I had entered this place which appeared to be some military or national defence agency building, where there was a shop at the first level named 'Laamart'.  It took me awhile to get to the ground floor as a lady who seemed to be manning the shop was going down but had quite some stuff to wheel down in a trolley.

At the ground floor, a factory-like place that was sheltered greeted me and at some places where it was barriered up, noises could be heard while some merceneries patrolled along that border that was made up of broken pillars and walls.  An operative order soon was issued  and the rebels (behind the border) were taken out quickly.  We moved in and searched their remains for important information and one of my comrades found a die-cast ancient gun pistol in the possessions of one of the dead rebels.

Next scene showed another part of this sheltered area where it looks more like a equipped workshop; we expected more rebels to come in to reinforce the initial group we took out, so I took the lead and signalled to the rest to get into position for this trike-like vehicle which had just drove in.

All locked and loaded while getting ready for the driver to exit the vehicle; but there was no driver;  instead, mounted right in the centre of the cockpit was a minigun, which fired off through the gaps on the sides and rear of the vehicle.  Quickly I got my comrades to take cover and it was a near-miss for me as I hopped over the bath on one of the shots.  Later it took form a transformed into it's 'offensive mode' and the red-glowed eyes and metal-skull look was seen - so it's another variation of the Terminator models which now disguises itself as a vehicle.

Switchscene to seeing myself  as a passenger that went pass the shop 'Laamart' just like how I moved around Penang several months back.

Eyes opened to the sound of thumping door.  It's already 7:15am.

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