Quite a mentally tiring day as I was tasked to coach a new colleague on how to take messages and later shared with her some facts of work. Come to think of it, I didn't think that it would be so soon that I was actually tasked to train a junior staff. The path ahead is full of things to learn. Although there may be other things that may be on my mind, but I shan't waste energy dwelling on them but rather, focusing on the important things that I need to settle especially the upcoming exams this Thursday.

Breaktime is not so bored now I manage to chat up with Audrey and found out that she is taking Japanese and Korean language in her post-working hours and we sure had a lot to chat about. Being able to share good health practices especially in food intake was something which I found delight in while doing what I am doing now. It sure was an exceptionally mentally busy day as I could even perspire in the air-con working environment as I was guiding her how to take messages. I had studied a fair bit of the textbook and need to go through them again several times so that the facts will seep into my memory in better readiness for the upcoming exams that I have to clear as soon as possible.

My mind shut down suddenly with a period of comfortable rest while on the way home in the bus though it was stuffy with the malfunctioning air-con in the back cabin of the super-long bus; the snooze was short but it sure provided a moment of my mind stretching out to relax.

Tomorrow might yet be another challenging day but we have some training on which might occupy one half of the day, but in any case, absorb as much as I can, to hasten the learning and be better equipped for work. Somehow, the environment at work is not so tense now as I have got to know my colleagues better and even being able to joke with them on many conversational topics under the sun.

Keeping a good habit of resting early and waking up early, and preparing early for work will be a good step of improvement to my life as the ending of the first 31 days of 2008 is nearing.

Back to work with an inertia that took sometime to take off after I started teaching a new colleague on some work which my colleague Norizan mentioned that it is considered fast for me to be letting a new staff listen in and learn how to handle calls. Well it could be so but I shan't let myself get comfortable at this level.

The big picture is still out there as I continue to expand my Amway business in reaching out to share the goodness of health beneficial from their products.

Day 3, of smoke free. I could feel an ease in breathing and being able to enjoy the right of freedom for fresh air which I had been deprived though I could smoke pretty well, but having shove them into the past of my life, I seek a healthier lifestyle and be able to help more people each day while seeking to be a better person. When Pink told me about her work, all I could react was to listen quietly and not let my emotions go astray as a mixture of feelings stir up about money, social status and many others came up. All I did was to put it across to Pink subtly, in the hope that she will truly understand and be able to know the reason I felt so about it.

There may be so many unhappy things that come into the path of my life but I'm glad I'm learning to cope better with them emotionally instead of harming my own health to vent those frustrations, especially between myself and Pink which we had gone through so much together. I do not require her to thank me, and if she really wants, the best way she can do so is to return with her feelings for me. It's certainly not a derivation from animation dialogues but it sure does make some sense. Many thanks without actions of gratitude prove nothing as actions speak louder than words.

I was able to catch up on some revision for this coming Thu's exams which will be a quick one; just need to clear it once and for good and then the next one on 14 Feb 08. This month isn't quite good for me due to the irregularity of cashflow which can be relieved through the potential of another source of income, and not losing focus to improving my life.

Snoozer time, it will be another Training Day tomorrow before the sky brightens up.

Carrying the stiffness of a shoulder all day is no joke, especially when having trouble checking my left blind spot when driving. Managed to bring Pink out to spend time with her on her birthday and we sure had a great time together. Though it'll be back to work tomorrow but I'm sure I can rest well tonight from the workout I had this afternoon before meeting Pink.

Day 2 o smoke free which I have finally made it up to drop the light and enjoy the freedom of fresher air and cleaner lungs. It could well be the very fact that had been hindering my muscle growth which I had been spending a good deal of effort sculpting them and increasing mass. Many a time I had been too busy with work and many other things such as my Amway business that I had no time to write things here, and I'm glad I did this time.

Training at HQ had been a great time though the only challenge was the heaviness of theory facts resting on our minds that and having to keep up the attention against the after-lunch syndrome which has the greatest effects of people working in office environments. Trainers were great and managed to clear lots of my doubts from work experience before the official training.

It will be my first exams in a long time this Friday, BCP, and thereafter my next exam, CGI, on 14/02 which celebrations for V-Day could be brought forward / later as I don't believe in squeezing with the crowd on that special day as many people will be out with their partners and flooding the eateries or cinemas.

I still do have some struggles on my own about Pink's new job but shan't go into detail on that for now; what matters most is passing my exams and be able to continue working in my company while I build up my Amway business and settle down to take up a part time Diploma, thereafter going for a Degree.

A step to start off on product usage has been laid down when I browsed through the catalogue and putting them into writing; these will
A day after a good session of lesson on nutrition and experience sharing from the leaders in Amway, which I had joined them for a week shortly after knowing about it and going to find out more about the business.

The environment was great as it has a positive influence for me to be a better person, as well as to eat healthily.

The day had gone by pretty quickly from the busyness which drained much of my energy causing a subtle slumber on the way home in the rumbles of the Superbus’ engine. In my heart it had been blocked with a feeling of discomfort yet undefeative spirit as I recall how Pink had been mean to me in the past, through words and actions when I had been nice to her, yet having to put up with all these nonsense.

It had came to a level which I had substantial tolerance together with her ever-smooth career advancement; the feeling of being at a lower working level simply suck but it’s pointless to tell her about it anymore. I’m still trying to be nice to Pink but some things will no longer be as sweet as before, not because I don’t want to be, but I think I should give more priority to my own interest. It may sound like a retaliation, but I think it’s only fair.

For now, I just want to do my work well and build up my Amway business for a better future; the law of equivalent trade applies; in order to gain something, you must give up something.

Although it had been almost 5 years since I first came in contact with Amway, it had been a really good experience when I got to know it again through Pink who knew a group of Chinese nationals who turned out to be really nice people, willing to share the business and their knowledge with it.

A further exploration into the business through participation in their activities has further shown me how to take practical steps to make this business work for the good of me and harness the benefits and understanding the importance of good health.

Substantial reduction of my cigarettes has commenced in order for me to enjoy the benefits from the good health, that I will be getting some supplements for my own use this coming Thursday. Truly, the experience is great to be able to have such good company for a better future for myself and Pink when I get serious into making this business work and be successful in it.

It had been an energy-challenging morning as I woke up on schedule but was feeling all drained up in the mind due to the incident with Pink last night when she walked off me after being pleasured in our private time. Though she had apologised, I really felt like a fool for being there and thereafter, being disposed off when she abruptly left my car at our favourite quiet spot in the neighbourhood.

For the first time since I started working here, the dread of coming to work due not just due to lack of proper rest, but also from the emotional damage which I had sustained especially from my most beloved woman. Some may see making out as something purely physical, but for my case, it’s different as it does involve emotional contributions and that was what made me more upset as it was all given with sincerity. Fatigue was also from my part of pleasuring her.

Many of my colleagues are happily chatting away while I just wish to keep to myself and complete the day’s work, and going back to complete my workout, do my laundry as per scheduled, and catch up on some revision for my exams before I retire for the day.

Perhaps being able to write my thoughts out would be the best way for me to unload my mind from the many things that have occurred, especially the unhappy ones that clouded my mind and causing disturbance to my soul.

There are some rearrangements in my workplace as I will be relocating to a different team; just when I was about to blend better into my current team, though a pity, but it’s okay.

Being there to provide emotional support has been one of the most important task being assigned to a man.