The evening had been much accompanied with Michael Jackson’s Thriller hits while reciting a little about his history to Serene. Truly, it had been many years since I last listened to that CD which was with me since my secondary school days.
It had also instilled in me how he left the world and bringing sorrow to many who loved him. Wonder what will become of his 3 children?
A short lay on bed brought me to instant slumber just before a wash up, but took sometime to enter slumber after laying on bed and recalling those moments of his fame peaks.
The world will miss you, MJ..find peace, my brother.
30/06/2009 11:51 AM
The morning was awoken timely but had re-entered slumberland after feeling still a little sleepy on bed.
Lunch quickly done after crossing the precarious roadworks which had occupied the pavement on my way to refueling zone.
Mid week break tomorrow, so will be looking forward to reach home early after the clearing out work this evening. A little firesession done this morning while there was system suspense, which had been an ongoing for quite sometime…just letting out abit of the inbuilt pressure which had been plaguing many of our minds…especially so for me, in consideration of the speedy eye-hand coordination
11:40 PM |
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Lifecast's still I shall
continue posting here...
It's a hot night so I'll try to enter slumberland under the fan hyponisation.

12:55 AM |
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The same malicious caller has emerged again at the following timings:
28/06/2009 +966 561948306 5:41pm
28/06/2009 +01961211 4:53pm
This has to be reported to my cellphone service provider!
5:41 PM |
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Just finished reading some articles about the late King of Pop...he had left the world with over $400million of debt...
Enter preparation for the JB trip in a few hours' time.

2:15 AM |
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Managed to catch up with Fazlina during a coincidence of break and talked a little about the environment.
It had been an aggrovating period of troubleshooting, while combating a mild runny nose. Biosystems working in overriding mode.
Looking forward to end battle which will be ending soon...
What lies ahead is the weekend, TGIF!

3:38 PM |
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The journey has ended. The saga has come to a tranquil silence. The King of Pop, Michael Jackson passed away due to a cardiovascular arrest. We will observe 1 min silence to pay respect to mark the grief. We love ya MJ! May peace be upon your soul...
He had passed away 5:30am at 50 years old.
This was the shocking news that I received this morning from Ronald, and also via SMSes announcing his death. What a shock to the pop industry where he had made his mark through fascinating dance moves, cool music.
Michael, you will live in the minds of those who love you...
11:55 AM |
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Final Kombat just T-¹to the JB trip!
Essentially done workout after a 7hour hyperrest has brought sensors back to nominal condition. System notice: "All systems nominal".
The night had beem comfortably warm, and saw myself driving a metallic grey Avante, newly registered, neat and shiny. I have thoughta about changing car but all may not be necessary to be financially smart.
The PTRs are going well but will have to see if they are legitimate.
10mins to dropzone.

8:09 AM |
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Another suspicious call which I don't know where they're calling from...called me twice on 22/06/09.
8:27 PM |
who called?
This no appeared in the following order of timing and will never get through when you return call, and no one answering on Saturdays:
Look at the persistence of this caller!
8:25 PM |
who called?
Has anyone received calls from such no? It always occur with a private no first, and then this no which will ring for no more than 3 times and auto cut off; sounds like a dubious call from some dark unknown syndicate.
For those who have received it, do discuss it here!
When they called me:
25/06/09 +966 561948306 5:41pm
Unknown 5:40pm
08/06/09 +966 561948306 7:02pm
24/05/2009 +966 561948306 4:36pm
8:23 PM |
who called?
Here's a mark while attempting to make mobile posting successful.
Shozu is succesfully setup, but not Lifecast despite several attempts to fix it; Blogger simply won't port into my iPhone...what could be wrong?
So here's where it will be posted till Lifecast is up.

8:05 PM |
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So much for a day with a delinquent nincompoop who thinks he owns the whole portfolio.
Once again, roaring home on the rumbling bus which came behind the Professional E-braker, which I do at best capacity to evade.
Still feeling a little more tired than usual, which is a sign of fatigue and mild hull damage; it must be the flu that has been going around which the shields had also been breached from the lack of adequate rest last evening.
Since I'm home, let those delinquents be.
•クラドーの iPhone•
7:43 PM |
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Visited Serene with a bottle of yogurt drink after being greeted by the friendly aunty from the nearby provison store; decided on it being a healthier choice for any occasions.
She's concurrently occupied with 2 agents and I took my leave with a pack of Cafe 21 coffee, which are also deemed as Caffinated-Nit Sticks.
Seeing her warms my heart despite wanting to stay longer to keep her company, but it's better to move back to my base to do a momental recovery.
Antibacterial airvalve agent had been input so this should keep those discomfort away.
Heart beating with excitement as the JB trip draws near!
•クラドーの iPhone•
3:20 PM |
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9mins more to completion of lunch; it’s going to be a hot afternoon today.
The previous night rest hadn’t been smooth, recovery should be done so after a good slumber this evening. I’m still very much excited at the thought of our JB trip this Sat, along with her cousin + partner. Not much of JB had been explored during the last trip with Yusryn and gang, so this time, we can explore a little more; some things are much more reasonably-priced across the causeway.
The alternative arrangement was to have my blog post via email through my iPhone, since Lifecast and Shozu couldn’t put a link to my blog…guess this will be the next alternative for my mobile blogging.
I will still need more powerful weights as the reps now do not suffice for speedy mass gain during my Ironcraft days; heavier weights can cut progress time while gaining more results in a shorter period of time.
So much for this afternoon’s postlunch thoughts.
11:58 AM |
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A chain of awakenings during the night's slumber, of which short dreams appeared without any deja vu.
The previous night brought me to a place which looks like a mall, yet seeing Jianxiang and Jimmy, supposedly going to watch movie, that I saw Jimmy asking his 'agent' to collect free movie tickets from NTUC's branch office.
Another scene showed me sitting near to Jeslyn where each of us were filling up a form for some courses, of which one of them is 'combat writing'...sounds catchily interesting.
A blink and I was back to the real world.
•クラドーの iPhone•
8:01 AM |
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I found my old colleague Alvin on facebook! Haven't seen him for awhile since he left to Taiwan and myself departed from SAF.
We exchanged a couple of messages there; though already 1pm, mind thinking about Serene and watching over her before I enter slumerland shortly.
Great reunion with an old friend!
•クラドーの iPhone•
1:27 AM |
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Another 30mins lunch done in 15mins including eating.
Reached office just in time today without our usual conversation in the morning, also in view of the limited time I had.
Been keeping those near dam breach moments at bay as I had to sustain myself throughout the rest of the day; one of the good ways is to keep things written here, so as to prevent a Soul Rupture.
I’m looking forward to the JB trip we will be having this Sunday; it will be the first, and looking forward to many overseas trips with Serene.
It’s quite sudden to learn that Markus will be leaving us soon, once again, myself and him will be come ex-colleagues again; it had been a good 2 years for him as he moves on.
Midbattle week. A little discomfort in the throat but nothing which has breached my core shields. It had been a long time since I felt this way; could had been the massive conversation volume from work yesterday and mildly chilled.
Returning to battle soon, time to shelf the dam-breaching for the moment.
11:49 AM |
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Mind had been on standby mode after “seeing” Serene turn in for the night; much had been shared about my past, which had somehow been unbelievable, considering the things that had happened. No more lingering thoughts of it anymore as I’ve decided to move on.
I could feel the shockwave that had been sent through Serene, which will need time to be absorbed.
I’ll try to sleep soon.
12:20 AM |
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Lifecast still not working well in iPhone…seems like the same issue again that was encountered sometime back…
Just a couple of hours more before the completion of today’s battle; not much heard from Serene as she might be busy, and also in view of the happenings the last evening. I just have to use my actions to prove my sincerity.
3 more minutes to log in for the 2nd round of battle till End Battle Hour which will last from 5pm onwards.
3:18 PM |
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Changed blog but seems to have some issue son the mobile version for my uploading…so am reverting back to the old domain…
This seems like a problem on the phone instead….
12:02 PM |
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11min eyeshut will commence now; Serene's cake will come in handy for the upcoming email battle this evening, already nearing empty tank.
Posted with LifeCast
3:32 PM |
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1207hrs for return...fortunately noticed it upon early returning.
The coffeeshop had not been densely populated so could dine in peace for a while…sun being merciful, I need not go through the heat turmoil of perspiration from returning of lunch.
Morning run had been done but I had a little miss; this should still be safe for the month’s incentive but since it has already occurred, just have to make an effort to wake up a earlier; a little mind tired from the previous day; certainly enjoyed the company of her family…
Brother’s finally moving into his newfound home, so that will render the home 1 less occupant; though we have not been on talking terms for the last decade or so, it still feels a little weird without his presence at home, after seeing him coming home on and off the last few years.
3 mins to log in…will be doing a “visit” to Serene later since I’m back on the old schedule of break…for a moment, though I had been revised to be on a 45mins break but seems that some things do not last.
No matter. Keep moving. Plans for the upcoming weekend’s JB trip will continue.
11:56 AM |
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It was a warm evening at Serene's aunt's place; they have reaped 30 durians...what a heap!
We have decided to postpone the Malacca / KL trip next week but go for something that we can return within the day; might not be the right time
for now...
The durian feast was all done at ground, 2 groups distributed. I'm still not familiar with opening it with a chopper yet, since it's also going to be a spiky session each time, without the proper protection.
We had made a mistake on her cousin Remus' age, which caused a little embarrassment to hs all. Serene had also been teased much by him occasionally throughout the Taiwanese serial which airs on weekend evenings.
All in all done at 10:30pm and getting to go back, only to be startled by a quick reversing OPC.
Posted with LifeCast
12:56 AM |
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A scene showing me at an underground gambling den where the game was played using Dominos and a few transparent coloured dices. A couple game, with the countenance of Huang Shinan and Hong Huifang, dressed in cream colour from top to bottom, wore sunglasses and started to play the game; only to start winning before the previous couple. The appearance was that morph from the previous person to these 2.
Back in another place, a research team was there to catch the couple red-handed for cheating in gambling with a hidden camera installed to monitor any secret movements beneath the table.
Cutscene shows another scene where a team of CIDs raid the "guards" of the illegal gambling syndicate, of two whom were sitting in their cars, gold-haired and started to race off with their cars, an old Toyota Corolla CX, which should be the 1989 make from its exterior. They started chasing 2 CIDs and suddenly a police car appeared, and it swerved and entered a coffee shop, strangely, without any commotion, but rather, the car was simply "embedded" into the shop. Upclose, was showing a scene of the shopowner scolding them but instead, the 2 who apologised appeared so polite and told him they will make up for it and ran off to avoid capture.
Final scene, another showing my mum gambling with small amounts in variations of cents, in a room which appeared to be that of our old 3 room flat, layout a little similar to Mingyao's place in Blk 805. She was telling us that the neighbouring Malay kids were also gambling , which I commented that "I thought it's illegal?", and in that scene, I was still in my primary school age.
Surge of cool wind hit my mind; it's already 9:30am.
10:07 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
The night had once again turned sweltering; it's been awhile since I last wrote here on the move...lots had been ongoing quickly lately; relationships improving and talking more to colleagues adjacent to my seating and the smiles on their faces pulsates a constant easing of the tension of our work.
We had a durian feast at Serene's place on all-natural durians, which some are small yet heavenly to the was fun sitting in the kitchen floor while wiping each seed clean of the fruit's flesh.
Fortunately, Serene's purse was left on her sofa, so the lunchhour anxiety had been eased off. Her lunch was resolved after I zipped to her workplace shortly after the BCS (Body Crafting Session). ようかた!
The evening had been disturbed by the most unwelcomed sms, thinking it was Christian who wanted to inform me of tomorrow's event meetup, as I could have got his call without being able to hear anything. Delete. No point thinking further as that only bring about unhappiness.
I won't let anything jeopardise myself and Serene...she has been wonderfully sweet...continuing to look forward to many happy moments for eternity...
Posted with LifeCast
2:08 AM |
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Wolfing down The One serving of vanilla ice-cream, feeling much cooler within now...
Less than an hour before Serene knocks off for the day!
The guava trees had been aerially harvested by stray mynahs whom my mum had told me about their "party" the last couple of days; no wonder those slightly bigger fruits had been gone from their stalk which is within pretty close proximity...such could have been harvested by myself with a homemade tool that reaches out to the tree...well, just a passing thought, but if could be done, it might just be something really interesting...facncy harvesting right from my window!
Shower needed to freshen up from the Tearing Sunrays.
4:14 PM |
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Finally being able to get in to start posting this afternoon...mind still kerbing the Sandman from entering; the song "Enter Sandman" is starting to play in my mind...
Today's Iron Kombat had been a little extended by increasing the reps...beginning to feel that the weights are starting to be insufficient for optimum improvement; so it may be high time to bid those weights that had been with me for the past 13 years goodbye...
It's another day of leave where I can WIP of the past happenings; managed to catch up with some old friends like Alvino, Wan and Jianzhou on Facebook...the very latter being lured by the Congress of Beauties here.
Gotta plan that Malacca trip!
3:08 PM |
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Another 45mins done, the road was especially congested when trotting my way to Maybank to eat…could it be due to lunch hour constrain or road works?
iPhone was a little weird when I could not send out emails without enabling 3G…seems ok for now again…
Another 18mins to the completion of today’s battle; the last for this week as I’ll be on leave tomorrow; looking forward to see how we can go about the short-noticed Malacca trip – a short getaway for myself and Serene before her school term starts, and also for myself before the Military Vacation.
The white Z4 had been detected again slipping out of Caltex, and disappearing along with congestion..
11:58 AM |
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Once again, instant perspiration ooze once the fan is away from me; there was also some pairing issues on my phone so I did a repair and it was resolved.
Isabelle and Eve may not be going for the Malacca trip, so that leaves just the two of us; depending on where we stay; the activities can be customized…but we need to book this soon as the departure is just next weekend.
Let’s see what the tour package consists of so we can en joy ourselves…I need a trip too…
11:58 PM |
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The day had been a little massive rush hour as I had especially many things to do. Serene had to register for her next year’s subject but registration time is pretty tense, thus had came over to my place to scan the documents..
It had been a pretty rushy time in the evening as I had to avoid the unpleasanty of my dad’s grumbling that she had stayed late at my place; this has startled her back then when she stayed a little later on a Sunday evening.
Fortunately, no technical glitches with only the scanner bed not being long enough to place her certificate flat for a complete scan…all in all sent over in time, bringing a smile to Serene’s contenance and warming my heart…
I had also felt bad about my tone when getting ready to move out around 10pm the time earlier.
Another hot night swealtering under the fan.
11:50 PM |
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Another 1 hour lunch done; though not very sunny, heat is pretty high resulting in perspiration on the back, but nothing massive…it’s really great to be able to have Serene’s company during lunch.
I’m still wondering who called me from 67495211, which many have suspected is from StandChart.
Let’s see who it really is who actually called me with such good timing.
1:58 PM |
who called?
All in all done in 16mins…minor irritation received when returning to my desk but that doesn’t matter for now.
Lunch had been a changed but had already been far from any emotions at the thought of it…
The morning had been disturbing with the missing Naro Bluetooth headset which is yet to be found…that worry has to be shelved aside for now…
11:49 AM |
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We have finally arrived at Riverview Hotel and soon to commence the dinner.
I can feel the pressure from Kairin even though it was just a passing remark when she asked when's my turn...
Time to turn away from singlemindness and focus on 'gathering weapons and ammo'.
Posted with LifeCast
5:00 PM |
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Another tiring day; I must had been really tired since dozing off pretty quickly after the Ouija Board show, and drying off the battery from 16mins of Police Academy.
The carpark carried the stillness of eeriness when I climbed my way up to Deck 4A where Pica was parked.
Homedrive done while keeping constant velocity; mind had been on the dream about the chat with my brother; something that had ceased for more than 10 years.
Posted with LifeCast
3:32 PM |
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A quiet Sunday in preparation for the upcoming wedding at Riverview Hotel. It's really nice to see them at his place, prior the event.
The morning had been challenged with an unsightly staining of one of my pants, and the other, not adequately dried; much time spent getting that fixed.
It's always nice to spend the time at Serene's place; nice comfy couch and the quiet neighbourhood. They had intend to arrive earlier for area scouting.
l'll do a mini-hybernation first.
Posted with LifeCast
3:20 PM |
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Lowly suspensioned but yet so prominently dropping off bumper made this such a sight on the road while I'm on the way home...could the P Plate be for the driver at this point of time?
Soon, it was out of sight...come to think of it, COE cars are not worth driving, considering the high road tax costs and maintenance rate...
Posted with LifeCast
9:59 PM |
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Red sleek Ferrari driven by a young chap detected while making way home with Serene after our dinner.
Found a pair of Shaq like sandals at steal from Bata, something which can prevent between toe abrasions.
It had been a hot night; we stayed awhile at my place to watch Finding Nemo, before making the home run journey...the day had been tiring, especially so with non-stop calls on my end and processing on Serene's end.
Night retirement done with snippet of Terminator 2.
Posted with LifeCast
9:59 PM |
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Another firewalk done and bomb successfully made in the above terrain version of North’s…it’s an ER variation from the regular.
Just 4 mins more to returning to battlestation .
The morning had been pretty sauntering from awakening; engine felt a toll; workout still successfully carried out on thevaried, lower repped variation, full body workout done.
Just a couple of days more to the completion of the battle week.
12:57 PM |
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Home theatre giveaway syndicate detected on this green Toyota Liteace GQ3531S who has asked me if i want it; being the 2nd time and already once, a couple of years back in Bugis carpark, it had brought about more wariness to the public on this matter.
It might be a good thing to bring the police's attention.
Posted with LifeCast
12:24 PM |
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This call came in shortly after 62223231...could it be from their alternative lines?
5:32 PM |
who called?
Learnt from blogs that this is the ID used by Prudential's marketing line...fancy calling me in a phoneuse barred environment resulting in loud beeps od my Naro on collar.
Shut off done and on the finally awaited break.
Posted with LifeCast
3:34 PM |
who called?
Slick white Porsche is spotted again on
my way to work; fancy being parked in a HDB open parking lot and attracting quite alot of atttention (including malicious ones)...
Wonder who is the ower of this shiny and roundish car...
Posted with LifeCast
3:31 PM |
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Fiercely low RX8 detected by the road...most probably driven by some young punk.
Road tax is $598 for a year, considering it being an Off-Peak exhilerating view on a post busy day of returning to base...nice to see but might attract uncanning contact.
Posted with LifeCast
3:31 PM |
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Lunch exterior temperature is supremely suitable for drying out all those laundry and doing disinfection.
Much had been drained from yesterdays’ chakara in view of the massively busy day; I had missed out on the dinner fellowship with SPICE members due to tight schedule but guess it has to be that as it is…
Just another 9 mins before the completion of my regular break which I can look forward to the next at 3:30pm…
The rice felt extremely soft and well-cooked…much to my delight, resulting in quick ingestion of lunch even when surrounded by the hot weather…aunty is not here so uncle had helped me with my dish picking.
4 hours more to clearout.
11:51 AM |
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Being the last day of my leave and returning to work the following Monday, it does feel a little different since it's been quite a long break.
Lucky Plaza had been flooded with people as there were 3 Lambourghinis parked outside the new lingerie shop jointly opened by Vaness Wu and 2 other ladies whom I have not heard of; flooded with people taking photos of such exotic cars....wonder how it does feel to drive in one...even Lucky Plaza had gone through tremendous revamp; it shows how long I've not been here.
Though a Friday, it had been exceptionally crowded; saw a couple of nice shoes in Lucky Plaza, but the low price makes the durability questionable; need to find something to wear for Serene's cousin's wedding, which will be done this month.
We had a good time walking through the malls and eating the Omu rice from Takashimaya; missed a snapshot of it had tasted really great!
1:18 AM |
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I appeared in a place which looks like a polytechnic, yet the surrounding is open-roof, ie only a small shelter for walkway outside classrooms / labs and I jumped across a ledge, leaning against a trapezium-shaped prefecture, and then saw my brother and a few classmates, all dressed in t-shirt and jeans, walking to the lab; he certainly looked much younger, just like those study days. I took another leap and saw Lim Li, Crystal and June talking, and telling them I should land infront of the class and ask his classmates if I'm the more handsome version of my brother, and definitely this will shock them to see 2 similar faces at 1 place. However, the 3 were not listening though they had stood there for observance on the resemblence of us.
One shut: a vision of 3 big fish tanks; mostly empty and 2 of them housed 3 huge tortoises and 1 turtle, evenly distributed. I asked Serene's dad where are the fishes and he said all are gone, but there's a scavanger sucker fish at one corner. Flashscene of "education lesson" about the fish itself, indicating it can grow up to a really huge size.
2nd shut: I saw myself at a counter which looks like a OCBC banking counter; it was closing and the service staff was giving me petrol redemption coupons after walking back from another station in the looked like a hybrid of banking counter and one of the convenient stores of petrol station, at the back, beyond a certain number of footsteps. I had been walking with Jianxiang and a few ex army comrades and he was putting his arm around my shoulder, and I asked how has he been, family business and all, and he said that all had been good except having to handle staff and behaviourial problems. He had pushed open a glass door which looks like that of the OCBC bank in Tampines CPF building - interior is exceptionally well-lit.
3 chains.
9:29 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
Entering the slumberland soon after the chat with Serene...time to make some plans for how the day will be spent tomorrow before the full work week commences in a few days' time.
While viewing those flatland videos, it had somewhat brought my mind back to how I want myself to be captured in video doing such links with sheer smoothness and beauty...but of course that will require tons of hard work and can't be obtained just like this.
I shan't spend the money unnecessarily on such stuff; should I really want to ride, just need to tune up this dinosaur bike which will also turn the session into a strength-building one, as long as I find my own spot.
Time to heed back to slumberland.
12:44 AM |
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It has been an exercise day for me. Successful execution of Spartan training followed by a swim in the evening; the plan was initially to do a photoshoot trekking but in view of the weather and to upkeep the regime, plan had been changed.
For the first time, I've "dared" to swim freestyle in the climbing population at the pool, which was pretty successful on a half-length continuation following a 3/4 completion without running out of breath. Though it looked simple from observer's point of view, the actual was a little tougher than expected.
Well spent 2 day of leave as exercise keeps the mind alert and body fit, of course, with the proper food intake.
Mum had made some wondrous lunch and dinner which was made more warm with the company of my aunt, who brough my sister to the dentist on the check of her jawline.
Though a large cup of coffee had been introduced, the substantial fatigue had proven sufficient for easy slumber entrance tonight.
9:42 PM |
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Almost done with the modified Iron Session, some moves still proofed to be challenging despite the looks and reads of it from health magazines.
Come to think of it, I'm into the 3rd year of doing this, by far the most consistent activity of my life to date...the rewards are most satisfying when seeing yourself looking/fitting better in clothes.
Back to the Ironpound session.
Posted with LifeCast
10:24 AM |
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I saw myself walking through an entrance via a small alley which was supposedly leading to Devil's Bar, but it was an unusual narrow passageway with red illumination, substantially populated with people milling around, dawning a sleazy setting.
I saw Petchtai Wongkamlao, who had been the sidekick alongside with Tony Jaa in the action Thai movies, who was at the entrance on a bouncer duty, asking me for a valid pass entrance, before stepping aside and telling me in Thai that the entrance is just ahead. n I opened the door which emitted white light...
And soon, I was awake.
8:00 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
Finally turning in for the night, but the training schedule will continue later.
The night before slumber has once again been greeted thermally, before a suspected heavy downpour. It's wonderful to see Serene for lunch despite myself having eaten earlier. The lunchtime had also been warm, yet our hearts are sweetly warmed with each other's company.
Though turning in, mind missing her much...
Posted with LifeCast
1:48 AM |
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A mysterious no in the weired hours of the night...who could this be?
10:49 PM |
who called?
I was in my room, house setting resembles that of my late granny's place at Balestier, which now stands Balestier Heights condominium, where the TV is housed within a wooden cabinet, and a small showcase where an antique gramaphone sits, and Davin, my ex storeman appeared out of nowhere, spotted my Vodka and opened it without my permission.
Upon me realising, I fumed up and gave him a good verbal dressing and demanded him to return me a fresh bottle tomorrow, and threw some expletives at him before opening my eyes...
It was a dream. My Vodka is safe.
7:45 AM |
World beyond Dreamland
It's the commencement of a long leave in awhile as I've been looking forward to it ever since approval.
Many things to do such as 'personal backlogs' ie spring cleaning, some works leftover for the unpublished blogs. High time for some massive publications.
It's & recovery for the bulker me commences.
Posted with LifeCast
1:14 AM |
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My pica must have suffered a breached wiper reservoir resulting in leaks even after refilling. Guess it might be time for it to be sent for Compression or a major repair.
Weather had been fearlessly hot and reaching my thermal limits despite being quiet in temperature arising.
We had a good time cooking CP prawn dumplings and eating together both at Serene's place and her aunt's...the fellowship had been warm despite the warm climate around us.
Retirement have to be scheduled earlier on Sundays.
Posted with LifeCast
3:25 PM |
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It's been sometime since I last wrote in detailed thought while the days had been so busily endless...
Finally got to spend the evening with Serene after our work! We had planned to catch Terminator Salvation with vouchers but had insuffcient time to grab that schedule. No matter, we still can do a miniexploration of Merryl Lynnch building nearby.
Posted with LifeCast
3:20 PM |
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Shiny white Z4 zipped past while I was eating under shelter from the hot afternoon; it had felt better compared to yesterday's heat.
Almost time to pick up on HI revisions again so I can go for 2nd attempt before my ICT next month.
The battle had been pretty gruelling before the upcoming long leave tomorrow.
Posted with LifeCast
3:18 PM |
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