Back to work with an inertia that took sometime to take off after I started teaching a new colleague on some work which my colleague Norizan mentioned that it is considered fast for me to be letting a new staff listen in and learn how to handle calls. Well it could be so but I shan't let myself get comfortable at this level.

The big picture is still out there as I continue to expand my Amway business in reaching out to share the goodness of health beneficial from their products.

Day 3, of smoke free. I could feel an ease in breathing and being able to enjoy the right of freedom for fresh air which I had been deprived though I could smoke pretty well, but having shove them into the past of my life, I seek a healthier lifestyle and be able to help more people each day while seeking to be a better person. When Pink told me about her work, all I could react was to listen quietly and not let my emotions go astray as a mixture of feelings stir up about money, social status and many others came up. All I did was to put it across to Pink subtly, in the hope that she will truly understand and be able to know the reason I felt so about it.

There may be so many unhappy things that come into the path of my life but I'm glad I'm learning to cope better with them emotionally instead of harming my own health to vent those frustrations, especially between myself and Pink which we had gone through so much together. I do not require her to thank me, and if she really wants, the best way she can do so is to return with her feelings for me. It's certainly not a derivation from animation dialogues but it sure does make some sense. Many thanks without actions of gratitude prove nothing as actions speak louder than words.

I was able to catch up on some revision for this coming Thu's exams which will be a quick one; just need to clear it once and for good and then the next one on 14 Feb 08. This month isn't quite good for me due to the irregularity of cashflow which can be relieved through the potential of another source of income, and not losing focus to improving my life.

Snoozer time, it will be another Training Day tomorrow before the sky brightens up.

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