill and I used the Manhattan card; for the first time, I saw a $680 bill on dining and that's where I had to use another card where it has a decent limit.

While everyone were strolling slowly away from the restaurant, I got the bill settled and chatted with the waitress; her name was Stery Gwee and we managed to chat up quite well.

Next scene showed us going into this office where the Australian boss just got back and all of us greeted him.  New and slick looking office, and everyone looked happy and fresh; it's like the Company of the New Generation where vibrance is delt everywhere.

While getting refreshed the pantry, I met up with a few colleagues whom I'm closer with and talked about that dinner we had at Fish n Co; the quality of food is still in place with decent ambience.

Next scene showed me having to leave the premises and it was over another dining session where the girls wanted to hang around.  I told them not to hang around too late as the night's not quite young; while doing this, I had a pillow between my legs with a knee on it, jumping my way out.

At the carpark, I took the umbrella and shelteree my uncle to the MSCP nearby; this umbrella had double stem and seemed much wider than a conventional umbrella.  Another scene where I passed through older towns, I saw Serene's mum and greeted her while making my way out.  Now I'm crossing the carpark with a former schoolmate Annie Loh, while taking out my dualstem umbrella.

While trying to drive out, I realised the lorry beside my car was swinging inwards when I reversed a little; this was a test measure as I had difficulty moving out.  That was where I realised it was park lobsided and handbrake wasnt engaged....and I decided to drive out.  While turning out, I saw that lorry swining over the lot and hitting the car in the next lot...for some reasons, my car had no scratches.

Eyes opened.  6:45am.
Finally hitting the end of another week for 3/4 of the month.  It's a good thing that I did not call on the Order of the White Stick and I'll keep it that way.

Plans for weights training last night didn't materialise as I had been stuck reading materials online after dinner; I have to try to get this regime going in the morning before hitting the numbers.

Just wondering if the people I had met at the dreams could be something that will take place in time to come?
Saw myself checked into an old town for a vacation with dearie.  However, in this room, there's an old radio which a label 'call reception 5mins later'.  There's a story behind this, such that whoever still knows what is happening after hearing the radio's transmission for 5mins, to call the reception.  Legend has it that this no one lives after hearing from the cursed radio....

Switchscene shows me in a lecture-theatre like setting where I can see through the glass panel on the side of the room, which lines the staggered edge where seats are fixed.  Outside, I could see Ruisheng who just came and I let him in.  We chatted a little about where he went and it was just a simple walk around town for him.

Next scene showed us walking around town; there's this man who carried a suit, walking around town and talking to people.  After a short observation, I realised he's getting business for his tailor shop at the corner of this row of shophouses; being neatly tucked at the edge, it's not quite noticable even with the flight of stairs just beside it due to the shape and color of the store's entrance.

At one part, I passed by a school and decided to use the building as a sample shot taken through one of my old Nikon lens - it was the 28-70mm but somehow the exterior appears to be that of an AIS build.  The school had a sleek panel which I preseume is where the main flight of stairs is, with a mast-like pole jutting to the skies just like those prewar buildings along Carpenter Street.

Evening has come and the town now glowed golden under the sunset rays; it reminded me of those wild west towns which still exists around the world.  This place seems pretty accessible and appear to be somewhere near which we can come by to get supplies cheaply.

Eyes open and it's already 7:22am.
A short nap turned out to be an entire night's slumber when I lay on bed at 9ish last night.  It was unexpected; while trotting my way to my usual bus stop to get home last night, the late hours are making me a little uncomfortable.  Overall still a great learning path for me, but if the hours creep late, it becomes disturbing.

Again, it's a reminder of when will I break out of this lifestyle to do what I really am happy about doing?  No matter how much I suppress it, there will always be intervals of when I will 'surface' to have a look at the goal, as if one is in a swimming competition.

It's for the sake of livelihood that I stay on in mainstream so I have to keep on going.
Rainy day.

Fortunately my internal temperature has descended back to the normal range so I can be more at ease.   1 week has gone by without a single run so I have to pick up fast.

Quite a handful of work to be done for the housing renovation which requires some detailed working to choose the right vendor.  One of the big ticket items to get over and done with before the next hurdle.  Time flies.  4 years of waiting and here we are with keys to a place of our own and we can start working on making it liveable.

There's a handful to catch up at the numbers game but I just have to carry on.  Hearing stories of 'sudden disappearance' of previous colleagues does set my mind to think about how this place can be and how far can I go.  The next thing to look forward is getting my seat 'stabilised' so I can have one less trouble to be bothered about.
I entered a building and there appears to be some firearms testing ongoing.  A couple of workers werr there to help with the testing.  One item was the 7.62mm rounds fires into empty rooms while the other was some kind of flying motar fired from a missile pod which could hold up to 6 rounds.  It certainly does look good to be able to use those weapons and fire at will.  As I was only a 'witnessing party', I could not partake in the test run.

Next scene shows me moving to another level of the building; as I was distracted by the mountainous seaview midway, I decided to exit and take a walk to the outside.  What a beautiful scene that greeted me!  Destructive waves could be heard softly lashing against the rocks with grace from such distance, coupled with the breeze.  From a couple of levels above, dearie called out to me from the window and informed she's going to the ladies' while I wait.

Next scene shows me entering a room on the 9th floor, which appears to be some air command centre.  They are doing flight test runs through mountains; only difference is that the fighter jets are equipped with one large missile above the plane.  The pilot appears to be a lady of senior age, a seasoned veteran and over the radio, she has already taken high altitude.  Upon clearance, she moved further up to 10,000ft and now we can see the mountains' peak from the live monitor via a 3rd person's perspective.  Such a beautiful scene of peace and tranquility.

Another scene shows me going to the gents' and this cubicle has sliding panels just like those shower cubicles with multi-fold doors.  Upon exiting (this place appears to be a military camp), I was stopped by a guy and 2 of his men and a body search was conducted.  This is where I found my comrades scattered nearby me.  The leader appeared quite young and asked me questions which I deem as making things difficult.  His men did a thorough frisking while he was seated; that's where I saw his rank as 3WO.  Over the questioning session, I used facial gestures to communicate to my comrades that this warrant officer guy was an idiot and was obviously out to pick trouble.

The alarm soon rang and I awoke to the drizzle of the morning rain.

The smell of phlegm engulfs my nose since I woke up.  Cough was somewhat better after taking some Wood's and lozenges.  I hope it'll be all gone by tomorrow so that I can enjoy the team building activity, and I need my regular runs to be in place.

At least the post of the recent trip are going smoothly so I can clear them out batches by batches; quite a handful of backlogs there which I need some time to clear on top the mindpacked number game in the day.  Whole new world, some might say and certainly gets more interesting as the days go by.

Quite a hot weather this morning, so we might all be expecting rain in the afternoon.
The number game has reached midweek; I'm still recuperating from URTI though there's much lesser signs of yellow phlegm.  It doesn't feel good to have this kind of lightheadedneas but since I'm still on probation, it'll only be detrimental if I am absent; so I have to hang in there.

So far things are manageable; no matter how tough the going gets, I have to hang in there.

Been almost a month since I'm back from that womderful trip and finally got a chance to do some post of the photos last nite, even at the mental fatigue state and a little unwellness within.  Anyhow, I managed to rest a little earlier in hope for a sudden full recuperation today - not there yet but at least much better than 2 days ago.

Probably it's a chain reaction due to the 'jumpstart' run on Saturday evening but I won't want to use that as an excuse - I just have to run more to fortify the immune system.
Saw myself in a villagelike place where a Japanese warlord was having negotiations with another of similar rank.  It seemed like it's a norm for warlords to also seize the woman of their rival should they win a duel.  Next part of the village had multi-tiers ans I landed up in one of the tiers which faced the street soccer court; the only difference about this 'room' apart from others is the reinforcements built on the window as it has the best and closest view of any matches that goes on.

As I moved higher, I could see a more panaromic view of the place which we all are living on - seemed like an island with little human interference (ie concrete buildings) and full of nature at full glory.

When my eyes opened, it was already 6:30am but decided to rest a little more.  How I wish to see such beautiful scenes again.
It's been a month since I had a good run as such.  Did my favourite 10km route around Sengkang which took me slightly off an hour, but I'm still intact.  Could be better after a few trails but that pair of seasoned Asics has to go.

Temperature ascended quickly into the evening after the run that soon, I was running a temperature.  Seems like a case of more electrolydes loss but in any case, I have to keep up with massive hydration.  Hope it's not a sign of heat injury as I have none of those: