I first appeared at by accident at this MMA event where the fight took place at a corridor. Spectators are either standing or seated along these walkways but not in those orderly seatings like indoor stadium.

This particular fight had one fighter who does not have an athletic physique, but somewhat round, yet strong looking. During the fight, the opponent was trying to wear him out by dodging, but soon was knocked out by his one single punch.

Next scene showed some introductory video about this figjhter and he also happened to be a performance car fanatic. He was driving a 'Rollei' make car of 200+bhp which I told him I drive as a form of transportation;hence I don't need such power. I was then guided to park by one of the MMA staff as the next match appeared to be in this industrial yard. Construction trucks may be used but they have to be marked and and 'safe edged' for this competition.

Next scene showed me picking out the Australian coins which denoted $5, $2 and $1; at the same time, I saw some photos taken in Australia; at this moment, I could see my breath condensing massively as if I was in a cold country.

Soon I was walking in this town and met a couple of old folks whom I did not manage to get their names; they were sharing with me about some important things in life and how to stay happy. I saw them walking into this small cottage-like building which was part of an estate. As I wanted to be in touch with them, I tried to catch up but after walking through 'Cortege Villas' (the building appeared to be centuries old), there were no signs of him.

This was where I had wandered into a kitchen and was warmly welcomed by a middle-aged lady. I apologised to her as I knew the kitchen was out of bounds to many. I told her that I was looking for an old couple who lives in this estate; as we walked and talked, the place transformed to be at another part of the town.

A young gentleman later told me after some casual conversation that this place is rather "dirty' - prior to this, I silently mouthed the words when I asked if this old couples I had met earlier are not human being, so as not to scare the people around me. At this juncture, I realised the beauty of the architecture at this part of the town; huge NATO plugs and switches could be seen just like those switchboards, but these formed the roofs of the buildings. As I bade him farewell, he wished me a great day ahead but did a 'cyber handshake' as we were quite distant and he had to make a move elsewhere.

Switchscene showed me talking to my storeman Allan, who was planning a backpacking trip to Taiwan where he planned the whole trip's daily itinerary at one go; I shared with him how I did mine during my visit to Australia.

I am now at my primary school where I was rushing for the morning assembly and late for the first time - we had to be locked out till the flag raising ceremony was over. The prefect on duty was Jacky, one of the sadistic scout leader I had met during ECA days. When the ceremony was over, I saw Junyong - my secondary 2 classmate whi was in a full suit and walking in with the rest.

Last scene showed me moving out of a pinewood workshop where David (another STTS coursemate) was. We did some moving and had to leave soon as David and a few had to lock up the place as they needed to go out.

Eyes opened. 4:45am.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

The weekend despite being long, had gone by pretty quickly.

Super Gangsters' Part 1 outing has been planned and should be readily executed in time to come in a few days' time. This is something we have been looking to start in the long run...getting out of the tiny red dot as a group; 20 years of friendship had been hard to come by, especially so with the sustenance for so many years.

Even the temperature in the air-conditioned vehicle now is feeling nowhere close which showed the climate condition - for the morning, hot, and the previous night was really humid; so much so that I felt as if I was slicked in oil before hitting the shower.

The new week has begun. Let's hope all things run well.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry

This time the battle was more intense; we had to move out tonners loaded with troops but at the gateway, they were blocked by the rush of water, hence this convoy of troops have to halt.

Back in the corridors, I was combating some enemy units which were moving from wall to wall. Using sticky mines, I laid on their forecasted route and got them nailed. Down on the corridor paths, I saw some zombie-like creatures which I lured them through and entrance.

This entrance led to a big hall that was vacant and I managed to quickly lure them away from ambusing our ally ahead.

Soon, I returned back to the stalled troops and managed to move them after removing the windscreen.

Eyes opened. It's already in the morning and I had rested 9 hours flat.

The dreamland adventure I had just now was something closest to consciousness which I could experience.

Deep slumber the night before, most probably guided by the considerable amount of Vodka I've drank the night earlier. It sure has been awhile since I had any alcohol intake at an acclerated amount.

The new flagship will be embarked very soon and the journey will continue, hopefully with an hastened pace, to unite with dearie.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
I walked through this door, turned right and found a room where there was a bed and lay on it; soon I saw a row of doors, with a pattern of crissed-crossed lines across the walls that spread over 3 doors; these doors floated with an unusual aura.  I opened my eyes and I am now in another world.

The first scene showed me going after a Caucasian kid where his mum got the younger sister but the boy whom I was going after ran off into a tunnel after the Utilities Room door at one of the hospital.  After I caught the sight of the boy, I was then moved into this world which represented the Arkanoid civilisation; tall pyramids, stone walls and men dressed in waist-bounded textiles (just like the Egyptians in the BC days) walked around me.  There were some rituals that went on around me.

Next scene was going to a park-like area where I saw some kids running; following 3 kids were one as they were all playing with a couple of huskies.  I was like a ninja; sliced some hair off one of the kid and disappeared - soon I saw myself running to this room with the bed again; no one else knew this secret location and I took my lie on the bed; teleportation began and I could feel a very strong tug for myself to get up only with my spirit and leaving the body behind.

My eyes opened, it was already in the day; just a short moment and I felt like I had done 2 astral travelling.

I got a call from this company again.  From my resources, it is from Magi Communications Pte Ltd who should be the outsourced telemarketing company for Body Contours Pte Ltd offering the "free spa" gimmick.

Shortly after calling they hung up.
The call records are updated as this so far:

This number has been calling me as many as 3 times a day:

It's another time that time has slipped past midnight but my mind is still active despite having done a good weights training earlier in the day.

I have not been writing a lot as I has been spending considerable time casting out nets to get a good haul. The hit rate has yet to reach the expected response so let's see what are the results for the rest of the week after the massive netcasting earlier.

Time to turn that mind to slumber mode.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
This recruiter is really persistent; I have rejected their calls before but they are still calling me.  I wonder if these calls are from the data mining team?
They're calling me again.  Today is twice:

This series of calls has started again with 2 calls today:

I appeared at this landmark that had a road leading into the industrial area from the main road - just like the area near Aquarius condominium and Bedok Reservoir.  I saw the Hunter X group and we were talking about how far it is from TJ's place - he mentioned that if by cycling, he knows that he needs to turn left from this road but does not know where it leads to if he goes straight; so I explained to him that the road ahead leads to Bedok Reservoir town.

Strangely at this hilly area, it now appears to be a rocky kind of architecture, a little like those historical style made up of unusually-shaped bricks.  Now there's this "pond" where we jokingly commented that if anyone wants to swim, there is a pool here.

Now there was some kind of "war" and the enemy were at the bottom of this historical architectural site.  They had heater shields (just like those in Diablo) and we could not fight them as our levels were not high enough.  So we decided to make our way off by packing our gears up (our dSLRs has now appeared).

Next scene shows me with dearie and Nicole in another town; this is more colourful than the other and had an aura of the "amazonian Zuma" kind of civilisation.  We were filling up some forms and had to write our names as per given; so Nicole was trying to make out what I wrote and commented that I had an interesting way of writing and holding the writing instrument.  I then teased her and asked why was she so nosy.  There was some kind of carnival thing there and we saw some really huge butterflies that had a wing span of 2 adult palm lengths.

Switchscene; we appeared in this shambly, dilapidated and yet still inhibited hotel, where the walls were green with algae.  I was seated at this place that resembled the "lounge", outdoors, and all of us were watching TV (placed in the frontyard).  Beside me was this tray with several recepticles and they were "frying" an egg with the shell still on (I had accidentally almost wanted to eat this egg like  snack that just ran out); the frying sockets seemed to be covered with fritters from the previous cookings, so at one glance, you can't see the liquid below it.

So after frying this egg, when it was lifted out, there was only the egg white left.  A little ususual; so the person drained the oil and what was left was some leaves with the skeletal remains left - it looked unusually thick in the structure. 

Now I am in this office where I saw Joanne Peh; seems like she knew a few of us and also wanted to probe to find out what is my name as per given; but she could not read it properly from the way I had wrote it.  Shortly after she arrived, she changed into something casual and there was Calvin Soh, trying to irritate her as how he did in some local serials he had acted in.

I am now back to the dilapidated hotel which now I could get a better glance; from the exterior, it resembled Major Derrick Coupeland's house except that it is made of concrete.  At the reception area which was small and narrow space, the windows once closed, could almost not be seen as it blended pretty well with the walls, which were poorly covered in beige-coloured wallpaper that were fixed in untidy patches.

My eyes opened.  It is already morning.
Got their call also on a rather frequent basis but I do not understand why there's no follow up emails from them later; I do not have any dealings with them so far:

Trying to adjust my slumber hours back to the regular hours again.

I had better get some proper rest so I can start early tomorrow.
Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
They called me again.  As I wasn't expecting their calls, it's dropped; and as I expected, there were no follow up emails sent so it's possibly from the data miners who will only call to "fix" appointments.
Another attempt on the same day using yet another number.
Recruit Express has a series of numbers they use as a hunting line and I don't have any dealings with them.  This is one of them.
Another of their numbers which they called me shortly immediately after the first call.
Got a call from this number and learnt that it's a scam by Asia Pacific Gold company which someone shared on his blog here:

Just take note and do not entertain such calls.
BGC Group Pte Ltd called again and I am still not expecting any calls from them.  Let's see how many times are they going to haggle me.
The sun is up again. One of those nights that I almost took forever to fall into slumberland. By the time I fell asleep, I could already hear the rumbling of a motor vehicle's engine - indicating that it is an early beginning for someone's day.

I thought through and certainly the coffee wasn't responsible for it. The mind just actively raced in thoughts.

Hunting continues in a new week. Aside some little bit of positive outlook towards the end of last week, let's hope for some early this week.

Sent via Cyrus' BlackBerry
I got this call twice today and learnt that it is from BGC Group Pte Ltd at the following timing:


Wasn't expecting their calls.
The place appeared to be some very old office that reminded me of the battlebox that I am in, with lots of papers, old-style tables just like those days in the 1970s.

I was travelling through this dungeon-like place with dearie; just like one of those RPG games I have played more than a decade ago called 傳說紀元 where we need to travel through various sections in a dungeon.  The difference is that in the game, I could not find a way out and kept wandering in the same room while over here, I could travel through various sections.

The various enemy encounters I had seen were similar to that of the game except that the enemies are human instead of beasts and all were using Chinese martial arts.

At one of the encounters, it was with a group of martial arts experts; they all specialise in their own fields; one of the masters was using the Praying Mantis Fist, with the Southern Kicks - a combination of 3 techniques which the last could not be made into words.  Dearie on the other hand was taking on those in pink lead by a lady; she used lower body attacks with fists but was told by the lady that the fists aren't used for attacks (now it looks like a sparring session for them) but instead, to deflect off attacks.

The whole setting is like that of a sparring and yet looking for an opportunity to strike; one of the masters (white hair and dressed in a white karate-like robe), having a leash tied to his young granddaughter, was walking around and looking at all that is happening.

Suddenly, the scene switched and now appears to be an imprisonment zone for those who were caught in it, and everyone were chained up together in one single chain that was attached to a certain part of their bodies.  There were those dragonlets that were summoned by the 5 big dragons that surrounded us to guard us from running.

The place now represented one of those armories in a military camp; just walls and ventilation grilles on the top rows.

The 5 big dragons included Black, White, Blue, Red and White who locked us up in the room.  One of the captives, was Weixing, my secondary school mate and he shared with us some snacks to eat just to boost the energy level up and preventing us from getting hungry.

At the back of the main door, I could see a poster which was talking about the Lego display of these 5 big dragons at a certain place in town; one part of the marketing poster shows the 5 of them with many dragonlets at their feet moving out in a big group.  Through the gaps, I could see people lined up outside the room, just like they were collecting weapons from the armoury.

My eyes soon opened.  6:54am.
Another heat-searing day but I have managed to do my run under the heat.

Evening falls. 

The hunt continues for a better battlestation out there.  Seems like it is quite true that this is a technical recession that there aren't much responses from those applications I have sent out.

Let's hope there will be some news by end of this week.
Here's the records of AAA FGN's network on ACRA.  Obviously they have been removed for good:

They are now known as Avita to shed off the dust hey have collected in their old name.  Just to share with everyone who may have heard or came across this company.
Below is a lists of the organisations that have attracted a considerable amount of complaints from consumers who have came into contact with them:

Resort Condominium International (RCI) - session is held at one of the shopping malls beside Thai Embassy
WorldVentures - personal experience tells me that they will arrange for meetup at CityHall - Raffles City Shopping Centre Macdonalds to precise.

This post will be updated along the way when more information are gathered.
I think it's high time to shed some light about this ongoing fad hitting the consumer market like Battleship docking the shore.

Many years back, there had already been complaints that were raised to CASE and here's one link which the matter is discussed:


Here's another thread shared in a local IT popular forum:


From the description, the basis of their "business plan" works like this.  First, you receive a call that you have won a certain kind of prize and they make an appointment for you to go down to their office.  When you reach there, you need to "register" and you will be told that you need to listen to a 1 hour or so talk and after which you can collect your prize without making any purchases.

During the talk (shown in a video presentation), the salesperson will show you how you can "own" a luxurious holiday with a very simple plan after you watch the video.  Prior to the video broadcast, just simple talks to make you feel comfortable.

So when it comes to details, they will tell you that the total membership is about $10k+ and you can choose to pay in arrears, constantly pitching that you OWN the holiday (ie a luxurious place in some classy resort).  If they are unable to convince you, they will then seek their "manager" to try harder to convince you.

At the end of the day, their purpose is to get you to part with some money and be locked into their membership.  That is it.  If you know your way out, that will be the only way they will let you go without making a profit off you.  The methods applied in their hardselling are really way-off, and terribly uncomfortable.

Please take time to read this and share with those around you.
Everyone loves to travel at a discount.  And that is the very reason why this company has emerged, pegging on everyone's desire to stretch their dollar and get the best deal of out of their vacation.

I had recently got to know an acquaintance who wanted to meet me out of the blue.  While it was unusual not to disclose any information on the phone, she only mentioned it is "a very good lobang".  My suspicion were right after some research: she was into this time-sharing concept of "owning a holiday" which the latest flagship in to hit consumers in Singapore is lead by WorldVentures.  They claimed that you can get awesome discounts and travel to great destinations.

So her call was actually part of the "recruitment campaign", to suck in more people into this pit of overly-painted deceit, under-delivered facts.  Of course, I made the right choice to call of the meet.  Afterall, personally I have been there and done that.

I would still keep this contact but have told her this topic has to go if we were to work together in future behind the lens.

Some research led me to this site seriously should be shared with anyone and everyone that we know:   


Here's another which gives an insight of the shady organisation:

Documents are facts.  Please share with anyone and everyone to avoid this pitfall of lies.