It was a pleasant surprise to be invited by dearie's mum's friend, Aunt Lili at her place at Telok Kurau which had a beautiful view, a serenate surrouding, and a wonderful couple owner cum host. Their cute doggy greeted us with his shrill bark yet wagging its tail...such an adorable sight :)

We spent sometime swimming after making a quick gear retrieval, and thereafter spending a little time casually chatting with her, before heading back, early before dinnertime. Dearie's mum look a little more tired than usual before we went back, and had learnt that it was due to her blood pressure issues.

It was certainly a very special encounter that we had experienced with her hospitality; something that could be missing from many in the wealthy invisible caste...something that had validated me to spur to be wealthy. It's not a pressure that dearie had given me, but a constant internal driving force towards my goal.

One of the engines had spun into action, now awaiting genuine fruits of the plant.

•クラドーの iPhone•

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