Starting to feel the weight getting heavier on my eyes…it must’ve been the air con and lack of rest these few days…have I overexerted myself lately? Or do I need train further train up to keep myself more beefed up to endure through times where more endurance are required?

As part of upkeeping discipline of training, I will continue workout later after work and get sufficient rest tonight for the next series of 12-hour shift.

Eyes started to twinkle and get dry as I sit in front of the PC doing work, while trying to keep my focus and alertness up.

“It’ll be over soon”, yes indeed…looking forward to hit the gym later, hopefully I can have the gym to myself, and be rejuvenated after workout and bath so I can get a good snooze on bus / MRT, whichever is the choice.

Energy level seemed to be wobbling up and down like a blob of jelly that has been affecting my concentration level to be needle sharp at times, and yet wobbly bobbly at times and seemingly unable to carry out my work swiftly and quickly.

This calls for a “full package” workout and a good rest at home after that.

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