We had finally arrived at Kukup after 3 hours since departure from dearie's place. The town, located in the province of Pontian, was somewhat apart from regular city life around Malaysia.

The main livelihood of people around here are via fish trade, which can range from sale of dried fish products to the norm provision shops. When you stay a little longer in this town, it sure doesn't feel like Malaysia. People here lead their own lives which differs from those in mainstream. Streets were lined with shops and stalls without any traffic congestions.

Weather is especially hot so bermudas are a good choices. First stop was lunch at 1:30 - quite a spread followed by a tea break at 3:30 - local made crackers along with green bean soup.

Soon it was dinner after a nap in the afternoon but I had caught only a streak of sunset.

No chance for us to catch the bubble tea as it was already closed by the time we walked back to the main road. Shops seem to close pretty early here and streets were already quite empty by that time.

Supper were sweet potatoes and the evening after dinner was spent spotting fireworks and stock-up of food.

Gott catch the sunrise tomorrow morning.


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