I have been thinking hard almost everyday about Mainstream where I have survived so far..but for how long based on my tolerance?

It's already February and soon, it will be December where everyone will be busier than ever again (leave blockage will still stand). The next good news is that the bosses will be away for awhile and that leaves me some space to breath and work.

It's a bit far to look at the end of the year at this time, but nevertheless, helps me open the mind for some planning on what can take place during this period...such as more travels with dearie?

Singapore's beginning to bore me without much activities available given the limited space we are all constrained in. Not much of nature as the place is turning into more grey than green - the expansion of concrete jungle at the cost of nature.

Back to Mainstream. Hope there won't be any 'involuntary detention' like yesterday when this evening comes. I deserve my own time after the day's work is done.

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