Some rehearsal shots and catching up with peers.  Without my knowledge, a discovery that this unit has an array of talents.  I was jokingly sharing with one of the officers that all we lack is a photo / video team.  Indeed, this might just be something that will branch out to something good even beyond the NS time.

We're going to be able to book out today.  Considering the dinner that was incancellable, the bookout timing was fixed at 1830hrs.

I had managed to reach home around 8pm after giving Bert a lift to somewhere near his place which does not deviate much from my original course.  A first scent of home.
The room to myself now after the rest of the bunkmates gone for their own activities outside the room.
It's rather a quiet day so far and the mind's still settling in. While one without a partner may not see things so, it affects more for someone who has a loved one who will be missing him outside camp.
Hope dearie's coping well with her lessons despite a series of 3 consecutive days. It's especially tiring and it's just such a pity that I can't fetch her this evening.
Tonight should be a good time for me to catch up on my disturbed rest, caused by the sonic waves of the Pre-Military Syndrome.
It's just how amazing the mind can be powerful. In just a matter of seconds, a thought can lead to constructive or destructive things...and how it can change the way things look.
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Day 1 is almost over. With the bad shoe, I wasn't able to do my run as the condition was really horrible.

Today's quite easy so far; just those endless lectures all cramped into a straight row of 4 hours gave me a bad headache. Lunch was late...and some hiccups caused us having to wait another 20mins after queuing up for 10mins.

Tomorrow should be another lesson-occupied day before things start kicking in the week after this, limited weekend. Timetable has already shown 1/2 Saturdays being burnt.

Just awhile more to dinner.
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As the evening reached later into the night, it got increasingly disturbing as each moment ticked by determined a shorter moment of freedom.
Tomorrow will be a long journey to the west, with a mental 'baggage' as I'll miss my angel so much. Fortunately, I had been able to see her these 2 evenings after her lessons. These time spent with her made my evenings before the 'tormenting' much more pleasant.
I would love to spend more time with her, but it had better be that I return home and touch up the final bit of my baggage for this military journey that will deprive me of freedom, seeing my beloved angel and the time for my own things.

Guess it's inevitable...hope to finish it soon.

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Just another half day to go before the next agenda for preparation: a pack-a-go before meeting up with dearie later in the evening.

Weather here has cleared up so the evening's temperature might pick up; hopefully it's the same over at our destination.

Hope dearie's preparation will be well done by tonight as we have to catch an early flight tomorrow.
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A rainy morning; good temperature to start the day as I make my way out.

While walking through the cool breeze, the mind is still locked on the departure for tomorrow while we embarked on a short trip.

Not gonna think about other factors now; since climate has reached such a situation, the best I could do now is to pray that we'll all have a safe journey.

These 3 days should be enough for us to explore should weather condition not be too tough to hinder our plans.

Could it be excitement that caused me not to be able to turn in early last night?

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Mental whacking - this is what I call the process to keep that mind going no matter how tough things get. My choice of stimulating the mind as many people use mahjong with this purpose with the primary goal of financial gains.

For me, it'll solely be based on physical and mental strength through the wielding of a certain calibre of weights.

It's still a challenge as compared to running as my 'fast twitch' of energy is efficient for workouts but not as strong for runs. I have to raise this up to be on par, or better than that 'burst mode of energy'.

One final day of Mainstream before hitting the airport for our weekend journey to a well-deserved holiday. It has finally arrived.

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Yesterday was quite a mind blowing session; had raised most of the moves with 20 reps more. The session was powerful enough to keep my food intake low after that, thus, it was a good diet discipline dinner. That could be the reason why I wasn't able to wake up in the early hours for a run.

2 more days and I'll be spending my weekend abroad with dearie. Intel has gathered that weather was in its monsoon and there's only 4hrs of sunshine each day. That calls for a wet-weather control measure.

This is the season of what many people would call, the 'holiday mood'; mainstream still runs on but the mind is on the upcoming holiday.

Hope dearie had a good rest as I turned in at quite a late hour after catching some financial news.

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Lunch hour at mainstream. The muscle has somewhat relaxed a fair bit after that big load lugging yesterday.

Just another 5mins and I'll have to return for shelling. Have been on a hunt before refuelling for that DVI to HDMI adaptor but to no avail to what I wanted.

After the day is done, we'll just have another 3 days to our trip! Not too much inventory preparation is needed but still, better to start putting things into that bag this evening.

While there's quite a fair bit of work done, the day has another half to go and I look forward to not a long evening ahead. Hopefully, no last minute projectiles.

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I saw myself going back to that abandoned house that I recently had seen and had not been able to obtain full view of it all as it was cordoned off from.

This time, I had brought a ladder and managed to get a better view and had even entered the premises to get a better view of the place.

What greeted me was a building where its remnants stood with a hint of its past glory. The design of the windows and architecture suggested that this building was at least 70 years old when it was first built.

Ring. 7am and it's a Sunday morning.

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Wonder who this might be? I called back twice but the line is always engaged.
Time flies; it's coming to the end of the 3rd month of Mainstream and things are going on track; steadily.

Also, the holiday that has been planned with dearie is going to be set on course in a week's time.  The excitement simply crawls up to me like an unbearable must be the Bite of the Travel Bug that has once again hit me!

Itinerary planning...already quite prepared but all that's left to finetune is to discuss the details with dearie on where we should go, budget, things to do and the sort; there are so many things to look forward in this well-deserved break from our busy schedule.

Considering the monsoon season that we're going in at, some wet-weather prevention and contingency plans must be in place in case we get contacted by that drizzle.

Dearie has some plans on with her to-wed friend, so this evening will be just me, Macbook, digital sniper and my new pawed friend to keep me company.  Haven't decided on a name for him though but he sure is a rare breed among all the strays I see around my neighbourhood; a Persian.  Had briefly spent some time with him before I reached home just now.

It's been a mentally-challenging week that I had to take a power nap during the lunch break just now; it's something that's good to recover the mental fatigue that stretches one's mind like a tensed rubber band, till the point that I need to release the tension by going through a forty eyewinker to keep it off.  Anyhow, the week had been more interesting as I got to talk to more people, building up that good rapport between business partners and getting things done efficiently.

Tomorrow; the weekly cleaning up day at Mainstream and the routine chores when I hit home; might be a good idea to settle the chores this evening so I can go out and "take down those targets' with my digital sniper since the time available during weekdays are just quite limited.  When nightfall hits, there's quite a limited array of targets I can work on; except for the festive lighting decorations that comes by on a seasonal basis.

Hope dearie had done her dinner and is enjoying her evening.
Proning in a position that was facing a small hut-like building, like SAFAB's cookhouse, I was waiting for a target to appear as a sniper. The place was surrounded by vegetation where monkeys freely roamed the place.

The target hunting mission soon turned into a melee battle where I had to move out from my position into the hut and give pursuit. The target? A giant forest owl.

Switchscene showed me in an civilisation building enclosure where 'the witch' as described by some of my peers, gave the displeasing gaze on me as I was in some compression legwear used by athletes. A peer had hinted she didn't like that but I had been on some related activities prior.

7am. Time to get going to the mainstream battlezone.

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What I could do last night, 'long exposure for cloud movements' as suggested by a friend turned out to be a deep slumber. As usual, the dream-inclined slumber persona triggered another series of dreams.

It's mid battle week; exactly 10 days before our trip. Am I looking forward to that!

It had been unusual for me to go on such deep sleeps, but I guess when the fatigue breaches my chakara, that's when a rest and recover is needed to be done.

Hope dearie had rested well last nite despite me missing her calls.

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Hall settings in that of Victorian style and there were some photoshooting event that was going on. At that moment, it didn't look like an actual event of some formality.

I had my backpack, something which I had never used before in a camouflage blue design. In it were a couple of bodies.

As the event went on, I then saw a signboard saying 'Jacz and Ella' which hinted that this was a European ROM. No wonder things look very different on the atmosphere.

I wasn't the main photographer but had bene tagging along for shoots throughout. Nicole was there too. While I was attempting to photograph, somehow my gear became odd. One of the bodies I was carrying became film and some lenses became manual lens. It took me awhile to fumble around. Soon, it was time that the event was over and I hadn't got a single shot.

The couple were then resting on a couch and the bride to be told me that it's ok and thanked me.

Next scene showed me going up an escalator and appeared in the middle of an electronics fair. From all the red-based theme, it looked like a post National Day sale. Bumped into many NSP pals where they were working at the event. It was an impromptu, yet warm fellowship.

Drizzling heard. 5am soon transited to 650am.
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Another exciting weekend was just over.

No it was definitely a blast having to be able to meet up with like-minded people and be at a venue of event, good things as such do have to come to an end.

Come today, Monday, life's back to normal under mainstream.

While waiting at the bus stop, I had been running through some matters of what I read online; an opening that will bring me to that 'gateway' of glory just like how Achillies was told by his goddess mother, about the type of glory that awaited him in Troy, which also ties in hand with his doom shall he choose that path.

Legends are legends and shows are shows. This shouldn't be something that I have to go through.

Aside those thoughts, this morning had been in accordance to plan as I had done all the needy before making my way to the 'battlestation in a box'.

Weather looked abit gloomy today. Will it rain, and rain well before nightfall? Certainly hope it does so that it doesn't affect this evening's plan.
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Entering a digital realm, I saw myself in a place lined with lightings, industrial style in a clean manner and it was just I had stepped into some giant circuitboard.

My attire wasn't like that of Tron's movie character, but more sophisticated with terminal points, polarities and plates of tough, yet light armour.

I quickly entered a close range meelee with a character looking like Clu, this time, without the identity disc which also doubles as a weapon in the movie. Just pure martial arts with a combination of brawling.

At the point where the opponent's HP is low, the plate near his left collar bone will illuminate orange with continuous blink, where upon impact, will complete the match.

I had hit twice in succession on my opponent's 'weak point' and was able to exit the match.

Into another realm, I was in a place with many escalators; surrounding me were scenes of shopping malls and people walking by. Familiar faces were seen but all these were in a transparent aura where things appeared more like a film to me. Only the escalators were real.

Another place was in a Metaltech-floored place where I had taken out my camera linked to so complex gadgets that hung high into the ceiling. A thick cable was also connected to the hotshoe and I could suspend it from the ceiling. Before the camera was taken out, I saw Charlie See, dearie's brother's friend, who came closer to watch me assemble it.

Even the lens are more advanced looking - turbines, engines, hydraulics could be seen moving in them.

I also saw people like Kevin, Ruisheng and Yide whom I was trying a wide angle shot of them while looking through the electronic viewfinder. The speciality about this lens is that it can go very wide, considering all the complexity within.

I was alerted by a group of excolleages, including Gowrie, that it's time to attend the company function. Location? Just up the 7th floor.

The theme was something that looked Peranakan as all of them were in their traditional attire.

Bright lights and cool wind. 7am.
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Another hot day and I'm just not in the right attire to start perspiring. Fortunately, half the day had gone by so I just need to endure for a few more hours to Home Run.

With that deep sleep last night, I have far more energy to last throughout the rest of the day, but would prefer to use them wisely for what I can do in my main scope of interest and passion.

That dream I had about being powered by industrial cell was something baffling; at times, I think how much voltage do I carry in my level of energy, that makes me far more 'awake' than many others around me?

Maybe it's God's blessing to give me that energy level to go far, so I can accomplish more things within a 24hr window each day.

2 more days and the weekend will be here.

I've been catching up with many of my friends lately; something that had not been so accomplishable if not for the availability of social networking sites...especially for those who are not based locally.

The window for the break will be over in 15mins, so this is a good time for me to do some 'thoughts deposit' before going back to the firing zone.

Looking forward to my vacation with dearie in 2 weeks' time!

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As I climbed down the stairs which carried the aura of those prison cells, I came across a few characters who resembled that from FFXIII.

Along with them, I went down and reached the ground level of this installation where there were 2 choppers waiting for us to take off. I boarded the first and while the second was waiting for the other team, a red, fuel-like liquid started sweeping across the ground, and the remaining team who could not make it to the chopper were eroded from the feet upon contact. This liquid has real corrosive effect.

Many were killed along with the 'corrosive tidal wave'. As it got worst, I signalled the pilot that we have to take off to prevent further casualties.

While taking off, I somewhat lost balance and backpack contacted a little of the corrosive wave, while I was hanging on to the legs of the chopper. Quickly enough, the pilot maneuvered such that all of us were clear off the deadly effects of this wave. In my backpack were my photographic gear, which were all the possessions that I own, all in an tactical-ops styled bag.

As we got on higher altitude, all I could see was a sea of red, while the remaining installations and lifeforce were consumed in it. A close shave indeed.

Next scene showed me walking into a building, metalled style, and very much like those in FFVII Advent Children's Sector 7. A person whom was like a brother in this saga, told me that he doesn't have much time as it was in a prelude stage of some natural disaster. When the wind broke out, it threw him so hard that he had to talk to me while clinging on to the metal grill gates (resembling my home's entrance), while his voice suddenly dropped to a slurred tone.

That was explained as his vocal audio box cells running low on power. With the wind blowing hard, part of his skin ripped off and I could see some mechanical parts underneath, that revealed he was actually a cyborg.

Next scene showed his 'father', coming to help him up as the wind had died down, oblivious to his actual exoskeleton setup.

Back to chopper scene. We had landed in an armament base where we needed to have some decent armor on our vehicle. Laying around were many savaged tank turrent assemblies, and I managed to find something that gives us that additional protection we need. This base is called SOA, which was in a remote area.

The final scene showed me packing up with the basic necessities and leaving home. I was telling my mum to tell dearie that I'll be going somewhere, and won't be back. Sister could be heard weeping in her room as my mum told me that 'guess you guys are not fated to be together'. My life was coming to an end as my cells are weaning off it's last bit of energy; thus I'm going somewhere to 'settle down' as the cell power is fully depleted, and not wanting dearie to see me in that state. At that point, my mum only knows that I have to go away on grounds of relocation of work.

In the small box shaped like the Obelisk of Light in C&C I carried off, there were just a couple of things; 2 engine-like bulks which contained some important technology for raising the next generation of...Cyber Sapiens.

My brother in arms helped me along as I make my last walk off this home.

At that point in time, I had thought through about why things have to be coming to an end so soon? I had wanted to live on to see more of the world ahead.
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A day after my 32th marker.

Extremely blazing weather outside...fortunately, there's some breeze outdoors and being able to cool down in the airconditioned mall before moving back to the firing zone later.

This is the best time for me to rest my mind while gathering the next bundle of energy for the next round later. Will there be a phase of 'resistance' to fight later?

Fortunately, Singapore's a peaceful place so many are spared of the agony of war faced in many war-torn countries where physical survival is an everyday issue.

Well, time's battle!
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Oh well, the day had came and a +1 to my age. Life continues as I am still on duty in mainstream.

The sun appeared warm at a comfortable level, which is just right, instead of the usual meltdown temperature.

The weekend had been swiftly over with family events yesterday. Oh man, just wish that the weekend could be longer.

On an F1 grade bus and with consideration of the detour, it had better be that I had set off earlier so as to give me buffer for more time before stepping into the battlebunker later.

Time for a little mindrest.
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Another break for me to avoid the 'crossfire' while expending the rest of lunchbreak...since I departed from 'battlestation' later, I'll returned as per entitled timing.

Another go for my IPPT tomorrow morning as I missed that 2.4km run by just 1/2 a minute. Once that is clear, I'll be undistrupted before I commence the 'military vacation' at the end of the month.

In a few days' time, I would be stepping into the next band of my life. Just a year's difference and I had already undergone many challenges, such as building up my port - whom I really am and should be, as well as keeping my day hours gainfully occupied.

The final challenge to wrap up this week will be tomorrow.
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This time I see myself in a minibus; scene was like those Hong Kong movie where triads move in vehicles and joining fights. One of the members in the cohord appeared fighting fit like Donnie Yen, and we took a ride down the street in a plain minibus.

Next scene showed us fleeing through a MSCP in avoidance of a rival gang; one of the members in my team had the resemblance of Lydia Sum; only smaller and younger version. She was trying to turn off all lights in the vicinity to avoid visual contact while she was a few pillars away from me. I had given her the sign to shut them off as I run along so as to have visibility ahead of me.

As I ran, the lights are shut in sequence juz metres behind me, row by row.

Donnie had appeared friendly off the scene where we fled; it seemed he was like an undercover professional but all of us had the same, righteous mind as we did not have alliance to any of these triad clans.
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