Returning home being the last in my department in the evening, under the light drizzling sky which certainly has set me into some thoughts for the evening.

Work's piling up; a good sign for acclerating growth but also something which might rob me of my personal time to some extend.

I guess this is how this society is shaped over the years; for the sake of livelihood, I have to hang on.

Maybe the peak for this week had been conquered, so my mind is somewhat relieved for the moment...I'm anticipating how I will be working next week now, as I can foresee the incoming 'flood' that are arriving in fragments.

Fragments of memory? This has not occured in my mind for awhile as the tension of work simply directs me to seek some mental relieve by looking forward to fiddle with my gadgets, or getting something I like to reward myself.

But the rewarding part should come only after proving my worth.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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