I first appeared at by accident at this MMA event where the fight took place at a corridor. Spectators are either standing or seated along these walkways but not in those orderly seatings like indoor stadium.

This particular fight had one fighter who does not have an athletic physique, but somewhat round, yet strong looking. During the fight, the opponent was trying to wear him out by dodging, but soon was knocked out by his one single punch.

Next scene showed some introductory video about this figjhter and he also happened to be a performance car fanatic. He was driving a 'Rollei' make car of 200+bhp which I told him I drive as a form of transportation;hence I don't need such power. I was then guided to park by one of the MMA staff as the next match appeared to be in this industrial yard. Construction trucks may be used but they have to be marked and and 'safe edged' for this competition.

Next scene showed me picking out the Australian coins which denoted $5, $2 and $1; at the same time, I saw some photos taken in Australia; at this moment, I could see my breath condensing massively as if I was in a cold country.

Soon I was walking in this town and met a couple of old folks whom I did not manage to get their names; they were sharing with me about some important things in life and how to stay happy. I saw them walking into this small cottage-like building which was part of an estate. As I wanted to be in touch with them, I tried to catch up but after walking through 'Cortege Villas' (the building appeared to be centuries old), there were no signs of him.

This was where I had wandered into a kitchen and was warmly welcomed by a middle-aged lady. I apologised to her as I knew the kitchen was out of bounds to many. I told her that I was looking for an old couple who lives in this estate; as we walked and talked, the place transformed to be at another part of the town.

A young gentleman later told me after some casual conversation that this place is rather "dirty' - prior to this, I silently mouthed the words when I asked if this old couples I had met earlier are not human being, so as not to scare the people around me. At this juncture, I realised the beauty of the architecture at this part of the town; huge NATO plugs and switches could be seen just like those switchboards, but these formed the roofs of the buildings. As I bade him farewell, he wished me a great day ahead but did a 'cyber handshake' as we were quite distant and he had to make a move elsewhere.

Switchscene showed me talking to my storeman Allan, who was planning a backpacking trip to Taiwan where he planned the whole trip's daily itinerary at one go; I shared with him how I did mine during my visit to Australia.

I am now at my primary school where I was rushing for the morning assembly and late for the first time - we had to be locked out till the flag raising ceremony was over. The prefect on duty was Jacky, one of the sadistic scout leader I had met during ECA days. When the ceremony was over, I saw Junyong - my secondary 2 classmate whi was in a full suit and walking in with the rest.

Last scene showed me moving out of a pinewood workshop where David (another STTS coursemate) was. We did some moving and had to leave soon as David and a few had to lock up the place as they needed to go out.

Eyes opened. 4:45am.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

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