Saw myself in a building which resembled a very old, one storey building that I always go past on my way to work.

The interior is very modern yet classy touch of the 80s. It seems that I'm working in an office there and we were carrying huge backpacks of what seems like a desktop computer "sales kit", just like those Macdonalds delivery riders. The container lift was pretty narrow and only 3 of us could go in at one time side-by-side, as it was strangely narrow; it took us a while get the lift as it was going up and down for awhile.

Another scene showed myself in it and also saw Clarine in it. Fast forward to another scene where we were given vouchers for a Fish and Co style lunch which was located at a nearby restaurant. I already had my lunch, and saw Lulu and Shirley enjoying the lunch. Shortly, I bumped into Shirley and chatted with her for awhile, suggesting she could move to a vacant room at my house, and she asked me how much will the rental fee be.

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