Spent the day indoor as dearie wants to catch up on her studies so it'll be good time for me to catch up with my photoworks too. The Chinese New Year season is just around the corner and her house is already well decorated under the creative fingers of her mum who likes to bring up the ambience of the place.

There had been alot of times that I wanted to write on a daily basis, but it seemed that work had been taking up alot of my personal times especially when the tide sets in. Such are times where I can leave my thoughts of the day somewhere so I can keep my mind free to do other things outside work.

We ate one of the local delicacy, "gong gong" which dearie had been craving for since we were not successful in getting in over the past week at Sheng Song, but this time, it had been successful. The most challenging part is when we cooked them, those bad pieces will emit a pungent fishy odour that could send one to the longkangs of Sengkang after you smell it...but once you eat it, it's a different thing.

The best lesson learnt for us is to select the good pieces from the lot and to go early in the morning; by the time we found the branch selling them, those left were the pretty small ones which doesn't have much meat.

It was a good snack we had; but just wondering how is the cholesterol level of "gong gong"?

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