It may be an eve, but not much activities as city streets are flooded with people heading for the countdown events.

For me, I had chosen the opposite; staying indoors and finishing up some backlogged work, which is definitely outside Mainstream.  Short breaks in between the long hours, the challenge goes on.

This is the first time I'm doing this for a "year end closing event" which no doubt to many may be mundane, but I think it's something good to keep me going.  Afterall, it's my nature to be working harder and on longer hours as my biological engine knows I do not require so much rest.  Guess that's why I'm "engineered" to function this way?

Lots of reflections to wrap up end of this year.  Looking back on the pages written for this year in my life, they had certainly been fruitful and I have accomplished something I wanted.

Right now, the continuation of work runs.
Was SMSing or Whatsapping an ex colleague and learnt that Albert had left as an 'SAS' which I was wondering if it was a AM level.

It was a time of us catching up about Christmas; quite a surprise that he had left.

638am. It was a dream.
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I had walked through a place which looks like a holiday resort of some exotic places.  From the sidewalk around the resort, I could see a breathtaking skyline of the sea, with a mixture of various layers that resembled the sight of the shores of Maldives.

Across the left, I saw a water "wall", that is made of of a large curtain of sea water being propelled vertically into to the air, just like those fountain displays infront of shopping malls, hotels, or certain buildings.  From the place I was walking, I could already see it being such a magnificent sight; what size would it really be if I'm standing right at it's bottom?

Walking along the sidewalk, I had realised I wasn't properly attired and decided to make my move back to my room.

The scene cut and showed me walking in and out of some dark place, which was like a "dungeon town" of the medival times, where castles, men in lacy cuffs with long hair walked.  I had walked past a few whom were from the vampire clan, with their pale looking faces and the aura they carried.  Following them, I went through the door and right into their "town".  That's where I saw Jianxiang (he had been keeping long hair all these while) who opened his room door which I went past, and shortly afterwhich, I made my way off from the vampire town.  I had spotted myself with the long hair of those vampires.  Cool look, something I had always wanted.

Next scene, back to the dungeon town where I had a melee battle using my "pet" (just like those MMORPGs) and defeated my friend, Alvin Tay's pet.  It was a situation where his pet didn't have a chance to retaliate against my attacks and eventually, defeated.  I was walking off to leave that town and his partner came in, analysed the situation and also could not find any foul play.   A big butterfly with black wings and blue motifs flew in, and Alvin's companion took it and detached its body from the wings; and strangely, the body has 2 plugs which was to fit the wings this butterfly does look like a living version of those toys where you could change certain parts of the figurine that are also connected via plugs.

After my exit, it was time to wake up.  7am.
Hunger, but it's already past 2am and definitely a forbidden time to eat.

Today's run was definitely past my usual distance and certainly a fulfilling session as I had ran without much difficulty except during the start up before the muscles had warmed up. The unusal feeling in my left knee had faded off along as the run peaked.

Such a cooling evening deserves a good run, while sightseeing around each area I had passed. C1 till G and back to C1.

Hope I can enter slumber soon.

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Another sleepless night after that 5 hour snooze that I had overlooked fetching dearie after her classes. I must had been substantially tired and had been running on Overdrive mode.

One more round of some CRM familarisation and ironing out some issues, but now my stomach is feeling the emptiness from the enhanced fuel consumption at this hour.

Hope I can return to slumber soon so as to regulare the correct sleeping hours.

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A very short and unusual number that called me at this early hour.
A foreign number had called at this hour.  A scam?
Reading and dozing off. That's one really classic situation of a book sapping a person's mind out.

I had been going through this for a few rounds and decided to take a break after a few chapters. I had to finish the other half of the textbook where I had left off the other time. Cumulatively, this is my 5th round on the textbook and had just started the 6th.

In my mind, I had been thinking, which set of questions would they give me this time round? Not going to think about how the verdict will be as doing my best matters most.

1130pm. Finally answering to the pillow's call.

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It was another evening of a 'closed door meditation' for today's battle. A dream on series of collection basis occupied me during the slumber hours.

I'm on schedule in the already packed, and still breathable 'can on track' that will bring me to my destination. The only thing is that the facilities at the examination centre is not opened till almost time for the papers.

Being the first paper of the day does have it's constraints in this sense - without proper a proper place to do some final touchups.

My ride is coming home today at last after a week that placed me at such great expenditure of time that I could use them on more important events.

Hope dearie had a good rest last night.

All the best for my battle later.

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I'm going through another round of my revision again.  Battletime: 0900hrs on 14122011.

Time is quite against me as I have less time to do the same or more amount of work at Mainstream.  With a bigger responsibility while the management is away for 2 weeks, this will be a time where I will need to pit the best I can to make that mark.

The previous week had ended on a pretty consoling note in the midst of all the hustle and pressure.  What's left now is to clear that one, single, paper-load full of information and knowledge that I have to face.  Last week had already been brimmed so much so that I didn't have proper time to settle down to run through the notes to refresh myself.

Time to rest and recover for the evening; a rainy evening hence the run had to be converted to a muscle-pumping session.  After a month or so of hiatus, the momentum, strength are all still running good.
Got a call from this number once but didn't hear from them thereafter.  From this source, it seemed like another telemarketing attempt:
Dinner made by dearie; a wonderfully tasting plate of noodles, completed with mushrooms and cabbages.

Nothing beats home-cooked food especially when it comes from the angel of my heart; it makes the evening more cosy and warm in the heart as we all dine under shelter in her parent's cosy abode.

I had not got sufficient space in my backpack hence the revision could not be "revved up".  Most of the time had been spent on my Macbook, continuing the research for the next trip.  

A short trip over Christmas definitely sounds good.
This was one of the latest time I had to stay after settling in.

I had been given positive news of getting my cut after an affirmation that I had been considered as their "1st class citizen".  After 3 years in the same line, 6 years in all since I left the armed forces, my foot had finally been firmly placed in a place where I can be providing my contribution.  The initial 2 months had been a little of a concern as I had many things going on; ICT, and above that, settling in really well and getting in to be doing it.

It was certainly a good note and thank God that I was here at this time.  My dinner had to be settled alone as dearie had a company dinner to attend.  Hence, the best reward for myself was to settle down for a foot-long sandwich at Subway.

Finally, one of those nights where I could sleep a little more peaceful.
It was an unusual encounter as I had been startled to my awakening from a scene in Mainstream where the Mdm had been talking about work.

What a fright.  I had since stayed up during the early hours in the morning.  Since I'm already planning something, this will be a good for me to do some homework online for my next backpacking journey.
This number just called again.  I hope this is a service call with response to my feedback.  Let's see if they call again.
They have called me once again.  What are they up to this time?
Hot day, an unusual in the midst of a rainy season.

Had my lunch and now hidden back to the cooler area - in a shopping mall.

I had fallen asleep so early the night before - little did I realise that I had been tired, and still unwell to a certain extent. Slumber had commenced at around 10pm and I had awoken at 4am. Had not been able to sleep since then.

The weather's picking up on the 'heat' today. But that could also spell a swing of climate later in the afternoon. Let's see if the aircon turns colder all of sudden as a sign of that weather swing.

I should be up and ready for the next season of run after these few days of rest since those coughs, phlegms and runny nose syndromes have been clogging up my respiratory systems since that contact with rain during lunch hour last week. This time, it had seemed pretty bad and I'm glad it's recovering well.

Let's hope tonight will not be a rush hour, considering that there's a fair bit to do in a 'compression of time' season.

Hope dearie has also rested and recovered well by today. Mine had been quite a tormenting season when I can run, hit that new mileage / timing and sweat it all out. Weights training is still on the hiatus till I've hit that momentum.

I sure look forward to having a clear respiratory system soon. Just a few final clearouts today.

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I appeared at a place which looked a little like PLAD - green buildings with staircases elevated above ground level, and masses of people who are milling around the various complexes.

Another scene showed me fleeing from war-torn zone which later turned out to be a prank rather than a real military-operation. The place where people started fleeing were just along a dust-track with an informative shelter set up in the middle of the road.

At the building where these people were gathered, I saw a few familiar faces, like Alex Lee, Wan and then some scenes of the 'advanced prototype' of the Playbook. Wan was showing me this tablet that had various facets; one flick and you could access a secondary panel that was about 2/3 of the 'master panel's size.

That reminded me; these people were attending the devcon for Blackberry that had been shifted from Thailand to locally in view of the bad weather. The complex that I had visited then later morphed into something like that of Singapore Polytechnic; with porches, carparks and the typical type of building stucture like that of a 'standard polytechnic'.

Seems like this time, I had travelled to extensive places.

By the time I had awoken, it was near 7am and a sore throat accompanied me.

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