I appeared at this landmark that had a road leading into the industrial area from the main road - just like the area near Aquarius condominium and Bedok Reservoir.  I saw the Hunter X group and we were talking about how far it is from TJ's place - he mentioned that if by cycling, he knows that he needs to turn left from this road but does not know where it leads to if he goes straight; so I explained to him that the road ahead leads to Bedok Reservoir town.

Strangely at this hilly area, it now appears to be a rocky kind of architecture, a little like those historical style made up of unusually-shaped bricks.  Now there's this "pond" where we jokingly commented that if anyone wants to swim, there is a pool here.

Now there was some kind of "war" and the enemy were at the bottom of this historical architectural site.  They had heater shields (just like those in Diablo) and we could not fight them as our levels were not high enough.  So we decided to make our way off by packing our gears up (our dSLRs has now appeared).

Next scene shows me with dearie and Nicole in another town; this is more colourful than the other and had an aura of the "amazonian Zuma" kind of civilisation.  We were filling up some forms and had to write our names as per given; so Nicole was trying to make out what I wrote and commented that I had an interesting way of writing and holding the writing instrument.  I then teased her and asked why was she so nosy.  There was some kind of carnival thing there and we saw some really huge butterflies that had a wing span of 2 adult palm lengths.

Switchscene; we appeared in this shambly, dilapidated and yet still inhibited hotel, where the walls were green with algae.  I was seated at this place that resembled the "lounge", outdoors, and all of us were watching TV (placed in the frontyard).  Beside me was this tray with several recepticles and they were "frying" an egg with the shell still on (I had accidentally almost wanted to eat this egg like  snack that just ran out); the frying sockets seemed to be covered with fritters from the previous cookings, so at one glance, you can't see the liquid below it.

So after frying this egg, when it was lifted out, there was only the egg white left.  A little ususual; so the person drained the oil and what was left was some leaves with the skeletal remains left - it looked unusually thick in the structure. 

Now I am in this office where I saw Joanne Peh; seems like she knew a few of us and also wanted to probe to find out what is my name as per given; but she could not read it properly from the way I had wrote it.  Shortly after she arrived, she changed into something casual and there was Calvin Soh, trying to irritate her as how he did in some local serials he had acted in.

I am now back to the dilapidated hotel which now I could get a better glance; from the exterior, it resembled Major Derrick Coupeland's house except that it is made of concrete.  At the reception area which was small and narrow space, the windows once closed, could almost not be seen as it blended pretty well with the walls, which were poorly covered in beige-coloured wallpaper that were fixed in untidy patches.

My eyes opened.  It is already morning.

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