Everyone loves to travel at a discount.  And that is the very reason why this company has emerged, pegging on everyone's desire to stretch their dollar and get the best deal of out of their vacation.

I had recently got to know an acquaintance who wanted to meet me out of the blue.  While it was unusual not to disclose any information on the phone, she only mentioned it is "a very good lobang".  My suspicion were right after some research: she was into this time-sharing concept of "owning a holiday" which the latest flagship in to hit consumers in Singapore is lead by WorldVentures.  They claimed that you can get awesome discounts and travel to great destinations.

So her call was actually part of the "recruitment campaign", to suck in more people into this pit of overly-painted deceit, under-delivered facts.  Of course, I made the right choice to call of the meet.  Afterall, personally I have been there and done that.

I would still keep this contact but have told her this topic has to go if we were to work together in future behind the lens.

Some research led me to this site seriously should be shared with anyone and everyone that we know:   


Here's another which gives an insight of the shady organisation:

Documents are facts.  Please share with anyone and everyone to avoid this pitfall of lies.

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