Managed to wake up early despite a cold start, after 5 hours of rest. The workout was pretty swift with a couple of short rests between; could do better with a good rest and a gruelling workout to get that feeling.

Fuelled and ready to move out soon.
One of the days where I got home later than usual; am on new task at work today as I got to learn a few more things; skillsets are expanding.

Got teased by June at work for some nonsense again but it's alright; it's really fun to have these people around even at the late hours after work while running through overtime.

Spent quite a short time after dinner as it was soon time to turn into bed.
Saw myself in a building which resembled a very old, one storey building that I always go past on my way to work.

The interior is very modern yet classy touch of the 80s. It seems that I'm working in an office there and we were carrying huge backpacks of what seems like a desktop computer "sales kit", just like those Macdonalds delivery riders. The container lift was pretty narrow and only 3 of us could go in at one time side-by-side, as it was strangely narrow; it took us a while get the lift as it was going up and down for awhile.

Another scene showed myself in it and also saw Clarine in it. Fast forward to another scene where we were given vouchers for a Fish and Co style lunch which was located at a nearby restaurant. I already had my lunch, and saw Lulu and Shirley enjoying the lunch. Shortly, I bumped into Shirley and chatted with her for awhile, suggesting she could move to a vacant room at my house, and she asked me how much will the rental fee be.
Muscles are aching but yet a good feeling to be able to do a toughed workout before I leave for work; managed to reach in time and met Ronald while on the way to work. It's a little intensive due to some system quirks, yet manageable.

I've been officially boarded into the SPICE club in my workplace, so will be having more things to do apart from my daily work.

Somehow could not sleep when on the bus home as I was indeed tired, but seem like over-brimmed and mind could not rest.

Managed to catch up with Dan who has started his uni term again. The evening was a little quiet as I stayed in my room to read up some information about Park & Ride schemes, a good alternative for me to drive to work and have a good place to park.

Retirement at 10:30pm after watching an OVA version of Ah! My Goddess anime.
Saw myself in a chalet and it was rainy outside. Was with 2 girls; one of them with big doe-eyes and had resemblence of Jolin Tsai. She was having some relationship troubles and accompanying her were 2 other girls including myself and invited her to this ministry event in a church. She also told us about some troubles she have within her family.

Fast forward to a scene where I saw Jiaxing, one of my comrades in NS unit who was taking care of ration, and this time, we were in a British-like colonial building where I saw Yiwei and few ex-colleagues, at a carpark which looks like it's nearby a place which resembles the really old service apartments. I told Jiaxing of his responsibilities ensuring ration are taken care of in terms of arrival and distribution.

Soon, I received a call from "LTA Tan" which the name looks familiar, and was asked what's the strength this morning. I thought it was my friend and thereafter only realised it's my NS QM, who was asking me for the parade state, and I was completely baffled as it was only "June" at this scene and not in unit for any ICT.
A quick recap on the day's happenings. It had been a little busy as usual on a Monday with some challenging calls. Christian's back and looking much better after some days of sick leave but it's Robert's turn to be ill this time. Hope to see him soon.

Stayed on a little later to do my overtime and managed to have company after work and had a good catch up with Norizan and Markus along the way home.

Now is the time to rest my mind, after deciding where I can start on my accounting studies.
Flatland, fast cars, IT gadgets. All these may bring me only momental good feelings.

I have to stay focused and gather my funds to go for my studies and get my Accounting qualification. All's settled at work and I'm almost ready to go. I will need to drop these material things to go ahead and get my qualification.

Staying focused with the correct action is the optimum to achieve goal and be successful in doing one thing.

The journey is about to begin...
We arrived at a forested area which looks like an ancient civilisation, and I saw Yuzhen among the 4 of us.

It was supposed to be some kind of training camp and we were not supposed to leave the camp. Walking around the camp area and looking for a way to escape, soon, it was night time and there was hardly any light after a rainy season and we took shelter in one of the stone building, and chatted among ourselves. At one place, there was a girl who resembled Sammi Cheng who kept harrassing me, and both of us got caught in the bush of lalang, but I managed to escape her haggling.

Night soon came. I could not find any light and saw a socket where I can fit in a bulb, and went on to fit in one before switching a switch dangling from nowhere, lo and behold, there's a light!

When morning came, the guards have deployed huskies to guard the place and whoever tries to escape the camp will be chased by them. However, I was able to sneak out and took a double deck bus with a couple of them, going past a place in Jurong where there were dogs and puppies leashed to a pole for sale. I was telling one of them, who look like Alan, a guy who is a regular to work at NATAS that they're really adorable and would like to take a couple of puppies home.
Feeling warm on my back and arms from the sunburn after that blazing riding at top deck of multistorey carpark yesterday.

The previous day had been really tiring as I knocked out soon after laying on bed, from returning after a drink and chat up with Yuzhen at her neighbourhood. She'll be starting night shift this Tuesday, so one less companion to chat with.

Back to work tomorrow, and things are more or less settled at home, except for the laundry which I'm going through now and to wash my car later. It has been quiet awhile since I got a full weekend off as most of the time, part of the Saturday will be spent on work which I kinda liked, to be able to work in the quietness of the office which meant minimal disturbances.

Another week of combat ahead but I'm quite content with things so far, and to brush aside those unnecessary mental troubles.
Saw myself at a block of HDB whih was newly built and part of the apartment's completed, and was talking to a foreman whom I told if it was ready for takeover; there was a lady who resembled Sharon; one of my colleagues who was holding on to some property-related books. Thereafter when we left, the building carried an eerie aura when glanced from far.

We entered another place, which was an 8-storey building resembling Bras Basah complex, but this time, the eerie aura was multiplied compared to the HDB block we previously visited. We went down from floor to floor, exploring each level, and I helped Sharon and Grace (another of my colleague) to carry some files, while flipping through the map. At 6th floor, the wind was unusually strong, building was dimly-lit and I told Grace to hold the map well less it get swept away by the wind.

Moving to another scenario where I was dressed as a Shinigami, and there were 3 companions who looked like the 3 created by Urahara, but being able to produce some sort of food. We were going through a mission and towards the end, we were in mid air and managed to find all 3 of them when they got lost halfway during the course of mission.
My aunt dropped by for my dad's birthday celebrations, where my mum prepared some food; this was a practise in my family; food preparations for any occasion.

Uncle bought a huge lot of durians which were top notch, and we ate quite a number of those. Soonafter, my uncle had to make a move; most probably due to work or could be for the meet-up with his friends. I managed to learn some skills from him, about picking good durians and thereafter, animating those durian hawkers which amused my family.

Managed to catch up with my aunt and shared about my work experiences and the few awards I got recently.

It's really heartwarming to see my dad so delighted in the photo he posed with a top-notch pried open durian.
Shared the rewards from NATAS with my parents and sister through Macs with $23 worth of's certainly heart-warming to see them enjoying it; and my dad, who doesn't bear to spend on such food...being able to see the smile on their face certainly brings about a sense warmth to my heart.

It's nice to see the different nations coming into the stadium in Beijing via the live telecast of the 2008 Olympics opening; reminds me of my desire to travel all over the world to enjoy the beauty around the globe.

I have endured the 12 day work week. Managed to finish work pretty early today, so will follow up with a good rest tomorrow.
Rainy yet wonderful weather made the night an excellent time to retire for the night, after watching some flatland videos and catching up with Anton, to get ready for Training Day tomorrow.
The day went by pretty quickly that I hardly had time to gather my thoughts to pen down; it was a switch-mode day where I had to handle inbound and carry out my callback duty.

Managed to catch up with the new colleagues known at NATAS, and also with Mandy who has been mugging late into the night; so managed to catch up with her just before I left.

Focus on the more important things such as my work; getting important matters resolved, as well as all my efforts to make my online business work; need more time to really sit down to get the engine running.

Cough is better now, but still sporting a husky voice with a disrupted vocal channel.

Just a couple more days to endure to the end of the week.
Woke up after a 7 hour rest; feeling slightly better compared to yesterday except for a blocked nose.

Upcoming National Day, we will be celebrating my dad's 60th birthday.

Still have a little time to squeeze in some workout since I'm feeling much better in the muscular sector.
She has certainly changed a lot after her trip; something which I’m not comfortable with as she has seemed care-less about me despite all the care and concern for her.

Some people can call me a fool for that but I guess it has reached a limit. I have been observing the contribution ratio over these period and it shows the most come from my side. It’s not that I want to be calculative, but rather, received is not sufficient and satisfactory.

I hope she will reciprocate accordingly and be as lovable as before, after all these tough times we had gone through, instead of being so strong-headed and ignoring me. I certainly despise having such a partner.

As time goes by, it seems that I have to let loose things between us, as work slowly regulates with my recovered chakara.

Tomorrow will be Mid Battle Week, and resumption of the long hours at work, including my regular workout.

Head a little groggy but taking good hold of my emotions as I need to cope for another hour till the end of the day. The law of equivalent trade will always exist; if she wants to pursue her own “freedom”, then she will lose the most important thing in life.
Woke up feeling better after a cup of Chinese medication despite still having a stuck nose; all that's encumbering me. Need to avoid heaty and oily food.

I need to put my emotions aside as I continue to endure till the end of the week, which will also be a public holiday and a good rest for me, from the long, 12-day work week.
Finally managed to identify all of them in the photo taken during NATAS.

The day had been quite tough on my throat and nose due to the sore throat and flu, but had managed to get through it; dozed off while taking the bus back; at least I could sustain myself at my limit.

I'll continue to do my own things; should she really treasure me, she will come.

Feeling cold despite after taking some cooked food at an ultra late lunch…groggy in the head yet having a terrible voice while coping through the day.

I’ve managed to transfer the photos to my computer, but unable to find the colleagues’ names, whom I’ve taken pic during NATAs yesterday.

Back to work.

Awoken with a sore throat but still fit to go to work.

Will be taking a rest from workout and need to take lots of tonic to recover my throat as I need to use the voice for work.

it's going to be an endurance for the next 5 days but the evening was quite an enduring one, that I was unwell and stayed on till it all ends.
I saw myself in an old shophouse area where there is an apartment just above the coffeeshop, and met Zoe, who was Joel's girlfriend back then. I saw him with a few Caucasians frolicking in the house and asked what happened to him that has turned him to a womaniser and hurting Zoe, who left that apartment in a huff;

Somehow he still shows his trademark cheeky smile and I went after Zoe in the nearby carpark; soon after, I had awoken.
The battle had finally ended - 2 gruelling days on feet for more than 12 hours each day. I had been sneezing really badly in the evening, and starting to feel unwell; sustanance is by water and lots of Hacks to lubricate that throat to keep my voice going.

I had a good time chatting with Siwei, Cassandra, Sharon, and Grace from A&H dept, as well as Wan, who I only get to see during NATAS/kopitalk, over a period of 3 months' interval.

Wishing I could stay and walk to the MRT station with the rest of them, I had to go back earlier as I was feeling a little uncomfortable within, to catch up with more rest. Stayed online for awhile to read some flatland articles before going to rest.
Woke up with a jammed vocal channel but managed to cool and soothe it with some fruits and herbal jelly. Getting ready to go for the 2nd / last day of the big event.

Emotions aside, need to move out soon.
It was a busy and time zipping way as we worked through NATAS and getting quite a lot of sign ups. Once again, I saw my NS unit's officer and Chloe from Travel department; managed to catch up with Chloe occasionally before the peak hours. Got to know Grace from A&H who was a schoolmate of an ex-colleague, Marcus.

Lunch was nasi lemak; quite a big serving and Macs for dinner. I ate almost 3 packets worth of fries, and was fully loaded before I go back to do more sales.

I wasn't feeling tired on my feet, but rather, the fatigue on my throat which could be due to weather, extensive talking and lack of water supply; got to chat with Ben who was a rider in 1997 times where John, Ah Guan, Weixiong, James, just to name a few, were riding, but he has stopped already. Spent some time browsing and getting ideas on setting up my new bike. Plopped unto bed at 12am but took sometime to hyperspace into dreamland.
Initially woke up at 5:15am and had a short dream that I woke at 9:06am, which was a real bad thing as I need to reach expo by 9:15am today for the 2-day work for NATAS. Lay back to bed and woke up again at7:15am...I had a real deep sleep from the previous day; lay on bed at 10:30pm after catching up with Chloe for awhile.

Time really flies as I've been working for 12 hours each day, for the past few week...that certainly requires a substantial amount of endurance while upkeeping on my workout schedule.

Reversal of funds had been successful as it turned out to be an invalid account I was transferring now I can allocate my funds in "peace".

Time to get ready to refuel my bio-tank.
End of the work week before the long hours of the weekend. Just treated myself to stingray during lunch.Back to battle.