The streets near my home had been quiet, but streets had already been pretty crowded with those going .

Unlike the usual days prior to public holiday had been quite flooded with people; guess most of the peopel had gone to hotspots for countdown.

Office was rather quiet as there were still a handful of people on leave; thus we had lunched at BK Coffee House, which served the famous mifen which was handmade. Taste sure does match that of what my colleagues had told me about.

We had to work till 3pm but most of the finance sector worked halfday. No matter; at least, managed to clear my work last night before today's final touch up. Took a walk at Challenger and saw some attractive deals - suddenly had the urge to get a Wii to play at home before making my way to dearie's place.
Final rush in the evening to run through some cases which I need to update system; the sky had already turned dark and this time, it was really the latest I had stayed in office.

The mind had still not been settled down as I had continued the work clearance after dinner. All finally done at 11:30PM.

Work Ultimatium.
I saw myself in an old food centre that looks like Bukit Timah Food Centre, one of them decorated with blue crepe paper to make the stall brighter looking, selling western food and the surroundings selling regular cooked food. I was there with my parents and dearie, looking for a seat to have a meal.

My dad spotted an empty table and signalled for us to come over. Prior to this, we had splitted up abd combing the area to get a seat.

We had quite a sumptous meal and dearie and I were discuasing on the already booked holiday with them, and that I will be settling all the airfare while she took care of accomodation. There was a glimpse of delight when she asked if I will be handling the airfare.

Strangely, the washroom is located just inside this blue crepe paper decorated stall as it has an extension to its right that appeared to be a covered pathway.

When I woke up, clock reads 730am and I had missed my workout this morning. It had been a little tired last night.

One manned afternoon as the rest of the people in the dept are out for work or on leave. Further investigations to be done on one of the case that I have been handling, with a totally different workflow than the usual. Something that requires scrutinity.

Dearie's not having lessons this week so I won't be going out in the evening.

Another late evening.

A Monday and back to work after the festive weekend; we had been dining over the weekend.

Weather looks pretty fine this morning; roads bately scattered with vehicles near my home. I guess many are still on leave at year end as it is the peak seasonof leave ffor most people.

It's going to be a full week ahead and I should be knocking off at 3pm on New Year Eve.

Managed to arrive before 9pm and mild shower had commenced when we reached Sembawang Park to meet up with the rest of NSP people. They have already moved to shelter as the rain is picking up.

Saw most of our usual - Wendy, Sandy, Roger, Markus, Jack, Shiqi, Soon Bing, Yiwei - those whom are constantly in touch. The rest include Alex an Angela - those who joined after most of us left.

Dearie and I managed to eat those cooked food which they have brought into shelter before we moved out to make our way back to Wendy's place for a catch up session - during the intermittent.

We had our game and using alcohol and beverages as the forfeit - being the pilot behind wheels, I had been granted exception so only had to be under non-alcoholic 'punishment'

The game lasted several rounds and Matthew was aimed at for drinking. Subsequently they shared that had drank alot the last time we met, and even puked a few rounds.

After many rounds, we settled to catch up about Wendy's workplace and seems that things are not getting any better. Thomas had been down with his medical condition and have been constantly hospitalised. Maybe that's why I haven't heard from him for so long...

Wendy had also shared about her late father-in-law whom had passed on in Sep; the cause was mouth cancer which took him away in less than a year.

We made our way back around 2:45am.

We had finally arrived at Kukup after 3 hours since departure from dearie's place. The town, located in the province of Pontian, was somewhat apart from regular city life around Malaysia.

The main livelihood of people around here are via fish trade, which can range from sale of dried fish products to the norm provision shops. When you stay a little longer in this town, it sure doesn't feel like Malaysia. People here lead their own lives which differs from those in mainstream. Streets were lined with shops and stalls without any traffic congestions.

Weather is especially hot so bermudas are a good choices. First stop was lunch at 1:30 - quite a spread followed by a tea break at 3:30 - local made crackers along with green bean soup.

Soon it was dinner after a nap in the afternoon but I had caught only a streak of sunset.

No chance for us to catch the bubble tea as it was already closed by the time we walked back to the main road. Shops seem to close pretty early here and streets were already quite empty by that time.

Supper were sweet potatoes and the evening after dinner was spent spotting fireworks and stock-up of food.

Gott catch the sunrise tomorrow morning.

Sudden downpour as I reached home station; fortunately, all routes are sheltered right till home. By the time I reached home bus stop, the rain had subsided substantially.

I had done some works via desktop remotely; although the mind is kept moving, it sure does utilises quite a portion of mental chakara when I was at dearie's place in the later part of evening. As long as the access os working perfect, I won't have to go in often to try to configure it.

We all have been given a Starbucks treat by our bigger boss as company has yet hit another milestone in productivity.

That's what I ordered but by the time I started savouing it, after all the work has been cleared, it has already tuned a into little 'brown island float'.

My RO was tormented by the sweetness of White Choc that we realised could be requested for reduced sweetness; even mine was sweet beyond my self-set limit.

Anyhow it was something different for a Tuesday afternoon. Still setting in, and better than what I was 3 weeks ago.

Another 2 man day which I had learnt many things directly from my RO. Those experiences sure made time pass even faster and could only go for my Gent's break when I was having a little free time.

Weather had been rainy, so we decided to lunch in and caught up abit the background of our work. There was a good laugh about those scenarios that they had described about an ex colleague.

Sure enough, time had passed real quick and it was already 6:30pm when I left office. Unusually stuffy train ride till nearing the end, there was a merlion who had performed her "duly job", causing an instant vacating of the affected cabin; stench had caused many to alight at Bedok, and before it reached me, I had already reached my destination.

Phew. Spared my nose.
The long awaited dinner has finally arrived after many months as all of us had been busy.

Our usual bunch is there; Andy and Marie, Songjie, Yinmaya, Bryan and his wife and kids, Philip and his wife and kid; a handful.

There had been no success in porting the characters over; seems that my last experience since the game had been taken over by GamersFirst did not have any issues about game hang, so it might be issues that hadn't been fixed by Acclaim.

Marie had asked when dearie and I settle down; tha can only be agreed upon after I had made my move..ahaha..another pressure.

We all had a good time of catchup; a fellowship that had to be done on regular basis.

Took a short walk with Andy, Marie, Songjie, and of course, dearie, to see a huge fish that had been displayed at another restaurant.

Finally had arrived at the place for our company dinner. This is one of those posh places which most of us don't go. For the co's estab, this will be a good place.

I had been the official photographer of the event, so called, the unofficial as it was something I enjoyed and could contribute to the event.

We had the appetiser (myself busy juggling between eating and taking shots), while catching up with some of the colleagues on non-work related topics. Soon, the night had crept up a little late and it was time for me to leave, as dearie had came over to give me a lift.
Freshened after final awakening at 7:15am; the biological clock had initially awoken me at 6:30am but had rested awhile more just to do a more optimum charge.

No dreams the night before as I had already dozed off soon after I reached home.

Tomorrow will be our company dinner and that's where I can bring along my digital sniper.
A busy and well-exposed work role day; I had received a numerous cases to handle which are something which does not come by often at such a volume. Not those nitty gritty things which are handled on a more daily basis.

Weather had been rainy but fortuntely, had stopped when it was time for me to leave office.

There are still quite some for me to pick things up, so I would not think that it was a bad day; rather, an accelerated opportunity for me to learn more things.

Feeling a little more tired than usual as I had woken up early after a short slumber, and having a hyperpaced workout prior to work. And finally, managed to get a good haircut!
I was in a town that resembled that of the 80s, wet markets like Bedok North were part of the neighbourhood.

Bumped into a guy who looks like Jiaxing and was trying to run around; fooled the hotel owner's rent by paying only partial and got to run off. Switchscene to modern Tampines Central when I was walking towards MRT station with dearie; but there were times I caught a glimpse of my ex but I wasn't spotted.

Move back to the 80s; the guy who looks like Jiaxing was renting a car and he seemed to be staying at Balestier - near Jalan Ampas where my granny used to stay. He decided to take his vehicle back instead of leaving it at the shop.

Next was walking through some aquatic shops where I saw a tank with cherry shrimps; they were huge and many were pregnant; Alex came into the picture and I asked if he can give me a couple of the pregnant shrimps as the tank now "belonged" to him...but nothing carried on from there.

The journey continues as I sold a small tank with tortoises and took back a unique from among the tank, and ran off. This time, I found myself in a rented room's toilet and looking for a way out. Soon, I saw the next scene of a female cast - reminded of those 80s HK show where she was saved by a group of guys that included Jacky Chan and Samo Hung.

Before I knew what happened next, I had awoken at 6:3AM.
The new moves at work reminded me of Cheng 1 in 9D when time reached 4+ pm in the afternoon. Felt like much of my energy had been depleted...anyhow, I'm glad I managed to finish the day.

Almost reaching home and weather does look pretty dark-clouded; a sign of torrental rainy night ahead, which also translates to a rain battle evening.

I should have some visualiser slumber later.

I had awoken at 6:30am before I could hear the alarm sound; but the mind simply told me that I should lie down for awhile more. Guess I had missed the early morning run again...something I've not done for awhile since I started work here.

Public transport's unusually packed for a Tuesday, so it could be the case that many people have just returned from leave, so here they are joining the mainstream of workforce again.
Saw 17 cases at Inbox this morning and started before official hours. It's a 2 man show today and less busier compared to last week - or maybe, more manageable as I've gain more familiarity with workflow.

Lunched in as usual since it's easier that way and 'guaranteed' seating in office pantry. Mum's fried dumplings taste so great when coupled with the lunch that I had bought...only had 1 in the morning, which was really busy till I didn't notice the timing till Derrick announced lunch hour's arrival.

Soon to come, it's time to knock off and here I am homebound on the train, to male up for the missed workout before work.

I found myself situated in a place that resembled the era of Tong Watt estate when it was still inhabitated; the era where triads were active in Singapore.

The activity routine are quite less 'brain usage' as it involved territory placement and I had been going up and down old buildings, and seeing more and more of the triad people surfacing. When the police came, all f them went back to do what they legitimately do for a living - they actually are employed in this scene I saw.

I went to the washroom and urinals there used were of those that were made out of dark ceramics, and an investigation officer joined me and Mingyao, later on
telling us it'll be a good time to catch up. I came out earlier and saw the sunset against some old HDB flats.

7:11am. I didn't hear the alarm ring for my early morning regime.

Learnt from Songjie about the reorganisation of the buffet treat by Andy which had been left unattended for the past few months. This time round, I'll be able to see more of the people from our league.

It has been planned to be held this Sunday at Punggol Marina Park. Managed to catch up a little more with Songjie as he told me that YinMa had stopped playing with no apparant reasons, Rian, is actually still playing. There wer some changes to gameplay which will be implimented somewhere in the middle of Dec 2010...let's see how it goes when I have the time to log in to play.

A re gathering of the RFS league.
A near midday journey by bus to dearie's school with her company and passed by places which brings back memories; NCS - where I spent 15 months slogging out as a contract staff; it sure does brings back memories when working with those people.

Next place I passed was the petrol kiosk just behind SCDF building along Thomson Road. A stop before alighting to change bus, that place was where I started out after ORD with an odd job before starting a proper one in a better environment; seems like those days, 5 years ago, had passed so quickly as I had moved to where I am now. Although I'm still not exactly where I wanted, I shall continue to work towards it.

Dearie's school is expanding already; a new building is already in place with construction which are pretty done up externally; that's a reminder of my next course of action once I'm settled down in my current role. It'll be a 1.5 years of time where I need to work hard and get through it.
Continuing my wait to enter Zirca after 10 as ex co is having a year end function there. For now, still closed to non-employees' entrance.

Managed to have a good catchup with my ex colleagues who had came out for a break - they're still as jolly as they can be after work hours.

Dearie had already been there for awhile with occasional popping out to the main entrance to see me and catch some shots before I can get in.

The time before this had been a little difficult to expend as I had already done a considerable amount of shoots around Central. That shoe I had is already seeping moisture through the gap at heels but still more comfortable than a new pair of shoes that I had contemplated to get.

5mins more and I can gatecrash!

Took a walk with my colleagues to opposite Central for lunch; chicken rice with a generous serving of chicken, and 3 dishes, completed with free flow chicken soup. Not too far a distance from office, thus still have some
time to rest before starting work.

I left office later than usual as I had 4 hours to kill before the gatecrash at Zirca later. Completed some shots around Clarke Quay before looking for Zirca.

Finally reached home. The workout prior to dinner seemed a little more intense than usual. I recall my RO commenting that it had been a busy day, which, I too, felt as I also had multi roles to perform tangibly, and also in my mind.

More exposure and better experience with hands on today is a good thing, as I will be alone on Monday as my RO and senior are both on the rest of the week is a good time to pick things up quickly.

Pretty sunset in the evening while on MRT back home...such rare sights in the rainy year end season.
