Another heaty night hit the roof as I attempt desperately to cool myself down with lots of water, and the fan directed at me. Perspiration still oozing out of my pores and turning me into a shiny homo sapiens in a couple of minutes.

Will be back to work tomorrow but I hope that I will recover from this discomfort soon as every big business loo visit is quite a terrible one from the pain; doc had given me some medication which will last for a week or so.

My car matters are settled but took out a substantial portion of my funds, which I will need to work harder for greater gains so I may set aside a certain sum for rainy days.

There were some abnormalities which I need to monitor over the next few days upon taking of medication diligently.

Hope all's okay as the days go by, without causing me too much trouble.

I admitted that the message was for a friend which had made her upset in the past; we've been together for so long and I can't bear to leave her no matter what; I will continue to put in my best for our future to stay together, for good and eternity.

I wanted so much to text her when I was outfield too, but apparently, the location had been pretty remote, causing my network to switch to the neighbouring country's service provider; even had trouble making and receiving important calls.

The journal of my training will be updated. Keep reading...

An extremely short weekend which I spent most of my time catching up on sleep lost from the ICT which officially ended yesterday.

I made a trip to Singapore Expo for the John Little sale but there wasn't anything that attracted me after walking the entire hall where the sale was on, so I went to Simei to take a walk too, but settled my dinner at Tampines Mart...

Back to the battle tomorrow now that I have fulfilled my 3rd callup.

The turbo engine still runs strong even after a one-week pause from my usual workout as I had fully digested my dinner by 8pm; so refuelling from the home-cooked noodles, warmed up from the rice cooker's steam.

How will tomorrow be now that I'm back? The feeling of the brotherhood still lives on in my was tough, and certainly really a wonderful fellowship that no money can buy.

Once again, the heat of the night coated the entire room and causing an outburst of perspiration. Anyhow, it's a good thingi as the body will rid of any toxic; just that the discomfort of sticky skin makes it a little uncormfortable.

I can't find my eye-training glasses which helps to relax my eyes while focusing my vision on the computer...well, continue the search later.

The day I had been waiting for came at last. The past 4 days had not been easy for us and today is our out-process.

A program was held at SAFRA Yishun where we were released from at the end of our 3rd ICT. Somehow, when the bond is building up between comrades, the fellowship needs to be seperated once again for another period. Till now, I'm still re-configuring my thoughts to go back to the usual life now that I'm home.

We certainly had much fun bowling and casually chatting up now that we have gone through the entire process of the short, yet intensive period.

The airflow in my room is certainly much poorer compared to camp but I guess I have to put those military thoughts back where it should be and refocus on my work and regular life once more. As I was driving home from SAFRA Yishun, slumber started disturbing my alertness but I did not allow myself to relax which will endanger myself on the road, so popped in quite a quantity of fried mermaid with a cup of coffee.

A couple of hours were spent playing my favourite, quick-action game, Gunz, as I had been re-organising my thoughts while training up my reflexes while fingers clicked quickly moving through the Spacebar and ASDW keys with haste.

My thoughts are almost re-organised as I type my thoughts for the day here. I definitely will miss my comrades who will just like me; back to normal life after the 5 days of training in camp. Certainly hope for the best for all of them.

The in-pro this time seemed more efficient compared to the last time; probably due to earlier arrival at camp.

Just ended the day awhile ago after all the weapon handling and tests. It's good to see everyone again; Haizul has lost so much weight and Soh had a new addition of tattoo on his left wrist.

The morning sure dragged some reluctance due to pre-ICT blues, as I'll not be able to have that freedom. But to put it in a positive way it's a good opportunity to fellowship with my comrades once again.

I'll be collecting the contact list again so as too keep the fellowship strong, even after our ICT, as my Dopod went dead on me as I was keeping all contacts there.

Almost dinner time. I've already got a picture of the program ahead of us for the next four days till we get out on Friday. This ICT is somehow a good time for me to be away from the world while I serve my duty and to make good use of the time together, plan / strategise actions before the next move, for my online marketing campaign.

Here comes the 3rd ICT.

According to our CO, our ICT will be scheduled every Jun and Dec and so here comes the third.

Tumbling restlessly in bed, soon enough, I had already dozed off and heard the alarm of my phone at 5am. That gave me ample time to get ready to go off and have already prepared my stuff beforehand so don't have to rush at this morning.

Almost ready to move out; I could drop by 7-Eleven to get a non-camera phone so as to save the hassle of tactical bringing in of my other phone.

A warm night just before I go back for my Call of Duty 3 which will last for 5 days.

The wait at the hairdresser had been a long one as I needed to keep my hair neat before going for the duty reporting tomorrow, my battle on cyberspace for glory is still ongoing and I must succeed at that for me to be happy.

Let's hope all is smooth while I carry out my duties.

Staying focused is one of the most important factors if we are serious in doing something.

I may still have my Amway business to run, but it will not be the main engine to keep those income flowing in. A base has been established with my aunt as my customer while I continue to expand the customer base through finding out the needs of people around me, and how Amway products can enhance their life and health.

Being a person who possess sincerity in sharing, I chose not to adopt the hardcore sales techniques which I've learnt from a previous experience, therefore, sharing with sincerity would be the best we can do.

Not forgetting that my main trait is in the cyberworld, more information of my online business will be revealed shortly.

Remember: stay focused on what we are doing to gain success!

Another warm night which kept me company while I was buiding my website.

Had been looking through some online ads for those cars which I like. Pink had asked me this afternoon if money was not a problem, which car will I want and my answer was the Saleen S281 Mustang that was used in the Transformers 2007 movie.

When browsing through those cars, it dawned on me as to what was my ultimate goal for establishing an online e-empire.

When talking about our goals, Pink told me that hers was to set up a recruitment firm, and we won't be able to work together due to the conflicts in our pride which will lead to a power struggle. From what she said using seniority to crush me, I'll keep that in mind and For what I am doing now, I guess I'll do it alone through the useful information from my online mentor.

My goal is to reach Financially-Free Ultimatium where I will be able to carry on the life I want upon that massive financially worry-free empire.

I've already commenced the right actions towards my ultimate on...

A tiring day of battle from yesterday, with a continuation of the online battle sapped much of my energy; that could be the reason of my fatigue which affected my rest...somehow my mind has always been battling within.

The day was eventful with the outrage on the system which affected work in a way, but somehow still manageable, as I need to clear my work before I go for one of my annual ICT again; will be far away from home once again.

Quite a undisturbed morning without an outrage of congestion in the way to work which made the travel from home to work quite comfortable and peaceful.

Stranglely woke up at 5am way before my pre-set alarm timing and the rest of the night didn't seem really peaceful...somehow feeling disturbed...

I felt so heaty so I went to flush 2 cups of water down my throat...thereafter, staying up to continue the setting up of my website before catching a 40 eye-wink till 7am.

Feeling much better after a refreshing bath with a bowl of cereal, to complete with a cup of mixed beverage. Ready to move out.

Awoken by the familiar sound of the opening tune of the latest version of Gatsby commercial, I saw the most beautiful sight of dawn from my room's window and captured a shot of it.

It's warm night yet still feeling tired from yesterday's intensiveness though I could quickly adopt to start on the work, but still need some more rest to get full recovery. This will be the last week for now at my work, as I'll be staying in camp the following week; take it as a short break away from work so to speak...will miss Pink as I'll be on the other side of the island.

It's the first time I'm went for an interview with a modelling agency; the journey was tiring from from the dreamy mind I had after some intensive work and making my way there; it took me a while to find the place, 80 Lorong Limau, which turned out to be a standalone building in the middle of a carpark beside a low-levelled shophouse called Whampoa Food Centre.

Lots of self-stuck signboards along the wall leading to a lift which brings me up to #02-195, welcomed by a door stuck with variosu studio shots and signboard of contact no depicting "modelling agency" with a cellphone no.
The first thing I noticed about the office is that it's full of clutter with a huge professional videocam perched on a tripod. I was asked to fill up a form, watch the documentary and some files. Thereafter, I was asked to see the boss who also appeared a a few ads which he rattled very quickly about the job.
Without asking much about me, he told me that I need to pay $1000 upfront as joining fee and when I resisted, he started telling me about how many were cheated with lower fee deals and showed me several articles of these cheating agencies...well I went on to question him why that price and he explained it's meant for promoting purpose and photos will be taken using film, preaching it's real quality compared to those digitally taken which are cheapskate and only comes out in a data CD.

When I didn't want to fork out any money, he offered instalment paymen scampily and was ready to fill up the receipt booklet with his shiny pen, and while explaining, gave me a few articles / namecards telling me you can earn a few thousand here and there for appearing in this and that...

I decided to turn down as I don'First pre-glam encountert feel comfortable about his idea to ask me to pay first with no promises of assignments thereafter; which many have fell victimised by such people.

I had to eat soon after I left the place as I resisted hunger to settle this once and for all. It's still a good eye-opener to get an insight of how a person will first experience for that desire for glam. Of course, there are good ones out there but for this one, I'll definitely give it a pass. As the saying goes, the first impression lasts, how true can it be with the view I saw of his office at the first encounter.

Tonight calls for a good rest as I suddenly felt so tired that I dozed off in a whiff for a short moment.

The workout had been great and fulfilling this morning which I managed to sweat it all out, all the more I need a good rest tonight so that I can arrive earlier at workplace tomorrow to have a “full package” workout before commencing the 12-hour shift which goes all the way till 8pm, prior to the break the day after.

A refreshed mind and surge of new-found energy came upon me when I awoke and chatted casually with Yuk Chen when she was getting ready to knock off to head to the gym. One more gym partner but hours are different so I won’t be able to see her or Yiren who also frequents the gym.

Looking forward to the bus journey home later which I can rest or snooze onboard instead of draining my mind while staying awake to ensure I get home safely.

Just a couple of hours more before I hit the road back home, snooze on the bus, and for a good rest and home-made yummy meal by mum.