Hit with the flu bug which had put me to deep slumber after lunch with medication; it’s a new module today after the exam last Saturday.
5:00 PM |
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The windiness of Megastorm got out of comfort when it turned into Maelstorm, and seeing the multimillion raindrops being sucked towards Clementi Road reminds me of an unfortunate event which might turn into a natural disaster.
I had to move away before it gets heavier and turn into a cyclone.
Serene had popped out from her lecture theatre when no reply was heard from me; it's really a sweet surprise to seeing her.
Safety zone reached near foyer where raindrops on school garden made the place feel like Amazon Forest.
•クラドーの iPhone•
4:22 PM |
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Somethong that's so sweet and warming my heart, from my dearie!

•クラドーの iPhone•
4:09 PM |
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It started and conquered the Clementi skies, faster than the approaching of a locust colony upon a plantation.
Serene is already in the lecture theatre which temperature under conditioned air should start declining substantially, causing a mild chill. It's so nice to see her so happy and appreciative that I can send her to school, with my best abilities.
This evening will be Judgement III, for Financial Analysis. How has the rest prepared?
I'll be here till a lowered megastorm occurs; on safety reasons visually.
Haven't heard much from Andrew lately; wonder how he had been? Hope all's ok in the midst of year end rush for all of us.
•クラドーの iPhone•
3:58 PM |
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It's late in the early hours of the morning of Judgement III, but I'm still planning a proper home for the guppies as well as those that were saved from dirty waters.
2 zebra loaches were introduced and have since saw no more new baby Red Ramshorn snails creeping upwards from the base of the tank. The ravage of the plants have ceased.
The Endlers need a good home, but something with a lid will be preferred considerin their jumper trait. Therefore, I have segregated them into 3 groups; namely infants, adolecence (jumper squad) and adults.
Just the manual water cleaning that is required daily to avoid seeinga tankful of dead guppies like the last time; the 3 sole survivors are doing fine, thanks to dilligent water cleaning.
I had better get some rest.
•クラドーの iPhone•
3:49 AM |
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A little fatigue climbing over me while I get ready to make my way back home after sending Serene home.
It had been the first study session - extended time at my place, with a properly laid out table. Much had been covered until the actual exam later in the evening will I know the capacity of my knowledge absorption.
A little pre-exam anxiety can be felt even at this moment that causes an uprise of the biofertiliser.
I need some mindrest; the extended studies had also expended substantial mental chakara.
•クラドーの iPhone•
12:17 AM |
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A quiet evening waiting for Serene, accompanied by the screeching of the Cricket Symphony of the Night.
Weather's cooler than usual with almost daily rainfall that resulted in flood at Bukit Timah; had received calls from a couple of motorists who had their car damaged.
Here she comes!
•クラドーの iPhone•
10:06 PM |
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What have we got now, non-considered compliment which was sincerely felt on my end, but was brushed off by Eric like dust on the table. Further disappointment on his personality and another sign of non-appreciation.
Conclusion: 50% reduction of commitment and my true output.
3:40 PM |
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A rainy afternoon which the dust of Sandman hangs heavy over my mind; many had been drenched
Quite a couple of days without much updates here; so it’s the time now.
Christian had been nice askinghow things are for me; already given up hope on the Sunken Colony after getting that response from him prior to my question about non-perm. A simply unacceptable behaviour; very much a fiasco for a team leader.
Rain seemed to have died down, but the office still feels like a freeze chamber. Looks like there’s an aftermath of cold air which had been conditioned further, thus enhancing the enclosed Chill.
2:23 PM |
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The flu has struck me again, leaving me compelled to be on medical leave for the day.
It could be the lack of rest that has brought down the hull shields that has been disturbed.
The experience yesterday was absolutely sore one, which I’ve already told those who are close to me. Serene, being the nearest to my heart, had also felt unjustified considering the massive contribution that I’ve put in even after office hours.
Well, not to mention, what the future lies here…
4:30 PM |
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Massive depletion of energy after holding on to the rein of Dark Chakara which has begun to seep out as the hours go by; Eric has failed to keep me back to address my concerns with regards to my displeasure.
2 years of massive efforts and yet perm position was given to someone with less contribution, high MC and urgent leave rate.
Some blind management I'm working under.
What more do I need to say about this department where I was told during my appraisal "it's good to be confident in yourself" when the outcome was such that I'm still not appreciated for all the efforts I've put in all these while, only with words of encouragement without rightful actions to express utmost sincerity of retenance. Such actions only result in losing more important assets of capable people.
No wonder the Higher Council is right; they like working in a mess.
•クラドーの iPhone•
10:16 PM |
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Just a pretty expected news after my appraisal; the outcome is such that I’m still under the 2nd Grades in my workplace.
It’s pretty dampening news in the morning, after reading my appraisal. Was told that my performance had been less better compared to last year. Had all my contributions for what has not been done by others all disregarded?
This time, there will not be any slamming of doors, throwing of shoes or my bag when I get home, but rather, I guess it’s really time to keep my eyes open wider for what’s around and better for me.
Keep looking.
I have to keep moving forward and not let these petty emotions get in the way, but not being petty on my part, as I had been disappointed to know that my efforts had fallen on the Berlin Wall.
11:40 AM |
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Full rest done while staying over at Serene’s place after she visited my place last night with massive photo viewing.
While seeing her childhood photos, tears were somewhat brought to my eyes as it had reminded me of those wonderful carefree days as a child; and seeing her with so many of her cousins does bring about a missing warmth I had with my cousins, as they’re far more older than I am.
It had been a wonderful time spent helping Serene’s aunt with the moving from her old home to new home in Fernvale, so it’s Farewell, Bedok Reservoir.
Some revision was done on uncompleted section at Serene’s place before going to her aunt’s place for dinner; the first dinner held at her new home; plumbing is still incomplete so washing had to be done at washing area instead of the usual kitchen sink.
We had all watched the Taiwanses serial, “Love” which had been ceased at the climax, and that leads us to anticipate the next episode on the following week.
10:30 PM |
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A black CLK200 cabrio spotted moving towards Clementi; a very familiar vehicle no; could it be Zhimin's new car?
•クラドーの iPhone•
5:09 PM |
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Made it to office in time despite the disturbed slumber; weather had been a little warm as I noticed the increased temperature after making shifts to the mummy guppies into their “maternity tank” after moving 4 newly born guppies to the “nursery tank” last night; still on the trail to find a solution to bring the dropsy affected Rainbow male guppy in Hospital Tank back to nominal health.
A Perfect Storm is detected as I moved from the storm edge towards core of the storm, as sunlight disappears with each engine revolution from acceleration by bus driver on Bus 67.
12:03 PM |
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Blood on the torpedo after the bomb base visit; could it be due to lack of lubrication in my intestine?
It was a 14min timeout which Eric had asked, have to keep this in monitor for the next few days; hope there isn’t any serious internal damage.
12:02 PM |
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Red streak of iron odour detected when I was on the call just slightly before lunch; the 2nd occurrence of nasal blood loss within the last 3 days.
Serene had been worried after learning the news; just the thought of her has immensely comforted my heart as she’s ever been so caring and sweet…
I have to continue giving the endless love to Serene since we have decided to stay together for life. Such shall only be true when my actions speak for themselves.
12:01 PM |
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A fry was born but was snapped up before my eyes by fellow mummy guppies before I could save it!
Missed another chance for them to be moved to the new guppy tank; more attention needed on the water to keep them healthy.
2 crowntail females have been moved to hospital due to white spots and bloodstreaks.
Left 2/6 of the tetras which I’ve failed to hand over to Melphis last night as he didn’t answer the call in view of busy with childcare….quite a sad thing despite exceeding my brim of energy depletion when trying to help him get something.
Alex had been comforting to tell me not to take it too much to heart on death of fishes; just have to accept the fact that some fish are more sensitive and death-prone if water condition isn’t right.
12:01 PM |
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Breached energy field detected as the lack of rest has an impact on the engine performance; Serene had been afraid last night, after hearin the various ghost stories from the agents who visited her branch to submit cases and were discussing about it.
This was only made known on why she could not sleep while on the way back after a short visit to Clementi Floral; managed to get some plants for Holland Ram’s new home; one has died; another surviving in the filtered water.
12:00 PM |
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It’s another Superstition date again. but I’m not affected by it; sometimes; it could be possible that the opposite happens; something fortunate might just turn out somewhere.
Serene’s had a headache from the moistened hair slumber last night; it’s always good to sleep with a dry head as scalp pores do open during the slumberland hours.
Been a little worried to the extend of popping over to be a nurse to take care of her; I need more strength from the above to keep going further...
Hope there’s no more fear of the Supernatural lurking in her head now.
11:58 AM |
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Made it to work on schedule after the delayed-initiated workout…
It’s a little slumberish morning with the gentle splattering on the windowsill – the ultimate lullaby sound which induces sleep.
Workout blast done within 40mins excluded the crunches.
11:57 AM |
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Just crossed the Raining Valley after lunch at coffeeshop just below my office; the noodles tasted really nice; a missed flavour of the past; traditionally-made.
Feeling puzzled at the way the club agent Eileen looked at me when I dropped by Serene’s office to pass her some foms that was obtained for her at the recent Citibank employee care roadshow in our office.
Another lapse in workout schedule that was proposed to be carried on even days of this week as I had been unwell on Monday with a lung spasm attack; fortunately Soul Sleep had awoken me else I would have parted to Rukongai; I can’t leave Serene here since my mission is not complete.
Swoosh…the rain battle has started for motorist on the road, a weather which brings maximum challenge to motocyclists, something which is much less intense compared to the rain on Sunday that had made our journey to get the Symbol of Union a challenging at the gate of Tampines 1.
Serene is a little busy, but seeing her certainly triggers a spell of happiness as it’s like seeing the other portion which makes my life complete, and able to bring my heart peace in the time of personal warring against the unhappy past, to gain back what’s all lost from my military days.
10 more minutes to returning to battle station.
Opening detected for my goal! Time to drop in a sign of interest.
11:56 AM |
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Made it to office in time despite the disturbed slumber; weather had been a little warm as I noticed the increased temperature after making shifts to the mummy guppies into their “maternity tank” after moving 4 newly born guppies to the “nursery tank” last night; still on the trail to find a solution to bring the dropsy affected Rainbow male guppy in Hospital Tank back to nominal health.
A Perfect Storm is detected as I moved from the storm edge towards core of the storm, as sunlight disappears with each engine revolution from acceleration by bus driver on Bus 67.
11:55 AM |
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Jemuel just dropped by after leaving us for awhile; quite surprised to see him but I’ve experienced total ignorance; didn’t even see him saying hi to me though I’ve greeted him at his appearance at the door way…
Guess the truth is out on the pride of Fillipino-Chinese from my Rolyn who is a pure Fillipino friend.
With a table less than half occupied, wonder how things will go for the rest of the day, despite a non-rushed lunch done at Maybank; the slumber had been deepened after staying over a little later than usual to chat with Serene and her mum about work, and acquiring our new home.
Haven’t heard from Andrew for awhile; could he be away from office? On annual / medical leave?
1:58 PM |
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The maroon Porsche Boxter ha appeared again, this time at Tampines Central!
•クラドーの iPhone•
4:01 PM |
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The contract is coming to and end on this very date. What will it lie ahead? Will there be news of perm conversion? Output had been massive, possibly more massive than even some perms who definitely are not able to hold a candle to me, velocitywise.
It'll be the third year with this company, and moving towards being in a contact centre; annual personal GDP is even less than 10%; what an inusult to
my capacity! Judgement will be in 20/11 since the actual completion date is 22/11.
I'm continuing a visual surveillance for a better opportunity; for where the money is, will I be. I have to upkeep this propegenda else I won't be able to have a capacity to provide and protect Serene with. The mission of all men; 男人的使命。
Forex trainin still ongoing before entering any real trades; one of the ways to break out of the rat race. Instead of using physical presence to make blood money, leveraging the time and parked investments will allow me to have valuable time with Serene, to make each and every moment last.
Hope nothing has been repeated here, for my goal of sharing life with Serene is in the making. All these, can come out beautifully with good financial management.
•クラドーの iPhone•
2:47 PM |
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A rainy batttle while I made my way to HDB area office; it had been unusually crowded in view of the upgrading that had been ongoing at Level 1, while business as usual proceeded in Level 2, that had been freshly revamped.
The lung spasm had fortunately caused a jumpstart in my system; similar effect as Wake-On-LAN; mum had commented that fortunately I had awoken with relating reference the young doctor who had passed on in the sleep due to breathing difficulties. It had worried Serene a fair bit after she had read my sms that was sent duing the Attack. Could it be due to dust, or the stale wine that I had a couple sips, or the chilled papayas from the keep fresh container?
It should all be fine after some medication and recovery mode to be done on my Magnetised Base.
•クラドーの iPhone•
2:35 PM |
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A deadly rush of toxification after a heavy dinner with Serene and her family as they dined out for her brother's birthday which will be due this Thursday.
Situated along Serangoon Road, there's a row of eateries called Teck Chye or the sort, reminds me of Lenz' Chinese name which carries a very auspicious meaning of attaining wealth.
6 courses done in the mildly chilled aircon dining area after a table haf been vacated from a previous group just before we were served. The yummiest was Mongolian Roasr Duck which tasted like bacon...simply irresistable, yet not to be done in large quantity. All dishes were in small serving ad yet suffucient to give me this depth charge.
Nites world and dearie, another battling week tomorrow.
•クラドーの iPhone•
12:07 AM |
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