I’ve had a couple of glasses of Vodka Lime, but mindful even after parking my car and took a walk to 7-11 just opposite the Tampines Police Station and tempted to have a light, while running on thoughts that was ongoing in my mind…dearie had retired for the nighit soon after at 12:20PM after a chat about a silly classmate noob who claimed she’s in management when she’s only 22 years old.

The plans for gathering weapons and ammo must work, since I’ve already invested in some PTC programs which should bring decent returns as long as I contribute diligently on my part of work.

No light-up as I have already somewhat settled my thoughts and plan to retire a little early for the night; after an unsuccessful attempt to restore BGM on my desktop.
The relationship with my dad dampened when he started asking why I've not given my share of utility bills this month but I've only received payments; the dispute had been ongoing since the time I learnt that my brother is also contributing and made a remark, asking 'I'm not the only one working'...surely there's a point but considering the fact that he doesn't know that I'm still fighting to win back whats lost, and he's also not studying part time now, he won't understand how I feel.

This sibling relationship is destined not to be be reconciled; I've done my part to make contact but he doesn't probe, so don't bother further.

Back to my dad; he had been out with his workers for dinner on a monthly basis but this is still undergoing monitoring; should I catch him with a MIC woman behind my mum's back, it shall be deemed null and void for parental relationship; not being sceptical but Leo men are somewhat known to be lecherous. Noticed he had been conversing more often on his cellphone compared to last time.

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Poop...iphone slipped from my hands while making payments for lunch at Maybank; good thing it's shielded by Luvo casing, courtesy of Melphis.

The assignment had been untouched yesterday night though much had been covered; weights training ended late due a major portion left uncompleted before going to work; it had certainly felt good after oozing all the perspiration out. Done with all the needed work, I had also won a match against 8 PC players in Red Alert 3 before turning in to rest, completed with 2 rounds of Vodka Lime.

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Coming towards the end of the unfinished Ironification sessin, I recalled the energy slopped to the extent till I almost dozed off on the wheel while coming home from sending Serene home; sorry dearie that I couln't give you my fullest alert during our time together on your way home.

The energy boost had been returned from perspiration and bringing my mind over body more to complete that incomplete workout that will allow me to Come Undone before commencing the workout.

Keep going, and soon I can enter Psychosonik Mode when I become more seasoned...the next phase of training after reading words of encouragement from dearie in my Facebook photo.

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Sun's almost at it's midpoint of the day so it's getting warmer by the minute; 'ah, the great outdoors' rings in my head while writing this blog.

Sounds of the busy day's hussle are constantly around as I sit in an open-air, yet sunray denied entry place near a flowershop - an idea of where I can get them for dearie when I'm in the vicinity.

I'm so sleepy after the meal, this could've been induced by gentle wind, potatoful from lunch and the urge for a midday nap...

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It's quite saddening to learn from Jannie that her hubby has turned less loving and caring after their marriage, and after the incident while putting the anti-doting to child propeganda across to her in laws, they seemed pretty much a busybody who tries to parent their grandchild; which was further strained by the fact her hubby didn't even bother to intervene and mediate.

It's a bad sign for any marrie man; to become BC after the big day and spending lots of time on MMORPG and leaving the kid, wife and inlaws debating.

I must continue to uphold, and improve my TLC for dearie as it will be the essence for a happy and perpetual lasting marriage.

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Much assignment has been done while taking occasional breaks on Red Alert 3, which the Brutal enemy is indefeatable; there must be readybuilt units and upgrades on PC's side.

The Spin spell is on again combined with Icicle Sneeze attack, I had to be off work on medical grounds as it would have been a high risk even while walking on the road.

I've written quite a fair bit on assignment, but yet only fulfilling 1/2 of the word limit. At Diploma level of such requirement, I can imagine what could be expected for Degree level.

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News from dearie that I might have been overfriendly struck a sinking effect into me as it had never been intended for any misunderstandings, as Mei Ling has called her to raise her concern.  That might very well result in the instant withdrawal of social contacts with the opposite gender at work, or those I've known outside work circle.

Have I been too friendly like Andrew who has been rumoured of that during his days with AIG?
The first place I saw myself at was a Dungeons and Dragons setting where a melee battle against a Dragon boss takes place. Knee attack on its
giant hands while attempting to break its fingers and later switched to a Zelda style scene with myself as a dark-skinned character, wielding a whip and attacking 3 foes with a life  metr indicated with a Cross sign, metalled background.   A shot was made pass the legs of the Metal Dragon, grazing with electrical sparks through a gun which looked like Constantine's - Crossed-shaped barrel, but this time, it's a silverish demonic wing with a dragonhead-end on the barrel.

Switchscene to a slope which is paved with private houses, at Bedok Corner which is also the favourite hangout after BB meetings, I saw some troops in camoflauge marching down the slope, with designs that looked like the South Korean army, it was a marchpast parade which somehow represented that of the North.  There was a minor verbal conflict which Kevin had judging from the gestures, that he had with Jacky, and was about to drive off, but after seeing me taking aim with the Dragonhead Slayer, he paused before he could start revving his engine to speed off.

Kevin later gestured me to call him as he drove off in his Renault Kangoo, and I made my way back towards Eunos MRT station, passing blocks in Sims Avenue and now the Dragonhead Slayer had turned into a pistol-sized Super Soaker.  I passed little mounts that looked like gorillas, yet having the fur of those stray cats.  A little further down the road I saw Lime Monkeys, in the shape of a lime and snoozing under the hot sun in comfort - looking so carefree.

I was supposedly walking towards the MRT from Changi Road, but it appeared I'm in Ubi estate, and walked past Blk 1001 which indicated Kusu Island Road; a reminder that I had been there before birth in mum's tummy more than 30 years ago.

7:17am.  Time for work.

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It's the LWE which I've somehow looked forward but nothing I can plan for even a short overseas trip, considering that I have outstanding study commitments.

Managed to get minimal done as I tried stiumlating the mind through a skirmish with Red Alert 3 - I managed to conquer AI but there are more approaches.

Another Vodka night - training phase but I've not reached the level Songjie has attained.
Just a day before the long weekend, but it's not rest for me as I have to catch up on revision and assignment; Principles of Management, being a more theorical subject has proven it to be more challenging compared to calculations that are on a win-win situation when you know the formulae and application procedures.

Vodka will keep me company to trigger deeper thoughts to get the assignment more completed.
Another battle intense morning after learning my incident had been 'thrown' back to me by 'Village Chief'; I have my own code of operations which may not be in line with theirs and that has certainly dampened the morning. Dearie had heard about my displeasures but it has been far more than enough for me to go on as the best solution is already in making. That's called "I'm out".

What further bleakened the outlook is no news from Maryann who wanted to meet me to discuss on the opportunities; Wan is abroad but it is better I let him know about this. Calls 0, SMS 0. The legitimacy level is beginning to become questionable.

I still have some chakara left. What's left should sustain till evening where 修験 will bring the chakara ceiling higher, raising energy level to another bad. I've missed it yesterday, so it will be a fieried version this evening.

Hope dearie's not overwhelmed by agents evading the high parking costs at Chartis building since the move over the weekend.

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Saw this BMW hogging the exit a dearie's place which bore the logo of Enyouth and CA which refers the owner being a Car Achiever; reminds me of those days where such materialistic glam command respect to those who are still trying to carve a name out in their financial pursuance.

Now 7 years ahead, I've learnt of more ways to make that additional income. MLM may be the way to financial freedom in some ways, but the industry had been tarnished in a negative aspect due to wrong ethics exercised by many practitoners out there.

I've learnt of this through many studies and one of the
most transferrable skill would be PR, and the ability to make accurate judgements.

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Finally settled with the laundry and cleanup of Pica, the cleaning schedule is finally back on track. It'll be scheduled on a weekly basis after clearing up of what had to be done, yet not done especially for the last couple of months to give that good wash to Pica.

Thanks too to my dearie for helping me wipe the interior clean which also enhanced our time spent together with quality!

Hope she will sleep well tonight...

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We settled for a steamboat buffet at Hooked on Steamboat at East Coast park, after considering the pricing and variety of food; it's nice to be able to dine within vicinity of the sea breeze, the sand and the sea.

We ate a massive share far worth the amount per head and took a. stroll at the beach; groups of people, of all ages greeted us along the sea, grass patches and pavements; it's really a sight as the Coast of the East came alive on a Saturday evening.

Too much food, so it's Vodka to complete the evening at dearie's place...

Happy anniversay dearie! I love you!

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Who could be calling me at these nos when I was at work?

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Slumber had been deep-plunged despite being short. Had a good catchup with Meiling yesterday, dearie's superior who was up on one of those sleepless nights. It's so sweet to learn that she had commented that dearie's 'dong shi' :)

After a sometime of converasation only did she realise that I'm seniority to her agewise though on the same bans as The Last of The Mohicans, 1979 era. Haha (Rain's signature laugh)...

Such coincidence that she stays pretty near dearie too; on the other side of TPE that cuts the town into 2 worlds...our new home might just be there too. The memories of Aunty Lily's place lingers on strongly in my mind...

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Another parking fine hit this time; such near gaps and I suspect their activeness is due to monetary lure or having some kind of quotas to fulfill; makes their job sound like 'Enforcement Sales Officers' instead.

I have to fight for this as I find it totally ridiculous for getting fines at such short notices...something is seriously wrong somewhere.

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Sam and Talib were sitting with me at a marbled-top old times coffeetable, catching up and asking where Adil is now. Unlike usual, Sam wore a facelace, secured by piercings on his temples and some shimmeries on his ears. I had walked over to the washroom just entrance-shaded by a plastic galvanised roof and talking over the open air while washing hands.

Next scene showed a lift journey up a block of flats, that brought me to a colonial style room, after turning left and seeing the room in an old setting with the century-fitting furnishings. I took a seat on the chair at the end of the room and Sally Leong came in with an English-style tea, and later changed into a reddish attire which somewhat look like pyjamas in a feminine design, saying 'don't bother about me, just go ahead'.

A glace to the balcony along corridor brought me to the 1st level, where there was a sampling session of expensive bird's nest which was in magazines; this time, an upclose personal session. I saw Shunwen, my EVSS schoolmate who was also there, looking very much the same.

One bigger glance and I'm in bed. 6:40am.

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I finally got my seat at my post-lunch cosyspot where the mind can rest and recharge for the upcoming battle.

The morning had been mildly challenged but nothing breached on the chakara. It'll be a long night as I need to pay back what has been undone yesterday...so I've brought my comfort items to keep
me occupied before making my way to see Serene; plans might change to go back home for a more comfortable attire after completing work earlier.

How's dearie's morning so far? Hope there will be no more hagglement by demanding / delinquent agents.

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Midday check.

By far the chakara level is still nominal though I have a deep sleep last night.

Mind had been occupied with the opening that had been presented to me. It's time that action is to be taken to open that door and walk through it.

The morning had left residues of the dream that appeared in my Dream's Eyes which was somewhat a mess, but nothing gruesome.

How'a dearie feeling today? The work had been brimming up to the extent for us to see greener pastures for advancement...enough had been said about the occurence that had left me with only one single verdict for where I am now.

Going back soon.

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Setting was in a 2-level Maxs that somewhat resembled that of Serene Centre's where I frequented during my churchdays after youth ministry; the place was crowded with patrons, yet outlooking was a road just opposite SMU.

There was a lady who was dressed in a body hugging dress and a brawl outbroken out of sudden; mutilaoon moves began such as neck slitting, torso slashing and elbow crushing moves took place between 2 guys who tuerned into CGI characters like that in WOW. Suddenly the lady's dress was ripped and she had to use some form of 'sticky clamp' like that of the iphone cover and wrapped herself in, before taking a lift down that had the skeleton of those hotel styles. The sticky clamp allowed her to display her sexy curves which caught the eye of a couple of male passerbys.

Puff. Morning had arrived for the 2nd Monday of 2010.

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It was a pleasant surprise to be invited by dearie's mum's friend, Aunt Lili at her place at Telok Kurau which had a beautiful view, a serenate surrouding, and a wonderful couple owner cum host. Their cute doggy greeted us with his shrill bark yet wagging its tail...such an adorable sight :)

We spent sometime swimming after making a quick gear retrieval, and thereafter spending a little time casually chatting with her, before heading back, early before dinnertime. Dearie's mum look a little more tired than usual before we went back, and had learnt that it was due to her blood pressure issues.

It was certainly a very special encounter that we had experienced with her hospitality; something that could be missing from many in the wealthy invisible caste...something that had validated me to spur to be wealthy. It's not a pressure that dearie had given me, but a constant internal driving force towards my goal.

One of the engines had spun into action, now awaiting genuine fruits of the plant.

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"Oei tell u not to put anything abt the girl that i like on Facebook right?as i said i will tell her myself la...can dun make me lose another fren thru this kind of situation ma?"

This was the message that Songjie sent to me via SMS when I teasingly put a remark on his Facebook wall...aww so defensive and timid? No names mentioned though...

First was the church 'accoutability' that he preached to me about, that I find absurd about when it's just a passing remark about 'Suzuki Swift gal'; how many female are driving that in Singapore?

He might simply be too sensitivd; brainstopper caused by being in SAF for too long.

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That could be a spitfire move which was a licking effect of the deepest magma of hearth within....something which had been disturbingly increasing; a sign that the magma is leaking.  I have to once again try to let it sink down before the dark chakara turns into Flame Chakara.
One of the worst place one can be in. 3 years and I've had enough.

Long hours of call answering and becoming a bio-audiofiring board was what my role was during the office hours; something that Markus had endured longer than I am.

What made the major factor to move on was something in line with my long term goal - somewhere out of the Sunken Colony, where a more crucial role of the business is played...

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School fee's due again; so it's the 'break wealth' time again.

The Diploma program will be complete in 4 month's time if all goes well...so far have conquered all the papers. It's pointless to daunt over any questions that had been attempted in IF now that it's over too; the rule is to keep moving forward and take it as it comes along.

Is dearie feeling ok today? Hope the morning spewing session about work happenings has not dampened her mood; she's eversweet so I have to continue improving my love for her...

Still awaiting the processing of my premium membership to rake in additional income.

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The familiar smell has been detected while making way towards Eunos for lunch. Good thing I'm not a biohazard meal-disrupted person.

Mind has been occured with recaliberation of Limit Break, which has upsetted my dearie on the Moments of Missing Wallet that had occured for the first time. The very last time my wallet has been misplaced was during secondary school days under the care of my classmate, way back in 1994.

Let self-caliberation begin...

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A long week lies ahead as my leave clearance season last month is over. The first Monday of the new year, which the dread has been brought over from yesterday evening.

I have to sustain through the week before I can settle down to look at my navigation.

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Missibng was the beloved wallet that dearie had given me as a gift..that threw me into a frenzy after noticing its absence when I reached my hometown and having to pay road tax without the ATM card!

Coukd it still be at dearie's place? She has to attend a wedding dinner with entire family so I'll only see her later.

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