Laid in bed with my mind full of thoughts, but simply can't channel them into one single topic to be written with full concentration.

Anyway, concentration acquired so here it goes.

Thinking on battlebox, it's a place where 8 hours will not be sufficient for me to finish what has to be done hence I stayed back for a little while to clear what I could before wrapping up for the day. Indeed, a small setup has its pros for one to stretch oneself to apply the skills needed in various areas.

This place, despite the various queerness of things I have to put up while serving the King and Queen, has the space for me to fill and make things work better and flow smoother.

I do not know what King and Queen will see my contribution as, but in their absence, I work better as I have my own space to clear the on-going matters. I can't say much about the rest who have been here far longer than I am, but at least before my time is up here, some major improvements to be in place.

The leave is the only pricky issue that might or never improve if they are bounded by iron fists.

They say that I am an important person in the organisation but sometimes when I hear and think about it, it does sound a little disbelieving. Maybe due to the organisation size, every individual's contribution / presence is magnified.

At times, I think of myself serving my grandparents as King and Queen are well in their ages for retirement. My own grandparents are no longer in this earthly this place might just be another training ground to hone my patience with elder folks.

Year 1 will be approaching in less than a quarter year.

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Last to leave battlebox today.

The last week before the King and Queen return from their trip.  A few queer cases that has been received hence I have to clear them out so that I can prepare for tomorrow's battle.

Had been spending the evening reading about Juliana Ramos' TBI accident that almost took her life; it certainly was heartbreaking to see her in that situation; a gorgeous lady's life could be ruined by one accident.  I certainly hope that she recovers well so that she can be at least near to her lifestyle before the accident.  And to her fiance, Chris, never give up.  You have a beautiful heart that will aid Juliana in her recovery.

Life can be so brittle.  Just one incident can change one's life forever.  This reminds me how I have to protect my loved ones, my beloved angel no matter what.  Maybe the physical toughness inscribed in me was what God had made me for, as The Protector.  Juliana's case also reminded me of the numerous accidents I had when I was riding my motorcycle.  Fortunately I had given that up for good.  If I had continued riding, only God knows what will happen in the subsequent years which had not looked good considering the number of occurences I had.

I thank God for every moment that I live, hence I hope also for my loved ones around me.

A little scattered thoughts tonight.  Almost time to hit the pillow.

This number called me again.  So far haven't read about anyone being haggled by this number.
It was a dim-lit evening and I had been disturbed by the sight of the back of the head of what looks like a little boy just below my window sill, outside my home.  Being an unusual sight, I decided to move further away and communicated to this being using some form of mental communication but I could see a GUI where I keyed in what I wanted to communicate with it.

I wrote "I do not know where you come from and what are you looking for, but do let me know why you are here and what are you looking for so that I can help you further".  This was in response to a voice which I heard outside and coincidentally with this sighting.

When I walked to the gate of my home, I was somehow guided there in anticipation that I will be receiving a courier from someone.  Soon after awhile, I went over to the next door neighbour (the lady whom was always solitary and kept her house shut most of the time)'s place and saw a lady in purple uniform passing her a couriered mail.  Behind her (the view was switched to plan view from above) was a box.  After reading the mail, she opened the box behind her which matches the letter that said "I am dressed in traditional Chinese bridal dress" which showed a human who was lying peacefully in it.  It was her late brother's wife.

News flash showed me reading about an article of an ex celebrity Liuqi, which the headlines linked that she had passed on due to cervical cancer?

I saw myself carrying this cardboard coffin down the stairs - amazingly I could carry it down without any troubles as it was not just a human inside, but beside it, was a bed that was nicely laid.  After reaching the rubbish compound, I got myself ready to light it up for "proper disposal", but after looking above, I saw that neighbour's late brother, who seemed to have "returned" to finish up his job by seeing his late wife's cremation process was properly done.  After I had attempted to ignite hard, what could start the burning was some slimy and jelly-like strands that looked like the Chinese delicacy, called "lou xu fan", but it was black and flammable.  I had to pick up more from a nearby place to get the fire going, but overal, the flaming process took quite a while as these were the most combustible, yet slow to ignite. 

That neighbour's late brother could be seen talking to her sister at the window of her place but I did not see him coming down.

I had awoken at 7am.  No sign of a child squatting outside my room window sill.
Another weekend to wrap up the week that had came to an end; after a long weekend I had.

It was an indoor-spent Sunday with dearie while she does her revision and I, the continuation of cyber-housekeeping and some further research for a suitable place during my HCMC trip next month.  I have about 2 weeks to prepare.

Had managed to speak a little to SH since things didn't go well with dearie's bro; she has to get a headstart to move on with the next phase of life.  Hope this will go well for her. All of us will miss her since we've known her for more than 2 years already; things just took a turn of the tide over the past few weeks.

Dearie's sound asleep already by this time and I guess it's time for me to turn in soon.  Another battle week awaits me ahead.
The clock has flicked past 12am again.  A little hungry but I should not put anymore things into this engine that I had refined pretty well over the 1/2 a year of running and strict diet.

Was looking through my friend list and realised that there were many friends whom I have not been in touch for many years.  Some of them, despite my attempt to be in touch with them via cyberspace, had fallen to deaf ears.  I guess I have to move on since these people are not responding.  This brings my memories back to those years in church where I was so involved in ministries, even called to help a classmate in school who saw things of the other world that require a spiritual intervention.

Those were the days.  Things started crumbling when I was forced by those leaders to attend church camps which were strongly objected by my parents.  I know how resistant they were towards Christ and I had a hard time getting my way.  No doubt I was "approved", I could only attend "day camps" and left for home when the evening came.  However, just after the 1st day, I fell pretty ill and could no longer attend the other days of activities.  Was this all planned by God that I should not even attend this camp at all?

I still remember that fateful afternoon in 1997 where Esther wanted to meet me in church alone.  My gut feeling told me something was amiss, hence I got Songjie to come along with me.  During those student days, we were fully reliant on parents' pocket money and when we told the leader, Esther Lee, that we didn't want to attend the church camp due to financial constraints, instead of words of concern and constructive solutions, Songjie and I were spiked by her questioning us back "no money to attend church camp but got money to buy handphones?"  After several reasonings with her, and she still insisted for us to attend, she finally got her leader, Janice, who is a full time ministry worker, to come in and bombard us further with her thesis and things definitely didn't look very pleasant.  Their point was still to force this down our throats and to end the conversation, Esther said in a very proud tone, "Janice and I have found buyers for your handphones".

That was a major setback that I asked myself, is this what church life is about, forcing people to attend church camps, events and all?

I had my school project to work along with a few of my classmates, and due to the constant ranting and pressure from Esther to attend endless church activities, I had to even cut my timing and go for these events.  That costed me the friendship with one of the group members which Esther definitely doesn't know.  All she cared was about populating her cellgroups to show how great a cell leader she was.

No doubt it has been 14 years, but the unpleasantness of those occurrences remained in my mind.  After some catch-ups with Songjie sometime back, I learnt that Esther is nowhere to be seen in church.  Looks like she has either left church, or due to some actions, been expelled by the ministry.

After this incident, my overview observation from those church people I've mingled with only showed me one thing they have in mind; asking me to be greatly involved in church events but also from a few talks I realised that some of them are what I would describe as, shallow.  Just some general knowledge about who is this person or that but they have no idea.  Aside church, ministry and the sort, none of them seem concerned about me being myself.

That was the reason I decided to leave church, and for good.

I still hold on to the pillars which I keep my faith in God strong that I live by.  That is all that suffices.
Gave this call the ignore.  Been searching around but found no one who has received this call.
Got a call from this number and my resources have found that this is a telemarketing call from Bank of China.

Let's see how they explain how they have obtained my number.
There was some major event going on in the field just beside Temasek Polytechnic and I was there, doing improvised chin-ups with the swing-trainer (or what many calls the Monkey Bar); and I had hit 40 chin ups after the best was at 30.

It looks like an NS event.  Walking across the grasspatch, I was talking to Bert, one of my closest comrade, and he showed me a 1.44MB 3.5 inch diskette, which had a eroded part and he told me that this was made to be an access card to the house he lives in when he is at Australia as there are many rooms in the house.  I had jokingly told him that I would try sneaking in and he told me that the house is huge despite having several rooms.

A drivepast scene showed me what would look like a typical house in Australia; definitely is big and certainly looks cosy.

Switchscene; I had alighted from the plane and soon, found myself walking the streets of London.  Weather was a little rainy and I had passed through a wooden shelter which the settings look a little like the Victorian era.  Saw myself dressed in a trench coat, slinged over my shoulder was a dual barrel hunting gun and someone tried befriending me by greeting me and walking alongside me.  I had read that such are people who tries to fleech tourist off hence I shooed him away.

A little walk further brings me near the roads; I could see little houses which look like they're made up of confectionary; definitely worth a sight as they are each done up very beautifully; just like the Strawberry Shortcake cartoon.  E-cars (the eco-friendly one seater cars) could be seen driving along the "shoulder lanes" on the right which seems to be catered for such vehicles.

I had reached what we call a bus stop; something of concrete shelter, and even equipped with latrines as this bus seems to bring people around town a long way.  I was busy snapping the signboard, the booth behind that sells snacks (though it wasn't open yet) as I could see the merchandises through the glass.  Soon, I had boarded a bus and the bus conductor boards about a stop later and starts collecting the fares from everyone.  When he had asked me for my fare, he accidentally pinched my stomach and I went "ouch" halfway during my question.  Since I was the first time in London, he told me the fares in Pounds or Euro equivalent; that was about 13 Euros for a pretty long trip.

Before I could alight from the bus, I had awoken.  Cool wind from the fan directed at me for the past 8 hours.  It's 4:30am.
This number has been calling me umpteen times even after I rejected their calls.  Today they have called me at the following timings:

Just read about this post by a PRC undergrad in our local university and that certainly was a very unpleasant remark he had posted.
2 reasons I could analyse from his response in this manner - either he is just irritated at the moment, or he is simply rude, ungrateful that he has a chance to study here in Singapore.  Another question that the leaders might have to answer to the public, is, are they going to spend so much for such qualities of "talents"?

Personally I think he owes the nation who gave him this chance to study here a very big apology.
Persistant as they can be, I have rejected their call but they cannot seem to stop.  Today they have called me at the following timings:


Reading from websites, many have complained that these are automated calls from UOB:
Saw myself taking an express bus by Jetstar which will bring us to the airport.  On the way there, I could see the bright yellow subway which was running above ground level, also coloured in bright orange that suggests this was another transport service operated by Jetstar.

The bus which we were in had a turbo power as it raced past the other buses.

Soon, we were on a subway like "plane" which had ample seating and even standing space.  The plane was bound for remote places like Kathmandu.  After awhile, I could see some street wrestling scenes and a much younger version of Stallone could be seen wrestling and his team were cheering on to the public to get tickets to watch his next ring match.

With my travel companions, I asked if they have dearie's number as I've "lost" it - a sudden occurence as we all seemed to have dispersed after reaching this place.

Just as when I was about to recall her number, I had awoken.  6+am, but seems like a muscle recovery phase, hence went back into slumber with a "blackout period".
A surge of such calls which I suspect is another desperate telemarketer trying to make sales over the phone.  They have been calling me so frequently!

This evening seems a little mentally stretched.  Does it mean that I am really tired, or it's just a sign that I need that sweatout at my usual hangout to wicker off the fatigue?

Managed to pick up some leftover dinner from dad at home since mum's not cooking tonight.  A iron session might just be too soon as I had to eat with the fast depletion of my energy level despite having some snacks (I don't usually snack unless absolutely necessary).

Managed to see dearie after her lessons today, the final weekday lesson for this week and another on Saturday.   Exams are nearing and certainly, I can feel the stress building up.  Some cardiovascular exercises will definitely be good for her.

I had entered a Cold Storage that was by the sea, where the environment looked like a port.

After we had bought some finger food and ate in the store itself, we gathered for a short briefing.  All of us appeared to be in the Boys' Brigade attire that was meant for outdoor adventure.  When the briefing was done, we all moved like the wind, in a big group, out of the store and the public were amazed by the "formation" exit we made.

When we were all out, I was making a run and then doing a slide-drift past corners, to the amusement of the sailors who were milling around after their ship had docked at the port.  A few corners and soon we reached another gathering point where a high-ranking officer gave us his briefing, addressing us as "NSMen".  He had told us not to wander too far else he will be charged and dropped in rank.

There was a buffet, and the first dish I wanted was nasi lemak but the lady who served food told me that they only had something which resembled a bruchetta.  That girl who spoke to me looked just like an ex local actress, Huang Shuyun

7:47am.  It was another world which I had never seen.
The run certainly was more intense as compared to previous run.  This time round, pace had been consistent throughout the run.

I made it to complete my 10km under 1 hour for the first time.  The usual pace is 6km/hour which means 10km will be done in 60mins.  Runkeeper had not captured the accurate distance but nevermind; guess it's just one of those times where the accuracy is not working.

Let's go for another soon.
The evening approaches while I prepare to make my way to see dearie at her school.  The run before lunch had been good despite the searing heat of the midday sun that scorched me like the blazing flames of the barbeque pit on the Chinese New Year's roasted pork crisps.

Nevertheless, pace still well maintained and a friend had commented it was fast despite her being into the running sport for more than a year.  Looks like my fitness level is still well-maintained at the nominal pace.  I wouldn't say this is a fast pace as I've done runs for longer distances at a farther distance.

Just one MTV to watch before I head off.
Took a slightly further walk off the central but was unable to find any other eateries as it was a residential estate.

Decided to head back to the quiet coffeeshop at the corner and have something soupy. Not the best idea to stuff myself with too strong flavoured food at this time though I had some spicy floss with bread this morning with coffee.

Weather's searingly hot and it's best to stay indoors, but I had better avoid the mall as there are limited seats with back rest for 'maximum sitting comfort'.

One last night of 'plantbase' at SIM tonight.

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I have been thinking hard almost everyday about Mainstream where I have survived so far..but for how long based on my tolerance?

It's already February and soon, it will be December where everyone will be busier than ever again (leave blockage will still stand). The next good news is that the bosses will be away for awhile and that leaves me some space to breath and work.

It's a bit far to look at the end of the year at this time, but nevertheless, helps me open the mind for some planning on what can take place during this period...such as more travels with dearie?

Singapore's beginning to bore me without much activities available given the limited space we are all constrained in. Not much of nature as the place is turning into more grey than green - the expansion of concrete jungle at the cost of nature.

Back to Mainstream. Hope there won't be any 'involuntary detention' like yesterday when this evening comes. I deserve my own time after the day's work is done.

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A firestorm seemed to have been quenched by the sight of 'Ernie ding' bear last night via cyberspace.

I had a deep sleep again but this time, it was quiet in dreamland. Nothing out of the ordinary or deja vu was seen in my mind's eye.

It's the midweek again and I'll be once again planting my base outside for the evening. It's one of the best ways for me to be on full concentration. That reminded me that my run regime can begin soon since I had recovered.

Prawn noodles for lunch, courtesy of Rayson and had some discussion on the paper which I had been attempting to clear for many times but to no avail. I hope the next attempt will be final and successful.

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Day 2 of the hawker centre closed, but fortunately I can still find some plain, soup-based food for lunch.

The Storm of the Stomach has somewhat died off, but still better to go easy with my diet first and avoid those strong flavoured food.

Last night was strewn with an array of dreams which was like a shatter of memories. I had been awakening on almost an hourly basis since I hit the bed with a throbbing headache at a pretty early hour.

Time for my fish slice soup lunch!

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Hope that 15mins spent in the 'bomb centre' is the last of the Storms of the Stomach after it came at the end of last weekend and after seeing the doctor on Saturday, completed with some medication.

I have to watch what I eat as the wrong food can trigger another storm, which goes as red hot as Jupiter's Red Spot. That place remains a mystery which no human had explored successfully so far.

An afternoon remains for me to survive the day. I hope the stomach won't have further disturbances and let me resume back to normal life after this trail of much dehydration. Lunchwise, will never patronise that stall I frequented after this unpleasant incident.

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I thought I had a pretty deep sleep the night before and even a sequence of 2 dreams, but after stepping into battlebox for awhile, things started to change; face feels a little cold as if  I was about to break into cold sweat (but nothing oozed out of my face), things around me appear a little floaty, and there's an feeling of wanting to puke.  Prior to this, I already had 3 slices of well-dressed "pizza bread" from the neighbourhood confectionary shop which mum had bought earlier.  Thought this should be a good serving of breakfast to start the day with.

Hope it's just a lack of glucose, and after this cup of hot Milo, I will be back to normal.