Managed to unload a little from mind after catch up with a friend, whom I got to know in IRC since 1996. Indeed, different industry payouts rates are different so it would not be an equal platform to compare, considering the stress, commitment and working hour levels. It has been a challenging year for me to deal with power struggle, yet coping with the fact that some things cannot be changed over night. I still strive for speed to success and stretching myself to the furthest I can…

For a man, status and wealth the two main towers of pride and any challenges to these will strike a certain level of shockwave into the very inner soul. I am taking things easy and not comparing as I continue my working life.

Being liberated from military jurisdiction has been a great relieve, since I can’t have the best of both worlds; good money and good life…it doesn’t come in hand. Yes, there are no free lunches in the world, and there are fast food which are do not last and are unhealthy cos of the preparation speed and ingredients…what I desire is to “cook” a nutritious meal for long term benefits, but SOA is an important factor to me too.

We live in a world of logic law and order and anything which is absurdly fast is something I want to be part of, such as career hyper advancement in a short period of time.

They say that to shorten the speed of success, one has to compress the amount of effort required within a short period of time. Just how do we do that? We have to learn it from the minority successful people who are filthy rich in the world. At times I really wonder; where do their money come from? For now, there will be a need for me to stay focused on what I want and stake my entire abilities into it to get what I want in life, for glory, glamour, wealth and happiness.

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