It’s another Superstition date again. but I’m not affected by it; sometimes; it could be possible that the opposite happens; something fortunate might just turn out somewhere.
Serene’s had a headache from the moistened hair slumber last night; it’s always good to sleep with a dry head as scalp pores do open during the slumberland hours.
Been a little worried to the extend of popping over to be a nurse to take care of her; I need more strength from the above to keep going further...
Hope there’s no more fear of the Supernatural lurking in her head now.
Serene’s had a headache from the moistened hair slumber last night; it’s always good to sleep with a dry head as scalp pores do open during the slumberland hours.
Been a little worried to the extend of popping over to be a nurse to take care of her; I need more strength from the above to keep going further...
Hope there’s no more fear of the Supernatural lurking in her head now.
11:58 AM |
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