Well, bodybuilding still continues and I have to workout on weaker muscle groups like the front deltoids, trapizus, calves and forearms.

Aircon went shut when I was working out half way in the middle of intense that caused gradual body gleaming with perspiration. Workout was a great one as I need to spend more effort working those weaker muscle groups which movements had been uncomfortable but I really need to pump on them to ensure growth. The muscles are smaller with fewer ligaments, thus development will be slower…I need to dedicate one day especially to train this group of muscles including the abdominals which need a fair share of effort to shape them up.

Compared to smoking, this is a good alternative as it only costs me energy, determination and consistency while building up self-discipline to train on a regular basis, no matter how many distraction factors are around me, such as binging on snacks, getting engrossed in computer games or the like, and the best thing is, I don’t need to spend a cent since there is gym at NCS which is the main factor to keep me going to workplace earlier too.

It has been part of my life for the past 3 months that I had been training diligently; even people around me notice the change in my body sihoulette, unfortunately attracting unwanted attention in some places…well this is inevitable, so long as I do not get into trouble because of my more defined physique. This is the forth.

I can’t imagine myself slopping back in the couch and turning be a couch potato again, but there is a need to keep a lookout on all those food I take in…healthier choices with a balance distribution of vegetables, meat and rice will be a good combination, together with diligent, tough training and proper rest, minus vices such as drinking and smoking, all wrapped up with a good rest every night. That still needs to be worked on. Heard that massages are good for relaxing and aiding muscle growth too but to what extend is it mythical / factual, this requires some serious readups.
The adrenaline that I get from weights training results in confidence boosting, better energy level and looking better in clothes.

Yes, training is tough, but it’s all worthwhile when you train proper and rest adequately after the workout, and not overexerting the muscles when working out a more frequent basis. My training frequency is every day but alternating between muscle groups every other day to ensure they have adequate rest between each pumping session.

I’m not all so up to become those hulky guys who are so big and huge, but at least to a certain level of development with a good set of washboard abs. I’ve always envied those guys who are able to workout to have a good set of abs without seemingly much effort to get them into shape. As a matter of fact, ab muscles are one of the toughest group to develop as they are smaller in group and respond slower to exercises.

Pumping and looking hunky is not all enough, so I’ve combined it with running during off days when I’m on a shift workweek, since it’ll be impractical for me to go all the way to my workplace to access the gym no doubt it is free, with consideration the costs involved in bus fares. I could take a walk for free to access the gym near my home and pay $2.50 per entry to use the gym.

Therefore, one of the best way which happens to be the most challenging would be to do the workout with dumbbell amidst the comfort of my room and limited space.

When you take the measurements of your various parts of body, and seeing the numbers progressing as they grow more defined and increasing in size, keeps you motivated and determined to go on to reach a higher level of muscle development.

This is one thing which I have always been most confident about myself that has never failed me.

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