I was in miiltary greens and ran across vast lands; one of them was the police training facility that was atop a hill facing the expressway near Newton.  At one of my runs, I ran across the academy facility and stood right at the edge of the camp, with the creeper-infested fence and at one glance, I could see the entire city's skyview nearby.

In my mind, I told myself that this had been the best run that I did.  Time to make my way back.  The route back was a litle different as I have to move through troops who are on standby; they were in a staggered and loitering formation across several buildings; and I was the only one "charging" around, ducking corners while executing the "check clear" moves before moving ahead.

Next scene showed me passing through the busy streets of HK where a guy who resembled Maverick was running around; there were paparazzi who were squeezing off their dSLRs at the stall he set up at the ground floor where one can see lots of handheld consoles toys and other kids's stuff; at the other end, I was getting to the ground floor on a lift where a guy named "Calvin" was begging; hair was shoulder-length and he was dressed in a vertical-striped white lined shirt against a black background; he tried entering the lift and wanting us to give him some money but both myself and my companion declined and shooed him off.  I told her that he has no physical disabilities and is so young, why should we help him this way?

At the ground floor, that was when I saw his stalls set up but he was running around to beg for money instead.  It was like another case of a young person who was either retrenched or went bankrupt.

We were up there as we went to visit a lady who was placed in a special ward after getting the "electric shock" theraphy to erase unwanted memories from her - one of those patient who needed special care from mental torment in the earlier stage of her life.  She seemed much better now.

Next scene showed this agile guy who was running around; there was this place where there were many concrete pipes stacked together making it resemble a structure that many youngsters like hanging out in; so sometimes it's not surprising you can see a couple of legs sticking out as they lay in one of the cylinders snoozing away.  So this cheeky, yet agile guy was moving quickly from left to right, grasping his fingers through the cylinders quickly while shifting himself with his toe-to-drain that was hardly gripping.

There was part where he mischeviously swiped a person and then all of us quickly fled the scene; dearie was with us and we pretended to patronise the stalls along that street selling ladies' stuff while "Maverick" hid on top of the stacked cylinders where this angered person could not find him.

Now I saw myself at another part of Penang with Kevin and Iris, but this is across the road so things looked a little different.  Switchback to after browsing through a few put up stalls, the next scene that showed was a truck that drove up and down a very hilly place.  The scene now was a scene to nab a notorious crook was in hiding.  The final scene before the "destruction" showed him (resembling Liu Qianyi the local senior actor) trying to continue influencing people with drugs, which was input through a cigarette-style consumption apparatus; infact it appeared to be a regular cigarette but the tobacco chamber was seemingly soaked and the smell of the smoke reeked with a very strong odor.  Surprisingly, a person who resembled Kevin was one of the victims in this scene.  I resisted the crook's offer.

The destruction scene began; "Kevin" told me that I have to preserve his stomach if it is still intact as both himself and the crook slowly ashed from the exterior into total black, volcanic cooled magma-like material; "Kevin"'s stomach and the food pipe could be seen glowing just like the cut-through diagram of the volcano's magma and the channel to the top of the mountain; in an orangy glow with some glitter sparks.

Finally, both the crook and "Kevin" were destroyed and what's left of "Kevin" were strips of grass jelly like material where I had to contain him in one of those blue, stackable trays (similar to those used by bread deliverers).  A HK detective bashed through the iron door and I showed him the way where the crook was and what's left.  All these had to be brought back for investigation.  As for "Kevin" that was all of his remains.

Switchscene brought me back to the hilly area where a truck could be seen; it was driving through endless tall vegetation just like those in corn fields.  The truck had a metal frame on the back where some people could be seen.  At the other side of the field, this was a part where the vegetation grew in the watery part of the land; and under these vegetation, a lady in white hoody could be seen swimming quietly, without any ruffles to the vegetation, drawing close to the slow-moving truck.  She stopped once she got within distance and slowly emerged from the water; and raising her blowpipe.

She had purple hair, blue eyes and some markings on her face which seemed to be from some anime.

Eyes opened, 7:40am.

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