Day in office had been pretty well done, just that I had to leave office pretty late.

I shouldn't have played DMC4 on my PC as I had been staring at PC screen for so many hours. Te adreneline had kept me up till 12+ and that was when I realised the draining effect on my iPhone when syncing, instead of charging up...a few missed calls from dearie, and that was certainly quite late.

Oh well, what an avid gamer I am to a certain extend...bed time now...with baby pooh's company...
Awaken at 5am but had been tossing in bed with a spell of refusal to wake up. Knowing that I may not have the time to exercise when I come home tonight, it is imparident that I force myself to get up.

Workout done all in all within 40mins and soon I'm on my way to work. A busy day I foresee, and time I have a Monday leave so I can have my time to catch up on things that I have not been able to catch up over the weekend.

All I hope for this morning is to end the last day of Feburary, victoriously.
The continuation of more homework to be done before the concrete plans are laid out for my journey to see the world.

Considering the kind of journey a backpacker will embark, it speaks about endurance, independence, and resourcefulness. There's another factor that I have to consider when I embark on this journey; and that is, communication, especially if I venture to a country which majors not in any of the common languages I know.

Brisbane seems quite out for the moment as the recent natural disasters has devastated much of the land. Seems like the next alternative could be Angkor Wat, the ruin city in Cambodia that has to be a sight. I need to do more research on that.
An early Sunday after a marathon of photo processing yesterday; although it's 7:30am,it's something of my nature to be up early; whether to have some reflection thoughts or having other activities.

For many, sleeping in late is a norm on Sunday...for myself, I have always enjoy waking up early and having time for myself.

The month of February is coming to an end really soon. That marks the progression to another month.

Since I've already accepted the proposal for my "powercut" role, this will be a good time for me to learn before resumption of the full role which encompasses full authority. Just wondering how things will be when all things have been officially organised?
Been spending most of the time doing reprocessing of photos which had been backlogged due to busy schedule and I'm glad they're mostly completed!

Dearie's preparing for her prelims so here I am, while doing my photos, keeping her company while providing her with the emotional support while she goes through her indeed stressful time for any student on any program.

No doubt I still have a hurdle to go, I certainly hope that this will not be taking too long for me to settle down in my work...

Oh yes, there's a sale fare of airfares...I should check that out since I've already made plans to travel for my first backpacking!
Just one more day for me to last through.

I have given my manager my word to accept the proposal that had been explained to me earlier. Looking at the long run, it'll be beneficial for me as the last thing that I will want happening, will be being replaced.

As much as I can, I would want to look at things on the positive side. Unless it's really dire like my previous organisation, there would be no reason for me to unplug and find a "better connection" somewhere else.

Just hope, in the long run, I don't have to stay late in office to work as I would want quality time with my family.
Moments of solace do not come often like this, where I can be alone to set my mind thinking through some things.

No doubt being pretty stretched at work, it sure will be a good move if I take up what's being proposed. Some news that had been made know to me sure sets me thinking; this role sure is something different.

Tonight will be a good time for me to relax over the won prize of attending a play at DBS Arts Centre along with colleagues...let's hope the week ends well for me, and not allowing conversion to any dark chakara.
Deep thoughts done for the reallocation that had been proposed to me. It could be called 'powercut' in technical terms; hopefully things will be better in the long run.

I had not been writing alot lately as the 'grinds' had been taking alot out of me, while I made my dive to live through each day.

There was a huge dip in my drive to stay on, but for the sake of livelihood and my objective, I have to hang on...
I had been asked by Derrick to go to Hong Kong along with Shawn, something that was last-minute arranged; good thing I had my D300S with me.

Soon enough, I was already checking into Hong Kong airport immigration. However, the airport appeared to be of people from the UK, and later on, I realised that my passport had been modified to be of someone by the name of DOL SARAH or the sort; so I went to sort out the passport and realised that this was done in a quick manner to "avoid detection" just before reaching the immigration officer.

After sorting that out, soon, we arrived at the hotel; accomodation appeared to be an apartment style, that had bedrooms and a common area; there were actually 6 of us including myself, Shawn and Derrick. One of them is an elderly lady who corrected my non-fluent Cantonese while I was communicating with them. I counted the no of people and was actually preparing to take a group photo with myself inside.

We started to discuss about how we made it here; and I was saying that it was so sudden...and here I am, in Hong Kong! Weather started to turn really wet and heavy-rained for a moment, and I went to take a rail bus which goes around town; there was this area which appeared to be an old factory, which had not been functioning for many years...still left standing. At one of the stops, the bus driver went off to to talk to teh passengers in another vehicle, appearingto be asking for help, in Cantonese, which is somewhat above my comprehension.

"blink blink..." started sounding in my ears; 6:30am...that was a dream.
A proposal had been given to me to consider getting some 'powercut' at midpoint of the probation period. The purpose was to allow room for learning so as to allow me to better equipped in future. 'Power restoration' will still be possible when I'm ready.

Many things came through my mind when I was offered that - what would i be in long term, how long will the 'powercut' be and what next? Will I be behind others again?

It took me some effort to move out from the league of 'bottom feeders', so this consideration had been something, somewhat, troubling.

No matter how, it's still masked on the outside.
A day after that tasty dinner, yet the taste lingers on and hoping for another of such a meal soon. Oh, hope that's not the beginning of a food lover's journey!

I have to revert back to my original diet which does not permit any "entry of unauthorised food in any forms: liquid, solid or molten, in any forms packaging; dry, coated, or encased in some jello-form body". Talking about strict diet, it has been quite a challenge, considering that work is tough, and we all look forward to eating comfortably after a hard day at work. My workout regime had been pretty consistent, except for this week as I had spent 2 late nights up; one is past dinner relaxation, and the other, post event photo processing.

Spending the rest of the day at home as relaxing is something I look forward to.
I had made this booking early so as to prevent disappointment and time wastage for the dinner which I am giving dearie and her family as a gesture of appreciation.

The restaurant did not turn out to be what I expected; and later I realised that the place we ate, that served noodles and other Hong Kong dishes are from another chain. No matter. The reviews of this restaurant seem pretty positive, with reasonable pricing.

It's actually situated in one of the older shophouses in Waterloo Street. Being a weekend, it is pretty unpacked as most of the meal goers are those who work nearby during lunch hours. The dishes are delicious, served quickly and reasonably priced. The final challenge, curry fish head is the first time I have gone all out to eat it; fleshy, robust curry...simply wonderful.

Other dishes we had was white fish hor fun, prawn fried with salted egg, fu rong egg, claypot beancurd, and ginger fried venison.

The dishes are not alot, but they are certainly really filling and good value for money. A place that we will definitely come back for any occasion.
No doubt it's Friday, the week had been pretty challenging for me, also on the part the mental energy that's pretty much depleted after the 2 late nights.

Tomorrow will be dinner with dearie and her family; something simple and should be something which is of decent quality in I chanced upon Hong Kong Street Family Restaurant, which is something I had tasted in the past with dearie in Parkway Parade.

Let's hope that the food turn out to be as good as I expect.
A moderately challenging day as the alcohol effect are still within the system, but I still have to get moving to work.

For some reason, the alcohol seemed to keep me calm when I had to handle a difficult customer; was that a reminder of how the mental composition should be when faced with such challenges?

I certainly noticed that moment was something which some, I wouldn't say, many, would be able to hold themselves composed with, but in any case, the matter had been given proper handling.

Tonight will be another challenge as I have to pace up to finish those event photos.
Another late night that I could almost live in office with the piling of work vs the staffing we have, to the extend that my efficiency is affected.

What I really need is a good relief for the built-up pressure - a good gettaway will be good?

I have to continue reading up my backpacking journey and set some things going...else, these accumulative steam could be destructive if it is not being let off in the right place...something that should be avoided at all costs.
It's still going to be a full week ahead. When it comes to think about taking leave, the volume of work simply puts one off.

With a new colleague coming on board, the question is what next after I'm being 'resetted to factory settings'? Based what I had handled in the past, substantial experience should be taken into consideration...when I was told of such arrangement, it gave me a mixture of emotions; am I deficit in too many areas of what they want?

Things that have passed are yet brought up again; somewhat on the same platform of misunderstanding what I actually meant...although not mentioned back then when this was told, it was only because I have not composed exactly how I felt, trying to ignore the 'degrading' fact that was felt within...although it was meant to be on the positive side. Or was I too afraid of speaking up?

The last thing I will ever want to know is that by the end of probation, I am nowhere to stay. This would be, the worst-case scenario. If that should occur, what next?

I just have to stay focused on my long term goal ahead and work towards that.
I managed to complete my workout even though awakening was at 7am; that gave me the boost I need as a good start of the day.

Today's Valentine's Day, which also happens to be 3 of my friend's birthday. Hope those who are unattached can find their love real soon :)
Chingay 2011 is far away, yet visible from dearie's aunt's place. It will take a 800mm zoom lens to that into close proximity.

In another few hours, it will soon be time to approach the next working day, starting another battle week.

How I wish the weekend could be longer...this coming Wednesday will be another company dinner where I will be busy as the company photographer; you could call this the "secondary role" that I hold in my organisation?

The night outside can't be too long as I will have to settle down for the upcoming week.
Going to Brisbane might not be a good idea afterall; considering the whacky weather occurence there, it might be a good idea to consider a change of location.

My aunt had just showed me some photos of Mongolia, which sure are, really beautiful, but language is a huge barrier as they speak only their own. ot a wise choice.

Airfares being low could suggest that weather conditions are not good, so, homework plays an important part in deciding where I can go.

Further reading continues...
Gathering at Sharon's place all the way up on the 30th floor. It is wonderfully done up and the whole place looks so cozy.

In a whiff on an eye, 5 hours had been gone and we are soon back to her abode. It's time for dinner!
Looked through some travel articles in plan for my annual trip as what I did last year to Bali, by travelling outside the peak season.

I came across some backpacking articles and it looks like an interesting way to travel.

Of course, that is also part of my shutter journey, so also, hunting for a suitable rucksack that can possibly double as my mobile home.

There's quite a handful to read, so today will be The Prequel.
This is the best way to travel as I have the liberty of being able to be on my own. Had just ran through somw articles on a guide for beginners. Rather than having to splurge so much on accomodation, the priority would be coverage of places, therefore, with budget accomodation.

Looking to start at Brisbane, Australia, as it is a place that I wanted to go but could not back then, due to some sucky management who didn't approve my leave with timeliness. There are other more remote places which I have looked through, like Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Nakagusuku, Okinawa, Japan, but all these aren't the best choices to start off.

Dearie had persuaded me to go during her exams, but those dates are not in line with my plans...further finetuning to be done.

The planning and preparation continues...
I had been told by dearie that our visit to Sharon's place had been cancelled as she was angry about something I "did"?

That's something which came quite to my surprise as I had not been in constant touch with her, no doubt she is dearie's ex-colleague...we were planned actually to go to her place this Saturday.

Things weren't clear after this news...before I knew it, it was already morning. 7:19am.
It had een another helm-holding morning, and a good lunch after colleaguea camw back with famous beef noodles from Toa Payoh after their visit to some partners.

It has only one word to describe: good, except that we started latw as we were all clogged up with work at our desks.

The day was still packed - 8 hours isn't enough for us to complete everything. Maybe that feeling I had yesterday was a pit during my course of work - so I just have to hang on.

I definitely need a break.
I have been told by dearie that my work has affected my overall being. Is is really time to look for something else? No doubt the environment is good with a small estab, the co objective somehow is not in line with my personal.

Tomorrow will be another solo show in the morning. Hopefully, more reinforcements will come in so we can look like a proper corporate organisation.

Staying on might be better though, as i will have a platform while enhancing my education. This plan had been put off once...I can't afford another as time is no more a luxury.
I entered a somewhat war zone as I saw a mob being forced into a building by the riot police. They were intending to use a new tear bomb. After firing it, the effect seem horrofic as it turned out to be incendiary; people were running out in fire.

Soon after 'smoke clear scene', a street market appeared ad there was a row of glasscases which are typically used by ornament / watch shops - waist high. A couple of girls were shopping nearby and I came to this ornament stall. The place appeared to be Hong Kong.

A guy, out of the blue, offered to buy something for dearie, a neck ornament, asking for the 'honour' to have it worn on her. Without even noticing that I was beside her, he paid for it with his credit card and decided to proceed, even though the salesgirl informed him of additional merchant fee to be levied. They went on to converse in Cantonese and that's where I realised he is actually a local.

Awhile later, we saw a newspaper article headlines showing that this guy was run down in a traffic accident and died instantly. For a moment, I thought that this was the 'consequences' he got for attempting to win her over from me.

I heard the alarm ring at 5am but simply can't startup for my workout. By the time this series are over, it's 7:19am.
Another deadly-houred day which I decided to leave at 7pm being the final straw.

Was it due to the lack of manpower that is raelly causing the workload to be exceptionally high? Such has caused an adverse effect on me - solitarity, as most of my time had been robbed from work...

Hope that there will be some good "reinforcements that come by soon, so that our workload can be spreaded.
I became the chef of our own meals as dearie's parents had been away over the festive season. Fried rice, completed with mushrooms, vegetables, prawns, crab sticks and a scrambled egg.

The rice was enough to last us to cover even our dinner; since most stalls are closed, it had been better that we made our own meals...seems that the food quality had been satisfactory as her brother also didn't complain of bad taste...I ought to use a bigger wok next time for that same quantity of rice.
I had arrived at an old army camp which reminded me of Tanjong Gul camp, the first and very old camp where I had my first ICT.

This time, I saw on the road, there was a company of North Korean soliders marching, in brown uniform, arms held close to their bodies. On the other side of the road, Chinese soliders all cocking their rifes and taking aim in a casual manner; their rifles did not look like the usual as it had a bigger muzzleguard and overall shorter assembly. It somewhat reminded me of those rifles used by aliens in Halo, yet it looked like a futuristic P-90.

The North Korean soliders continie marching forward, and it was actually a troop withdrawal as they have surrendered. Chinese troops jeered at them to go home.

I continued walking and saw a few soliders in action behind some fences; they were freeing some animals which were pinned down by a net; when these animals got up, they have the looks of a horse, but mammoth-sized like the Wooly Mammoth of Ice Age - they snuggled those soliders who freed them as a gesture of appreciation and stroded off.

I was tasked to go into one of the rooms; but those NSmen look much older than me and I wondered if I had reported to the wrong unit?

It was later on that they did a vaccination did I realise that I had been in the wrong unit. The administration procedure was also very queer; vaccine is to poured into a flask of aqua-coloured fluid and then needle dipped into the flask to draw out the vaccine.

The NSMen were all dressed in green singlet and old army slacks - those batches just after the temasek green set.
Another scam sms that I wonder how these sydicates get our no:

Sim Card Anda
Menangi Hadiah
$20.000,00 dri
Sila Dail Office:
Coca Cola"