Accompanying run with angel and her cousin this evening; considering the tropical climate we live in, it's better to run off the sun, especially for the ladies.

Before the run, we spotted some labour workers catching fishes at the riverbank, and indeed, they had catches.  The rod was purely made out of natural materials such as plant stems and willow roots - one of the most economical ways to fish.  Kevin would be amazed to see this.

I kept the run duration at 40mins, so u-turn point for anyone will be at 20mins after they have reached that on their stopwatch.  My speed was faster today, but certainly not fantastic enough.  The ladies commented that I have a slim build even with my top on, but that to me, was simply illusionistic.

Another better run awaits me next weekend, or even during the week.
A good run was done today, hitting 'paradise' (aka No Man's Land) which was far and beyond the woods and vegetation.  U-turn point had hit the bridge that will bring me to Yishun if I venture further down.

The greatest challenge of today's run was the gale that formed resistance, coming from all directions. Being a Saturday, the 'industrial' roads are filled with trucks, hence tossing up sand as they drive by.

It certainly takes a few more of such runs to get accustomed to the endurance needed, hence I have to keep going so I can hit beyond my 21km barrier.
One of the record-breaking days where I left for home at 8pm.  It's not my usual to work into such hours but it was necessary for this time.  I won't want to use 'miserable' as the word for now.

Limited hours as I got home to clear leftover dinner and food and soon, it was already bedtime.  As I wrapped up for the day, I wonder on the next season of when I can pack my bags and get out of this national pressure cooker for some air?

Tomorrow's the last day of this year; it had certainly come a long way for me to land here after some good attempts, so the next thing for me is, to hang in there for as long as I can.

I saw myself near the old neighbourhood in Bedok North at my previous residence.  Across the road were shophouses and I was waiting to see the GP.  As there were quite a number of patients ahead of me, I had to wait awhile, so I decided to walk to my car (a vintage Beetle).  This car was unusual as it had leather curtains across the window panes.

Upon entering the car and flipping the leather curtain open, the scenery outside now had somewhat changed to a period setting, with horse carriage, people in capes, top hats and the sort.  My ride had been converted to a chariot and I was getting ready to attack some demons by ambusing them theough the gap above the curtain.  After taking the first shot, I realised there are some skillset which are different, such as toggling and the regeneration of the cooldown time (now it appears to be in an RPG); at the back I was reminded that this is an interim between the upgrade of the latest version of Diablo III.

Switchscene shows me back to the old streets where I have to make a detour across the neighbourhood to get to an old elevator, which was the shortcut back home.  I met Janet and Wella, people whom I know from my current workplace who happened to live around the area.

The lift to my apartment was through some rundown lobby which doesn't seem to be in use; beyond the 'trashzone' was a lift that the operational light glowed weakly, but still functional.

Thuds from the door could be heard.  7:20am and back to reality.
A refreshing experience to run in the middle-rated showers without thunderstorms.

The route had became a little like a stream when I hit the upslope path beyond the 6km mark.  Being undeveloped, this place had virtually no street lighting so I have to keep the regime in the lighted hours if I wanted to take this route.  So far, it had been the most conducive route as there's minimal traffic crossings and pedestrian interruptions.

Civilisation appeared far when I was making the route back after the 7km mark, however, it was over in a blink of an eye as the weather proved best for a good, long distance run.

It started a liytle chilly, but after a warmup duration, it gets enjoyable as the only discomfort I had to deal with, was the splatter of raindrops on my countenance.  It was soon over, and looking forward to the next!
No run this evening in view of the thunderstorm that engulfed the sky in the early evenin g.  By then, I already had a late lunch followed by dinner within 2 hours; so it's a carbohydrate overloaded evening.

In short, the evening had to be spent indoor since it's also too dark to run my usual route where it's not lit in view of the development.

Dearie is feeling much better so the evening had not been too tormenting with the stomach pangs and puking, possibly due to improperly cooked food consumed.  Wrapping up for another week.
One of the rare times when I utilise the time after eating to retreat to my mental sanctuary.  It's 2/5 of the week and things can certainly get over one's head, and we just have to keep going.

There'll be a potluck tomorrow so all of us will get to enjoy some fellowship over food during lunch.b A well-deserved fellowship; I still maintain my level of secrecy which isn't disclosed to many; the other, real side is probably what many people identify my uniqueness as.

2 holidays this month so there's the free break; a good idea to get out of the house again as being cooped up all day isn't a good idea.  I definitely need my run!  It's been awhile since I hit that peak, 4 times a week schedule which I made East Coast park my favourite haunt.
Saw myself in a place resembling military installtion and I was on a duty switch with another comrade.   Walls glowed red from the blackout lights which provided sufficient brightness without being glaring.

This base was subterrainian and well guarded by soliders in green uniform; the typical bright leaf green with a hint of olive that made the whole force resemble that of a communist organisation.

I was walking across an installation and saw my former CSM, Leslie, whom I chatted up after he saw me.  He saw my rank which had rose considerably over the years and congratulated me for achieving it; well it's normal for those in the military to advance at such a pace.

The mind just stayed engaged in this environment as I was supervising some operations.  7am and I heard my alarm; it's time to get back to the real world.
An early morning for the Sunday after that overtime into slumber hours last night at the airport.  Soaked in Starbucks for the past 2 hours to wait for dearie as she had to come back for some contingency plan testing.  It should be done anytime soon.

I haven't been writing a whole lot recently, as the schedule has been pretty packed since I boarded this ship.  A wonderful company has left our team and I was glad there was a chance we could all meet up at the recent gathering.  Soon, she'll be taking that long haul flight back to her home at the other side of the world and we all will miss her.

Well I'm quite halfway through that probation period so let's see how things go from here;  more importantly, the effort that had been put in right from the start should not have gone unrecognised.

Weather has been wet lately but that's the coolest we'll get here in this little tropical island.  Many of my friends who area abroad are experiencing snow, and that's the most wonderful thing one can expect for this season.

Almost half a day gone by.  Time to move on for the rest of the day.
One of those nights where I have a headful of thoughts before heading to bed.

Paul Walker, one of my favourite actors in the Fast and Furious series, had just passed on in a tragic car accident after attending a charity event with his friend.  At first, it seemed like one of those celebrity death hoaxes that was running around in Facebook, but after several sources and finally the news on television, it was confirmed he has left at just 40 years old.  Indeed, he was a very talented man and was even out in the seas tagging sharks on National Geographic.

I love his style and the kind of lifestyle he lives; being out there in the sea, pure freedom and doing several shows.  Alas, all these had come to an end.  Another ringer in my mind; are talented people meant to be short-lived?  I certainly hope not.

Rest in Peace, Paul.  You will be missed by many.
Once again, I am the chef for the night as dearie's parents are away for a vacation.  Some simple dishes whipped up for the 4 of us at home.  Dearie's brother is nursing a cold and cough so I hope he'll be well soon.

Cooking has been one nice past time both of us can share together.  A combination of various techniques of cooking ingredients can make a whole lot of wonder to the results of cooking.

Let's try something different next week while finetuning what has been cooked toda.