Been many days since I last wrote here as I've been battling that damn paper which had boggling me for the past fortnight.

Today's the 2nd attempt after a 1-week cool off and re-org period.

Oh well, didn't make it again. Looking through the result slip, it once again showed the sections where I'm lacking in passing but it doesn't matter now that I had been thinking which part had gone wrong?

Or maybe I had been too stressed up by the result outcome that I had missed out some important information retention mentally.

Anyhow, the day's over and I had just sauntered around the shopping mall near Mainstream as a way to take my mind off the stress. I seriously need some entertainment. A gaming machine...will that help?

Time to RTU.

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The runs had given me deep sleeps each night I hit home. Tonight will be the last 'outstation' for the week and most probably, another run to be done.

The runs had steadily been picking up, and I've finally got something decent to secure my music player to my arm which also, keeps track of my fitness level.

Keep that run going. I'm getting the hang of it.
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Had a doze-off after running into 4 chapters of re-revision just now. So now it's another moment where I might have a little challenge getting into slumber.

That doze off was not even half an hour.

Despite having done a 10km run, the body doesn't feel as tiring as having to run in the baking heat yesterday morning. Awesome achievement for the mid week and allowing me to take my mind off that mental disturbance from the morning.

I might go for another round tomorrow as an 'evaluation run' which I do at the end of each week's running phase. And Sitex is here, and I can finally lay my hands on that Backbeat 903+ which is at a deal!

Hope dearie is sleeping soundly with her favourite ding beside her at this time. It had been a rough mental struggle for me till I had settle in for that re-revision. Though those text can be challenging to read, I have to go through it and I'm glad I started it tonight despite having the resit 7 days away.

Let me try entering slumberland. Hopefully, I can go through an adventure.

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It's the time of the afternoon again after lunch, but the mind remains at it's maximum alertness since the morning defeat.

Not that I'm dwelling on it, but rather, it seemed that the preparation had not been all done well despite having a thorough revision. Sometimes, I'm just at a loss of words after the defeat, probably still in a state of disbelieve.

As I look at things around me, it all seemed so different; at this place I am now, there isn't anything that's delighting, but yet, there's some kind of serenity that I need to keep my mind in a decent state of stability.

Even the social networking portals are a little quiet after a few rounds of interactions. Hope it's not this 'wrath' that's causing a reduced socialising phenomenon.

Another half of the day to go. I have to clear this paper quickly before their 'wormhole' closes for the year end.

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That test is over and I didn't make it. Life still has to carry on but it's definitely something which really deemed the fees being wasted.

I hope it wasn't an information overload but had always told myself, that failure is not an option. Have I just been too sensitive, that certain reactions from people only suggests a jeer on my defeat?

Another attempt next week and I had better make it. So for now, all social activities will be sealed off till I clear that paper.

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Quick charging as I ran through 4 chapters at 1 go. The week for that paper had finally arrived.

While revising, got to chat up with Kevin while he was at Norway; weather seems extremely cold and scene looks wonderful. He'll be there for 2 weeks with his wife. Just learnt that he also went with another in numbers.

Good trip.

Super Gangsters Chalet 1996 played in the background as I ran through my books, tickling me each time, without fail, after hearing those funny remarks made by our group of people. During those times, the only way to record was via the conventional cassette and mic. Super Gangsters will be published separately.

After finishing the 'audio entertainment', a fair bit had been done, hence it's time for a rest.
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Another day at mainstream and it's lunchtime.

A run in the morning certainly was a good booster for me after an 'In the Line of Fire' (now play that C&C soundtrack) yesterday. I call this 'inner circle', the Firing Chamber.

Had just completed a round of revision which will prepare me for another attempt for the paper tomorrow.

Weather's extremely hot today especially now that this place isn't airconditioned - a sheltered area just outside Macdonald's.

Hope I can leave earlier tonight so I can go for another round of this revision to better prepare me for that event tomorrow.

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The weekend's over so soon. I must have been too tired from working on that 13 incher when I was at dearie's place. Sometimes I wonder why did Steve Jobs design the unibody Macbook till it weighs so heavy...was it in view that Air was in their big picture to be the mobile flagship?

It's a little unusual that I had felt so sleepy since I started making my way to base today; the mind was consistently in that 'soul sleep' mode till I had finally awoken after completing one cup of coffee. Could this be the effects of mind-muscle exhaustion?

Still 1/2 a day to go but am definitely looking forward to that refreshing run after I can leave battlebox.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night. From the news that colleague brought me, it had seemed that things look positive in my place, so that kind of settle my mind down so that I can make plans for bigger things, such as dearie and my big day, our love nest and many more things.

There's another 15mins to go, but keeping myself occupied here will be a good way to let the mental engine stay active.

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Just wanted to write about the fine for non-displaying of parking coupon on a Sunday wee-hour morning, which the following Monday is a make-up public holiday.

Not sure if many people had been affected by this, but considering the fact that the following day is a public holiday, I thought that a motorist should not be penalised for not displaying coupon.  As a matter of fact, it's quite ridiculous for having such a "7am - 10pm" free parking rule.  Logically speaking, the actual day of free parking starts at 0000hrs on Sundays and ends 2359hrs; so any penalty should come in only after 2359hrs.

I guess I have to write this to bring to their attention before more people are penalised.
Another week coming to an end and most things have been done pretty well.

Things look pretty ok on the mainstream now, just that the book digging I have to go through over the weekend.

Waiting for dearie now in the open, while hoping the perspiration-flavoured top I have will be dry in due course as I wasn't amply-prepared to bring something fresh from my vehicle after the morning run.  Hence, I had to rely on this top to keep me properly covered since I'm not doing any runs int he park this evening.

Weather seem good enough for another round, but I guess I'll keep the evening to spend with dearie.  She certainly sounded like she had a busy day; all of us deserve a good dinner tonight.

I have another 0.5 day to go tomorrow but that's not too bad a thing for me.  Dearie can have a good rest so after that, we can have the afternoon together.
It had been a full recovery day last evening as I had a straight, 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Been awhile since I did a 5km run and that was just as close as I had done yesterday.

Seems like the kick of running has came in, so I'll be doing more runs these few weeks, while in sync with an upcoming examination preparation.

Dearie had saw some travel photos of her colleague to Switzerland; a spell of envy flashed through her eyes and that had hinted to me that she also desires to travel. I definitely look forward to that since I'm a person who has to be on the move.

Weather today is turning a little cloudy now as I write, so I might be a better option to stay indoors this evening after mainstream hours are done.

I have ample time to write today, so hence, more can be read here till my breaktime is over.

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Woke up at 5am and commenced my routine workout.  As I had finished early and fresh, hence, I’ve decided to make my way here so that I can have some personal time before work takes those time away from me.

I had just learnt about the death of Ricky Hui one of the Hong Kong comedians of the 1980s - 1990s along with his two brothers, namely, the Hui Brothers.  Death is really inevitable, but at least he had lived till a pretty decent age.

That triggered my mind to read about some notable deaths.  Many of these have lived up to a pretty old age, but again, there are some people whom I’ve not heard / read about that had passed on as early as 32 years old.

Sometimes, I had wondered why the very talented people had passed on so young, and some of the cases were due to SUDS, which I learnt from a documentary show “Unnatural” hosted by Darren Lim.  Could it be their exceptional talent that they have reached their maximum “exposure” that it’s time to be called home, or like my mum says, that they’re too good till the gods are jealous? 

I’m not sure if I had written something on this before, but this had been something on my mind for awhile, and since I might have left off on this topic sometime back, I thought, it would be a good idea to go deeper into my thoughts on this subject.
I saw an old friend, Pheng Leong, whom I had not met for many years, with his Facebook profile showing a well-composed shot that was definitely done through dSLR.  There was a contact number shown and I had taken it down, and suddenly, it flashed to a scene where I’m driving through Punggol, a road that had not been fully developed into a public lot.  Dearie and I were trying to find out way out of this vegetation which seemed a little thicker than expected.  While finding our way, it seemed we have reached a place which looked unfamiliar, and I decided to debus and scout the area by foot, with dearie following me.

There was a cave-like landmark which was beside a shady vegetation where some clearance could be seen.  I spotted some foreign labourers there, which one of them tried being funny and approached dearie.  In defence, I had swung my torchlight and hit him on the head while we made our escape; more of these people could be seen in that shady vegetation and it caught their attention as we made our escape.

It was one pretty dangerous situation that, thankfully to God, had never occured in reality.

That was when I had awoken.  4:54am read the clock.  Thank God it was only a dream.
Lunch done after a stormy and wet morning. I had made it to mainstream with a well-sheltered umbrella that kept me pretty dry; just that the rain had been unusually heavy.

Lots of work done in the morning. Guess it makes quite a fair bit of difference when one of my colleagues is away on long leave.

The long dream during the night had kept me in 'soul sleep' mode this morning; it was only after the walk through the rain that got me awake at the normal alert level. Thank God that the journey to my outdoor base this morning was safe.

Looking at the lockscreen wallpaper of dearie and myself had always reminded how fortunate I am, to have found such a beloved angel of my heart. It's definitely not by chance and I thank God for her.

That reminded me of where I had left off in our planning for the big day, that will be bringing all of us closer when I'm already pretty close to her family now.

Alright, time to return to battlebox.

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Another long weekend and it's coming to the last day of this short holiday.

It's almost time to turn in after doing some work.  Might be going exploring later since I've acquired a higher capacity memory card just during the evening.

Dearie is sound asleep, but since after watching Paranormal Activity 3 yesterday, she had been pretty fearful of those "demonic presence" as featured in that show.  Had managed to catch the prequel of this series, Part 2 on video just now and it was also, the same kind of fear.

Oh well, the presence of demons sure appeared so real in those shows.  They are around, just that many of us do not have the same encounter as them.  Or should I say, there are many, but unspoken.  Not just being a superstition or "western folklore", but whatever's potrayed in the movie does have some facts somehow.

Ok, time to rest for now.  Continue again tomorrow on this topic since I've started it.
A sliding session after lunch. Now I realise how slippery this pair of shoes are on a rainy day.

Fortunately, just some abrasion on the elbow.

A long weekend lies ahead; though I have plans to visit Plaza Angsana, it might be a better idea to hold this till a later day as dearie has classes tomorrow afternoon.

Just 1/2 a day more before I call it the end of today. Hopefully, no massive extended hours.

The previous night was a little sleepless as I had already recovered quickly under my hyper regeneration, and the mind had gotten active once more...without realising, I had finally dozed off around 130am after tossing in bed for a couple of hours.

Hope I won't have the same sleepless issue tonight.

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Another midday break. One more day to the forthcoming long weekend.

Rainy season had been usual greeting outdoors. With such a climate, travelling might be a little unsuitable especially in the SEA region. Might be a better idea to do it when climate becomes drier.

I've had my Iron Session this morning, so at least, a major routine task had been completed for the day on a personal level.

Hope dearie had rested well yesterday evening without seeing me; it had been a little mentally challenging with all the ongoings lately.

Still in the midst of finding the best solution to a makeshift workstation which doesn't take up too much space. Hope I can get everything settled before the long weekend, so I concentrate on those backlogs.

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Well, it seemed like a grenade-lobbing had been avoided and I look forward to settling this soonest.

Energy had been drained a little more yesterday and dozed off earlier than I expected. When I awoke this morning, I thought Friday had arrived but it hadn't. Still another day to go.

Resuming my workout before continuing to write.

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Midday checkpoint.

Done with refuelling and putting up at my 'reflection station'. Had finally found the cause of the jam-up in my MUP. Someone had apparently assumed that things are all online when it has not even been actioned on.

For a moment, the world today felt like I'm non-existent; many people whom I usually keep in touch with, had not responded to my message. Could it have been a busy day for everyone? Or was it simply the 'state of fury' now had caused many to shun away from me?

I only shared about this issue to a handful of people; certainly unnecessary to go full scale.

Another harboured thought was, is this how a MUP is being handled considering the fact I'm the only person who has to attend the annual ICT? Or the person handling it 'simply put aside' considering the quantum being 'small' in their eyes?

After all these mentally disturbing nights, I had wondered if this is the place I will attend my only ICT at with the bad MUP experience. A reconsideration.

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It's already the next morning; no doubt I had awoken even before the alarm clock sounded, I had been returning to slumber for a number of times.

Final awakening at 730am and it's time to get ready.

Even when I had a deep slumber, the disturbing thoughts about the MUP issue was still disturbing me, just like an ant in the shoe biting my toes and I can't ease that irritation immediately.

It's almost time for me to go up, and find out what had been going on during my ICT.

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The thundering through the highway had been a little on the upper limit this time.

While on the road, constant reminder of the unsettled MUP had been on my mind. This had been the first time I had encountered such a delay when I attended ICT, that made the overall experience now, toppled to the negative side. With that, it only made my maneuvers more aggressive.

Just what is the cause of this big hiccup? I'll soon find out in a moment's time when I step into mainstream office later.
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Almost time to enter Battlebox at mainstream but just a quick recap of things.

Time really flies; it's already coming to the end of the year where all of busyness will come in, but still, a good thing as time will pass faster that way.

Weather hadn't been really good lately but cooler is always better than searing heat.

I don't know how long will I be staying here. As far as things are now, they look fine; just that my mind knows very well where I should be fitting perfect with despite many years in my current industry. Nothing beats those scenes where everyone is all nicely dressed up and looking good.

Ok, thoughts deposited. Time to move out.

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Here comes another month.

I've just done some reshuffling in my room, hoping that I can make something comfortable out of the makeshift workstation while linking back to my good old 23 incher LCD through my Macbook.

Still not the best but further improvements can still be done.

I'll be moving out to mainstream soon.  Had been a little troubled about the delays on MUP payment which a substantial sum had not been received.  Hope there will be some news today and it'll be settled soonest.