So here I await for Serene in her school; it had been awhile since we talked about things between us; despite having spent much time together. Guess it could be the hustle of life, but that's not going to be an excuse; I have to learn for us to do things towards our togetherness, ie saving together, looking for a home together and making our home-in-hunt, our real home.

Even when battling on the road towards SIM, the though of her and her fairyish smile and laughter brings warmth to my heart.

The school is exceptionally quiet now as students have yet completed their classes; only with the gentle flow of a submerged-propelled water pump just a couple of steps to my back livens the atrium with a scattered group of people consisting of students, guys waiting for their gals.

It should be anytime, now, while a SIM cat scampered past me.

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"Heartbeat" accompanied me at volume level 15, which pushes my thoughts to be driving in a RX-8 when I saw a Mazda 3 mildly bodykitted just ahead of me.

It's such coincidence that Andrew is in the same school and intake during my ITE Bishan days; so far and yet so near 10 years ago. So he must know one of my old friend James Goh whom I had been in contact with even after a couple of years after our graduation.

At the U-turn junction, I saw a Civic Type R SGV6226 that it' spoilers reminded me of Joyceline telling us that "it's an excuse" to put it on the car, that Kent had mentioned on it's stability functions. Likewise for guys' perception on gals carrying an expensive handbag that can do many more things.

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Alex must be enjoying himself at Koh Samui now; learnt from Serene that it’s a romantic island in Thailand…

By far, the day has been welcomed before lunch by a barbaric agent who tried to be funny on the phone without even giving sufficient information. To him, “all the best for business”.
ACHOO…a signal of myself missing Serene while chilling “in” the 18 degreed r oom which is just beside my workstation.

Spotted a stray string emerging from the bottom of the left sleeve and decided to snip it off, since yanking doesn’t work…argh!! Accidentally made a small cut on the fabric…that’s going to make Serene upset; the shirt’s greatly adored, but have to schedule wearing as Alex has an identical piece, that we have already planned for myself on odd dressdown-weeksdays, and himself on even-dressdown weekdays.
Saw myself in classroom in where our lecturer for Corporate Finance, Ms Saraswathi was teaching us some fomrulae which seems to be used to decipher something that answers turns out to be local address; the classroom was beige-walled, unlike Kaplan’s white and purple theme.

Switchscene; saw Kok Keong from A&H going to take a plant from one of the students, and after he has left class, a student came up and it was Alex, who said “who ask him to take my plant, I’m taking it back” and he p ulled out a springy magnified version of a small plant which he had given me back then, froma plastic drawer.

Another scene shows me talking to Zheng Geping, one of the mediacorp celebrity with his famous trademark “xiao xin ah!”. He was sitting on a couch in white berms and white loafers, talking about something which could not be made out.

Pom. 7:16 AM. I missed my workout!
The results are finally out when my aunt happened to drop by yesterday evening and after refreshing my email.

Result: Failed, after confirming my student ID against the list.

It had dawned on me that I will be a step slower towards graduation...Serene had been very consoling and sweet to be listening when I did a minor analysis of what couls have gone wrong...the non-military ARR.

The evening was spent watching the new member of the community tank after some plant additions and another shelled friend just before slumber while chatting with Serene.

Plop. I had fallen asleep and thinking I was atill on the phone with Serene.

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Sandman’s visit is over as the magnetic eyelid spell has vaporized. Phew, what a visually-heavy session that will be most comfortable for me to snooze on the couch in

The Citibank roadshow is still in the pantry so it will not be conducive for a deep sleep, 30mins.
The morning had been awoken with someone; seemingly Serene, telling me that my guppy mummies have given birth; that caused a jumpstart to my engine. One peep after finding the switch shows that they’re still asleep and no signs of fries wriggling around the “maternity pond”.

Lunch was a blazing beat while when I wasn’t armed with the Solar Shield while making my way to Maybank coffeeshop; variety is limited; and pretty sick of the food there actually; but I had to refuel, so, in goes the food and continuing to enjoy my “discounting factor”.

The carrot juice and biscuit really warmed my heart even when looking at them, knowing that they come from Serene who had got them for me, considering on my high FC though my work is deskbound.

Sandman is knocking on my door.
It has been really warm to be in touch with Serene’s brother, Andrew again after quite sometime.

Even from the email, sincerity can be sensed in every word and sentence that comes from him; and also learnt from Serene that he’s nice to everyone he knows.
The tune of “Maybe Tonight” rang in my mind as was driving along the highway to pick Serene up on Tuesday; that put me in a scene of myself driving a BMW 320Ci, with the top opened and wondering what would the scene be when her classmates see me picking her up at her school. Her mum also said likewise when she asked if I could give her male classmate a lift since he also stay nearby her…that will definitely put me in a silly position. Her other classmate also made it clear to her when he hinted on space availability in my car backseat.

Declined on all grounds.
The chilli red Ferrari once again spotted exiting Road beside Maybank along Changi Road with the roaring engine that cut the rattling sound of an old fan mounted on the beam of the coffeeshop.


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Some terminology picked up on Forex such as bullish, bearish, candlestick concept and choosing the volatility rate.

Tristan had been reading about it for 2 years and our lecturer, Patrick, is a pro trader before he retired; haven't got to read his profile but he sure is approachable from his personality in the first lesson we had on Financial Analysis.

Learning more about this aspect can also give myself a valued knowledge that can be applied for personal benefit, financially in the right way, after learning the flow.

Woot. A quick doze-off caught. Tristan won't be sleeping soon as he's monitoring USD/JPY which is hyperactive now.

Exit light, enter night...I'm going off to Lalaland...

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What is the purpose of displaying lunch schedule without the date, and ended up being reprimanded for not being responsible? This was what happened, and yet my own TM has been seen displaying favoritism and “protecting” the person who scheduled it, saying it has already been put at 10:40+am, but it has been seen without any dates…

Conclusion: TMs and management are always right; getting to enjoy their one solid hour lunch, while the rest slogged out, having to sacrifice lunch hours and getting “pushed around”.

I had been telling Andrew and Serene about this; something which had caused Serene also to emphatise with me on how irky is the feeling of being moved around like chess pieces on the board.

Back in my unit, I call the shots as I have a band of trusty men to help me execute the unit’s logistic operational readiness at each and every moment the call of duty arises.

Even Alex irked at hearing about my block leave getting approved only toward end of the year with 2 months’ allowance, yet leave applied 8 months ahead can be rejected due to “misfit of schedule”.

In MOM’s regulations, leave is an entitlement and the management should also make arrangements for duty cover in event a staff goes on leave; such has never been practiced here.
Here starts the 2nd of 5 modules of my course...time flies; 2 exams are over!

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A sunny morning greeted me as I missed 2 Bus 67s that arrived in less than 5mins.

Fortunately on Bus 28 now; that should bring me to work in time.

I had been thinking what Abbey Shanti has told me yesterday; how things will be for me in the next 3 to 4 years to come. I'm definitely going to do what it takes to keep all aspects of life good; especially so for sharing life with Serene in future.

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It's the time to rest again, gathering was done at Joo Chiat, where Serene's aunts and uncles, and also her mum who were there to see an Abbey - Long Poh Shanti, a Thai abbey who is well-known for his good guidance from calculations using our birthdates.

I took a go and decided to ask about my work, wealth, marriage and family. It had dawned to me that he could know exactly what struggles I'm going through, and when things will be smooth sailing for me. He had also passed me an amulet, which was said to give me protection; this time, I took it as it was real that someone can really give me sound advice in the direction to take, in order to be successsful.

Serene had asked me not to think so much; infact it wasn't an instant to leavd the Kingdom of God?

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Under the killing radiation of the sun, only 3 out of 6 bowls were served, that caused a great unhappiness, coupled with the combination of a Forgotten Order - rojak.

The afternoon was mostly spent at the nearby Abbey's consult.

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Chill gate opened which has brought an immense cumulative chill toward my workstation; tetras are still swimming happily

Wonder if Serene’s busy? She was sharing with me about Jolin Tsai’s wealth; in my opinion, if the person’s really wealthy financially, it’ll be wiser not to publicise it for safety purpose, as the most rich and powerful are usually low-keyed…such as Adam Khoo; though extremely wealthy financially, one look from his attire tells that he lives practical.
Just learnt from the couple of SMS exchange that this guy is called Kelvin from eduforce; requesting me to call him back when free; even refused to furnish further information when I asked; as I’ve never known him. Managed to track his full name as Lin Zhenxing but never known of such a person in my life.

Since I don’t owe him anything, there will be absolutely no necessity to return his call.
I made it in time this morning to work, despite the late slumber as I was baked into the night from the thermal-fan jet; a little quiet this morning but it had been a deep sleep, 6 hours.

The rice portion rate was 1.5, which I had to order another dish to compliment; else the lunch session will be a soil-swallowing similarity.

Looking forward to bring the shrimps a new home when meeting Ken tonight to deal the 2 glass tanks near Hougang Mall in the evening; finally, they can have a decent home. Pre-Kombat preparation can be done after dinner.

Thanks toe Melphis for the data cable, the PSP is able to survive another day, so soon to be, a mini portable movie device for Serene to watch movies without having to power up her TV at home, even while on the move in MRT – something I do, hopefully to keep Serene happy while she’s with me :)
Another battle evening, muscularly done, and chatting with Serene on the phone after her short snooze from the completion of some tutorial.

Indeed, much has been left out these days, which publication of occurences will be made soon; we were talking about her brother Andrew, who has gone for his honeymoon after the wedding dinner at Clarke Quay in a grand Oriental restaurant.

Serene has entered slumberland but not myself; the crescendo for the 2nd exam builds up as the day approaches; just T-2 to the 2nd Battle of the Financial Champions.

Alex has just departed for a short holiday with his wife tonight on a quickly-planned holiday which was "captured" at Chan Brothers' roadshow in Suntec at one of the weekends; the task left for me was to help feed his crystal shrimps till he's back next week.  That also served as a constant reminder as to when I can bring Serene for a short trip, in the midst of school and work schedule.  The leave portion will need some effort in getting as the year end is approaching, many might be clearing leave, especially for those family-established colleagues.
Gunmetal MRS spotted along Changi Road towards my office...the first cabriolet that my mind has settled on; though not a very new car, it carries a style of its own.

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Sandman had conveniently entered my emotional galaxy after the ALS kicked in, followed by the cough syrup, that induces slumber and drowsiness.  Using my chakara to sustain myself throughout the day till 5pm, it had proved a great mental battle and conquering the body with the Mind over Body effect - a slogan which had been drilled in our minds during the BMT days when doing PT activities.

Darkness started to seep out after learning that Serene had hitched a ride from one of her classmates who also stayed nearby; a feeling which any guy will feel whenever his partner takes a ride from another guy, irregardless of his age / relationship, enhanced especially when not know n in person.

This feeling took awhile to be subdued as I had crossed thoughts of things such as if we should get married sooner, or should I be in the capacity to be zipping to and from home to her place, her school to pick her up in my BMW 320Ci?  I felt bad as those feelings caused a launch in Spiked words to Serene.

"Adam Khoo, Adam Khoo" rang in my mind as it served as reminder for my ultimate financial goal in life, which the income volume will be my sole platform of measuring success.

I must continue to input massive action for massive results!
No good.  At the hull breach on the vocal channel, I had to see the doctor and get some rest, before causing internal damage to the vocal synthesizer from the massive call handling day at office.

Feeling much better with a much silented throat and recovery, and at the same time, getting more revision on the past lessons.

It had been pretty touching to receive SMSes from my comrades in studies, yesterday, as I had been unwell; Tristan is running a fever and yet sustaining himself to coming for classes this evening; 2nd last lesson of this module, so maximum absorption must be done for the revision, to be back on track since I had missed yesterday's lessons.

Just one more lesson to go...keep the absorption rate high!
Graze-struck throat which caused massive discomfort that I could not go to school on this fated's the 3-day endurance course on the week before exams;

Managed to do a dry-run, lecture-less when I dropped by Serene's place later in the afternoon after getting some rest.  The day had been a little warm, but not merciless...still no news from the appeal, thus, decided to drop an email as followup.

The energy had been massively sapped from the revision that I fell asleep pretty soon after laying on the Princess Bed in Serene's room, air-conditioned, that enhances slumber... lessons this Saturday; quite unused to the schedule as it felt like calmity before a storm.  I decided to start the day with a panda cory hunt at Yun Feng.  Took me a while to find 6 adorable panda cories, with their adorable suction-styled mouth and eyes that tell a tale...took home a couple of beautiful male guppies too; so what's left now is to find a matching partner to accompany them for beautiful offsprings.

The lapis sand had also been acquired to improve guppies' current habitat since it does not jeopardise the pH compatibility for guppies; the ex-tetra tank is now occupied by the 2 beautiful males.

Serene has yet to see the magnificent adorable view of the 6 band of cories that had found a home in my tanks...can't wait to let her see them!
Melted vision on the way back with a massive braker 67. Trip felt like a ride on The Viking with the forced fluctuated acceleration, making the trip pretty disturbing.

I must continue to hold on and not let the Flu Bug overcome the Biological Civil War.

Just 10 more minutes before reaching home, missing Serene massively while she's having lessons. Hope she'll be well-insulated at lecture hall.

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Nice dress chosen by Serene; only thing is that material doesn't look very durable; hybrid of casual yet nicely done.

The dinner at Waraku is done on a pretty close proximity from the neighbouring table with a lady complainer who does not know how to appreciate the flavour of Japanese cuisine. If the tastebud is so sensitive to a little saltiness, the best place to avoid tongue corrosion would be Yong Tau Foo.

What a picky diner.

Serene look gorgeous tonight...wish the company could be longer but we all have classes the following day, so it would be better to keep the night a little younger.

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Chilli red Fairlady cabriolet parked outside Caltex Changi Road, with a chromly registration plate.

Milestone reminder of where I am headed for, ultimately.

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The first sight that greeted me in the female pond was tiny wriggling life forms; guppy fries! Immediate action was done to extract them to 'nursery'...such a pleasant surprise!

Let's see how they are these evening.

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The adreneline rush had been surged after seeing Crystal's tank which is beautifully done up with barbs and mollies swimming happily in the tank.

The reason for shrimps' death in alternative tanks, which was meant for seperation of red Cherries, was because of the anti-chlorine that could've poisoned them. The salvage ones are return to their 'slum' which is pretty densely populated with Yamatos and a few potential red Cherries.

Nothing to worry for now as they manifest pretty quickly - the only next to best is to give them a proper home: decently setted up tank.

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Right here, right now, cooling down at Serene's office after a wallet swop before making the run at Eunos for one of the only preferred choice: mixed veg rice.

Departing in 5mins, back to battlestation for a series of potential verbal wrestles.

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Split-second initialised MSAC brought me quickly to 67 where I could recover while on the go; an occurence that drains the oxygen chakara without prior warmup.

Though the body felt like post Battle of 1000 Gladiator matches, the mind stays strong but will be good with a quick 40-eye winks.

Time to get some recharging done.

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Goodnight once again world; it's time for The Rest in view of Kombat Week ahead.

What had been written just now had been swept off, from the mysterious exiting of Blogger Mobile.

Goodnight also to my beloved Tifa Serene Lockhart.

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Serene's almost reaching school and I'm in sub-hyvernation; temperature feels like 18 degrees Celsius here in Classroom 217.

Another 2 more hours to the completion of today's lesson; abit upset by the guppy out of tank move done by one of the female guppies, it had better be for me to learn to relax and take things easy while reducing
mortality rate of fishes in my care.

I could see Serene's countenance while making my school behin the wheels, tuned to 'Give me Money', one of the hype tracks from Initial D, back in 1998...

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Time for a periodic check on Temperment Meter as my Dark Chakara could have been emitting 'without prior notice'. Serene, being the closest to my heart, has felt it. Not a looking good sign.

Could that be due to lacking of the Muscular-Armour Enhancement Regime? The tingling sensation of lacking has been an ongoing creacendo at the back of my mind.

Following the Flamy Words Emitted from Mouth, I have to find the last key, the Offspark to the assignment before submission to put the fire off.

I need more fishview at desk!

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White GTR spotted at petrol kiosk along Changi Road, this has to be the call of the Road Emperors, possibly the Cream of the Crop; Millionaire's Club?

Blazing Beat while making the way to Aunty's rice at Maybank; an adventure not for the butter-skinned.

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White Gallardo spotted just along Changi Road; one must be wondering on the appearance of the driver:

Young? Old? Handsome / Pretty?

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The good news learnt about a perm conversion is certainly good news, but question here is that my service does not seem the least appreciated. Another patience pricker.

Focusing in the positive side of things, I will still keep moving forward. The scene that I'm set into is the long trudge forward in the snowfield; lights of warmth represent the perm conversion I've not been offered...

Next month is the end of my 2nd contract. The road ahead in this verbal wrestling area is still uncertain for me. Thinking further would be pointless, but I hope the Valley of Screams will not be required to be summoned, as a segregation between the 2nd Grades against 1st Grades.

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Saw myself in a classeoom which is so unlike the campuses I've attended in Starhub Centre and Wilki Edge. Ms Saraswathi was teaching and the formulae was used to decipher some numbers that turned out to be local HDB addresses; cutscene and saw Kok Keong from A&H who was moving around in class and took some plants from a classmate.

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A silver Mark X was spotted, stripped of bumper and from registration plate, it was certainly far worst off than my ride.

This scene appears to remind my fortunity compared to others, while instilling a certain sense of contentness lesson - mindwave.

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Poor panda cory; it must be the ammonia level in water that has caused it's death; only with me for a week and it has to go across the Rainbow Bridge...

Time for water curing operation.

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It must be the surge caused by visiting the website with a detailed tracking system on orders placed.

Quick rush to the Gents before landslide in 160 Changi Road.

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