The contract is coming to and end on this very date. What will it lie ahead? Will there be news of perm conversion? Output had been massive, possibly more massive than even some perms who definitely are not able to hold a candle to me, velocitywise.

It'll be the third year with this company, and moving towards being in a contact centre; annual personal GDP is even less than 10%; what an inusult to
my capacity! Judgement will be in 20/11 since the actual completion date is 22/11.

I'm continuing a visual surveillance for a better opportunity; for where the money is, will I be. I have to upkeep this propegenda else I won't be able to have a capacity to provide and protect Serene with. The mission of all men; 男人的使命。

Forex trainin still ongoing before entering any real trades; one of the ways to break out of the rat race. Instead of using physical presence to make blood money, leveraging the time and parked investments will allow me to have valuable time with Serene, to make each and every moment last.

Hope nothing has been repeated here, for my goal of sharing life with Serene is in the making. All these, can come out beautifully with good financial management.

•クラドーの iPhone•

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